Chapter 16 History

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14th and 15th amendment and Elk v. Wilkins (1884)

14th- granted citizenship despite race for anyone who was born in the United States. 15th-granted colored men the right to vote Elk v Wilkins- Elk v. Wilkins John Elk left his Indian alliances to become and American citizen. In the Supreme Court case Elk v. Wilkins it was doubted whether a native american could fully leave his Indian heritage and achieve "civilization" required to become an American citizen.(1884) connection-Ruled Native Americans are not citizens in Elk v. Wilkins in other words they were not protected by the 14th and 15th amendments.

Edison and Tesla

Edison- inventor that helped to establish entirely new industries that transformed private life, public entertainment, and economic activity, including the phonograph, lightbulb, motion picture and a system for generating and distributing electric power. Tesla- an ethnic Serb born in modern day Croatia who developed an electric motor using the system of alternating current that overcame many of the challenges of using electricity for commercial and industrial purposes. connection- Both helped create inventions (with electricity too) that further helped contribute to the industrial revolution.

Ghost dance and wounded knee massacre

Ghost dance was a religious movement that was if the Indians do these traditional customs then whites would be killed and buffalo would return. Wounded knee massacre was a massacre in 1890 that started when Sioux left the reservation in protest because of the death of Sitting Bull. Connection: The ghost dance was trying to regain some of the original traditions that the Indians had lost over time by being put into the reservations which was the cause of the wounded knee massacre/ they were trying to leave the reservation.

Grant's 'peace policy' (1869) and the Dawes Act (1887)

Grant's 'peace policy' Grant treated the natives with respect and the government would allocate specific areas to the tribes, "reservations". The Dawes Act outlawed tribal ownership of land and forced 160-acre homesteads into the hands of individual Indians and their families with the promise of future citizenship (if they tried to become civilized they could keep the land, however most Americans believed natives could never be civilized). connection: Both tried to treat the natives respectfully and like citizens but society and the govt at this time did not think Indians could ever really become civilized so neither of these acts or policies really helped the Indians.

Interstate commerce Act (1887) and Sherman anti- trust act (1892)

Interstate commerce Act established the federal government's right to oversee railroad activities and required them to make their rate schedules public and file them with the government. Sherman Anti-Trust Act was the first federal action against monopolies. connection:both in resposne to public outcries against railroad practices and allowed gov to reg economy for greater good.

Knights of labor and social darwinsim/liberty of contract

Knights of Labor were people who believed they could eliminate conflict between labor and managements and their goal was to create a cooperative society in which laborers owned the industries in which they worked. Social Darwinism is the idea that some people are better adapted to wealth/ a natural superiority while liberty of contract kept agreements between the free laborers and the employers (poor ((working class)) vs ((employers/bosses))wealthy). connection:Americans lost economic livelihoods.

Laws of Contract and the Gilded Age notion of freedom

Laws of contract are contracts that reconciled freedom and authority in the workplace and neither government nor unions could interfere. Freedom in the Gilded age is the right for a man to labor a much or as little as he chooses and to be able to enjoy his pay. Connection: Laws of contracts allowed the workers to freely arrive at an agreement with their employers and the Americans could not complain about a loss of freedom.

Liberal reformers and the Gilded Age

Liberal reformers aka Liberal republicans were against corruptness in the government. The Gilded Age was a very corrupt time in Americas history because while trying to make America an industrial power it left corruptness in labor systems and a very corrupt government. connection: The Gilded Age was a period of time that had a very corrupt system of government while Liberal reformers were fighting during this period to stop the corruptness int the US government.

Munn vs. Illinois(1877) and Wabash vs. Illinois (1886)

Munn vs. Illinois was a supreme court decision the court decided that states had the right to regulate commerce within their states. Wabash vs. Illinois, the Supreme Court limited the right of states to regulate businesses that dealt with interstate commerce, and created the Interstate Commerce Commission as a result. Connection: Wabash vs. Illinois expanded state power to regulate commerce but Munn vs. Illinois overturned that in which it severely limited the right of state govts. to regulate commerce / gave power back to Fed. govt.

Politics of Dead Center and political stalemate

Politics of dead center was the presidents during the guilded age was hayes, garfield, arthur, and harrison and they were pretty even on the scale between liberal view and conservative views which had created a very close, or "Dead Center" voting between Dem. and Rep. parties. Political stalemate is when there is difficulty passing laws that satisfy the needs of the people. Connection: The back and forth b/w the parties in the presidency caused a political stalemate because no one could agree on an issue and satisfy the people y passing laws.

Progress and Poverty (1879) and The Cooperative Commonwealth (1884) and Looking Backwards (1888)

Progress and Poverty by Henry George wanted a "single tax" which would replace other taxes with a levy on increases/ believed it would prevent speculation in urban and rural land. The Cooperative Commonwealth brought up socialist ideas for America which believed in private control of enterprise rather than government control. Bellamy's Looking Backwards was focused on a Utopian world where cooperation has taken the place of cutthroat competition. connection: All of these works focused on social criticism and what different people thought was the right solution oto the social/economic problems of this time.

Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefeller

Rockefeller-Rockefeller was a man who started from meager beginnings and eventually created an oil empire. In Ohio in 1870 he organized the Standard Oil Company. By 1877 he controlled 95% of all of the refineries in the United States. He created the horizontal mergers. Andrew Carnegie-Andrew Carnigie Andrew Carnegie set the standard for new steel mills. Carnegie was an advocate of Social Darwinism and believed that unrestricted competition would eliminate weak businesses. connection- both were very successful industrial leaders, who (after Rockefeller switched from horizontal consildation) used vertical consilidation to create a steel and oil industry empire for themselves.

The significance of the Frontier in American History and a distinctive American Culture

Significance of the Frontier in American History- Historian Frederick Jackson gave this speech about his concerns on American culture. Distinctive American Culture- Refers to the Americans individual freedom, political democracy and economic mobility. connection-Turner gave his celebrated lecture in which argued on the western frontier the distinctive qualities of American culture were forged: individual freedom, political democracy, and economic mobility.

Social Darwinism and William Graham Sumner

Social Darwinism is the concept that some people are better adapted to wealth/ a natural superiority. William Graham Sumner believed that the social classes did not owe anything to each other. Connection: William Graham Sumner believed in the concept of Social Darwinism which justified the rich being rich and the poor being poor.

Dred Scott Decision(1857) and Lochner v New york(1905)

The Dred Scott decision was when the Supreme Court ruled that Dred Scott was a black slave and not a citizen, so he could not sue in a federal court. The Lochner v New York Declared unconstitutional a New York act limiting the working hours of bakers due to a denial of the 14th Amendment rights. connection: both supreme court decisions deny the rights of people.

Great Railroad Strike(1879) and The Haymarket Affair (1886)

The Great Railroad strike was when railroad workers went on strike, because the company had reduced workers' wages twice over the previous year, turned violent. The Haymarket affair was to protest the killings of two workers during a strike turned violent and resulted in the public condemnation to the demise of the Knights of Labor. connection: both of these protests/strikes went violently and they were both fighting the corruption of the labor systems.

Theory of Leisure class (1899) and How the Other Half lives (1890)

Theory of leisure class was a critique on the upper class on spending money on things that were not needed or even desired goods, just spending money to show how much money you have. How the Other half lives by JAcob Riis, offered a shocking account of living conditions among the urban poor . Connection: these two novels highlighted the vast difference between the upper/wealthy class vs. the poor urban living situations.

US v. E.C. Knight Co. and Sherman Anti-trust Act

US vs. E.C Knight Co. ruled that since the Knight Company's monopoly over the production of sugar had no direct effect on commerce, the company couldn't be controlled by the government. Sherman anti-trust act was the first federal action against monopolies. connection: The government sued E.C Knight Co. because there was a violation in the Sherman Anti-Trust Act since E.C. controlled 98% of the sugar industry. The court ruled in favor of E.C. Knight, stating that manufacturing was not subject to this act.

wealth against common wealth (1894) and standard oil company

Wealth Against Commonwealth- (1894) Muckraker Henry Demarest Lloyd's book that attacked Standard Oil companies. standard oil company- Standard Oil Company John D. Rockefeller's company, formed in 1870, which came to symbolize the trusts and monopolies of the Gilded Age. By 1877 this company controlled 95% of the oil refineries in the US. connection- Wealth against Common Wealth was part of the progressive movement and the book's purpose was to show the wrong in the monopoly of the Standard Oil Company.

Chief Joseph and the sitting bull

chief Joseph- Chief Joseph Lead the Nez Perce during the hostilities between the tribe and the U.S. Army in 1877. His speech "I Will Fight No More Forever" mourned the young Indian men killed in the fighting. sitting bull- The Sioux and Cheyenne warriors were lead by sitting bull and crazy horse they were defending the tribal land in the blck hills of the Dakota territory, their lands had been invaded by whites after discovery of gold. connection- Both were Native American leaders however they took two different paths. Chief Joseph was an advocate for civil rights among indians where as sitting bull was a leader but degraded himself to white stereotype by joining wild west shows.

Civil Service Act (1883) and a merit system

civil service Act-created a merit system for federal employees, merit system-is the process of promoting and hiring government employees based on their ability to perform a job, rather than on their political connections. connection- merit system was used to hire employees through the civil service act based on ability not political connections.

Credit Mobilier and the whiskey ring

credit mobilier-Credit Mobilier the 1867-1868 scandal in which Union Pacific executives formed their own railroad construction company, then hired and overpaid themselves to build their own railroad whiskey ring-Whiskey Ring a group of officials were importing whiskey and using their offices to avoid paying the taxes on it, cheating the treasury out of millions of dollars. connection: both are examples of corruption and fraud in which decieve the goverment for personal gain

Greenback labor Party and Patrons of Husbdandry/Grange Movement

greenback labor party- Proposed that the federal government stop taking "green-back" money out of circulation which they argued would make more funds available for investment and put into the control of the gov not private bankers. partrons of Husbandry/ Grange Movement- critics of the railraods which moved to establish coorepratives for storing and marketing farm output in the hopes of forcing the carriers to "take our produce at fair price" connection- These were both orginizations that were laregely economic based, greenbacks wanted to protect protecting rights and keep money and circulation while Grange had protests for fair rates and warehouse charges.

Manufacturing and cities

maufacturing- The process of converting raw materials, components, or parts into finished goods that meet a customer's expectations or specifications. Manufacturing commonly employs a man-machine setup with division of labor in a large scale production. cities- a large town with a large population. Considered to be urban areas. connection- Manufacturing leads to a population increase, because of manufacturing there is a city and they city is what provides the manufacturing with it's workforce.

The subjugation of the Plain Indians and the bufalo

plain indians- Phillip H Sheridan didn't listen to Grant's peace policy in the West and sought out to destroy the foundations of the Indian economy- villages, horses and especially the buffalo. bufalo-Inidans relied on buffalo for food and clothing. Hunted by horseback. connection-Phillip H Sheridan sought out to destroy the Indian's economy targeting the buffalo their most important resource to get the Inidians off the Western planes by either killing them off or with no resources forcing them to leave.

trusts and pools

pool- kind of agreement that limits competition trust- The affairs of companies are under the control of one kind of business ( in total control). connection- Both agreements that are pro business that create mergers to create a monopoly.

Railroads and national Market

railroads- what made the "second industrial revolution" possible their tracks were laid vast across the US paid by the government(including in Native American areas) this made for opportunity to trade and transport goods across the whole United States. national market- national system for trading products across the United States. Railroads allows for the goods to be transported and sold throughout the Us which creates the National Market for maufactured goods.

robber barons and captains of industry

robber barons- Refers to the industrialists / big business owners who gained huge profits by paying their employees extremely low wages. They also drove their competitors out of business by selling their products cheaper than it cost to produce it. Then when they controlled the market, they hiked prices high above original price. captain of industry- This group of people made america an amazing industrial power in the 19th century, top of the world. In the end they gave back, they gave money to education. connection: both influenced the industry however robber barons did so negatively

Gilded Age

second age of american industrialization "golden" on surface but not all the way through.


seem to be helping everyone in the beginning but in the end put everyone out of business

Vertical and Horizontal Consolidation

v.c.-created pioneered by Andrew Carnegie ( US steel) is when you combine all phases of manufacturing from mining to marketing this makes supplies more reliable and efficient controlling quality of product through all stages of production. (control all the way from the raw material to shipping of product). h.c.- was used by John D. Rockefeller an act of of joining or consilidating with ones competititors to create a monoply aka buying out all your competition. connection-Rockefeller started out with horizontal expansion buying out competiting oil refineries, but like Carnegie, soon established a vertically intergrated monopoly which controlled drilling,refining, and distribution of oil.

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