chapter 2: psychological and spiritual well-being

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cognitive reappraisal or reframing

Regulating one's feelings about an experience by reinterpreting that experience or thinking about it in a different way or from a different angle.


intelligence, gender, and race do not matter much for happiness, although gender equality does -health has a greater impact on happiness than income, but pain and anxiety take an even greater toll

On campus, female students generally have poorer sleep patterns than males and suffer more consequences as a result. -True -False


OTC medications

various OTC sleeping pills contain antihistamines, which induce drowsiness by working against the central nervous system chemical histamine -may help for an occasional sleepless night, but the more often you take them, the less effective they become

positive psychology

the scientific study of ordinary human strengths and virtues


the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices of a group that are internalized by an individual within the group


the tendency to seek out, remember, and expect pleasurable experiences -individuals with greater optimism and hope seek to engage in healthier behaviors- which can protect from disease and aid in recovery

sleeping pills

the use of prescription sleeping pills has more than doubled in the last decade, and increasing numbers of teenagers and young adults use these medications either occasionally or regularly -an even greater number buy nonprescription or over the counter sleep inducers

sleepless on campus

-about 2/3 of students reported poor sleep quality, average number of hrs slept reported by participants was 6.68 with a range from 1-11 hrs -ACHA-NCHA survey= 22% of college students said that sleep difficulties have affected their academic performance, ranking behind stress and anxiety -female students generally have poorer sleep patterns than males and suffer more consequences as a result -women report more sleep disturbances than men and are at greater risk for poor academic performance and more physical, social, and emotional problems

Sleep and Health

-about 35% of U.S adults sleep less than 7 hrs a night, which puts them at risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, mental distress, and death -women are more likely than men to report not getting enough sleep -African Americans report getting less sleep compared with all other ethnic groups

REM sleep

-after about an hr in the 4 stages of NREM, sleepers enter the time of vivid dreaming called REM sleep -brain waves resemble those of waking more than those of quiet sleep -larger muscles of the torso, arms, and legs are paralyzed and cannot move -fingers and toes may twitch; breathing is quick and shallow; blood flow through the brain speeds up

chronic insomnia

-for about 1/3 of those with chronic insomnia, the underlying problem is a mental disorder = depression or an anxiety disorder -about 15% of those seeking help for chronic insomnia suffer from "learned" or "behavioral" insomnia -the American College for Physicians recommends cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as first line therapy for chronic insomnia

snoring and sleep apnea

-in adults, extreme snoring may be a symptom of sleep apnea, which may itself be harmful to health -heavy snorers and ppl with sleep apnea may be more likely to develop memory and thinking problems at younger ages than their better rested peers

Sleep's Impact on Health

-learning and memory -metabolism and weight: chronic sleep deprivation may cause weight gain by altering metabolism and by stimulating excess stress hormones -safety -mood/quality of life -immunity: sleep deprivation alters immune function, including the activity of the body's killer cells -mental disorders -alcohol use: in research on college students, adequate sleep proved crucial in preventing heavy drinking, perhaps by enhancing the ability to plan ahead and anticipate the consequences of one's behavior -major diseases and death -sexuality

List and provide examples of six simple steps you can take to enrich your spiritual life, whether you are religious or not.

-sit quietly: turn down volume of busy life and force yourself to do nothing -start small: create islands of silence in your life, for example: leave your ear buds on as you walk around campus but with no music on -step outside: while waiting for the bus on campus look around, gaze into the sky, look at the clouds, birds, look at your surroundings and environment -use activity to tune into your spirit: listen to music that touches your soul or do simple processes like preparing a meal -ask questions of yourself: ask yourself questions such as "what am I feeling?", "what are my choices?" -trust your spirit: listen to your "spirit" which will lead you to make an action that will have a greater good impact, such as having an urge to call a friend who happened to be going through a loss or bad day

Which sleep disorder is often attributed to jet lag? -Restless legs syndrome -Circadian rhythm disorder -Periodic insomnia -Rapid eye movement -Sleep inertia

Circadian rhythm disorder

Which term refers to the ability to monitor and use emotions to guide thinking and actions? -intelligence quotient -Autonomy -Assertiveness -Emotional quotient -Aggression

Emotional quotient

emotional health

The ability to express and acknowledge one's feelings and moods and exhibit adaptability and compassion for others.

What approaches are part of cognitive-behavioral therapy used as a first-line therapy for chronic insomnia?

The cognitive-behavioral therapy approach includes: education about sleep hygiene and good sleep habits, sleep restriction such as limiting time in bed to consolidate sleep, and stimulus control such as eliminating distractions and creating a soothing sleep environment.


a belief in someone or something that transcends the boundaries of self -religious individuals are less depressed, less anxious, and better able to cope with crisis such as illness or divorce than are nonreligious ones -the more that believers incorporate spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, or attending services into daily life, the less likely they are to experience symptoms of mental disorders, anxiety, and stress


a healthy form of self-acceptance in the face of perceived inadequacy or failure


a lack of sleep so severe that it interferes with functioning during the day, may toss and turn for an hr or more when they get into bed, wake frequently in the night, wake up too early, or not be able to sleep long enough to feel alert and energetic the next day -most often insomnia is transient, typically occurring before or after a major life event and lasting for 3 or 4 nights -during periods of prolonged stress, short term insomnia may continue for several weeks -chronic or long term insomnia may persist long periods -about 3/4 of insomniacs struggle to sleep more for at least 1 yr; almost half for 3 yrs


a more sustained emotional state that colors our view of the world for hours or days

sleep apnea

a sleep disorder characterized by temporary cessations of breathing during sleep and repeated momentary awakenings


according to Maslow, one of the ultimate psychological needs that arises after basic physical and psychological needs are met and self-esteem is achieved; the motivation to fulfill one's potential -a state of wellness and fulfillment that can be achieved once certain human needs are satisfied; living to one's full potential

Over-the-counter sleeping pills typically contain ____, which induce drowsiness by working against the central nervous system chemical histamine. -antihistamines -dietary supplements -hypnotic medications -valium -heartbeat regulators


feelings of gratitude

associated with better mood, relief of depression in individuals with chronic illnesses, improved sleep, less fatigue, recovery from post traumatic stress, healthier eating behaviors, and lower risk of heart failure -college students who keep gratitude journals report higher levels of happiness, feel better about their lives as a whole, are more likely to have made progress toward important personal goals, exercise more regularly, and report fewer negative health symptoms -among the most popular "gratitude interventions" techniques for increasing appreciation, is keeping a diary and recording three things you are grateful for every day

assert yourself

being assertive means recognizing your feelings and making your needs and desires clear to others -unlike aggression, a far less healthy means of expression, assertiveness usually works


confidence and satisfaction in oneself

Which factor contributes the least to happiness? -Health -Income -Anxiety -Intelligence -Pain


Non-REM sleep (or NREM sleep)

consists of 4 stages: 1. a twilight zone between full wakefulness and sleep, the brain produces small, irregular, rapid electrical waves. the muscles of the body relax, and breathing is smooth and even 2. brain waves are longer and punctuated with occasional sudden bursts of electrical activity. the eyes are no longer responsive to light. bodily functions slow still more 3 and 4. constitute the most profound state of unconsciousness, the brain produces slower, larger waves, and this is sometimes referred to as "delta" or slow wave sleep

cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

consists of approaches such as: -education about sleep hygiene and good sleep habits -sleep restriction -stimulus control -6 to 8 customized sessions, 70 to 80% of patients report total or partial resolution of their chronic sleep problems

normal night of sleep

consists of several distinct stages of sleep, divided into 2 major types: an active state characterized by rapid eye movement (REM) and called REM sleep, and a quiet state referred to as non-REM or NREM

prescription medications

current sleep drugs: nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic medications such as Lunesta, Ambien/Ambien CR, and Sonata, quiet the nervous system which helps induce sleep -they're metabolized quickly which helps reduce the risk of side effects the next day -these medications can interact with other medications, are mainly intended for short term or intermittent use

John has trouble focusing on clear, manageable goals and tends to rely on his "gut" feelings. This aspect of John's behavior exhibits low ____. -emotional intelligence -self-esteem -cognitive aptitude -self-actualization -spiritual health

emotional intelligence

As with physical health, psychological well-being can be measured, tested, X-rayed, and dissected. -True -False


The use of prescription sleeping pills has decreased by nearly 50 percent in the past decade. -True -False


Mary keeps a diary in which she records three things she is grateful for each day. This is a technique is known as ____. -emotional quotient -spiritual enrichment -gratitude intervention -positive thinking -self-actualization

gratitude intervention

Adequate sleep has been found essential in preventing ____ in college students. -heavy drinking -sleep inertia -insomnia -progressive muscle relaxation -sleep apnea

heavy drinking

When trying to sleep, Teresa tosses and turns for an hour or more, wakes frequently, and then wakes earlier then she wanted in the morning. Teresa is experiencing ____. -stress -sleep inertia -insomnia -progressive muscle relaxation -sleep apnea


Sleep deprivation alters ____________________ function, including the activity of the body's killer cells.


restless leg syndrome

may affect 12 million Americans, is a movement disorder characterized by symptoms that patients describe as pulling, burning, tingling, creeply crawly. grabbing, buzzing, jitteriness, or gnawing -have difficulty falling asleep or staying sleep but do not realize that the cause is a medical disorder that can be treated with regular physical activity

circadian rhythm sleep disorder

most common causes are jet lag and shift work -jet lag generally improves on its own within 2 to 7 days, depending on the length of the trip and the individuals response -a shift work circadian rhythm disorder consists of any inability to sleep when one wants or to stay alert when needed because of frequently changing work shifts

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about ____ of U.S. adults say they get enough sleep. -one-half -one-third -one-fourth -one-fifth -one-tenth


power of prayer

people who pray regularly have significantly lower blood pressure and stronger immune systems, are hospitalized less often, and are less likely to smoke heavily or abuse alcohol than those who are less religious

Matthew tends to feel that he is in control of whatever circumstances life presents. In doing so, he is exhibiting which emotional state? -Aggression -Optimism -Personal mastery -Autonomy -Assertiveness

personal mastery

____________________ can foster a state of peace and calm that could lead to beneficial changes in the cardiovascular and immune systems.


positive psychiatry

promotes positive psychosocial development in those with or at high risk of mental or physical illness

In which stage(s) of non-REM sleep do brain waves become larger and punctuated with occasional sudden bursts of electrical activity? -Stage 1 only -Stage 2 only -Stage 3 only -Stages 1 and 4 -Stages 3 and 4

stage 2 only


the ability to draw on internal resources, independence from familial and societal influences -autonomous individuals are true to themselves -their ability to draw on internal resources and cope with challenges has a positive impact on their psychological wellbeing and their physical health, including recovery from illness

Spiritual Health

the ability to identify one's basic purpose in life and to achieve one's full potential

Emotional Intelligence (EI)

the ability to monitor and use emotions to guide thinking and actions -emotional quotient (EQ) is the ability to monitor and use emotions to guide thinking and actions -people with high EQ are more likely to enjoy good mental and physical health, and are more productive at work and happier at home -less prone to stress, depression, and anxiety, and they bounce back more quickly from serious illnesses

mental health

the ability to perceive reality as it is, respond to it challenges, and develop rational strategies for living

spiritual intelligence

the capacity to sense, understand, and tap into ourselves, others, and the world around us -unlike spirituality, spiritual intelligence does not center on the worship of a God above, but on the discovery of a wisdom within


the criteria by which one makes choices about one's thoughts, actions, goals, and ideals

dietary supplements

the most widely publicized dietary supplement is the hormone melatonin, which may help control your body's internal clock


when you forgive, you reclaim your power to choose

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