Chapter 14 Physical development in adolescence

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calories for girls

2200 calories per day

most common deaths in adolescences

1. motor vehicle (3x for boys) 2. homicide 3. suicide

2 types of pubertal changes

1. overall body growth 2. maturation of sexual characteristics

rate of obesity

20 %

what % of teenage girls get pregnant?

20% of those who had sexual intercourse became pregnant


Adolescence have more of these than adults

risk taking

Adolescences are propelled towards this due to prefrontal cortex development


Around age 13 and a half, first ejaculation occurs.

Which of the following is true about sex hormones?

Both androgens and estrogens are present in different amounts in boys and girls.

later maturation

Boys have a stronger sense of identity as an adult Girls are more satisfied with their figures in early adulthood

____________ become more satisfied as they move through puberty, probably because ____________.

Boys, their muscle mass increases

Which of the following individuals would you expect to spend the greatest amount of time in adolescence?

Brayden, who lives in an industrialized country

____________ is an eating disorder in which the individual consistently follows a binge-and-purge pattern.

Bulimia nervosa

Twins, Jake and Molly, age 15, are both athletic. Which of the following is probably true?

By mid-adolescence, Jake will run faster and throw farther than Molly.

Which girl is the most at risk for an eating problem?

Caity, who reached puberty early

Bulimia nervosa

Person alternates between binging and purging. Can lead to erosion of tooth enamel, and damage to throat and stomach.

The United States has one of the highest rates of ____________ of any industrialized nation.

adolescent drug use

Teenagers who talk openly with their parents about sex and contraception

are more likely than other teens to use birth control if they have intercourse.

who typically know first whether or not someone is gay?

best friend mothers of adult homosexual men

Ned is a gay man. He recalls feeling different from other children when he was young. If Ned is typical, when did this first sense of his biologically determined sexual orientation appear?

between ages 6 and 12

what is bulimia

binging and purging, looks normal, heart failure because of stress on the body

Adolescence begins in ____________ and ends in ____________.

biology, culture

long term stress

body is not designed to handle, very bad

age norms for growth by gender

boys 12, girls 10

sleep deprivation

causes: increasing academic and social demands, less sleep

typical body proportion changes

cephalocaudal trend (head to tail) reverses! hands, legs, and feet accelerate, then the torso (which accounts for most of adolescent height gain)

problem focused coping

changes the problem itself to be less stressful

early & frequent sexual activity linked to...

childhood impulsivity weak sense of personal control over life events early pubertal timing ... (549)

primary sex characteristics

actual organs of reproduction


coping: conscious regulation of emotions EX: avoiding stressful situations

defensive coping

denying the true nature of a situation

There has been a ____________ in oral sex during adolescence.

dramatic increase

The majority of parent-adolescent disagreements focus on

everyday matters such as driving and curfews.

effects of immature prefrontal cortex

more risk taking and impulsive behavior

early effects of puberty in boys

more successful, more confident, positive

Adolescents feel _____ comfortable with peers who ______________________.

most; match their own level of biological maturity

changes in dopamine receptors

neurotransmitters in the brain look very different in adolescents, stress effects dopamine, makes no effect on alcohol

When given the opportunity adolescents will sleep an average of ____________ a night.

nine hours and 25 minutes

In boys, the voice change

often is not complete until puberty is over.

Limbic system

part of brain that changes a lot at puberty, supplies dopamine

prefrontal cortex

part of the brain that is still biologically immature during Adolescence

Cigarette smoking among U.S. adolescents ____________ in 1996 and 1997 and has gradually ____________ since then.

peaked, declined


people who have learned to depend on alcohol and are unable to control their drinking


percent chance of being obese that an overweight teen has

emotion focused coping

focusing on trying to be happy

average difference between boys and girls in motor development

girls' gains slow and gradual, level off around 14 boys show dramatic growth spurt gender gap widens with age

Precocious puberty usually is treated by medically suppressing ____________ secretions, which temporarily halts pubertal change.


The ____________ are particularly important in giving rise to pubertal changes in the body.


Contemporary research suggests that the storm-and-stress notion of adolescence is

greatly exaggerated.

grey matter brain development

grey matter declines--pruning of unused synapses in cerebral cortex

characteristics of females who begin pubertal development EARLY

healthy grow up without biological father; BUT stable stepfather = typical development p 537 within developing countries, girls from higher-income families reach menarche 6-18 mos earlier than those living in disadvantaged homes being black

secular trends in pubertal timing

height has slowed trend towards earlier menarche >> overweight and obesity

hassans dad cant figure out why sixteen yr old son is into risky behavior but does well in school

immature brain

characteristics of females with eating disorders

impulsive sensation-seeking lack self-control parents who are disengaged and emotionally unavailable, not controlling

The U.S. adolescent birth rate ____________ in 2006.


importance of oxytocin

increases responsiveness to emotional and social stimuli, including facial expressions and feedback from others explains self-consciousness

anorexia nervosa

the most deadly mental illness restricting eating

The beginning of adolescence is marked by

the onset of puberty.


the physical response to an event that threatens or challenges us

Suzanne responded to her daughter's coming out positively. She is understanding and accepting of the teenager's same-sex romantic relationship. However, Suzanne is concerned about her daughter's self-acceptance. Suzanne should know that

the strongest predictor of favorable adjustment for gay and lesbian youths is parental understanding.

false consensus effect

the tendency to overestimate the extent to which others share our beliefs and behaviors HUGE reason why college freshmen drink


the transition between childhood and adulthood.

emotion focused coping

regulation of emotion, like looking at the bright side

Sexual attitudes in the U.S. are

relatively restricted.

does not contribute to teen smoking

social sanctions

secular trends

statistical trends observed over the years

Today, the majority of pregnant adolescents

stay unmarried and keep their babies.

Mr. Wellington wants to reduce drug experimentation among the teens in his community program. He should

teach students skills for resisting peer pressure.

Anorexia Nervosa

-A tragic eating disorder in which young people stave themselves because of a compulsive fear of getting fat -About 1% of North American and Western European teenage girls are affected. -During the past half-century, cases have increased sharply -Boys account for 10 to 15% of anorexia cases. -Those with anorexia lose 25 to 50% of their body weight -About 5% of people with the disorder die -Identical twins share the disorder more often than fraternal twins, indicating a genetic influence -Less than 50% of young people with anorexia recover fully.

Sexual Orientation

-About 5% of US high school students identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, and another 2 to 3% report being unsure of their sexual orientation -Hereditary makes an important contribution to sexual orientation- may be X linked -According to some researchers, certain genes affect the level or impact of prenatal sex hormones which modify brain structures in ways that induce homosexual feelings. -Girls exposed prenatally to very high levels of androgens and estrogens- either because of a genetic defect or from drugs given to the mother to prevent miscarriage- are more likely to be gay. -Gay men ten to be later in birth order and to have a higher than average number of older brothers. -Over a 10 year period, few bisexuals changed to a lesbian or heterosexual orientation, and most reported stable proportions of same sex versus other sex attraction- not a transient state.

Substance use and abuse in adolescence

-Adolescent substance use has declines since the mid 1990s -Although some illegal drugs made a comeback about a decade ago, teenagers' use of most sedatives, narcotics, amphetamines, and hallucinogens has declined or remained steady in recent years. -The use of marijuana has risen gradually since the late 2000s. -Compared to a decade or two ago, today doctors more often prescribe- and parents frequently seek- medication to treat children's problems. -Tobacco and alcohol use is somewhat greater among European than among US adolescents, perhaps because European adults more often smoke and drink. But illegal drug use is far more prevalent among US teenagers.

The roles of hormones in girls and boys

-Adrenal androgens influence girls height spurt and pubic hair -Estrogen contributes to girls' height spurt and it causes breasts, uterus, and vagina to mature. Estrogen also plays a key role in fat accumulation and menstruation -Testosterone in boys leads to muscle growth, body and facial hair. Androgens contribute to boys' body size -Estrogen in boys contributes to their height spurt and breast enlargement lasting up to two years. -In both sexes, estrogens in combination with androgens stimulate gains in bone density

The secular trend of pubertal growth

-Age of menarche declined steadily by about 3 to 4 months per decade from 1990 to 1970 -Now, the trend toward earlier menarche has stopped or undergone a slight reversal in most industrialized nations. But in the US and a few European countries, soaring rates of overweight and obesity are responsible for a modest, continuing trend toward earlier menarche.

Body Growth in Adolescence

-Altogether, adolescents add 10 to 11 inches in height and 50 to 75-nearly 50% of adult body weight. -When growing at their peak, boys add more than 4 inches and 26 pounds in a single year -Girls about 3.5 inches and 20 pounds

Bulimia Nervosa

-An eating disorder in which young people engage in strict dieting and excessive exercise accompanied by binge eating, often followed by deliberate vomiting and purging with laxatives -More common than anorexia, affecting about 2 to 4% of teenage girls -Influenced by heredity -overweight and early menarche increase the risk -In contrast to young people with anorexia, those with bulimia usually feel depressed and guilty about their abnormal eating habits

Anorexia nervosa

-An eating disorder that involves the relentless pursuit of thinness through starvation -Three main characteristics: -Weighing less than 85% of normal weight -Having an intense fear of gaining weight that does not diminish with weight loss -Having a distorted image of body weight -Obsessive thinking about weight and compulsive exercise are also linked -Disorder typically begins in the early to middle teenage years

Bulimia nervosa

-An eating disorder with a binge-and-purge pattern -Purges involve self-induced vomiting or the use of laxatives -Begins in late adolescence and early adulthood -Linked to difficulty controlling emotions -May have a normal weight range, making it harder to detect -About 70% of individuals who develop eventually recover from the disorder

Muscle-Fat makeup and other Internal Changes

-Around 8, girls start to add more fat than boys on their arms, legs, and trunk, a trend that accelerates between ages 11 and 16. -In contrast, arm and leg fat decreases in adolescent boys -Gian in muscle is 150% greater in boys -Number of red blood cells increases in boys but not in girls

early maturation

-Boys have more successful peer relationships in adolescence -Girls are more satisfied with their figures in early adolescence


-Chemical substances secreted by endocrine glands -Stress, eating patterns, exercise, sexual activity, tension, and depression can activate or suppress

Adolescent Moodiness

-Compared with the moods of older adolescents and adults, those of younger adolescents (ages 12 to 16) were less stable, often shifting from cheerful to sad and back again -These mood swings were strongly related to situational changes -Frequent reports of negative mood level off in late adolescence

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

-Diseases contracted primarily through sexual contact -~25% of sexually active adolescents are infected each year -In 2014, 22% of new HIV infections in the U.S. were 13- to 24-year-olds

Body Proportions in Adolescence

-During puberty, the cephalocaudal trend of infancy and childhood reverses -The hands, legs and feet accelerate first, followed by the torso, which accounts for most of the adolescent height gain.

Adolescent sexual attitudes and behavior

-During the past 15 years, adolescents have swung slightly back toward more conservative sexual beliefs -Nevertheless, a substantial percentage of young people are sexually active quite early, by 9th grade (age 14 to 15)

18 to 25 years old

-Emerging adulthood age range -Key features: -Exploring identity, especially in love and work -Experiencing instability -Being self-focused -Feeling in-between -Experiencing possibilities and transformative opportunities

Do males or females reach puberty first?

-Girls, who have been advanced in physical maturity since the prenatal period, reach puberty, on average, two years earlier than boys. -Boys have two extra years of preadolescent growth

Motor Development and Physical Activity

-Gross motor performance: girls gains are slow and gradual, leveling off by age 14. Boys show a dramatic spurt in strength, speed and endurance that continues throughout the teenage years. -This gender gap widens with age. -9% of high school seniors (mostly boys) take creatine (muscle enhancer) -in high school, 42% of sports participants are girls, 58% are boys. -only 53% of US boys and 43% of girls receive any physical education

How did Stanley Hall describe adolescence

-Hall described adolescence as a cascade of instinctual passions, a period so turbulent that is resembled the era in which humans evolved from savages into civilized beings.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau's view on puberty

-He believed that the biological upheaval of puberty triggered heightened emotionality, conflict, and defiance of adults -Storm and Stress

Individual differences in pubertal growth

-Heredity contributes substantially to the timing of pubertal changes -Pubic hair and menarche occur earlier for heavier and especially obese girls -Girls from higher-income families typically reach menarche 6 to 8 months earlier than those living in economically disadvantaged homes -Black girls usually each menarche before white girls of the same age and body weight -Girls and boys with a history of family conflict, harsh parenting, or parental separation tend to reach puberty early.

Sex education in the US compared to sex education in Canada and Western Europe

-In Canada and Western Europe, where community-and school-based clinics offer adolescents contraceptives and where universal health insurance helps pay for them, teenage sexual activity is no higher than in the US- but pregnancy, childbirth, and abortion rates are much lower.

Adolescent Sleep

-Inadequate sleep in adolescence has negative consequences -More emotional and peer-related problems -Higher anxiety, suicidal ideation -Older teens stay up later and get less sleep -Sleep-inducing hormones is secreted later in older adolescents -Sleep deficits are usually made up on weekends -Later school start times have been linked with improvements in sleep, alertness, mood, and health -AAP (2014) recommends 8:30-9:30 start time for school

Primary Sexual Characteristics

-Involve the reproduction organs directly (ovaries, uterus, and vagina in females; penis, scrotum, and testes in males).


-Menarche: first menstruation, typically occurs around age 12 1/2 for North American girls and 13 for Western Europeans, but the age range is wide from 10 1/2 to 15 1/2 -Menarche takes places after the peak of the height spurt

Hormonal changes in adolescence

-Pituitary gland releases growth hormone -Secretions of GH and thyroxine (a hormone released by the thyroid gland) increase, leading to gains in body size and to attainment of skeletal maturity -These hormonal changes are initiated and regulated by the hypothalamus


-Sex hormones begin to rise long before physical changes are visible, typically between ages 6 and 8, when the adrenal glands on top of each kidney start to release increasing levels of adrenal androgens. -By age 10, levels of adrenal androgens have increased tenfold

The Social Perspective of Adolescence

-Suggests that the storm-and-stress notion is over exaggerated -The overall rate of serious psychological disturbance rises only slightly from childhood to adolescence -Emotional turbulence is not a routine feature of the teenage years -Margaret Mead: the social environment is entirely responsible for the range of teenage experiences, from erratic and agitated to calm and stress-free

Growth Spurt

-The first outward sign of puberty is the rapid gain in height and weight known as the growth spurt. -Girls: starts at age 10 -Boys: starts at age 12 1/2

Sexual Maturation in Boys

-The first sign of puberty in boys is the enlargement of the testes accompanied by changes in the texture and color of the scrotum. -Around age 14, enlargement of the testes is nearly complete -Voice change usually takes place at the peak of the male growth spurt and often is not complete until puberty is over -Around age 13 1/2, spermarche, of the first ejaculation, occurs.

Injuries in adolescence

-The rate of unintentional injuries increases during adolescence -Car accidents are the leading killer of US teenagers -US adolescent car fatalities have declined steadily over the past 35 years -In the US, firearms cause the majority of other fatal injuries. -In nations with strict gun registration, safety, and control policies, including prohibition of handguns, the firearm death rate among 15-19 year olds is on fourth of the US rate. -Concussions among high school athletes have more than doubled during the past decade.


-The transition between childhood and adulthood -The beginning of adolescence is marked by puberty

What several key elements make for effective sex education programs?

-They teach techniques for handling sexual situations- including refusal skills for avoiding risky sexual behavior and communication skills for improving contraceptive use- through role playing and other activities in which young people practice those behaviors. -They deliver clear, accurate messages that are appropriate in view of participating adolescent's culture and sexual experiences -They last long enough to have an impact -They provide specific information about contraceptives and ways to access them

Adolescent pregnancy

-U.S. rates remain among the highest in the developed world, despite the fact that U.S. adolescents are no more sexually active -82% to mothers 15-19 years old are unintended -Rates in the U.S. have seen a substantial decrease as a result of school/community health classes, increased contraceptive use, and the fear of STIs -Health risks: -Mothers are more likely to be depressed and drop out of school; generally never catch up economically -Infants are more likely to have low birth weights; are at a greater risk for neurological problems and childhood illness -Adolescent mothers interact less effectively with their infants -Adolescent mothers are more likely to come from low-SES backgrounds

How did Anna Freud view adolescence?

-Viewed teenage years as a biologically based, universal "developmental disturbance" e -In Freud's genital stage, sexual impulses reawaken, triggering psychological conflict and volatile behavior. As adolescents find intimate partners, inner forces gradually achieve a new, more mature harmony, and the stage concludes with marriage, birth, and child rearing. In this way, young people fulfill their biological destiny: sexual reproduction and survival of the species

Secondary Sexual Characteristics

-Visible on the outside of the body and serve as additional signs of sexual maturity (for example, breast development in females and the appearance of underarm and pubic hair in both sexes)

Brain Development in Adolescence

-White matter increases while gray matter declines. -Continued pruning of the unused synapses -Growth and myelination of stimulated neural fibers accelerate, strengthening connections among brain regions. -Prefrontal cognitive control network still requires fine-tuning, teenager's performance on executive function tasks is not fully mature. -As human become sexually mature, neurons become more responsive to excitatory neurotransmitters. As a result, adolescents react more strongly to stressful events and experience pleasurable stimuli more intensely -Changes in the adolescent brain's emotional/ social network outpace development of the cognitive- control network.

Does adolescent parenthood increase the chances of teenage childbearing in the next generation?


Sexually Transmitted Infections

-Young people age 15 to 24 have the highest rates of STIs in all age groups. -One out of six sexually active teenagers contracts one of these illnesses each year- a rate three or more times that of Canada and Western Europe -One-fifth of US HIV cases are young people (18% are due to heterosexual spread of the disease even though most cases are gay men) -It is twice as easy for a male to infect a female with any STI, including HIV.

Adolescent fathers

-about half of adolescent fathers have been incarcerated -Although nearly half of young fathers visit their children during the first few years, contact usually diminishes. By the time the child starts school, few than one-fourth have regular parental contact.

Body Image

-conception of and attitude toward their physical appearance -caucasian girls tend to report a less positive body image -compared with african-american and hispanic girls, caucasian girls are more likely to internalize the cultural ideal of thinness.

types of adolescent injury

1) automobile accidents 2) firearms 3) sorts-related

Anorexia nervosa is about ___ times more likely to occur in females than in males.


Altogether, adolescents add _____ inches in height and _____ pounds in weight.

10 to 11; 50 to 75

Boys account for _________ percent of anorexia cases.

10 to 15

For most boys, the pubertal sequence may begin as early as age ___ or as late as ___, and may end as early as age ___ or as late as ___.

10, 13.5, 13, 17

Precocious puberty occurs about ___ more often in ____________ than in ____________.

10, girls, boys

average growth rates

10-11 inches 50-75 pound

The peak rate of pubertal change occurs at ___ years for girls and ___ years for boys.

11.5, 13.5

In a study comparing mood swings, those between the ages of ______ most often shifted from cheerful to sad and back again.

12 and 16

The average age of menarche in North America is


A recent national study of U.S. adolescents revealed that physical activity increased until ___ years of age in boys and girls but then declined through ___ years of age.

13, 18

The first ejaculation occurs around age


discrepency between rates of physical activity for while and black girls remains roughly the same until

14 yrs

In 2006, ___ percent of all indivudals who had been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in the U.S. were ___ to ___ years of age.

15, 13, 24

rates of death in anorexia

15-20% hear failure


1904: G. Stanley Hall proposed the "_______ ______ ________" view of adolescence -Turbulent time full of conflict and mood swings -HOWEVER... -1988 cross-cultural study of adolescents: -Happy most of the time, enjoy life, express positive feelings toward family -Value work and school -Perceive themselves as having self-control, express confidence about their sexual selves, and feel capable of coping with life's stresses

More than ___ percent of the adolescents who had not had sexual intercourse had engaged in oral sex.


___ percent of sexually active adolescents are estimated to become infected with an STI each year.


Only ___ percent of U.S. adolescents get ___ or more hours of sleep on an average school night.

31, 8

A recent national study indicated that ___ percent of U.S. high school students were currently sexually active.


Approximately ____ percent of 15- to 44-year-olds identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual.


during growth spurt, boys grow about

4.1 inches per year

Fifteen-year-old Jesse is growing at his peak. He will probably add more than ___ inches and ____ pounds this year.

4; 26

research studies have shown that _ of hs seniors have used weed in the last yr


In about ___ percent of motor vehicle fatalities involving adolescents, the driver has a blood alcohol level of ___ percent - twice the level needed to be designated as "under the influence" in some states.

50, .10

Almost ___ percent of all deaths from 15 to 24 years of age are due to unintentional injuries, approximately ___ percent of them involving motor vehicle accidents.

50, 75

In a national survey, ___ percent of U.S. 15 to 19 year old boys and ___ percent of girls said they had engaged in oral sex.

55, 54

correlates & consequences of adolescent parenthood


substance use & abuse


Approximately ___ times as many adolescent girls as boys have AIDS in African countries.


___ percent of the male and ___ percent of the female adolescents in the 85th to 94th percentile of body mass index (BMI) became obese adults.

62, 73

In a recent U.S. national survey, ___ percent of twelfth-graders reported that they had experienced sexual intercourse compared with ___ percent of ninth-graders.

63, 34

Daughters of teenage mothers were ___ percent more likely to become teenage mothers themselves.


Smoking is likely to begin in grades ___ through ___.

7, 9

As with anorexia nervosa, about ___ percent of individuals who develop bulimia nervosa eventually recover from the disorder.


When Daniel Offer and his colleagues (1988) studied the self-images of adolescents in the United States, Australia, Bangladesh, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey, and West Germany, at least ___ percent of the adolescents displayed a healthy self-image.


By age 20, ___ percent of U.S. youth have engaged in sexual intercourse.


The hormonal changes that underlie puberty occur gradually and are under way by age

8 or 9.

Precocious puberty is usually diagnosed when the onset of puberty happens before ___ years of age in girls and before ___ years of age in boys.

8, 9

The U.S. adolescent pregnancy rate is ___ times as high as that in the ____________.

8, Netherlands

Of the adolescents who were at or above the 95th percentile and higher for BMI, ___ percent of the male and ___ percent of the female adolescents became obese adults.

80, 92

Weighing less than ___ percent of what is considered normal for a person's age and height is a characteristic of anorexia nervosa.


___ percent of adolescents said they had abused cough medications to intentionally get high.


The mean age at the beginning of the growth spurt in girls is ___; for boys, it is ___.

9, 11

For girls, menarche is considered within the normal range if it appears between the ages of ___ and ___.

9, 15

About ___ percent of bulimics are females and approximately ___ to ___ percent of U.S. females are estimated to develop bulimia nervosa.

90, 1, 2

____________ is caused by a virus, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which destroys the body's immune system.

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Puberty in females

Developmental changes in one sex: -Breast growth or appearance of pubic hair -Hips grow to become wider than shoulders -Armpit hair appears -Menarche -Irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation in the first year -Marked weight gains

Puberty in males

Developmental changes in one sex: -Increase in penis and testicle size -Appearance and growth of pubic hair, armpit hair, and facial hairs -Spermarche -Voice changes

Adolescent Sexuality

Dimensions of ____________ _____________: -Sexual exploration and experimentation -Vulnerability and confusion, but eventually develop a mature sexual identity -In the U.S., sexual culture is widely available

3 phases of adolescence

Early - 11-14 and rapid pubertal change. Middle - 14-16, pubertal changes are nearly complete. Late - 16-18, young person achieves full adult appearance and anticipates assumption of adult roles.

________ -maturing Caucasian girls tend to report a ______ positive body image than other girls.

Early; less

_______ maturers in ________-income neighborhoods are especially vulnerable to establishing ties with deviant peers.

Early; low

Why do teens take more risks

Emotional social network isn't fully mature yet so they experience pleasure more intensely, are more responsive to excitatory neurotransmitters. Also take more risks when being observed by peers

The pituitary sends a signal via ____________ to the appropriate gland to manufacture hormones.


____________ are hormones that stimulate the testes or ovaries.


Which of the following is true about automobile accidents and adolescent drivers?

Graduated licensing laws reduce adolescent traffic fatalities by 6 to 11 percent.

_________ was the first researcher to point out the wide variability in adolescent adjustment.

Margaret Mead

Which of the following statements regarding the intergenerational continuity of adolescent pregnancy and parenthood is true?

Marriage may limit the negative impact of teenage childbearing on development by reducing family stress.

Prefrontal cognitive control network in adolescence

Not fully developed so performance on executive function tasks requiring inhibition and planning is not mature.

Prevention and treatment of drug use and abuse

School and community programs that reduce drug experimentation typically combine several features: -they promote effective parenting, including monitoring of teenagers activities -they teach skills for resisting peer pressure -they reduce the social acceptability of drug taking by emphasizing health and safety risks -One intervention, the Strong African American Families (SAAF) program, teaches parents to monitor their youngsters' behavior, communicate and enforce clear expectations and use cooperative problem solving to resolve disputes. Evaluations revealed that SAAF reduced substance use among African American youths and it was the most effective for adolescents with the DRD4-7 or the short 5-HTTLRP genes.

____________ is a hormone associated in boys with the development of genitals, an increase in height, and a change in voice.


What changes improves adolescents' ability to process information?

The thickening of the corpus callosum

Haeata lives in a tribal society and just experienced menarche. Which of the following is probably true?

The tribe will celebrate the onset of puberty with an initiation ceremony.


There is more ____ in the brain during adolescence than any other time in life


These hormones increase dramatically during puberty: -associated with female breast, uterine, and skeletal development


These hormones increase dramatically during puberty: -associated with males' development if genitals, increased height, and voice changes

addictive drugs

a substance that causes physiological or psychological dependence

In the United States, children mature up to ____________ than children in European countries.

a year earlier

Some girls do not ovulate at all until ____________

a year or two after menstruation begins

percentage of boys suffering from anorexia

about 10%

As a result of school courses and media campaigns,

about 90 percent of high school students are aware of basic facts about AIDS, but are poorly informed about other STDs.

Two Versions of Sex Education

abstinence-only programs: in all cases, sex should be delayed until marriage. Birth control measures are not very effective. comprehensive sex education (CSE): also encourage abstinence, but include info about birth control to prevent pregnancy and condoms to prevent STDs

The three leading causes of death in adolescence and emerging adulthood are ____________, ____________, and ____________.

accidents, homicide, suicide

cognitive differences between adolescents and adults (recruiting)

adolescents recruit PFC network of connections with other brain areas less effectively than adults do; "prefrontal cognitive-control network seems to require fine-tuning" 538. without this network functioning optimally, teenagers find it hard to control powerful impulses and reactions to stressful events and pleasurable stimuli

Brad's parents provide him with information on sex and contraception, and convey their values. As a result, Brad is likely to

adopt his parents' sexual values.

Menarche takes place

after the peak of the height spurt.


age of menstruation


age when boys are typically taller than boys

The production of ___________ in young people of both sexes leads to an increase in sex drive.


sex surge in hormones changes what in the brain?

androgens and estrogens heighten sensitivity of PFC and inner-brain structures (like amygdala) to hormone oxytocin

Janelle, a teenager, is chronically tired, but she appears to be growing normally. She should have a medical checkup because she might be suffering from


Renae has a compulsive fear of getting fat. As a result, she is starving herself. Renae has

anorexia nervosa.

Carter is a late-maturing adolescent boy. He is likely to report more ___________ than his on-time counterparts.


Western adolescents

are granted partial adult status at many different ages.

Most girls with bulimia nervosa

are impulsive.

The majority of teenagers who dabble in alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana

are not headed for a life of decadence and addiction.

boys start puberty at

around 13 or 14

social support

assistance and comfort of others

primary sex characteristics

associated with organs of body that are directly related to reproduction

false consensus effect

assuming everyone does it

characteristics of females who begin pubertal development LATER

athletes/physically active girls low body fat stable childhood because puberty = transition into state of adulthood malnutrition and infectious disease

parenting styles for raising homosexual children

authoritative: want to maintain positive communication authoritarian: cut off relationships indulgent mothers had the worst reaction (specifically, what?)


average teen boy needs this many calories per day


average teen girl needs this many calories per day

Brad is a teen who has experimented minimally with alcohol. Brad is likely to

be a healthy, curious young person.


becomes more sophisticated despite the brain's unfinished development

Spermarche occurs

before facial hair begins to grow.

sex differences in body proportions

boys' shoulders broaden relative to hips, end up larger, legs longer in relation to rest of the body, AND arm and leg fat decreases. Develop larger skeletal muscles, hearts, and lung capacity. Red blood cell count increases. Growth spurt peaks @ age 14 girls' hips broaden relative to shoulders and waist, AND add more fat between 11-16

Gregor, a high-school senior, has begun taking creatine to enhance his performance on the basketball court. Which of the following side effects are possible?

brain seizures

Which of the following is an example of a secondary sexual characteristic?

breast development

Connie's teenage daughter follows a strict diet during the day, exercises strenuously, binge eats in the evening, and often takes laxatives. Connie should be concerned that her daughter has

bulimia nervosa.

when do boys become taller than girls, on average

by age 13

Sleep rebound on weekends

can lead to difficulty falling asleep on subsequent evenings.

The transition from ____________ to ____________ begins with the onset of pubertal maturation, whereas the transition from ____________ to ____________ is determined by cultural standards and experiences.

childhood, adolescence, adolescence, adulthood

social support coping

comfort from others

late maturation

complex reactions late maturation effects on boys versus girls other factors may be more pertinent in determining an adolescent's behavior


coping: dealing directly with the cause of stress


coping: unconscious use of strategies that distort of deny the seriousness of a situation maladaptive

The ____________ is the location where fibers connect the brain's left and right hemispheres.

corpus callosum

The ____________ thickens in adolescence.

corpus callosum

which does not play role in puberty


The timing of sexual initiation varies by ____________, ____________, and other ____________ characteristics.

country, gender, socioeconomic

early maturation effect on boys

cultural norms related to physical appearance tend to be more successful in athletics and have more positive self concept there is a downside

teenagers' media exposure to sexual content predicted...

current sexual activity intentions to be sexually active in the future subsequent sexual activity, pregnancies, and sexual harassment behaviors

Which of the following STDs usually disappears on its own?


The proportions of eighth, tenth, and twelfth grade U.S. students who used any illicit drug ____________ in the late 1990s and first years of the twenty-first century.


In the United States, the average age of menarche has ____________ since the ____________ century.

declined significantly, mid-nineteenth

psychological impact of puberty (adult problems)

depression anxiety eating disorders drug & alcohol use unplanned pregnancy suicide attempts greater risk of breast cancer


development between childhood and adulthood

Negative parent-adolescent relationships were linked with increased ____________ by girls over a one-year period.


positive effect on stress

do best with medium stress, increases heart rate and immobilizes us

groups that show the highest incidence of AIDS include: ____________, ____________, ____________, ____________, ____________, and ____________.

drug users individuals with other STIs young gay males individuals living in low-income circumstances Latinos African Americans

addictive drugs

drugs that produce a biological or psycholigcal dependence in users, leading to increasingly powerful craving for them

Julianna is obese. She is likely to experience puberty

earlier than other girls.

Tamineh has a history of family conflict and has experienced harsh parenting. Tamineh will probably reach puberty

earlier than other girls.

During ____________, girls tend to outweigh boys, but by about age ___ boys begin to surpass girls.

early adolescence, 14

age divisions of adolescence

early adolescence: 11-12 to 14 years, rapid pubertal change middle adolescence: 14 to 16 years, pubertal changes now complete late adolescence: 16 to 18 years, full adult appearance and anticipate assumption of adult roles

gender differences re. puberty (menarche, spermarche)

early boomer boys = positive development, leads to emotional maturation early bloomer girls = negative development; pregnancy, STDs, other set of worries

tend to endure more ridicule

early maturing

most likely to have the most positive self image in adolescence

early maturing boys and late maturing girls

when does the prefrontal cortex develop

early twenties

Research shows that _________________ tend to have lasting adjustment problems in later life.

early-maturing girls

During adolescence, it is advantageous to be an ____________ rather than a ____________ boy

early-maturing, late-maturing


eating disorder characterized by excessive eating followed by purging weight may stay the same

bulimia nervosa

eating disorder in which young people engage in strict dieting and excessive exercise accompanied by binge eating, often followed by deliberate vomiting and purging. mainly girls, but gay and bisexual boys are also vulnerable.

anorexia nervosa

eating disorder in which young people starve themselves because of a compulsive fear of getting fat. mainly girls, but gay and bisexual boys are also vulnerable. menarche may not occur or periods stop (545)

Early sexual activity is more common among young people from ________________ homes.

economically disadvantaged

effects of binge drinking

education, date rape, class attendence


effort to control or reduce threats and challenges

stress and coping

efforts to control reduce tolerate the threats and challenges that lead to stress

As they make the transition from childhood to adolescence, adolescents begin to think in more ____________ ways, often sensing that they are onstage, unique, and invulnerable.


The transition from adolescence to adulthood has been referred to as ____________

emerging adulthood

Fathers of daughters with anorexia nervosa tend to be

emotionally distant.

pituitary gland

endocrine gland at the base of the brain

Franca, age 11, recently started contradicting and disagreeing with her parents. She is self-conscious and often goes to her room and closes the door. Franca is a head taller and several pounds heavier than most girls in her sixth-grade class. Franca has probably

entered adolescence.

Older adolescent mothers display more effective parenting when they

establish their own residence with the help of relatives.

Late maturing boys

experience emotional difficulties until they catch up with their peers, usually well adjusted once they do.

Adolescents who averaged having less than two ____________ a week were more likely to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and abuse prescription drugs than their adolescent counterparts who averaged ____ or more a week.

family dinners, 5

anorexia nervosa and bulimia

fear of becoming fat and desire to avoid obesity sometimes becomes so strong that it turns into a problem

Compared to anorexics, adolescents with bulimia nervosa

feel guilty or depressed about their eating habits.

Which of the following accurately characterizes the three-phase sequence that many gay and lesbian adolescents and adults move through in coming out to themselves and others?

feeling different, confusion, self-acceptance

In 2004, births to adolescent girls ____________

fell to a record low.


female sex hormones

By the time a child of adolescent parents start school,

fewer than one-fourth have regular contact with their fathers.

Mr. and Mrs. Falk want to improve their teenagers' diets. One simple and proven way they can do this is to

find a way to eat together as a family most nights of the week.


first ejaculation


first ejaculation


first menstruation


first menstruation

what would be considered binge drinking for a male

five or more beers in one night

binge drinking in men

five or more drinks in a row in 24 hours


fraction of Adolescence who are obese


fraction of Adolescence who are overweight

The majority of U.S. teens learn about sex from their

friends or the media.

At what age does pubertal body growth begin

girls - 10, boys 12 1/2.

puberty norm ages

girls 11-12, boys 13-14

early onset in girls

girls are better nourished and healthier stressful environments may impact puberty one in seven caucasian girls develops breasts or pubic hair by 8 one out of two for african american girls


growth and hormones affect cognitive abilities bunch of hormones in general self-conscious, increased awareness

puberty in boys

harder to pinpoint the start growth of male sex organs begins around 12 spermarche begins around 13

variations in menarche

has been getting younger, varies by country and SES, foreign countries are thin and have later menarche

growth patterns

height gain in centimeters per year declines up to age 11/12 for girls and 13/14 for boys then increases rapidly, then declines

onset of menstruation across cultures

high income and well off in USA and Hong Kong earlier than those in poorer countries

Studies involving genetic influences in homosexuality indicate that

homosexual brothers often have an identical segment of DNA on the X chromosome.

2.5 decades

how long it takes for the brain areas to fully connection (myelination)

The ____________ is a structure in the brain that monitors eating and sex.


The endocrine system's role in puberty involves the interaction of the ____________, ____________, and ____________.

hypothalamus, pituitary gland, gonads

Adolescents are ____________ their use of contraceptives.


In the United States, the most controversial aspect of adolescent pregnancy prevention efforts is

increasing the availability of contraceptives.

Primary sex characteristics

involve reproductive organs directly (ovaries, uterus, genitals.

primary sexual characteristics

involve the reproductive organs directly (ovaries, uterus, and vagina in females; penis, scrotum, and testes in males), organs become larger and mature in function to make reproduction possible

Primary sexual characteristics

involve the reproductive organs directly.

The most common nutritional problem of adolescence is ______ deficiency.


common nutritional problem of adolescents p 544

iron deficiency during growth spurt, iron requirements increase to a maximum, esp. among girls who lose iron during menstruation not enough calcium not enough riboflavin

Compared with adult mothers, adolescent mothers

know less about child development.

Kai has achieved his full adult appearance and anticipates assumption of adult roles. Kai is in which phase of adolescence?

late adolescence

Gemma eats very little. She is likely to experience puberty

later than other girls.

Sexually active younger adolescents are ____________ likely than older adolescents to take contraceptive precautions.


benefits of sports and exercise

lessons in teamwork, problem solving, assertiveness, and competition increase enjoyment, which motivates continued involvement

The percentage of sexually active young adolescents is higher in ____________.

low-income areas of inner cities.

decline in physical activity

lower for african americans than whites increases again at 18 or 19


major issue is balance obesity and eating disorders are among most prevalent problems


making an effort to manage psychological stress

possible causes of anorexia

maladaptive parent-child relationship

genetics of male homosexuality

male homosexuality more common on maternal side of families >> x-linked


male sex hormones

Within the United States, ____________, ____________, and ____________ report being the most sexually active, whereas ____________ have the most restrictive sexual timetable.

male, African American, inner-city adolescents, Asian American adolescents

binge rates in college

males 1/2, females 40%, in two week period

By tenth grade, 38 percent of teenagers in the United States have experimented with at least one illegal drug, usually


Vegetarian adolescents

may have diets that are deficient in certain nutrients.

Pyschosomatic disorders

medical issues that are caused by stress EX: ulcers, asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure

psychosomatic disorders

medical probs caused by interaction of emotion physical and psychological difficulties

A delay in the nightly release of the sleep-inducing hormone ____________, which is produced in the brain's pineal gland, seems to underlie to shift of adolescents' biological clocks.


Fourteen-year-old Per has been experiencing pubertal changes, which are now nearly complete. Per is in which phase of adolescence?

middle adolescence

effects of abstinence education

minimal effect on sexual risk behavior for older adolescents

Boys typically respond to spermarche with

mixed feelings.

early effects of puberty on girls

mixed, more at risk, sexual before ready, ridiculed for early growth

role of parents in sex education

modeling rules open discussion about sex and contraception >> more likely to use birth control

Higher pubertal hormone levels are _______ moodiness.

modestly linked to greater

late effect of puberty on boys

more difficult, more left out

how is brain development making adolescents more effective

most cell death/proning since infancy, myelination increases


most common nutritional concern during adolescence

The U.S. adolescent pregnancy rate is __________ than that of other industrialized nations.

much higher

As acculturation proceeded, the sexual behavior of the Latino adolescents began to more closely resemble that of ____________ adolescents - earlier sexual initiation and increased condom use.

non-Latino White

Most anorexics are ____________ adolescent or emerging adult females from well-educated, middle and upper income families, and they are ____________ and ____________.

non-Latino White, competitive, high-achieving

most common nutritional concern for adololscents


Research suggests that adolescents biological clocks undergo a shift as they get older, delaying their period of wakefulness by about ____________.

one hour

The number of American teenage births is lower than it was 50 years ago because

one-fourth of adolescent pregnancies end in abortion.

late effects of puberty on girls

overlooked, lower social status, emotional outcomes are better though

Many women who develop bulimia nervosa were somewhat ____________ before the onset of the disorder.


Enhanced ________ sensitivity helps explain why young adolescents are so self-conscious and sensitive to others' opinions.


cultural differences regarding sex

p 548


percent of people with anorexia who die


period during which sexual organs mature begins when pituitary gland sends signals to other glands to begin producing sex hormones


pieces at end of bones

The ____________ is an important endocrine gland that controls growth and regulates other glands.

pituitary gland

hormonal changes

pituitary gland releases growth hormone that stimulates other glands to produce hormones that act on body tissues, causing them to mature secretions of growth hormone and thyroxine increase >> gains in body size and skeletal maturity

The ____________, through interaction with the ____________, detects when the optimal level of hormones is reached and responds and maintains it with additional gonadotropin secretion.

pituitary gland, hypothalamus

The ____________ also secretes hormones that either directly lead to growth and skeletal maturation or that produce growth effects through interaction with the ____________.

pituitary gland, thyroid gland


plays a role alcoholism runs in fams however not all alcoholics have fam members with alc probs

____________ emphasizes the strengths of youth and the positive qualities and developmental trajectories that are desired for youth.

positive youth development (PYD)

Teenagers at the greatest risk for STDs are

poverty-stricken teenagers who feel a sense of hopelessness.

one specific area of the brain that undergoes considerable development throughout adolescence which is not fully developed until around age 20

prefrontal cortex

The ____________ does not finish maturing until the emerging adult years, approximately ___ to ___ years of age, or later.

prefrontal cortex, 18, 25

genetics of female homosexuality

prenatal exposure to high levels of androgens or estrogens

defensive coping

pretending/distorting the problem

three types of coping

problem focused coping, emotional focused coping , social support, defensive coping

adolescent growth spurt

rapid growth in height and weight (similar to infant growth)


rapid pace of physical and sexual maturation

Menarche comes ____________ in the pubertal cycle.

rather late

effects of comprehensive sex education

reduced risk of teen pregnancy w/o reducing likelihood of sexual activity reduces risk of STDs 80-90% of parents support, w/o looking at title

Teenage motherhood __________ the likelihood of _____________.

reduces; marriage

Radio and TV campaigns promoting contraceptive use—used widely in Africa, Europe, India, and South America—are associated with a(n)

reduction in early sexual activity.

Late maturing girls

regarded as physically attractive, lively, sociable.

Boys or girls who are shorter or taller than their peers before adolescence are likely to ____________

remain so during adolescence.

Nicotine use

remains one of the most serious yet preventable substance abuse health problems

When children's safety and security are at risk, it is adaptive for them to

reproduce early.

The overall rate of psychological disturbance ________ from childhood to adolescence, when it is about _____ percent.

rises slightly; 15

maggie experienced menarche as 12, mom at 14, grandma at 16

secular trends

Early maturing girls

self conscious, prone to sexual activity and substance use. Unpopular, withdrawn.

Ethan is an early-maturing boy. He is probably perceived by both adults and peers as


reasons for increased risk-taking

sensation seeking acting without forethought

In Freud's genital stage,

sexual impulses reawaken, triggering psychological conflict and volatile behavior.

Out of all age groups, adolescents have the highest rate of

sexually transmitted diseases.

least likely reaction of a girl to experiencing menarche

shame and embarrassment

secondary sex characteristics

signs of sexual maturity, don't directly relate to sexual development

Of all age groups, adolescents are most likely to

skip breakfast.

psychosomatic disorders are caused by a combo of factors from all but which realm

social (are caused by physical, emotional, psychological)

The field of ____________ involves connections between development, the brain, and socioemotional processes.

social developmental neuroscience

Early maturing boys

tend to be prone to depression, substance abuse, and sexual activity

The boy's testes release large quantities of __________, which leads to muscle growth, body and facial hair, and other male sex characteristics.

the androgen testosterone

Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that

the biological upheaval of puberty triggers heightened emotionality, conflict, and defiance of adults.

Female puberty usually begins with

the budding of the breasts.

The first sign of puberty in boys is

the enlargement of the testes.

growth spurt

the first outward sign of puberty; a rapid gain in height and weight.

The first outward sign of puberty is

the growth spurt.

During puberty,

the hands, legs, and feet accelerate first.

Endocrine system

this system's role in puberty involves the interaction of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and sex glands -Stress, eating patterns, exercise, sexual activity, tension, and depression can activate or suppress the hormonal system

acute stressors

threatening events that have a relatively short duration and a clear endpoint EX: deer jumping out in road

The ____________ is located at the base of the throat.

thyroid gland

The ____________ interacts with the ____________ to influence growth.

thyroid gland, pituitary gland

Margaret Mead showed that

to understand adolescent development, researchers must pay greater attention to social and cultural influences.

The combination of a sleep "phase delay" and evening activities, phones, and computers has resulted in

today's teenagers getting much less sleep than those of previous generations.

psychosomatic disorders and stress

too much cortisol causes brain dmamage


transition between childhood and adulthood


triggers extreme physical maturation during Adolescence

Since the 1950s, the adolescent and emerging adult suicide rate has ____________, although it has ____________ in recent years.

tripled, declined

A person is considered to have a serious bulimic disorder only if the episodes occur at least ___ a week for ___ months.

twice, 3

The growth spurt occurs approximately ____________ for girls than for boys.

two years earlier

On the average, girls reach puberty ________ boys.

two years earlier than

In a cross-cultural study, ____________ of U.S. adolescents exercised at least twice a week, compared with ___ percent or more of adolescents in Ireland, Austria, Germany, and the Slovak Republic.

two-thirds, 80


use is increasing in high school students

Boys ________ about ejaculation before spermarche.

usually know

effects of puberty

varied reactions to changes timing gender differences

substance use

variety of reasons physical and psychological addiction

secondary sexual characteristics

visible on the outside of the body and serve as additional signs of sexual maturity, but not needed for reproduction (i.e. breast development in females > estrogens released by ovaries and the appearance of underarm/pubic hair in both sexes). adrenal androgens stimulate girls' height spurt and growth of underarm and pubic hair

secondary sex characteristics

visible sign of sexual maturity that do not directly involve sex organs

teen smoking

well aware of dangers but still indulge rates in US declining target of many intervention groups

white matter brain development

white matter increases in prefrontal cortex (PFC), parietal lobes, and corpus callosum

Chinara is an early-maturing girl. She is most likely to be perceived as _______ by her peers.


Treatment for anorexia

Hospitalization, family therapy, medication to reduce anxiety, behavior modification.

No single STI has had a greater impact on sexual behavior, or created more fear, in the last two decades than ____________.


Nutritional needs in adolescence

-During the growth spurt, boys require between 2,400 and 3,200 calories a day, girls between 1,800 and 2,400 depending on physical activity level -One of the most common nutritional problems of adolescence is iron deficiency


-A brain-neuroendocrine process of rapid physical changes in early adolescence -Timing linked to genes & other environmental factors (e.g., nutrition, health, family stress)


-A flood of biological events leading to an adult-sized body and sexual maturity -The time of greatest sexual differentiation since prenatal life

Sexual identity

-Activities, interest, styles of behavior, and indication of sexual orientation -Developing a is a multifaceted, lengthy process -Managing sexual feelings and new forms of intimacy -Regulating sexual behavior within the context of the society's constraints on adolescents and sexuality -Gay and lesbian youth have diverse patterns of initial attraction and often bisexual attractions

Reactions to pubertal changes

-Girls typically report mixed feelings - positive and negative emotions- about menarche -Boys' responses to spermarche reflect mixed feelings -Boys get much less social support than girls for the changes of puberty -Compared to caucasian american families, african american families may better prepare girls for menarche, treat it as an important milestone, and express less conflict over girls reaching sexual maturity

When is growth in body size complete for girls and boys?

-Girls: 16 -Boys 17 1/2


-Substantial increase in _____________ use among adolescents, but many still do not use -Older teens more likely to reduce their risks -Greater age difference in sexual partners is associated with less consistent condom use -Medical organizations and experts have recommended that adolescents use long-acting reversible forms -Intrauterine devices -Implants

Contraceptive Use among adolescence

-although adolescent contraceptive use has increased in recent year, about 18% of sexually active teenagers in the US are at risk for unintended pregnancy because they do not use contraception consistently

Adolescent pregnancy and parenthood

-an estimated 13% of those who had sexual intercourse became pregnant in the most recently reported year. -despite a decline of more than 50% since 1990, the US adolescent pregnancy rate remains higher than that of most other industrialized countries -because about 1/4 of US adolescent pregnancies end in abortion, the number of American teenage births is considerably lower than it was 50 years ago, still it is up to 5 times higher in many other developed nations -In 1960, only 15% of teenage births were to unmarried females, compared with 89% today.

Binge-Eating Disorder

-binging at least once a week for three months or longer, without compensatory behavior -between 2 and 3 percent of adolescent girls and close to 1 percent of boys experience episodes of this disorder. -Binge eating disorder is equally prevalent among whites, african americans, asian americans, and hispanics.

The impact of culture and sex

-cultural difference: middle eastern people kill girls if they lose their virginity before marriage. at the other extreme as several Asian and Pacific Island groups with highly permissive sexual attitudes and practices. in north america, when young people become interested in sex, only about half report getting information from parents about intercourse.

Teen Outreach Program

-discussions that focused on enhancing student's community service skills and ability to cope with everyday challenges -at the end of the school year, pregnancy, school failure, and school suspension were substantially lower in the group enrolled in Teen Outreach

factors which heighten incidence of adolescent pregnancy

1) effective sex education reaches too few teenagers 2) convenient, low-cost contraceptive services for adolescents are scarce 3) many families live in poverty, which encourages young people to take risks without considering the future implications of their behavior

coming-out process for gays and lesbians

1) first recognition (8-10) 2) test and exploration (10-13) 3) identity acceptance (13-17) 4) identity integration (17-19)

adolescent parenthood linked to

1) home environmental quality and parenting skills 2) intelligence & education 3) father absence life of adversity contribute to inter-generational continuity

Major Physical Changes of Puberty (slide)

1) the adolescent growth spurt 2) development of primary sex characteristics 3) development of secondary sex characteristics 4) Changes in body compositions (less fat, more muscles) 5) Changes in respiratory and circulatory systems, leading to greater strength and endurance

What are the three stages of adolescence?

1. Early Adolescence (11-12 to 14 years): this is a period of rapid pubertal change 2. Middle Adolescence (14 to 16 years): pubertal changes are now nearly complete 3. Late Adolescence (16 to 18 years): the young person achieves full adult appearance and anticipates assumption of adult roles

Communicating with adolescents about sexual issues

1. Foster open communication 2. Use correct terms for body parts 3. Use effective discussion techniques 4. Reflect before speaking 5. Keep the conversation going

Two broad types of pubertal change

1. Overall body growth 2. Maturation of sexual characteristics.

Among U.S. teenage girls, an estimated ____ percent of those who had sexual intercourse became pregnant in the most recently reported year.


On average, the growth spurt of puberty is underway for girls shortly after age ___ and for boys around age ____.

10; 12½

Shannon is in early adolescence. Shannon is between the ages of

11 and 14.

The age range for emerging adulthood is approximately ___ to ___ years of age.

18, 25

___ percent of U.S. adolescents have used Vicodin and ___ percent had used OxyContin at some point in their lifetime.


calories for boys

2800 per day

During their growth spurt, girls increase in height about ___ inches per year, boys about ___ inches.

3.5, 4

As much as ___ percent of an individual's height in late adolescence is unexplained by his or her height in the elementary school years.


Melatonin is secreted about ___ p.m. in younger adolescents and approximately ___ p.m. in older adolescents.

9:30, 10:30


A flood of biological events leading to an adult sized body and sexual maturity.

What actually influences adolescent development

A mix of biological, psychological and social forces.


A physical and mental response to a challenging or threatening situation.

Which of the following is true about brain development in adolescence?

Adolescents react more strongly to stressful events than adults do and experience pleasurable stimuli more intensely.

________ influence girls' height spurt and stimulate growth of underarm and pubic hair.

Adrenal androgens

____________ males are ___ times more likely to be killed by guns than by natural causes.

African American, 3

Which of the following athletes is especially likely to continue her activity into adulthood?

Alena, a cross-country runner

Which of the following statements is true about muscle-fat makeup in adolescence?

Although both sexes gain in muscle, the increase is 150 percent greater in boys.

Which girl is likely to reach menarche first?

Angelique, who is a middle-income African American

__________ viewed the teenage years as a biologically based, universal "developmental disturbance."

Anna Freud

Fifteen-year-old Anna is attracted to her best friend, Eva, and her boyfriend, Emory. Which of the following is the most likely to be true?

Anna identifies as heterosexual.

____________ is an eating disorder that involves the relentless pursuit of thinness through starvation.

Anorexia nervosa

__________ is/are the leading killer of U.S. teenagers.

Automobile accidents

Stanley Hall

Based ideas on Darwin and described adolescence as a cascade of instinctual passions.


Begins around age 6-8. Adrenal glands on start to release increasing levels of adrenal androgens.

____________ and ____________ can affect hormones.

Behavior, moods


Believed biological upheaval of puberty triggered heightened emotion, conflict, and defiance.

____________ holds the view that although adolescents are capable of very strong emotions their prefrontal cortex has not adequately developed to the point at which they can control these passions.

Charles Nelson

Which of the following girls is the least likely to develop anorexia nervosa?

Cheyanne, an African American

_________ is one of the deadliest substance abuse issues.

Cigarette smoking

Which of the following is true about sports-related injuries in adolescence?

Coaches sometimes make unreasonable demands of players that can lead to injury.

The "Five C's" of PYD

Competence, confidence, connection, character, caring/compassion

Study: things we do to delay first sexual experience in adolescence

Groups: normal non-pledgers, non-pledgers (but not going to have sex), and pledgers. DV: what % in each group had sex.Time 1, Time 2 (1 yr later), and Time 3 (3 yrs later) pledging makes you statistically less likely to have sex big influence: parental monitoring, perceptions of others, possible outcomes of having sex

Margaret Mead

Developed the social perspective - social environment is entirely responsible for the range of teenage experiences.

Biological changes

Developmental change from childhood to adolescence: -Growth spurt and hormonal changes -Sexual maturation and puberty -Brain maturation and altered sleep patterns

Cognitive changes

Developmental change from childhood to adolescence: -Increased abstract, idealistic, and logical thinking -Increased egocentric perceptions -More responsibility often given by parents

Socioemotional changes

Developmental change from childhood to adolescence: -Increased independence and time spent with peers; more conflict with parents -More mood swings, sexual maturation. And romantic relationships; more intimacy and self-disclosure -Larger, more impersonal schools; more pressure to achieve academically

____________ is a hormone associated in girls with breast, uterine, and skeletal development.


Which of the following is true about adolescent drug abuse treatment?

Even comprehensive programs have alarmingly high relapse rates.

Anna Freud

Expanded on Sigmund Freuds theory, viewed teen years as biologically based, universal "developmental disturbance". Based off Freuds genital stage.

____________ and ____________ characterize the emerging adult.

Experimentation, exploration

What are the five key features that characterize emerging adulthood according to Jeffrey Arnett?

Exploring identity, especially in love and work Experiencing instability Being self-focused Feeling in-between Experiencing the age of possibilities, a time when individuals have an opportunity to transform their lives


Extreme starvation due to distorted body image, way more prevalent in girls. Symptoms include pale skin, brittle nails, fine dark hairs all over body.

Adolescents in the ____________ program reported lower alcohol and cigarette use both at three months and again at one year after the program had been completed.

Family Matters

Which of the following adolescents is the most likely to have parents with a permissive attitude about sex?

Fau, a Papua New Guinean

Which of the following is true about body fat and puberty?

Few studies report a link between body fat and puberty in boys.

Which of the following did researchers find about rates of physical activity from ages 9 to 15?

Fewer than one-third of sampled youths met the U.S. government recommendation of at least 60 minutes of moderate to strenuous physical activity per day.


First menstruation usually occurs around 12 and a half for US, 13 for Europe but range is 10-15.

In ____________ and ____________, teen sexual expression is seen as normal and positive, but there is also widespread expectation that sexual intercourse will take place within committed relationships.

France, Sweden

_________ viewed adolescence as a period so turbulent that it resembled the era in which humans evolved from savages into civilized beings.

G. Stanley Hall

____________ proposed the "storm-and-stress" view that adolescence is a turbulent time charged with conflict and mood swings.

G. Stanley Hall

Secretions of _____ and ______ increase during puberty, leading to tremendous gains in body size and to attainment of skeletal maturity.

GH; thyroxine

Risk of early maturing girls

Get more attention from older kids which can lead to deviant behavior and long lasting depression and relationship problems.

Which of the following is true about body proportions during puberty?

Girls' hips broaden relative to the shoulders.

____________ often become more dissatisfied with their bodies, probably because ____________.

Girls, their body fat increases

____________ are the sex glands.


Jose is a homosexual man. Which of the following is most likely to be true?

He has a higher-than-average number of older brothers.

Long term effects of anorexia

Heart muscles shrink, kidneys fail, brain damage, loss of bone mass.

Which of the following statements is true about adolescent mood variation?

High points tend to occur during self-chosen leisure activities.

Causes of adolescent moodiness

Hormonal changes. More so would be unpleasant situations and negative events.

____________ are powerful chemical substances secreted by the endocrine glands and carried through the body by the bloodstream.


Which of the following is true about sex education and the media?

In several studies, teenagers' media exposure to sexual content positively predicted current sexual activity.

____________ recently concluded that five key features characterize emerging adulthood.

Jeffrey Arnett

Which of the following teens with family difficulties has an especially high risk of substance abuse?

Ken, whose peers use and provide drugs

____________ adolescents are more likely than ____________ and ____________ adolescents to become pregnant.

Latina, African American, non-Latina White


Levels of ______________ such as dopamine change, with implications for risk taking

chronic stressors

Long-term, persistent stress EX: death of a sibling

____________ is a girl's first menstrual period.


When Monica's parents sit down to talk with her about sex, she laughs and tells them that they are too late. She assures them that she already knows everything she needs to know. Chances are high that

Monica's actual knowledge is far less than her perceived knowledge.

Which of the following is true about adolescent sexual attitudes and behavior?

Most teenagers have had only one or two sexual partners by the end of high school.

Parents and anorexia

Mothers often have high expectations, and are overprotective and controlling. Fathers tend to be emotionally distant.

____________ boys exercise the most and ____________ girls the least.

Non-Latino White, African American

12-16 years old

Onset of puberty in boys

10-14 years old

Onset of puberty in girls


P's shown videos of children. Asked to predict sexuality; observers highly accurate at predicting later sexuality; 1st grade teachers highly accurate at this

Hormonal changes

Pituitary Gland releases GH (growth hormone) and causes other glands to make hormones that mature the body. GH and thyoxine (from the thyroid gland) increase leading to big changes in the body and skeletal maturation. These changes are regulated by the hypothalamus

____________ is the term used to describe the very early onset and rapid progression of puberty.

Precocious puberty

Which of the following adolescent mothers in the most likely to break the intergenerational cycle of adolescent parenthood?

Prudence, who marries her daughter's father

________ is a modern substitute for the physical departure of the adolescent from the home.

Psychological distancing

Which of the following teens is most likely to have an adolescent pregnancy?

Selena, a low-income Hispanic American

problem focused coping

attempt to manage by directly changing the situation to make it less stressful

____________ is a period of rapid physical maturation involving hormonal and bodily changes that occur primarily during early adolescence.


Which of the following is true about firearms and adolescent injury?

Rates of gun violence are highest in poverty-stricken inner-city neighborhoods.

Which of the following teens is more likely to have early sex or frequent teenage sexual activity?

Ryan, whose parents do not monitor his activities

________ is linked to delayed initiation of sexual activity and to reduced teenage pregnancy.

School involvement

___________ is the strongest predictor of the onset of an eating disorder in adolescence.

Severe dieting


Sexual ________ ________ in Adolescence: -Early sexual activity is linked with risky behaviors -Drug use and substance related disorders -Delinquency; school-related problems -High-risk sexual factors (multiple partners, pregnancy) -Factors linked early adolescent sex problems: -SES, family/parenting, peer factors -Adolescent males who play sports -Poorer self-regulation

____________ are diseases that are contracted primarily through sexual contact, not limited to vaginal intercourse but includes oral-genital contact and anal-genital contact as well.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Grace's grandma recalls menarche as a traumatic experience. She would like things to be different for Grace. What advice can you give her?

She should prepare Grace in advance and treat it as an important milestone.

The rate of pregnancy was substantially lower for adolescents in the ____________

Teen Outreach Program

Which of the following statements about adolescence is true?

The biological changes of adolescence are universal, found in all primates and all cultures.

Which of the following is true about the parent-child relationship in adolescence?

The larger the gap between parents' and adolescents' views of teenagers' readiness for new responsibilities, the more they quarrel.

_________ vary/varies substantially among cultures.

The length of adolescence

Which of the following is true about HIV and AIDS?

The risk for heterosexual spread of AIDS is higher for those teens with more than one partner in the previous 18 months.

Limbic system

This system is mature by early adolescence

adolescent health

To improve ___________ ________, adults should aim to: -Increase adolescents' health-enhancing behaviors: eating nutritious foods, exercising, wearing seat belts, getting enough sleep -Reduce adolescents' health-compromising behaviors: drug abuse, unprotected sex, dangerous driving

Trevor just experienced spermarche. Which of the following is likely to be true?

Trevor obtained information about ejaculation from reading material or websites.

Secondary Sex characteristics

Visible from outside the body (breast development, underarm hair).

___________ increase(s) during middle childhood and adolescence.

White matter

Brain changes in adolescence

White matter increases and gray matter declines. Pruning of unused synapses in cerebral cortex continues.

____________ adolescents are more likely to use a condom or withdrawal, whereas ____________ adolescents are more likely to use the pill or a diaphragm.

Younger, older

G. Stanley Hall described adolescence as

a cascade of instinctual passions.


a flood of biological events leading to an adult-sized body and sexual maturity. kids in earlier stages go through clothes faster

Mr. Linden wants to discuss sex with his teenage daughter. Which of the following would you recommend to him?

a give-and-take conversation between parent and child

One factor that heightens the incidence of adolescent pregnancy is

a history of family poverty, which encourages risk-taking behavior.

Maggi is a later-maturing girl. She is most likely to be regarded as

a leader at school.

drug use

a maladaptive coping mechanism for many adolescence

The ____________ is the seat of emotions such as anger.


The ____________ matures earlier than the ____________.

amygdala, prefrontal cortex

body image

an adolescent's conception of and attitude toward their physical appearance.

binge eating disorder

an eating disorder in which people overeat compulsively, feel uncomfortable and shame

Sexual maturation is controlled by

androgens and estrogens.

girls start puberty at

around 11 or 12

social support

coping with the assistance of comfort supplied by others EX: counseling, friends

onset for girls

determined by menarche

adolescent growth spurt

extraordinary physical maturation occurs during adolescence, triggered by onset of puberty

The most successful treatment for anorexia nervosa is

family therapy and medication.

binge drinking for women

four or more drinks in a row

sti that has no cure

genital herpes


onset of menstruation


response to events that threaten or challenge us

Teenage alcohol and drug use rates in the United States have _______ since the mid-1990s.

substantially declined

Treatment of bulimia

support groups, nutrition education, appetite control meds, anti anxiety, antidepressants.

Girls typically react to menarche with



testes in males, ovaries in females

The gonads are the ____________ in males and the ____________ in females.

testes, ovaries

the view proposed by G. Stanley Hall that adolescence is a turbulent time charged with conflict and mood swings.

the "storm-and-stress" view

secular trend

the average difference between one generation and the one preceding it

Girls who develop anorexia nervosa typically have

unrealistically high standards for their own performance.

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