Chapter 14 history

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Plantation novel

A book that glorifies the life of planter families


A character who usually defeated a stronger created by outwitting it

Urban whites

A greater percentage of what was slaveholders than rural southerners

William Ellison

A maker of cotton gins who eventually became a wealthy planter

Caroline Howard Gilman

A popular southern writer in the early 1800s

Thomas Dabney

A very wealthy faker who had finical setbacks but moved to Mississippi and became one of the wealthiest farmer/ men in the area

After nat turner rebellion

After what happened did many states strengthen their slave codes to increase control over slaves as the system continued to spread


Already had invented the machine that workers were using to remove seeds and asked Eli Whitney to improve it


Although it was important, was cotton the only crop the south grew

The domestic slave trade

Although slavery was illegal in the us the growing demand led to an increase in what type of trade


And important aspect of slave culture

Wealthy white southerners

Argued that God created some people, like themselves, to rule over other people

New Orleans

Became the major port city of the interior region as people traveled up and down the Mississippi River

Landon cater

Believed in the ablilty to produce good crops reflected a person's character

Nat turner

Believed that God called on him to overthrow slavery


Believed that the entire future of the United States rested in agriculture

Business, social organizes, and people

Besides the plantations what did most southern cities contain

100 acres

By 1860 about 80 percent of southern farmers owned land with a typical farm of what size


Capital of the U.S. Sugar industry


Central southern social life

D.R. Hundley

Complained that ye men treated their shaves too much like equals


Connected the south with many other nations and people

Cotton gin

Consisted of a cylinder filled with rows of wire teeth, workers spun the cylinder by turning a crank, as the cotton passed through the wire spikes pulled the fibers away from the seeds

Slaves who worked in the house

Could be sent to work in the field during a critical time in the agricultural season

William mcCreight

Created successful business making gins for other people

Lucy Breckinridge

Daughter if a wealthy Virginia planter; greatly dreaded the thought of an arranged marriage


Did the majority of white southerners live on plantations or own slaves

Wealthy urban residents

Donated large sums of Money to charities, form orphanages to libraries


Emotional Christian songs that blended african and European traditions


Encouraged other planters to turn to cotton Asa cash crop

Free African Americans

Faced constant discrimination from white southerners who feared they would try to encourage rebellions among slaves


Faced many challenges If they didn't live near navigable rivers

The people who profited from slavery

Generally viewed slaves as only property and not as people


Had a great influence over the south and economy


Had few material comforts and typically worked long days at a variety of tasks

Free African Americans

Had to have a a white person represent them in any business transaction they conducted

James a. Cowardin

Headed a brokerage firm and edited on of the first " penny press" newspapers

Severely punishing one Soave in front of all of the rest to scare them

How did The slaveholders show fear of punishment to the slaves

Cross breeding short staple cotton with Mexican cotton

How did farmers and scientist help cure diseases that wiped out cotton crops

By drying or curing it

How did farmers help prepare their tobacco product for market

Running away

How did most slaves obtain their freedom

By selling slaves to cotton or sugar planters from states father south

How did slaveholders in Virginia and Maryland profit off the slaves

Using discarded scraps of fabric

How did slaves try to brighten up their clothing

Working at skilled jobs

How did some shaves earn enough money to buy thier freedom


How did some southern writers try to increase national awareness of southerner culture

Told stories from generation to generation

How did the parent make sure that the children never forgot their heritage

Hunting, fishing, raising small gardens, and doing odd jobs

How did the very poor southerns survive


How many white southern families owned slaves

Millions of dollars

How much was cotton worth in U.S. exports

Not often

How often did violent slave revolts occur

Using the rope from Kentucky and Virginia

How was the cotton bundled into bales

Descendants of refugees from the Haitian revolution led by

How were some slaves freed

City governments provided services to improve life

How were southern cities like northern cities


Instead of flatboats to carry crops what was the invention that became the main method of transportation

John Rolfe

Introduced a highgrade tobacoo that could be grown in virgina


Large scale famers who owned more than 20 slaves- built gins that process tons of cotton quickly

Nat turners rebellion

Led a group of slaves in a plan to kill all of the planter families in their country;100 slaves were killed and over 60 whites people


Made sure slaves followed orders and hired to carried out punishments

Charleston, SC; savannah, GA; New Orleans , LA

Major port cities

Crop brokers called Factors

Managed the trade between planters and the customer

They believed that everyone was created equal in gods eyes

Most preachers preached about supporting slavery but what did the slaves think about the bible

Josiah Henson

Never forgot the day he and his family were sold at an auction, his mother begged her new owner to buy her son so that she would have at least one of her children with her but he refused and the entire family was separated


On the city's board of trade, vice president of the Virginia mechanics institute, served as a member of the state legislature


One of the cash crops produced by plantations and the slaves who labored on Them

Jemima hunt

Petitioned the legislation to grant her husband, Stephen, permission to stay in the state; she had recently purchased his freedom

William Ellison

Purchased his freedom by hiring out his services as a cotton gin maker


Received very poor clothing and shelter

Cotton gin

Revolutionized the cotton industry and gave new life to the southern agricultural economy

James Henry Hammond

Said that cotton was king


Served as a warning that slaves should never trust the slaveholders


Small landowning farmers

Cotton gin

Sparked a boom in the growing of cotton


Stories with a moral; which taught lessons about how to survive under slavery

Swallow barn by John Pendleton Kennedy

The first plantation novel

Hugh Swindon legare

The leader of the so called Charleston school, published many of the groups works in a literary magazine

Tredegar iron products

The only large factory in the south that made iron products

Cotton belt or cotton kingdom

The region that grew most of the country's cotton crop


The south's first major cash crop


The south's main trading partner

Tobacco, rice, and indigo

The south's three major cash crops

The American Revolution

The south's three major cash crops greatly decreased after what major change in the country

Scientific agriculture

The use of scientific techniques to improve crop production

Successful plantation owners

Thought that the cultivation of crops was an art passed down from generation to generation

Free African Americans

Threatened the institution of slavery because they proved that african American could live outside the slave system

Joseph r. Anderson

Took over the Tredegar iron works


Tried to get as much work as they could out of slaves

Wealthy white southerners

Used religion to justify their position in society and the institution of slavery

Hinton Rowan helper

Warned that the southern region was falling behind the modern world by not industrializing


Was the driver usually a slave

Free southern african Americans

Were able to form loose social and economic ties

Us and British Textile industries

Wh ch industry relied on cotton

The Kimberly industry

Wh ch industry was greatly aided by new technology

The ideal of liberty and the drop in tobacco, indigo, and rice prices which required less labor

What are 2 reasons Slaves were freed

Religion,working slower, running away,

What are many ways slaves resisted slaveholders ste mots to control them completely

Public water systems, well maintained streets, and public education

What are some examples of how the cities try to help improve life

Mills, shipyards, skilled jobs, and domestic servants

What are some jobs slaves could've worked at

Cooks, nurses, butlers

What are some jobs slaves did

Corn, sweet potatoes,wheat, rice, and sugarcane

What are some of the crops grown in the south besides cotton

Blacksmithing, carpentry,

What are some skilled jobs slaves could have

William Washington Gorden, Godfrey barnsley

What are two cotton factors

Growing/ harvesting cotton and sugarcane

What are two crops that used a lot of labor

The development of the new southern cash crop cotton

What changed the prices of slaves and how many salves were needed

Vote, travel freely, hold certain types of jobs

What could free African Americans nit do

Vegetables- garden,eggs,chicken,fish,berries

What could shaves add to their diet to try to improve it


What declined with the southern agriculture

Tredegar iron works

What did Anderson turn into one of the most productive iron works in the nation

The first mill that used cutting machines powered by steam engines

What did a sawmill owner from donaldsonville, Louisiana build

Slave labor

What did large scale cotton growers mostly depend on

Raising crops and left the running of the household to their wives

What did male planters mainly focus on

Skilled artisans

What did most free African Americans do as jobs

Being sold to another plantation and being separated

What did most slaves fear more than anything physical punishment

The planters superior social and racial status

What did planters believed their domination over slaves represented

The raising and education of her children, the work of the household slaves, social duties of the family

What did the planters wife oversee in a daily basis

How to protect the land

What did the scientists looking at the cotton belt search for

Traveling very far from their owners home or learning to read or write

What did the strict slavecodes limit the slaves from doing

The desire for profits

What fueled the southern economy

The high demand for flour in Britain

What increases the value of wheat in the south

Use better fertilizer, rotate crops, and support research to help better understand how soil chemistry works

What is 3 ways that famers can help protect the soil they farm on

" the invisible institution"

What is Soave religion referred to because religion was watched carefully by slaveholders

Easy to grow, inexpensive,lighter than other staple crops, and it didn't perish if stored properly

What is four advantages to the cash crop cotton

"gang" system

What kind of system did most plantation field hands work in; everybody did the same task at the same time from sunup to sundown

Regions navigable rivers

What kind of transportation did farmers rely on to get their crops to the ports

The drop in tobacco, indigo, and rice prices

What led many landowners to scale back production or experiment with other crops that required less labor

Raising horses, mules, other animals, lumber

What other industries were there in the south besides farming

New York City

What port cities helped with cotton industry in the north

The southeast

What region were the few road projects limited to


What religion were most slaves

The northerners believed God opposed slavery

What set the southern Christians at odds than the northern Christians

Aspects of traditional african religion with those of Christianity

What two countries did Soave religion combine

Hemp and flax

What two major cash crops came about because of the cotton boom

Land Unsuitable for producing cash crops

What type of land did very poor whites live on

Locomotives, boilers, cables, naval hardware, cannons

What type of supplies did Tredegar iron works produce

" savior if Louisiana "

What was bore's called after his new method helped the south's economy

Yeomen usually side by side with the slaves

What was different about the yeomen and planters between slaves

Southern review

What was legare's magazine called

It's long white fibers which could be removed easily

What was the advantage of long stable cotton


What was the most important unit a slave communities


What was the process to which slaves made their owner a profit

That slaves could survive by outsmarting the slaveholder

What was usually the lesson of folktales

The process staple crops

What were most of the first factories in the south built for

Food or better conditions

What were slaves rewarded with for their good obedience

Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee was the top

What were the top three corn growing states and which was number one

Land and labor

What were the two things in theory that a person needed in order to start raising cotton

After the American Revolution

When did the northern states declare slavery illegal

On his friend Catherine Greene plantation

When was the first time that Eli Whitney ever saw cotton

China, imported from the West Indies, and south

Where are three places that cotton originated

In the shores of South Carolina

Where did famers have the moat luck growing long stable cotton

In the southern region

Where did few very poor, landless whites live


Where did more than half of all free African Americans live


Where were most slaves assigned to specific jobs with the majority working in the fields

The one that reignited from china

Which cotton crop didn't become popular

The cotton that grew best in the south

Which cotton plant led to the invention of the cotton gin because the seeds were so tough to get out

Poorest of white southerners

Which group of white southerners was looked down upon but made up about 10% on the southern population

Slaves received better food and clothing than field hands and I'll hands worked longer hours

Which help usually received the better food clothing and worked longer

The south

Which region had trouble adapting to the canal

Alabama wheat

Which special kind of flour did London bakers prefer

Ferdinand steel in Mississippi

Who did many cotton farmers art out like

Rural whites

Who did southern writers novels about the south focus on

Children over the age of 10

Who did the same work as enslaved women and men

French/ Etienne bore when he came up with a new processing method

Who introduced sugarcane to Louisiana but who made it popular

Gabriel prosser and Denmark vesey

Who led slave rebellions that were stopped before they were carried out

Readers wishing to justify the slave system that supported planters lifestyle

Who mainly wanted to but plantation novels


Who many served as political leaders in the south

Southern Urban leaders

Who wanted their cities to look as modern as possible when business poeple came to visit


Who was much of the work done by in southern cities


Who was not allowed to become ministers

Dr. Rush nutt

Who was one scientists that was a part of scientific agriculture

Small farmer

Who was the average white woman most likely to marry

To reinvest in more land and slaves

Why did some planters save their money

Economic dependence, they didn't have a variety of crops, it was wearing out the soil, and the international cotton trade was making it dependent on foreign products

Why were people worried about the south's dependence on cotton

Economic and political issues led to arranged marriages based on business concerns

Why were plantation marriages usually arranged and how

Dishonest slave traders

Would even kidnap free African-Americans from the north and sell them into slavery down south

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