Chapter 17 drugs

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17.51 One element of the U.S. Constitution that is relevant to the legal basis for drug testing is p.405 A. one's freedom from unreasonable search and seizure 2 B. one's freedom of speech : C. one's freedom of religion D. one's freedom from fear


A significant problem with widespread drug testing in the workplace is the matter of p.406 A. false positives 2 B. promotions and salary increases based upon "clean" urine tests C. a racial bias D. an inclination to ignore drug test results


According to federal drug trafficking law, which schedule of controlled substances is p.399 penalized most severely? 2 A. Schedule I B. Schedule II C. Schedule III D. Schedule IV


According to the text, a Family Hero will often feel like a(n) p.411 A. overachiever and a fraud 2 B. person responsible for shielding the extent of the dysfunctionality C. isolate from family dynamics D. person predestined to become an alcoholic in the future


An educational program that included "ways to say no" would fit under the category of p.396 A. primary prevention 1 B. secondary prevention C. tertiary prevention D. all of the above


Analogy: Action is to maintenance as pp.408-409 A. short-term is to long-term 3 B. permanent is to temporary C. illicit drug abuse is to licit drug abuse D. male is to female


Analogy: Precontemplation is to contemplation as pp.407-408 A. no serious intention is to thinking about it 3 B. action is to inaction C. maintenance is to preparation D. licit drug is to illicit drug


Daytop Village and Samaritan Village are p.403 A. therapeutic communities 1 B. special prisons C. presently outlawed in the United States due to improprieties D. generally rejected by rehabilitation professionals as viable treatment options.


Denial _______anger as a stage in the family reaction to drug abuse. p.410 A. precedes 3 B. follows C. occurs at the same time as D. occurs more less frequently than


Drug-abuse prevention programs in the workplace have two basic goals of prevention, p.407 namely 1 A. deterrence and rehabilitation B. reward and punishment C. life and death D. action and inaction


Dual-diagnosis patients frequently participate in the practice of p.398 A. self-medication 2 B. self-diagnosing C. self-detection D. self-protection


Enabling behavior is a result of p.411 A. the family taking over responsibility when the abuser has not 2 B. a healthy pattern of interpersonal relationships C. the final portion of the maintenance stage D. overcoming the embarrassment and shame of drug abuse


For charges of possessing equivalent amounts of crack cocaine and powder cocaine, p.402 A. sentences would be longer in the case of crack cocaine 2 B. sentences would be longer in the case of powder cocaine C. sentences would be equivalent in the two cases D. sentences would be restricted to probationary status only


If an individual lacks the serious intention to undergo change in the foreseeable future, p.407 that individual is in the ________ stage. 2 A. precontemplation B. contemplation C. preparation D. maintenance


If efforts are made to prevent drug-taking behavior from occurring when it has not p.396 occurred up to now, then these efforts are referred to as 1 A. primary prevention B. secondary prevention C. tertiary prevention D. all of the above


If you decided to avoid behavior X because you did not want the negative consequences p.399 of doing X, then you would have been reacting to a message of 1 A. deterrence B. tertiary prevention C. reward D. psychological dependence


John, an alcoholic, does not believe he has a drinking problem, but he would like pp.407-408 to stop drinking. He does well for a day or two but then goes back to drinking. 2 John is in the ______ stage of change. A. precontemplation B. contemplation C. preparation D. maintenance


Optimally, pharmacological drug abuse treatment should be combined with p.412 A. psychotherapy or behavioral counseling 1 B. surgical approach C. temporary incarceration D. probationary status


Self-help groups p.412 A. should be considered as part of a multipronged approach 2 B. are often very expensive C. are always part of hospital care D. are useful only in the action stage of change


The 1988 Drug-free Workplace Act requires companies and businesses to provide a p.404 drug-free workplace environment if 2 A. they receive any U.S. federal contracts or grants B. they earn more than $10 million in profits each year C. they have male employees only D. they are located within the continental U.S.


The pattern of family reactions to the conditions of drug abuse is similar to p.410 A. the stages people encounter when losing a loved one 2 B. the biopsychosocial model C. the obstacles of rehabilitation D. the precontemplation stage of change


The usual minimal time for an individual to be drug free in the maintenance stage is p.408 A. six months 3 B. two years C. three weeks D. 48 hours


Which is NOT a survival role in a drug-abuse-related dysfunctional family? p.411 A. Chief Honcho and Deputy Stool-Pigeon 1 B. Family Hero and Family Scapegoat C. Family Mascot and the Lost Child D. Family Hero and Chief Enabler


Which is NOT an application of therapeutic community principles? p.404 A. Alcoholics Anonymous 2 B. Samaritan Village C. Stay'n Out D. Daytop Village


Which is true about present-day incarcerated drug offenders? p.401 A. More are in state prisons as are in federal prisons. 2 B. More are in federal prisons as are in state prisons. C. About an equal number are in either a state or federal prison. D. Practically all of them are in federal prison.


Which of the following drugs is used for both alcoholism and heroin addiction? p.397 A. naltrexone 2 B. Antabuse C. methadone D. LAAM


Which of the following people should receive the harshest federal penalty for p.400 possession of a controlled substance, according to federal guidelines? 2 A. a second-offense violator with heroin B. a second-offense violator with Valium C. a first-offense violator with cocaine D. a second-offense violator with benzene


A discussion about alternatives to drinking among high-school students already exposed p.396 to alcohol in some form would fit under the category of 2 A. primary prevention B. secondary prevention C. tertiary prevention D. all of the above


A good treatment facility p.413 A. actively avoids an official association with JCAHO 1 B. provides opportunities for group or individual counseling C. distances itself from medical personnel D. needs to be brand-new


According to the text, about one-half of the Daytop client populations are p.404 A. prison inmates 2 B. teenagers C. alcoholics D. licit drug users


Analogy: A person on methadone maintenance is to a youngster naive to drug-taking p.396 behavior as 3 A. secondary prevention is to tertiary prevention B. tertiary prevention is to primary prevention C. primary prevention is to secondary prevention D. tertiary prevention is to secondary prevention


Analogy: Antabuse is to alcohol as methadone is to p.397 A. cocaine 2 B. heroin C. speed D. marijuana


Anxiety and obsessiveness are examples of p.411 A. anger 2 B. feeling C. bargaining D. acceptance


Consolidating a life-style free of drugs to avoid backsliding is a major aspect of the pp.408-409 A. action stage 2 B. maintenance stage C. preparation stage D. contemplation stage


Dan is upset that his son uses cocaine. He blames his wife for their son's drug p.410 addiction. He tells her "It's all your fault! If you were a better mother he wouldn't 1 have this problem!" Dan's reaction is best classified as A. denial B. anger C. feeling D. acceptance


For abusers of alcohol and other drugs, involvement in an accident on the job is p.406 A. less likely, relative to nonabusers 1 B. more likely, relative to nonabusers C. about as likely as with nonabusers D. paradoxically almost non-existent


For alcohol-and- other-drugs abusers, requests for early work dismissal or time off are p.406 A. less likely, relative to nonabusers 1 B. more likely, relative to nonabusers C. about as likely as with nonabusers D paradoxically non-existent


If you examined the population of inmates incarcerated in federal prisons, p.401 A. practically none of them would be drug offenders 2 B. about 53 percent would be drug offenders C. many would have been transferred from state prison facilities D. all of them would be in some drug treatment program


In general, if someone tests positive for drug use using EMIT, p.406 A. the company will retest the person using GC/MS procedures 2 B. the company is not required to do further testing C. the person must be immediately fired D. the company must send the person to a drug treatment program


In the United States, most drug-related offenses are prosecuted p.401 A. at the federal level 2 B. at the state level C. at the municipal (city) level D. at the county level


Losing your job as a result of testing positive in a drug test might be construed as a p.405 violation of your right to 2 A. free speech B. due process C. carry a firearm D. vote in the next presidential election


Matt was walking in the schoolyard of his son's elementary school when he sold cocaine p.399 to a drug user. The police caught him making the sale and arrested him. This is his first 3 offense. According to the Anti-Drug-Abuse Acts of 1986 and 1988, what punishment should Matt expect to receive? A. 10 to 20 years in prison B. a sentence two times longer than if he had been caught selling in the parking lot of his oldest son's college C. 1 to 5 months probation D. his punishment will be determined by the laws governing the state where Matt sold the drugs.


Of the approximately 115 million full-time workers aged eighteen to sixty-four in the U.S., p.405 nearly _____ are currently employed in a workplace setting that has ongoing EAP 2 services, and nearly ______ report that they are aware of a written policy about drug and alcohol use in the workplace. A. 80 percent; 60 percent B. 60 percent; 80 percent C. 60 percent; 40 percent D. 40 percent; 60 percent


Penalties for the sale of drug paraphernalia p.401 A. are now handled at the federal level in all cases 2 B. are enforced by state and municipal laws C. have been, since 1970, declared unconstitutional D. also involve its importation, exportation, and advertising


Preemployment drug screening of all federal employees is a result of __________. pp.404-405 A. the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 3 B. an executive order by President Reagan in 1986 C. the 2006 Drug-free Workplace Act D. a judgment by the American Management Association


Rationalizing that one's family is no different from most others, when drug abuse exists p.410 in one's family, is a reflection of 1 A. bargaining B. denial C. feeling D. anger


Seriously considering taking action in the next thirty days is a sign of being in the p.408 _______stage of change. 2 A. contemplation B. preparation C. action D. maintenance


The oldest and largest drug-free therapeutic community for the treatment of alcohol and p.404 drug abuse is 2 A. Alcoholics Anonymous B. Daytop Village C. Samaritan Village D. Stay'n Out


Which of the following drug treatment programs is only used for prison inmates? p.403 A. Daytop Village 1 B. Stay'n Out C. Samaritan Village D. Alcoholics Anonymous


A person entering a drug treatment program as a result of legal pressure p.403 A. would be more likely to drop out of the program before completion than a 3 person entering a drug treatment program without legal pressure B. would be as likely to drop out of the program before completion as a person entering a drug treatment program without legal pressure C. would be less likely to drop out of the program before completion than a person entering a drug treatment program without legal pressure D. would almost certainly drop out of the program before completion


A program that reduces the likelihood of relapse among former heroin abusers would fit p.396 under the category of 2 A. primary prevention B. secondary prevention C. tertiary prevention D. all of the above


Analogy: Family Hero is to overachiever as Family Mascot is to p.411 A. "fading in the woodwork" 3 B. delinquent in school C. person with low self-esteem D. controller


Approximately ________ of alcohol or other drug (AOD) abusers have serious mental p.398 disorders. 3 A. 5 percent B. 20 percent C. 50 percent D. 80 percent


Approximately ______of those in public-funded drug treatment programs are there due p.402 to legal pressure. 3 A. a third B. a quarter C. half D. three-quarters


Attempting to control the drug abuse behaviors of an alcohol-or-other-drug abuser is an p.411 example of 2 A. bargaining B. anger and feeling C. enabling D. cooperation and collaborating


Carol has tried to quit cocaine for the past year, but she has been unsuccessful. She p.408 plans to join a therapeutic community next Monday. Carol is in the _______ stage of 2 change. A. precontemplation B. contemplation C. preparation D. maintenance


Groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (twelve-step programs) fall into the category of p.397 A. primary prevention 1 B. secondary prevention C. tertiary prevention


In general, among the common drug testing procedures, p.406 A. EMIT and GC/MS procedures have equivalent sensitivities 2 B. EMIT is more sensitive than GC/MS C. GC/MS is more sensitive than EMIT D. both EMIT and GC/MS are virtually flawless in their sensitivity


Inpatient treatment should be kept to a time period of approximately p.412 A. four to six months 2 B. one year C. two to four weeks D. 24 to 72 hours


Janet wants her son to stop using heroin. She says that, if he does not stop, she will be p.411 forced to physically injure herself. Which enabling behavior applies to Janet? 2 A. taking over responsibilities B. avoiding and shielding C. attempting to control D. rationalizing and accepting


Maintaining" the maintenance stage might require pp.408-409 A. a period of incarceration 2 B. a brief period of drug relapse C. booster sessions from time to time D. a dysfunctional family


Medical personnel in a treatment facility are especially important when p.413 A. the clients/patients are involved in the abuse of licit drugs 3 B. self-help support groups are integrated into the treatment program C. pharmacological treatment is an element in the treatment program D. treatment is covered by medical insurance


Narcotics Anonymous is best suited for p.397 A. cocaine addicts 1 B. marijuana addicts C. heroin addicts D. all of the above


Parents who are enablers and want to "disenable" should p.410 A. confront their children when angry 2 B. nag their children about the dangers of drug abuse C. stop hiding the children's abuse from the rest of the family D. all of the above


Prevention of relapse is the goal for which category of prevention? p.396 A. primary prevention 2 B. secondary prevention C. tertiary prevention D. all of the above


Stay'n Out is a program that can be classified under the category of p.403 A. primary prevention 3 B. secondary prevention C. tertiary prevention D. deterrence


The Drug-free Workplace Act of 1988 required companies or businesses receiving major p.404 federal support to 3 A. report drug violations to the FBI B. schedule random drug tests of employees C. set up an ongoing awareness program for drug information and counseling opportunities D. all of the above


The five stages of change in drug rehabilitation are, in order, pp.407.408 A. contemplation, preparation, precontemplation, action, maintenance 3 B. maintenance, precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action C. precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance D. preparation, precontemplation, contemplation, action, maintenance


The stage of change when drug use stops for the first time is the _________ stage. p.408 A. preparation 2 B. contemplation C. action D. maintenance


Two examples of therapeutic communities are p.403 A. Alcoholics Anonymous and SMART recovery 1 B. prisons and probationary programs C. Daytop Village and Samaritan Village D. employee assistance programs (EAPs) and prisons


When denial, anger, and bargaining have failed and feelings have become too p.411 disruptive, it is time for 2 A. a relapse in the rehabilitative process B. a quick trip to the treatment facility C. acceptance D. more denial, anger, bargaining, and feeling


Which of the following U.S. presidents gave an executive order to establish employee pp.404-405 assistance programs (EAPs) for governmental employees in 1986? 2 A. Bill Clinton B. George Bush C. Ronald Reagan D. Jimmy Carter


Which of the following is most likely to succeed at a drug rehabilitation program? p.403 A. a heroin user for 10 years who voluntarily enters treatment for the first time 3 B. a cocaine addict who has been in and out of rehabilitation programs for the ; last five years C. someone receiving the mandated treatment approach in a drug-court program D. an inmate at a federal prison who volunteers to go to the rehabilitation program being offered at his prison


Which of the following people would be referred to as a dual-diagnosis patient? p.398 A. a man suffering from depression and taking the drug Prozac (prescribed 2 by his physician) B. a heroin addict who also snorts cocaine C. a man with anxiety disorder who also smokes marijuana D. a woman with depression who does not take the medication that was prescribed by her doctor


Which of the following resulted from the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and p.399 Control Act of 1970? 2 A. an establishment of different levels of drug education designed to prevent drug abuse B. a system of monitoring prescription drug use allowing no more than three refills per prescription C. an establishment of different levels of criminal penalties for behavior related to illegal drugs D. all of the above


_______ is an integrated approach to drug treatment which recognizes that p.398 psychological, social, and biological factors play a role in drug abuse. 1 A. the dual-diagnosis model B. the polydrug abusers model C. the biopsychosocial model D. the self-medication model


xJoe gave his wife cocaine (a Schedule I drug) as a gift for her birthday. Upon using the p.399 cocaine, Joe's wife went into cardiac arrest and died. Joe has never been arrested 3 before. According to the Anti-Drug-Abuse Acts of 1986 and 1988, A. since it was Joe's first offense, he would not get any jail time B. since the cocaine was a gift, Joe would not have any responsibility for his wife's death C. Joe's penalty would be doubled D. Joe would be charged with the murder of his wife


According to California law, judges are required to offer drug offenders probation with p.402 substance abuse treatment as an alternative to incarceration only if 2 A. the crime committed was nonviolent B. the crime committed was the offender's first or second offense C. the offender is a minor D. both A and B circumstances existed


An example of a strategy for treatment that cuts across different forms of drug abuse is p.397 A. methadone maintenance 2 B. disulfiram (brand name: Antabuse) C. LAAM maintenance D. a twelve-step program


An individual who abuses heroin and frequently smokes marijuana is referred to as a p.398 A. polydrug abuser 2 B. multiple substance abuser C. neither A nor B D. both A and B


Booster sessions are often needed in the _______ stage of change. pp.408-409 A. preparation 2 B. contemplation C. action D. maintenance


Drug testing has been typically challenged on the basis of p.405 A. the Judeo-Christian tradition 2 B. the Helsinki Accords C. the Geneva Convention D. the U.S. Constitution


EAPs are commonplace in American companies and businesses, even though p.405 A. they have been illegal since 1993 2 B. there has been a sharp decline in their numbers since the mid-1990s C. they are discouraged by the federal government D. they are not technically required to be established


Family dynamics in drug abuse refers to interpersonal behaviors of p.409 A. the wife or husband only 1 B. the children only C. the grandparents only D. all members of the family


Federal penalties for simple possession, on the first offense, p.400 A. make strict distinctions among the particular schedule of drug 3 B. involve a maximum of community service for one week C. are much more severe for Schedule V drugs than for Schedule I drugs D. none of the above


Helping to clean and purify a daughter's drugs so as to avoid an infection is an example p.411 of 2 A. rationalizing and accepting B. taking over responsibilities C. attempting to control D. cooperation and collaborating


Information about treatment options in one's community is found in p.413 A. newspapers 1 B. classified sections of telephone directories C. Internet web sites D. all of the above


Inpatient drug abuse care should follow all but which of the following guidelines: p.412 A. It should be two to four weeks in duration. 3 B. It should combine medication and behavioral counseling. C. It should establish a system to contact those who complete the program for six to twelve months. D. It should focus more on finding support within oneself rather than on group support.


Inpatient treatment should be considered p.412 A. when outpatient treatment has failed 2 B. when medical or psychiatric problems require hospitalization C. when outpatient treatment facilities are too far from home D. all of the above


It is illegal for drug paraphernalia to be p.401 A. purchased by a minor unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian 2 B. advertised on TV C. exported from another country D. all of the above


Numerous studies have shown that drug-court programs are successful in providing p.403 effective rehabilitation by 2 A. decreasing the rate of recidivism (repeated arrests) B. providing a cost-effective treatment C. increasing the length of time an individual remains in treatment D. all of the above


Obstacles that those entering drug treatment face include p.407 A. fear of humiliation 2 B. questioning why he or she can't just cut down C. the pain of withdrawal D. all of the above


People who are aware of the problem but have not yet made a commitment to take p.408 action are in the _________ stage of change. 2 A. maintenance B. precontemplation C. preparation D. contemplation


Symptoms supervisors look for in employees that may indicate early stages of drug p.404 abuse include which of the following? 2 A. on-the-job accidents B. avoidance of supervisors or coworkers C. making excuses excessively D. all of the above


The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees protection against p.405 A. self-incrimination 2 B. excessive federal taxes C. restrictions on free speech D. unreasonable search and seizure


The contemplation and preparation stages of change begin after which reaction occurs? p.411 A. denial 2 B. bargaining C. feeling D. acceptance


The founder of Daytop Village is p.404 A. Monsignor Patrick O'Malley 1 B. Ms. Candace Lightner C. John Cardinal O'Connor D. Monsignor William O'Brien


The pattern of family reactions to the conditions of drug abuse in order is: A. denial, bargaining, anger, acceptance, feeling 3 B. feeling, denial, bargaining, anger, acceptance C. acceptance, denial, anger, feeling, bargaining D. denial, anger, bargaining, feeling, acceptance


Which of the following is NOT an enabling behavior? p.411 A. avoiding and shielding 2 B. rationalizing and accepting C. attempting to control D. precontemplation and contemplation


Which of the following scenarios would result in a double penalty? p.399 A. a 22-year-old man selling drugs to his 17-year-old brother 2 B. selling drugs 500 feet away from a secondary school C. first offense trafficking of cocaine which results in bodily injury D. all of the above


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