Chapter 2: Perception, personality and emotions

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Timothy thinks nothing of berating his staff in order to get them to meet deadline; when his staff meet the deadlines, it confirms to Timothy that he is right to behave this way. Timothy's personality likely includes a. Machiavellianism. b. perception. c. agreeableness. d. extraversion. e. emotional intelligence.


Which of the following is a true statement? a. Type As rarely vary their responses to specific challenges. b. It is estimated that about 25% of the North American population is Type A. c. There are common personality types for a given country. d. We should expect that most North Americans would have a high self-monitor. e. Accomplishments and acquisition of money are not factors in North America.

a.Type As rarely vary their responses to specific challenges.

When a person stereotypes another person, the individual is making generalizations based upon a. a predefined group to which the other person belongs. b. a key strength of the other person. c. a key weakness of the other person. d. the values of the other person. e. the speaking style of the other person.

a.a predefined group to which the other person belongs.

A proactive personality a. can identify opportunities, shows initiative, takes action, and perseveres until meaningful change occurs. b. cannot identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, or persevere until meaningful change occurs. c. has many behaviours that organizations find undesirable. d. is most likely seen as a follower and likely to obstruct change within an organization. e. is most likely to guard the status quo to achieve career success.

a.can identify opportunities, shows initiative, takes action, and perseveres until meaningful change occur

What are personality traits? a. enduring characteristics that describe an individual's behaviour. b. fleeting characteristics that describe an individual's behaviour. c. individual characteristics that are based solely on heredity. d. individual characteristics that are based solely on situational conditions. e. individual characteristics that are based solely on environmental factors.

a.enduring characteristics that describe an individual's behaviour.

Ken is a decisive person who prefers structured situations and likes to control his work environment. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, he is a a. judging type. b. organizing type. c. feeling type. d. extrovert type. e. introvert type.

a.judging type.

In attribution theory, internally caused behaviours are a. those believed to be under the personal control of the individual. b. derived from personality traits. c. controlled by external factors. d. usually negative behaviours.

a.those believed to be under the personal control of the individual.

Individuals who rate high in risk-taking a. use less information to make decisions. b. have lower absenteeism rates. c. need higher levels of supervision. d. are more involved on their jobs. e. thrive in routine jobs.

a.use less information to make decisions.

How does selective perception work as a shortcut in judging other people? a. Bits and pieces of what we observe are chosen randomly. b. Bits and pieces of what we observe are selectively chosen according to our interests and background. c. Such observations allow us to arrive at warranted judgments quickly. d. It allows us to "speed-read" without the risk of inaccurate conclusions. e. Bits and pieces of what we observe allow us to judge people with complete accuracy.

b.Bits and pieces of what we observe are selectively chosen according to our interests and background

When a fire truck's siren was heard, everyone ran to the window to see what was happening. That everyone responded in the same way is an example of which aspect of Attribution Theory? a. Consistency b. Consensus c. Distinctiveness d. Selective perception e. Contrast effects


According to attribution theory, the more consistent the behaviour of another person is, the more the observer is inclined to a. depend on the behaviour. b. attribute it to internal causes. c. attribute it to consensus. d. attribute it to external causes. e. attribute it to the environment.

b.attribute it to internal causes.

Behaviour that is observed as being different from the behaviour previously demonstrated, refers to a. differentiation. b. consistency. c. consensus. d. distinctiveness. e. unanimity.


The perception shortcut that involves evaluation of a person based on how they compare to other individuals recently encountered. a. selective perception b. contrast effects c. halo effect d. prejudice e. projection

b.contrast effects

When Jose passed new employee's office, he was reminded of Tina, the manager of the sales department; Jose noticed that both seemed to have messy desks with lots of papers piled on them. This is an example of a. the halo effect. b. contrast effects. c. projection. d. selective perception. e. stereotyping.

b.contrast effects.

Seymour appears unhappy or ill because he often looks sullen and withdrawn; when his boss asked him about this, he indicated that he actually feels fine. This is an example of a. emotional intelligence. b. emotional dissonance. c. self-esteem. d. Machiavellianism. e. distress.

b.emotional dissonance.

The tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behaviour of others is known as a. distinctiveness. b. fundamental attribution error. c. selective perception. d. self-serving bias. e. halo effect.

b.fundamental attribution error.

Eli is a very competent worker and he knows it. People find him to be extremely arrogant and he is considered to be someone that feels entitled to special treatment. If these perceptions are true, they are examples of Eli's a. emotions. b. narcissism. c. perceptions. d. self-monitoring. e. self-esteem.


Tom was aware that Jonas did not always interpret his messages in the way that they were intended. In this perception situation, Jonas is the a. target. b. perceiver. c. prophesizer. d. emoter. e. superior.


People who show initiative and persevere are a. high extroversion. b. proactive personality. c. type A personality. d. high propensity for risk-taking. e. type B personality.

b.proactive personality.

An environmental factor that might influence personality is a. parents' height. b. school experience. c. gender. d. muscle coordination. e. sense of smell. experience.

Because Northern Beverages wants to expand and grow, the HR Manager knows she needs to hire an individual who is highly skilled in business strategy. She believes that university graduates who participated extensively in athletics are ambitious and hard working, compared to university students who did not. When she interviews university grads that were athletes, she is likely to engage in: a. projection. b. stereotyping. c. contrast effect. d. risk management. e. halo effect.


In which of the following occupations is a high risk-taking personality more suited? a. accountant performing auditing activities b. stock trader in a brokerage firm c. computer systems expert working in security d. marketing representative selling pharmaceuticals e. retail sales, men's clothing

b.stock trader in a brokerage firm

People with high self-monitoring personalities a. are less likely to adapt to new situations than low self-monitors. b. tend to be more aware of the behaviour of others than low self-monitors. c. tend to be less satisfied with their jobs than low self-monitors. d. tend to be more committed to their organizations than low self-monitors. e. generally have lower expectations of success than low self-monitors.

b.tend to be more aware of the behaviour of others than low self-monitors

Terry is such a good communicator that others assume that she is very competent at her job. This is an example of a. selective perception. b. the halo effect. c. contrast effects. d. projection. e. consensus.

b.the halo effect.

There are many examples of shortcuts we make in judging others. Which shortcut below is least likely to be an error in perception about a new employee named Jo? a. using "high intelligence" of Jo to make a general impression about Jo's effectiveness on the job b. using my ability to respond to individual differences between Jo and myself c. letting my own attitudes and interests influence my impression of Jo d. deciding that Jo wants challenge and change since that's what I want e. knowing how good Jo will be because Jo has the same degree I have

b.using my ability to respond to individual differences between Jo and myself

John usually responds positively when asked to do something, but recently his boss has noticed that he was does not seem as enthusiastic and positive when requests are made of him. Which aspect of Attribution Theory does this observation relate to? a. Consensus b. Distinctiveness c. Consistency d. Selective perception e. Contrast effects


________ generally starts with stereotypes and then has a negative emotional content added. a. Contrast effects b. The halo effect c. Prejudice d. Projection


Which of the following is true of the Type A personality? a. They tend to be more successful in organizations than the Type B personality. b. They can play for fun and relaxation, rather than to exhibit superiority. c. They measure their success in terms of how much of everything they acquire. d. They feel no need to discuss their achievements unless requested. e. They don't suffer from a sense of time urgency and impatience.

c.They measure their success in terms of how much of everything they acquire

When individuals observe behaviour, they attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused. This is generally referred to as ________. a. fundamental attribution error b. self-serving bias c. attribution theory d. selective behaviour theory e. perception theory

c.attribution theory

If a person appears to respond the same way over time, attribution theory states that the behaviour shows a. distinctiveness. b. consensus. c. consistency. d. continuity. e. reliability.


Within the framework of the Big Five Personality Factors, openness to experience is a personality factor that describes the degree to which a person is a. sociable, talkative, and assertive. b. good natured, cooperative, and trusting. c. creative, artistically sensitive, and flexible. d. calm, self confident, and secure. e. responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement oriented.

c.creative, artistically sensitive, and flexible

A trait, which is not inherited, is a. muscle composition and reflexes. b. energy level. c. cultural norms. d. psychological makeup. e. gender.


Trying to modify one's true inner feelings based on display rules is known as a. emotional labour. b. emotional dissonance. c. deep acting. d. surface acting. e. self-awareness.

c.deep acting.

When an individual displays different behaviours in different behaviours situations, this is termed a. continuity. b. integrity. c. distinctiveness. d. flexibility. e. consensus.


Ava never gives up; she persists in what she is trying to accomplish even when setbacks occur. This is an example of her a. personality. b. moods. c. emotional intelligence. d. emotional dissonance. e. self-esteem.

c.emotional intelligence.

When an employee expresses organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal interactions, it is called a. emotional intelligence. b. moods. c. emotional labour. d. self-esteem. e. emotional dissonance.

c.emotional labour.

A personality factor that describes the degree to which a person is calm, self-confident and secure is called a. conscientiousness. b. agreeableness. c. emotional stability. d. openness to experience. e. extraversion.

c.emotional stability.

Samir is a self-proclaimed "hot head"; when he is angry with others, he communicates this by screaming at them. This is an example of Samir's a. perception. b. moods. c. emotions. d. self-esteem. e. proactivity.


Self-fulfilling prophecy is a concept that proposes a person will behave a. in ways inconsistent with how he or she is perceived by others. b. in ways that are similar to self-interest. c. in ways consistent with how he or she is perceived by others. d. in ways that are dissimilar to self-interest. e. in ways consistent with how he or she perceives him-/herself. ways consistent with how he or she is perceived by others.

People who score high in self-monitoring tend to a. display their true dispositions and attitudes in every situation. b. believe they control what happens to them. c. pay close attention to others' behaviours. d. be persuaded less by others. e. measure success in terms of their acquisitions. close attention to others' behaviours.

A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment is called a. interpretation. b. environmental analysis. c. perception. d. outlook. e. environmental impact.


Stan left Kerry a voicemail message indicating that he wanted to see her right away. He wanted to commend her for her good work on a recent project, but because he said he wanted to see her right away, she thought that she was in trouble. Kerry's interpretation of his message is known as her a. personality. b. feelings. c. perception. d. viewpoint. e. concern.


Characteristics of individuals high in Machiavellianism include which of the following? a. maintains emotional distance; highly authoritative; believes in swift discipline b. impulsive; emotionally involved; has strong ethical beliefs c. pragmatic; maintains emotional distance; believes ends can justify means d. focuses most available time on people issues e. develops a realistic and empathetic approach to dealing with employees

c.pragmatic; maintains emotional distance; believes ends can justify means

Sidney generally had a negative view of life, and felt that everyone else he worked with had a similar view. This is an example of a. the halo effect. b. contrast effects. c. projection. d. selective perception. e. stereotyping.


If co-workers noted that you are relaxed at home but become tense and anxious at work, they are attributing your behaviour to which of the following a. heredity. b. environmental factors. c. situational conditions. d. locus of control. e. projection.

c.situational conditions.

Judging someone on the basis of one's perception of the group to which that person belongs is known as a. projection. b. the halo effect. c. stereotyping. d. selective perception. e. contrast effects.


The theory that tries to explain how we judge people differently, depending upon the meaning we assign to a given behaviour, is a. behavioural theory. b. judgmental theory. c. equity theory. d. attribution theory. e. situational theory.

d.attribution theory.

What are the three rules about behaviour that attribution theory relies on? a. distinctiveness, resemblance, and consistency b. resemblance, consensus and consistency c. deviation, distinctiveness, and consistency d. consistency, consensus and distinctiveness e. context, consensus and distinctiveness

d.consistency, consensus and distinctiveness

Tonya is extremely talkative, sociable, and assertive. According to the Big Five Personality Model, this relates to her a. agreeableness. b. emotional stability. c. conscientiousness. d. extraversion. e. openness to experience.


How would you describe an individual who is capable of presenting striking contradictions between who they are in public and who they are privately? a. lowself-esteem b. high self-esteem c. lowself-monitoring d. high self-monitoring e. high risk-taking

d.high self-monitoring

A term that best describes an extraverted, sensing, thinking, judging person is a. quiet. b. domineering. c. reserved. d. organized. e. visionary.


The unfounded belief that younger workers are more appealing than older workers is an example of a. the halo effect. b. contrast effects. c. projection. d. prejudice. e. stereotyping.


Within the framework of the Big Five Personality Factors, conscientiousness is a personality factor that describes the degree to which a person is a. sociable, talkative, and assertive. b. imaginative, artistically sensitive, and intellectual. c. calm, self confident, and secure. d. responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement oriented. e. good natured, cooperative, and trusting.

d.responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement oriented.

When Carrie drove up in her new car, Ken told her that she had made a mistake. Even though the car was very sporty, easy on gas, and had lots of trunk space, he ignored these attributes and told her it would need to be repaired frequently. He said this because he had previously owned the same car, and that was his experience. This is an example of a. the halo effect. b. contrast effects. c. projection. d. selective perception. e. stereotyping.

d.selective perception.

Which of the following is considered to be outside the shortcuts we utilize in judging others? a. stereotyping b. halo effect c. projection d. self-serving bias e. contrast effects

d.self-serving bias

The tendency for individuals to attribute their own successes to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors is called a. the halo effect. b. projection. c. stereotyping. d. self-serving bias. e. contrast effects.

d.self-serving bias.

Hiding one's inner feelings and foregoing emotional expressions in response to display rules is known as a. emotional labour. b. emotional dissonance. c. deep acting. d. surface acting. e. self-awareness.

d.surface acting.

Suppose a sales manager is unhappy with the performance of her sales people and attributes this to laziness on their part. Closer scrutiny of the real situation, however, shows that the sales manager has made a "fundamental attribution error". This means that she has a. only attended to superficial indicators. b. inadequately explored the job satisfaction of the sales people. c. merely stereotyped employees. d. underestimated the effects of external factors relative to internal factors. e. ignored her responsibility in the entire process of not holding workers accountable.

d.underestimated the effects of external factors relative to internal factors.

Which of the following is true about our perceptions of a target? a. Individual perception varies little between different cultures. b. Expectations do not distort individual perception. c. Motion, sounds, and size of a target have little affect in how individuals perceive it. d. Targets are usually perceived in isolation. e. Timing of events and the situation in which a target is encountered may impact our perception.

e.Timing of events and the situation in which a target is encountered may impact our perception

Which of the following statements best reflects current thinking? a. Type As are better at resisting health consequences. b. Type Bs have the best rates of recovery from non-stressful events. c. There is no difference between Type As and Type Bs regarding health characteristics. d. Type Bs are often too low key to attend to health problems when they have them. e. Type As do better than Type Bs in job interviews.

e.Type As do better than Type Bs in job interviews.

Sally is normally a very calm and composed manager, but the other day she raised her voice on the telephone. Her staff heard her angry tone, and were trying to figure out what caused her to be upset. This is an example of a. the Halo Effect. b. contrast effects. c. projection. d. stereotyping. e. attribution theory.

e.attribution theory.

Diana is often referred to as a "people person" who is very outgoing and friendly. These characteristics are known as her a. projections. b. halo effects. c. contrast effects. d. selective perception. e. personality traits.

e.personality traits.

Gillian was very upset that others perceived her as lazy. This bothered her so much that she began to neglect her work responsibilities and began to spend most of her time surfing the Internet. This is an example of a. the halo effect. b. contrast effects. c. stereotyping. d. selective perception. e. self-fulfilling prophecy.

e.self-fulfilling prophecy.

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