Chapter 15 History Notes (CIVIL WAR)

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How many slave state were there? How many states left right away? How many states never left? And how many left in the months following?

15, 6, 4, 4

Where does Lincoln go after many of the states secede?

2 forts when he gets inauguarated in the property of the seven seceded souths- in the Florida Keys (never lost that in the entire war) was in Charleston, South Carolina (called Fort Sumter) Couple of thousands of Americans/Children/Wives in those forts

This chapter starts off by discussing how both sides had pent up hatred for one another- What were the North's advantages?

40% (2 million Northerners served in the war),

Why is Abraham Lincoln caught in trouble?

8 southern states that did not leave the Union- acts aggressive worried that they will leave, if acts passivelly then worried about the forts. Abraham is going to prove to be a very smart leader. Doesn't send reinforcements and munitions- Southerners have surrounded the forts with guns- in the heart of Charleston and sat on a island. They had guns in the town- big cannons.

April 15th, 1861-> Two days after the Firing of Fort Sumter- Lincoln calls for 75,000 volunteers- will serve ___ days. 90 day war. Huge show of strength- our Union army totaled 12,500 men before that day. Lincoln made it grow ___ times. Lincoln wants to intimidate/ smack the south in the nose- not cause permanent damage but wake the South up (wake-up call) After Lincoln calls for that- four more states secede, _______, ______, ______, and ________.

90, 6, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas

The fall of Fort Sumter also convinced ________, ______, _________, and _________ to secede. The war had begun.

Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia

Explain the Geography part of why the states can't secede?

Big Reason- We don't have a good geographic line dividing the states--> can not split geographically

What are the border states? _______, ________, _______, and __________.

Delaware (very few states but slave-holding state), Maryland (tough one- if it leaves then our capital is in damage- good state loyal), Missouri (ncounters fighting from within, guerilla warfare- house members and senators stay loyal), Kentucky (vitally important because they had key rivers, the rivers were used to capture the Confederates) Abraham Lincoln is not very religious but is says " )

Lincoln pressures his generals called _______ Battle of ______ _____.

First Battle of Bull Run, success for the Union but they broke and ran, Confederate victory. Lincoln pressed them to fight when they weren't ready and it was a disaster

after declaring their independence, South Carolina authorities demanded the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops- from this fort which was a small island in Charleston Harbor. When Lincoln didn't comply, South Carolina militiamen shelled the fort on April 12, 1861, until the garrison's commander surrendered. Not a single soldier died during the fight, leading many southerners to conclude that Northerners lacked the will to fight

Fort Sumter

How many more states will follow secession and how many other slaves states will never leave the union.

Four, Four

Why can't the Union States allow succession? What were the four reasons?

Geography, Territories, Debt, Federal Property In Southern States,

Explain the Territories reason of why the states can not secede.

Montana, Nebraska, Washington, Oregon, Neveda, Utah with those western territories- Largely gotten with southern blood-US territories, what do we do with the territories?

What were the South's advantages?

Of 9 million Southerners 3 ½ are slaves (illegible to serve in the army until the very end when it was too late)The amount males that were actually in the army 90% of men aged 18-50 served in the Confederate army (it is insane) (1 million wars) Out of Necessity Wanted to retain their individuality North and South hated each other

December 1860- Confederate States of America had seven states and the capital was Montgomery, Alabama. What President tried to stop the Southern States- Confederates, from leaving/seceding? Did Buchanan accomplish anything?

President Buchanan, he did absolutely nothing, in retrospect it is not necessarily a bad thing. Buchanan states that it is unconstitutional to secede and it is unconstitutional for President Buchanan to force the states not to secede.

____ states followed secession after South Carolina which were ________, ___________, _______, ________, _______, ________, and ________.

Six, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana , Texas, Arkansas

In December of 1850- _______ will be the first state to ______- they did so after _____ ____ election.

South Carolina, secede, Abraham Lincoln

Nothing happens until Lincoln is inaugurated in the March of 1861--> Lincoln did not even mention the seceding states, he merely said his goal was to preserve the Union. Also he said that he had no intention of messing with slavery where it legally existed- good speech, straightforward said "Succession was not legal and can not happen under my watch." What did Lincoln refuse to acknowledge?


How did the Union and the Confederacy compare in terms of resources, leadership, and military strategies? How did these factors affect the course of the war?

The Union had much more resources and they had a very strong president, Abraham Lincoln, who led a very strong national government. In response to this, it allowed the Union's government to continue growing and prospering through the war. In addition, the economic boom provided updated and copious amounts of resources for the Union army. On the contrary, the North did not have as many strong leaders that were on the battlefield and Lincoln was consistently trying to find a commander of the army. Abraham Lincoln ended up firing many of the commanders. Since the Union lacked good leadership, the Union lost some of the battles. On the bright side, the Union had a greater number of soldiers to fight. As for the Confederates, Jefferson Davis was the president of the confederacy and he was a poor leader. He was a poor leader as many of the southern states did not want to have a national government and just have individual states rule. In response to this, it led to disorganization and lack of strong leadership to occur in the South. As for the economy, there was lots of struggles and the resources were certainly not plentiful. In addition, they had a shortage of soldiers in the war. As opposed to the North, they had excellent battlefield leadership. They had excellent battlefield leadership as their commander- Robert E. Lee, was a fantastic at planning out tactics and as well- great leader during the war. Also he was backed by other great offers such as Stonewall Jackson.

Why were the battles of Antietam and Gettysburg turning points in the war?

The battle of Antietam was an extremely bloody war that took place in September of 1862. The location that the war took place was in Maryland and the Union forces attacked the Confederate forces. This battle had a enormous casualty total and both sides fought for so long as well as hard. McClellan led the battle of Antietam and the Union attacked the Confederates very forcefully. Nonetheless, the Confederates mostly held their ground and they counterattacked. This battle was considered a draw primarily because the Confederates were able to retreat and the Union did not pressure while they withdraw. Lincoln considered this a victory for the Union as it gave him the courage he needed to publish and sign the Emancipation Proclamation. This "victory"halted Confederate advance in the North, kept Lee from directly threatening the Northern industry and the financial institution, and was major psychological blow to the Confederacy. As well this provided Lincoln with the victory, he needed announce the abolition of slavery, and it prompted Britain and France to abandon the plans to grant recognition to the Confederacy. Gettysburg occurred when Lee's troops marched into Pennsylvania in July 1863 and decided to charge at the Union. Lee led a excellent fought battle to begin with and fought at many places that had heavy fighting (Devil's Den/Peach Orchard). One event called Pickett's charge was led by the Confederates to charge into the Union army and was unsuccessful because the Union had heavy artillery fire. In response to this event, it caused huge losses to the Confederate army and Lee was forced to retreat. In addition, this was the last attempt by the Confederates to play offense in the war and the rest of the time they were obligated to play defense. This turned the tide on the war and was more favorable on the Union side. The Confederates lost an extreme amount of momentum and confidence in their fighting.

Before we begin this chapter on the Civil War we need to set some things clear.... 1) This war was started by angry southerners that were angry over what?

Union because of our reaction to John Brown-slave revolt, executed, upset over that. The South is partially right and he did commit treason. The United States should of commited him not Virginia,the North's reactions to John Brown's death, heir very way of life which was becoming outdated and essentially a failure-slaves would be replaced with machines- stuck in 1800s, South resisted to the past- fought over the South's old ways. Stay in the 18 century and the North wants to go to the 20th centuryà want to hold onto cherist way of life (South) what they saw as an oppressive centralized government trying to undermine "their way of life"- which essentially was based on slavery that benefitted directly less than ten percent of the population. Less than 10 percent of this population is a opponent of this warà convinced the rest of the population to fast

Virginia did end up seceding- 11 counties in ____ ______ refuse to secede and then in 1863 it became a new state called _______ ______.

Western Virginia, West Virginia

Next the chapter discusses the results of the war- The Union was preserved- slavery was ______. _______

abolished, 620,000. majority of Americans did not directly lose them as a result of gun fireà disease killed them kids died because of infections because a result of amputations Americans lost their lives-this is still more than all soldiers/civilians we lost in all our other wars COMBINED!

four more states never leave and they are called ____ _____

border states

What were the South disadvantages in the Civil War?

did not wear distinguishable uniforms, especially toward the end of the war- lacked proper shoes or any footwear at all. unstable finances provided to be a handicap to the Confederacy than low industrial capacity economy destroyed by the Union Europe did not recognize the Confederacy which resulted in them being unable to get foreign aid had enough weapons but not enough men- Ratio: 32:1- Union having the greater relied heavily on trade with international countries to produce necessities

What was the disadvantages of the North in the Civil War?

had to pursue and plan attacks as well as coming off as the aggressor to some, did not know the terrain of the Confederate lands like the Confederates did.

What does Lincoln sent in to the South and what happens?

humanitary supplies--> Nothing Offensive about that, Food, Water, and Medicine will be found. When those ships arrive in Charleston, South Carolina- 36 hour issue- Southerners fired the first shots--VERY IMPORTANT: Lincoln now has the high ground- has the moral grounds, did not fire the first shot, the Southerners did-major. Did not fire gun powder- fired on humanitarian aid----that helps Lincoln immensely. 36 hours later Union commander inside the fortress had to surrender- name was Major Robert Anderson. Nobody died. First casualty- cannon blew up some guys head.

What are the South advantages in the Civil War?

never lost a battle because of insufficient supplies or inadequate weaponry. new foundries and manufacturing enterprises kept the Confederate armies equipped with the supplies they needed to continue fighting, better leaders (Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson), knew their terrain, geography, coastline is longer thus taking more time to travel/capture

Why can't succession happen?

our property as a nation, ours as a nation, not yours to plunder- easy to say that the South is leaving the Union because you aren't nice to us. Not that a Black/White issue- much more greyar then that- more detail

Name 10- 11 advantages of the North in the Civil War

population- mostly industrial, agricultural capacity, transportation network- exceeded those of the South, better leaders such as Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, and George Thomas, Had most Important leader-Abraham Lincoln, naval advantage-blocked the Confederate's ports for supplies, abundance of resources- no soldier in any previous war had ever been outfitted as well as the blue-uniformed Union troop, Ex-slaves fought for the Union-left South vulnerable to a war of attrition, larger population industry- much better

What was Lincoln's primary goal in prosecuting this war was to ______ the _______, with or without _____.

preserve, Union, slavery. one famous quote of his was-"if I could preserve the union without slavery I would do it, if I could preserve the Union with slavery I would do it. If I could preserve the union by abolishing _slavery _ in some areas and preserving it in other areas I would do it." Bottom lineà war not to abolish slavery in the beginning, but in the end it was to abolish slavery

Explain the Debt reason of why the states can not secede.

real big one. USA owes money= All 31 states owe that money, Every American citizen has a equal share. 9 million southerners that left don't owe anything----> The South left without paying their share and it was bad,

How many Confederate States made up the Confederate States of America and where was their capital?

seven states, Montgomery, Alabama

Explain when the Union abandoned Fort Sumter (April 12th, 1861)

the Civil War started, 3 days later Abraham Lincoln issued a call for 75,000 volunteers to serve for 90 days. did i take down all the notes??

What did Abraham Lincoln say to the South about the federal property?

them that it is US property not theirs and that the citizens need help such as medical attention, fresh water, and flood.

a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state: Japan declared war on Germany | the two countries had been at war for six years. • a particular armed conflict: after the war, they immigrated to America. • a state of competition, conflict, or hostility between different people or groups: she was at war with her parents | a price war among discount retailers. • a sustained effort to deal with or end a particular unpleasant or undesirable situation or condition: the authorities are waging war against all forms of smuggling | a war on drugs. verb (wars, warring, warred) [ no obj. ] engage in a war: small states warred against each other | figurative : conflicting emotions warred within her. to see who will run out of supplies the faster and drain out the other side

war of attribution

Explain the Federal Property in southern states.

what will we do about the federal property in the southern states, Post Offices, Federal Banks, Mints that are making money, all the gold reserves, federal forts, the ship yards- navy ships.

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