Chapter 2

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There's a beneficial relationship between a diet high in fiber and disease prevention and or management True or false.

the outer bran layer, inner germ, and endosperm and thus the nutrients found within vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber

Unrefined grains retain:

the number of saccharide units that make up their structure

carbs are classified according to

Broken down to form glucose for immediate needs and synthesized for storage


Woody part pf plants (Broccoli stems, fruits with edible seeds, such as strawberries and flaxseeds) *antioxidant, binds bile acids thus decreasing serum cholesterol levels, binds minerals


depressed metabolic function and resulting injury

Glycogen is stored in liver provide a reservoir of available energy to ensure whole body's energy needs are meet. these reserves protect cells from:

Not a dietary source, found in animal tissue

Glycogen sources

oats, barley, guar, legumes *decreases gastric emptying, slows digestion, gut transit time and glucose absorption


100 which is about 8% of liver's weight

Healthy, well nourished adults store about _____ g of glycogen in liver.

Cell wall plant material (bran, whole grains) *holds water and increases stool bulk, reduces colonic pressure, binds bile acids, decreasing cholesterol levels.


-fruits -vegetables -grains -legumes with as much skin remaining as possible

High fiber foods

grains. starch, dietary fiber

Polysaccharides important in human nutrition

starch, glycogen, cellulose


-widely available and easily grown -relatively low in cost as compared with many food items -carbohydrate foods are easily stored and can be stored for long time periods without spoilage.

Practical reasons why carbohydrates exist in large quantities:

incomplete fat oxidation in cells

Rapid break down of fat may result in production of ketones, which are products of:

women and men aged 19-50= 25 and 38g/day 50+ = 21-30g/day

Recommended daily fiber intake:


The human body rapidly breaks down plant sources of carbohydrates through digestion and metabolism to yield our MAJOR SOURCE OF ENERGY:


The only macronutrient that can function for tissue growth and maintenance is:


The only sugar not found in plants


The only type of noncarbohydrate dietary fiber Forms the woody part of certain plants binds with cellulose fibers, thereby giving added strength and stiffness to plant cell walls

antiketogenic effect

The protective action of carbs where they provide energy while fats and proteins do their own functions is called:

begins in mouth -muscle actions mechanically break down food -chemical processes in which specific enzymes break down nutrients into still smaller particles usable metabolic products

Digestion of carbs:

simple sugars that are composed of two saccharide units/ two single-sugar units linked together

Disaccharides are:

maltose, sucrose, lactose


small intestine

Glucose and sugar alcohols are absorbed in:

to denote structure of the molecules (six carbons)

Glucose is called dextrose because:

carb formed within body's tissues and is crucial to metabolism and energy balance. not a dietary carb


blood glucose levels and ensure brain function

Glycogen in liver is primarily earmarked to maintain:

require no digestion travel unchanged to the stomach and small intestines for absorption


complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides)

45-65% of DRI should come from carbs, with a greater portion intake coming from _____

algae, seaweeds *used as thickener in food products

Algal polysaccharides

sugar alcohols

Are absorbed more slowly and do not increase blood sugar as rapidly as glucose: Often used for people who cannot tolerate high blood sugar levels (as in diabetes) -reduce dental caries bc oral bacterial cannot use alcohol as fuel


Are complex carbohydrates (complex and long)

carbohydrates. Since the human body can rapidly digest starches and sugars to yield energy.

Are considered quick-energy foods


As fruit ripens its stored starch turns into:

oats and barley bran *binds bile acids, decreasing serum cholesterol levels


Peristalsis- wavelike contractions of the stomach muscles which continue mechanical digestion. Peristalsis further mixes food particles with gastric secretions to facilitate chemical digestion.

Breakdown of carbs through stomach

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

Carbohydrates are composed of:

Main cell wall/ constituent of plants (stalks and leaves of vegetables, outer coverings of seeds, such as found in whole grains) *holds water, reduces elevated colonic intraluminal pressure

Cellulose sources:


Common table sugar used in form of granulated, powdered or brown sugar. Made of sugar beets/ sugar cane

CNS. The brain doesn't have stored glucose and is dependent of this supply from the blood. Sustained and profound shock from low blood sugar may cause coma or death

Constant carb reserves and intakes are necessary for proper functioning of

4.8% 7%

Cow's milk contains _____ percent lactose. Human milk contains _____ percent lactose

whole grains

Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourage people to make at least half of all grains to be ____________

simple carbohydrates (small, simple)

Monosaccharides and Disaccharides are considered what type of carbs?

gradually released during digestion to supply a steady source of energy over time

Each multiple branching chains in starch are composed of 24-30 units of glucose which are

-It digests its basic fuel, carbohydrate, thereby releasing glucose. The body then absorbs and through blood circulation, carries this refined fuel to cells that need it. Glucose is metabolized. Finally, energy is transformed in form of ATP is released through cellular metabolism

Energy production in body:

osmotic diarrhea

Excessive amounts of sugar alcohols may slow digestion and cause:


Fructose is the sweetest of the ____ sugars

Fruits, Honey

Fructose sources:

monosaccharide it's a product of lactose (milk sugar) digestion

Galactose is not usually found as a free _____ in diet

Milk, milk products

Galactose sources:


Galactose= Glucose+ ?

basic single sugar which is the sugar form circulating in blood. Only found in corn syrup/processed foods. Body's supply of glucose mainly comes from starch digestion.


Corn Syrup (commonly used in processed foods)

Glucose (Dextrose) sources:

cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin

Insoluble dietary fibers


Insoluble fiber is helpful for the prevention of:

Honey isn't a substitute it is a sugar itself.

Is honey a sugar substitute?

sugar in milk, formed from mammary glands. Remains in intestine longer than other sugars and encourages certain useful bacteria. Promotes absorption of calcium and phosphorus which help with absorption


-cereal -pasta -baked goods -crackers -bread -legumes in form of beans and peas -potatoes -rice -corn -bulgur -other vegetables especially from root variety.

Major food sources of starch:


Malatose= Galactose+ ?

not usually found in food form. Derived within the body Derived intermediately from digestion of starch


Complex carbohydrates

Many health organizations have recommended increasing intake on:

0breaks food into fine particles and mixes with saliva during this the enzyme salivary amylase (pytalin) secreted by parotid glands. Salivary Amylase acts on starch to begin its breakdown products and disaccharides.

Mastication(chewing of food)

glucose, fructose, galactose


made up of one saccharide unit



Most significant polysaccharide in human body Composed of many coiled and branching chains in a treelike structure

Psylium husk, flaxseed *holds water


hemicellulose, pectins, gums, mucilages, and algal substances

Noncellulose polysaccharides- absorb water and swell to larger bulk, therefore slowing the emptying of food mass from stomach, binding bile acids in intestine, preventing spactic colon pressure by providing bulk for normal muscle action the following are noncellulose polysaccharides:

Intercellular plant material (fruits) *reduce serum cholesterol levels, binds minerals


the process by which plants that contain chlorophyll are able to manufacture carbohydrate by combining CO2 and water; sunlight is used as energy, and chlorophyll is a catalyst.


chemical name for sugar molecules



Small stores of glycogen help sustain normal blood glucose levels during short term fasting periods such as: They also provide immediate energy for muscle action

lower blood cholesterol levels

Soluble fiber is primarily noted for its ability to bind bile acids and therefore

Table sugar (sugar canes and sugar beets)

Sources of Sucrose

milk, milk products

Sources of galactose

molasses, starch digestion, sweeteners

Sources of malatose

entirely made up of glucose units


Whole grains/ grain products (cereal, bread, crackers, baked goods), potatoes and other vegetables, rice, corn, bulgur, legumes

Starch sources

most significant polysaccharide in diet Found in grains, vegetables, and some fruits (in small amounts) break down more slowly and supply energy for longer periods of time cooking starch improves flavor and makes digestion easier and faster



Sucrose= Glucose+ ?

sugar replacements Nutritive sweeteners- sugar alcohols

Sugar alcohols and alternative sweeteners are often used as:

-sorbitol -mannitol -xylitol (all alcohol forms of sucrose Mannose/Xylose) provide 2-3 kcal/g

Sugar alcohols:

degree of ripeness

The amount of fructose found in fruit depends on the ________


The building blocks of carbs, require no digestion

algal polysaccharides, B-glucans, gums, pectins, mucilages

Water soluble dietary fibers

processed foods, canned/frozen foods, soft drinks

Where are high fructose corn syrups used?

term used for food products such as flours, breads, or cereals that are produced from unrefined grain

Whole grain:

complex carbs and fibers on outer coating also contain an abundance of vitamins and minerals

Whole grains provide a special package of :

-because humans lack the necessary enzymes to digest dietary fiber

Why does dietary fiber (which are polysaccharides) not have direct energy value like other carbs?

syrups are inexpensive sweeteners

Why is there an increased intake of sugar in US?

sudden increases in fiber can cause bloating, constipation, and uncomfortable gas excessive amounts of fiber can also trap (by Chelation) small amounts of minerals and prevent their absorption in the GI tract.

Why should fiber be taken gradually along with water intake?

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