Chapter 16: Quiz Questions

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The abbreviation of the medical term referring to the result of decreased secretion of antidiuretic hormone by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland causing polydipsia and polyuria is:

DI Diabetes insipidus (DI) is caused by hyposecretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). Because of the low levels of ADH, the kidney—the target organ of ADH—fails to reabsorb needed salts and water. Symptoms include excessive thirst (polydipsia) and excretion of large amounts of urine and salt from the body (polyuria).

The medical term for a disorder of the thyroid gland characterized by the presence of hyperthyroidism, goiter, and exophthalmos is:

Graves disease

To measure long-term blood glucose control, a(n) _____ hemoglobin test is done.

glycosylated The glycosylated hemoglobin test (HbA1C) is capable of measuring glucose control over several months. This blood test measures the average blood sugar concentration over the life span of the red blood cell. The results of this test indicate the patient's average blood sugar level for the six to eight weeks prior to the test, making it a useful tool for monitoring the effectiveness of diabetes treatment.

The medical term meaning deficient level of potassium in the blood is:


The pituitary gland is also called the:

hypophysis cerebri The pituitary gland is also called the hypophysis cerebri. This alternative name is evident in the names of the two major lobes of the pituitary gland. The anterior lobe is called the adenohypophysis, and the posterior lobe is known as the neurohypophysis.

___________ secretes a "releasing hormone" that stimulates or inhibits the release pituitary gland hormones:

hypothalamus The hypothalamus secretes a "releasing hormone," which tells the pituitary gland to release or inhibit the release of pituitary gland hormones. The pituitary is the target organ of the hypothalamus.

The hormone that regulates development, growth, and function of the ovaries and testes is:

thyroid-stimulating hormone Secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates the growth of the ova, or eggs, in the female and of sperm in the male.

Tomas's thyroid tumor is treated by surgical removal. Surgical incision into Tomas's thyroid gland is called:


This hormone is necessary for body cell metabolism:


The medical term that refers to a blood study that gives a direct measurement of the amount of thyroxine in the patient's blood is:

thyroxine level The blood study that gives a direct measurement of the amount of thyroxine in a patient's blood is called a thyroxine level. High levels indicate hyperthyroidism; low levels indicate hypothyroidism.

The abbreviation for the test that measures the average blood sugar concentration over a period of time is:

HbA1C The glycosylated hemoglobin test (HbA1C) measures average blood sugar concentration over a period of time. T4 stands for the thyroxine level test. RAIU is short for radioactive iodine uptake. Fasting blood sugar test is abbreviated FBS.

The abbreviation for the medical term for the procedure that assesses thyroid function by testing the ability of the thyroid gland to trap and retain radioactive iodine following oral ingestion of the iodine is:

RAIU Radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) is the procedure that assesses thyroid function by testing the ability of the thyroid gland to trap and retain radioactive iodine following oral ingestion of the iodine.

The medical term adrenalectomy refers to excision of:

an adrenal gland

Adenohypophysis is another name for the:

anterior pituitary lobe

The meaning of the medical term thyrotoxicosis is a condition:

caused by excessive thyroid hormones Thyrotoxicosis is a severe form of hyperthyroidism (excessive production of thyroid hormones) that leads to poisoning (toxic/o).

The combining form meaning the outer layer of a body organ is:

cortic/o The combining form cortic/o means "cortex", which is the outer layer of a body organ. Aden/o means gland; adren/o means adrenal gland; endocrin/o means endocrine.

The medical term meaning pertaining to the cortex is:

cortical The medical term for pertaining to (-al) the cortex (cortic/o) is cortical. If a disorder pertains specifically to the cortex of the adrenal gland, it is called a cortical disorder

Hydrocortisone is also called:

cortisol Hydrocortisone, or cortisol, is secreted from cells in the middle layer of the adrenal cortex. Cortisol aids the body during times of stress by increasing glucose levels to provide energy

The medical term for the condition caused by congenital absence or atrophy of the thyroid gland that results in hypothyroidism and characterized by puffy features, mental deficiency, a large tongue, and dwarfism is:

cretinism Cretinism is a congenital condition associated with severe hypothyroidism. Characteristics of this disorder include dwarfism, puffy features, a large tongue, and mental retardation. Early treatment with thyroid hormone may promote normal physical growth but may not be able to reverse the intellectual deficits.

The meaning of the medical term acromegaly is a(n):

enlargement of the extremities Acr/o means extremities, height, and the suffix -megaly means enlargement. Acromegaly is an enlargement of the extremities caused by the hypersecretion of growth hormone after puberty

The medical term referring to normal thyroid function is:

euthyroid Euthyroid literally means resembling (-oid) a normal (eu-) thyroid gland (thyr/o). It describes normal thyroid function.

The medical term that means abnormal protrusion of the eyeball is:

exophthalmos Exophthalmos describes an abnormal protrusion of the eyeball. It is caused by increased deposits of fat in the tissues at the back of the eye socket. Ex- = out; ophthalm/o = eye.

The parathyroid glands are:

four small bodies embedded in the posterior lobes of the thyroid gland The four parathyroid glands are embedded in the posterior lobes of the thyroid gland. They secrete PTH, which increases blood calcium.

The combining form meaning thirst is:

dips/o The combining form for thirst is dips/o. Acr/o means extremities, height. Aden/o means gland, and natr/o means sodium.

The meaning of the medical term adrenopathy is:

disease of the adrenal gland Adrenopathy is a general term meaning disease (-pathy) of the adrenal gland (adren/o). The adrenal glands have two regions, and each region secretes different hormones. Alterations in adrenal hormone levels result in a variety of disorders, known collectively as adrenopathy.

The meaning of the medical term adrenomegaly is:

enlargement of (one or both of) the adrenal glands Adrenomegaly means enlargement (-megaly) of the adrenal gland (adren/o). The condition can affect one gland or both of the glands at the same time.

The hormone that affects the male and female reproductive systems is:

gonadotropic hormone Gonadotropic hormones target and stimulate the function of the gonads, or sex glands.

The medical term meaning excessive sugar in the blood is:


Alicia has experienced recent weight loss, irritability and heat intolerance. The thyroid disorder that most closely matches Alicia's symptoms is

hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism is a state of excessive thyroid gland activity and excessive hormonal secretion that usually manifests as weight loss, irritability, and heat intolerance. Hypothyroidism is its opposite. Hyperglycemia is excessive sugar in the blood. Diabetes insipidus is a not a disease of the thyroid gland.

The medical term that means condition of excessive thyroid gland activity is:

hyperthyroidism :

A narrow strip of tissue that connects two larger structures, for example, the tissue between the two lobes of the thyroid gland, is called a(n):

isthmus An isthmus is the name given to certain narrow strips of tissue that connect two larger body parts; a classic example is the isthmus between the two lobes of the thyroid gland.

The condition resulting from uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, in which the body has an abnormal concentration of ketone bodies as a result of excessive fat metabolism:

ketoacidosis Ketosis is the abnormal accumulation of ketones in the body as a result of the excessive breakdown of fats caused by deficiency or inadequate use of carbohydrates. Fatty acids are metabolized instead, and the end products, ketones, begin to accumulate. Untreated ketosis may progress to ketoacidosis, which is simply acidosis accompanied by ketosis. Diabetic acidosis is an abnormal increase in hydrogen ion concentration in the body that results from an accumulation of ketones.

The medical term isthmus refers to a(n):

narrow strip of tissue connecting two large parts in the body An isthmus is a narrow band of tissue connecting two cavities or parts of an organ, for example, the isthmus that connects the two lobes of the thyroid gland. The word isthmus comes from the Greek word meaning narrow passage. Isthmus also describes a narrow strip of land, bordered on both sides by water, that connects two larger bodies of land.

The combining form meaning sodium is:


The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is also called the:

neurohypophysis The pituitary gland is also known as the hypophysis. It has two major lobes: the anterior lobe (adenohypophysis) and the posterior lobe (neurohypophysis).

Alexis's headaches, chest and abdominal pain, and palpitations turn out to be pheochromocytoma, which is a(n):

non-malignant tumor of the adrenal medulla Although this term doesn't break down nicely to reveal its meaning, there is a clue in its suffix. Pheochromocytoma is a non-malignant tumor (-oma) of the adrenal medulla.

The adrenal glands are:

paired glands, one of which is located above each kidney The adrenal glands are a pair of glands, each located above a kidney. They are also called suprarenal glands (supra- = above; ren/o = kidney).

The combining form meaning parathyroid glands is:


A patient has his thyroid and parathyroid glands surgically removed in a procedure called:

parathyrothyroidectomy It can take a bit of practice to learn just the right way to combine word parts when building some terms, and this is a good example of a tricky one. A thyroparathyroidectomy is the excision (-ectomy) of the thyroid (thyr/o) and parathyroid (parathyroid/o) glands.

The meaning of the medical term corticoid is:

pertaining to the cortex

PRH is the abbreviation for:

prolactin-releasing hormone PRH stands for prolactin-releasing hormone. This hormone is secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. It promotes the development of glandular tissue during pregnancy. It also helps produce milk after childbirth.

The word part needed to complete the term meaning incision of the thyroid gland, thyroid/o/_____, is:

stomy The word part needed to complete the medical term meaning incision of the thyroid gland (thyroid/o) is the suffix -tomy.

A deficiency of parathyroid hormone has led to a decrease in Mr. Clark's blood calcium, resulting in ___, a nerve condition that causes muscle spasms.

tetany Tetany is a condition that affects the nerves and causes muscle spasms in response to low levels of blood calcium. It results from a deficiency in parathyroid hormone

The medical term parathyroidectomy refers to excision of:

the parathyroid gland

The medical term thyroidectomy refers to a procedure involving:

the thyroid gland

The meaning of the medical term thyroiditis is inflammation of the:

thyroid gland

The medical term that describes a serious, chronic syndrome resulting from a deficiency in the hormonal secretions of all three categories of adrenal steroids secreted by the adrenal cortex is:

Addison disease Hypofunction of the adrenal cortex may result in the condition known as Addison disease. In this serious disorder all three categories of adrenal steroids—mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and androgens—are deficient. Addison disease is believed to be a dysfunction of the autoimmune system in which the individual produces antibodies that destroy adrenal tissue

Which of the following is true of the thyroid gland?

It is the largest endocrine gland.

The procedure that measures average blood sugar concentration over a period of time is:

a glycosylated hemoglobin test The glycosylated hemoglobin test (HbA1C) is capable of measuring glucose control over several months. This blood test measures the average blood sugar concentration over the life span of the red blood cell. The results of this test indicate the patient's average blood sugar level for the six to eight weeks prior to the test, making it a useful tool for monitoring the effectiveness of diabetes treatment.

A syndrome is best defined as:

a set of signs and symptoms

ADH is the abbreviation for:

antidiuretic hormone ADH stands for antidiuretic hormone. This hormone is secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. It increases reabsorption of water by the kidney, thus decreasing the production of urine.

William's adrenal cortices are secreting excessive levels of cortisol, giving him a "moon face" and abnormal pads of fat on his chest, abdomen, and upper back. He also is experiencing muscle atrophy. His physician determines that William has ___.

Cushing syndrome Cushing syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms produced by hypersecretion of cortisol from the adrenal cortex. Cretinism is a congenital condition associated with severe hypothyroidism. Ketosis is an abnormal concentration of ketone bodies caused by excessive fat metabolism. Myxedema is a severe hypothyroid disorder seen in adults.

The name of the procedure that measures the amount of glucose in the blood at the time of the test is:

FBS The fasting blood sugar test (FBS) determines the amount of glucose in the blood at the time of the test.

_____ is a test that assesses thyroid function by testing the ability of the thyroid gland to trap and retain radioactive iodine following oral ingestion of the iodine.

Radioactive iodine uptake Radioactive iodine uptake is a test that assesses thyroid function by testing the ability of the thyroid gland to trap and retain radioactive iodine following oral ingestion of the iodine. This test helps diagnose Graves disease, because in hyperthyroidism, absorption of iodine is increased.

The nuclear medicine test that shows the size, shape, and function of the thyroid gland is:

a thyroid scan The thyroid scan is a nuclear medicine test that shows the size, shape, and function of the thyroid gland. It can also detect tumors and nodules. An image is recorded as the scanner is passed over the neck area after the patient has been given a radioactive substance.

The medical term for the condition brought about by an abnormal accumulation of the acid products of metabolism and seen frequently in uncontrolled diabetes mellitus:


The combining form meaning extremities, height is:

acr/o Acr/o means extremities, height, as in the term acromegaly, which is an enlargement (-megaly) of the extremities caused by hypersecretion of growth hormone after puberty.

The combining form meaning gland is:


Epinephrine and norepinephrine are secreted by the:

adrenal medulla The adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine. The adrenal cortex secretes cortisol, aldosterone, and sex hormones. The hypothalamus secretes hormones that affect the pituitary gland. The pituitary secretes growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, ACTH, gonadotropins, FSH, LH, and prolactin-releasing hormone (all produced by the anterior lobe), as well as antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin (produced by the posterior lobe).

The patient had surgery to excise a gland. Based on this information only, it is most accurate to say that he had a(n):


The medical term that means inflammation of the adrenal gland is:

adrenalitis Inflammation (-itis) of the adrenal gland (adrenal/o) is called adrenalitis. This is not to be confused with the term adenitis, which is a general term for inflammation of a gland (aden/o).

FBS abbreviates the medical term for a:

blood test that determines the amount of glucose in the blood A fasting blood sugar (FBS) test measures the amount of glucose in the blood. This test helps evaluate the body's ability to break down and use glucose.

The meaning of the medical term gigantism is a condition:

brought about by hypersecretion of growth hormone Gigantism is a condition brought about by the hypersecretion of growth hormone before puberty, leading to abnormal overgrowth of the body. Acromegaly means enlargement of the extremities; it's caused by hypersecretion of growth hormone after puberty. Both gigantism and acromegaly are caused by adenomas of the pituitary.

The combining form meaning calcium is:

calc/i Calc/i and calci/o mean calcium (Ca). Kal/i means potassium (K). Natr/o means sodium (Na).

The meaning of the medical term hypocalcemia is:

deficient level of calcium in the blood

A patient who has reported recent weight gain and cold intolerance is diagnosed with ___, which is a state of deficient thyroid gland activity and diminished secretion of thyroid hormones.

hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism is a state of (-ism) deficient (hypo-) thyroid gland (thyroid/o) activity and abnormally low hormonal secretion that usually manifests as weight gain and cold intolerance. Hyperthyroidism is its opposite. The other two terms are disorders of the parathyroid gland.

A patient diagnosed with ___ presents with signs such as insulin resistance, obesity focused on the waist and abdomen, hypertension, and elevated glycemic and triglyceride levels (with low HDL levels).

metabolic syndrome The presence of insulin resistance, obesity focused on the waist and abdomen, hypertension, and elevated glycemic and triglyceride levels (with low HDL levels) indicate metabolic syndrome; it is often a precursor to diabetes, stroke, or CHD. Cushing syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms produced by hypersecretion of cortisol from the adrenal cortex. Enlargement of the thyroid gland is goiter. Ketosis is an abnormal concentration of ketone bodies caused by excessive fat metabolism.

The gland that is approximately the size of a pea and is located at the base of the brain is called the:

pituitary gland The pituitary gland is the size of a pea. Located at the base of the brain, this gland supplies a variety of hormones that affect almost every bodily function. Because it influences so many vital processes, the pituitary gland is sometimes called "the master gland

A test to assess a child's growth hormone levels would focus on the functioning of the:

pituitary gland The pituitary gland secretes growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, ACTH, gonadotropins, FSH, LH, and prolactin-releasing hormone (all produced by the anterior lobe), as well as antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin (produced by the posterior lobe).

The name of the procedure that measures thyroid function is:

radioactive iodine uptake Radioactive iodine uptake is a procedure that assesses thyroid function by testing the ability of the thyroid gland to trap and retain radioactive iodine following oral ingestion of the iodine. This test helps diagnose Graves disease, because in hyperthyroidism, absorption of iodine is increased.

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