Chapter 20
Books that contain large pages with big pictures
2 years old
Books that imitate familiar sounds
2 years old
Books that include the familiar simple plots
2 years old
Books that last 5-8 minutes
2 years old
Books that repeat children's own experiences
2 years old
Books that contain repetitive sound words
3 years old
Books that explain The Who and why
3 years old
Books that include things and people outside of the home
3 years old
Books that interpret the child's own experiences
3 years old
Books that last 6-10 minutes
3 years old
Books that include Exaggeration
4 year old
Books that last 8-12 minutes
4 year old
Books that contain new words
4 years old
Books that explain the how and why
4 years old
Books that include humor in reality
4 years old
Books that add something to their knowledge
5 years old
Books that contain new information and relate it to familiar facts
5 years old
Books that last from 10-15 minutes
5 years old
Books that take them beyond the here and now
5 years old
Fiction books can be introduced
5 years old
Brightly colored pictures of simple, familiar objects and routines
Birth to 2
Large, clearly defined pictures
Birth to 2
Select a book that will only take just a few minutes
Birth to 2
Thick pages
Birth to 2
A clear ending to a story is not necessary if children are paying attention
If you lack drawing skills, you should not use flip charts
It is important to have highly detailed illustrations for children
Keeping books and art supplies in the same area is a good way to conserve space
Little red riding hood would be an excellent book for a group of three and four year olds
Most preschool children can separate fact from fiction
The illustrations should not relate to the text of a story
Three year olds are interested in books that contain many sentences on each page
Three year olds are usually ready for fantasy stories
Book reviews provide descriptions of books and their strengths and weaknesses
Children can develop a love for stories and books as a result of daily storytelling experiences
Children love to hear their favorite story read over and over again
Draw and tell stories may be prepared so they can be used more than once
Four year olds appreciate humor in books
If children do not appear to like a story, talking faster may help
Oral reading skills can be developed by practicing in front of a mirror
Social understanding is the theme of family life stories
Speaking too slowly when storytelling is a common problem
Storytelling is a way to present information
Two year olds remain interested in a book for five to eight minutes
Whispering or shouting can add interest to a story
You can set the mood for a story by making a personal comment