Chapter 21: The Progressive Era (1895-1920)

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feminist movement

1910 Feminism emphasize rights and self develop as key to econ and sexual indep as opposed to the women's movement that spoke of duty/moral purity

"the woman movement"

1910 crusaders for women's rights called themselves the Woman Movement Middle class women who strove to get higher education and paid profession Argue for legal and voting rights; superior, special traits of guardian in family humanizes society

Brownsville Affair

AA soldiers moved to Brownsville, TX but fight with white men break out, and one white man killed. 167 AA discharged without pay or pension angering leaders, making black leaders amrgy → president stall before elections to get their vote After election was won, he signed discharge papers and did not support AA reenlist


Journalists who fed public taste for scandal and sensation by exposing social, economic, political wrongdoing -- Cosmopolitan, McClure's - political corruption, adulterated food, prostitution, fraudulent insurance uncovered -- The Shame of the Cities - expose on boss misrule; inspire, outrage, reform --The Jungle; horror of meatpacking industry, McClure's on disparaging Standard Oil

Progressive Party

La Follette became ill, Roosevelt threw his hat into Rep nomination, called himself bull moose Reps choose to nominate Taft for election second time so the (Bull Moose) Party ran as third party

"old guard" Republicans

Large numbers of ppl did not like govt interference in economic affairs, most rep in Congress Fear that govt interference hurs the initiative and competition in free market (protected by _______________________________)

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. and Louis D. Brandeis

Law should reflect societal needs bc it is not logic but experience pushed by Oliver Wendell Holmes an associative justice of SC along with Harvard Law professor Pound → Challenge inflexible legal precedents Louis D Brandeis, who would join Holmes on SC argued that judges' opinions be based on factually obtained evidence on social realities

revolt against "Cannonism"

Split b/w progressive and conservative wings Insurgents led by George Norris in the House challenge house speaker Cannon who had power over committee assignments and scheduling of debates Taft joined then left insurgants due to liberalizing and enlarging Rules Committee, removing selection out of Canon's control (house speaker)

Payne-Aldrich Tariff

High rate; Rep Payne made a bill with numerous reductions Split b/w Rep party dominating Protectionists who want to revise rates upward and the Progressives who want attack tariff for special interest Aldrich fixed the issue, extreme cuts were not made

War Industries Board

Increase US govt regulation in economy after WWI Public/private sectors work together for greater coord of production ___________________________________; private businesses regulated by the board give info back on their profit motives being satisfied

Adamson Act of 1916

- forestall railroad strike in time of emergency for transportation; 8 hr work days, and time and half overtime pay for laborers

initiative, referendum, recall

1. voters get to propose new laws, make officeholder more responsible 2. Voters can accept or reject the law 3. Voters can remove offending officials and judges from office

discount rate

12 district banks to hold reserve of member banks Supervised by Federal Reserve Board lend money to member banks at low interest rate

Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916

12 federally supported banks that lend money to farmers at moderate interest rate (like subtreasury plan in Populist) Post WWI, help farmers

Society of American Indians

1880 they were part of white led organizations, but in 1911 middle class indians made SAI Promulgate "American Indian Days" to offset savage depiction of them in W shows Dilemma between tribal loyalty and assimilation; emphasis on racial pride conflicting Trouble unifying unconnected and diverse nations, some tribal gov no longer elect reps, SAI promote self interest Individual hard work did not gain them respect from whites Grievances redressed in legislation never had enough funds, and poor ones didnt know about it Internal dispute closed the SAI

Federal Reserve Act of 1913

Blend new freedom and new nationalism - corporate consolidation makes open competition impossible → expand govt regulatory power first banking system since 1836; 12 district banks to hold reserve of member banks Supervised by Federal Reserve Board lend money to member banks at low interest rate-discount rate District banks control money in circulation (loosen or tighten credit, adv to small borrowers by making interest fair)

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

Blend new freedom and new nationalism - corporate consolidation makes open competition impossible → expand govt regulatory power correct Sherman Anti-Trust Act Outlaw practice such as price discrimination (lower price in some, not in others), Outlaw interlocking directorates (management of two or more companies under one executive) Peaceful strike, boycott, picketing less vulnerable to govt interference

Federal Trade Commission

Blend new freedom and new nationalism - corporate consolidation makes open competition impossible → expand govt regulatory power investigate companies and issue cease-and-desist against unfair practice, accused appeal in court, yet they protect consumer

Robert F. Wagner and Edward F. Dunne

Both worked to solve; 1900 urban workers want govt intervention for safety and security Bread and Butter Reforms; shorter workday, worker compensation, better tax, housing

The Social Evil in Chicago

Chicago Vice Commission put a survey of dance halls and illicit sex in ___________________________________ in 1911 - poverty, gullibility, desperation drove them to prostitution → failed to publish issue of criminal gangs forcing them into it

growth of colleges and universities

Colleges/universities used to select few ppl for law, medicine, religion (like Eu) Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890 prompted states to use federal fund for higher learning The number of private institutions, American colleges grew (563→ 1000) Harvard; required courses, new teaching methods University of Wisconsin and state universities got new area of study; poli sci, econ, sociology Value sports and athletic life; men's intercollegiate sports grew popular South made separate but equal institution for white and blacks; aided by land grant funds AA still suffer inferior educational opportunities, but AA men/women use to advance Female enrollment increase with higher education Most enroll (106,000 of 140,000) in state university Rest enroll in women's colleges such as Wellesley In 1920, women were 47% of people enrolled, 243,000 women had enrolled Discrimination; women encouraged to take econ/education course, not, women denied as medical professional (Women's Medical College made, but later dominated by men/put out of business) 78 percent of children from 5 to 17 were enrolled in public school, 7 percent in private Did not look into how they teach (even though 600,000 universities and graduates)

Newlands Reclamation Act

Conservation over Preservation; pres power to protect natural wonder such as Olympic Peninsula (Washington), Grand Canyon (Arizona), cliff dwelling in CO/AZ Backed by policy of "wise use" to conserve rivers, forest, waterway for future generation Govt gave ownership to states and private interests, but Roosevelt think it should be fed job one example: oversee fed irrigated lands in west

President Theodore Roosevelt

Cowboys, Harvard, Politics:civic responsibility, Ny state leg three terms, fed Civil Service Commission, NYC police commissioner, assistant secretary in navy, Rough Riders to fight in Spanish American War Small, uninvolved gov in this Progressive Era, himself a Progressive doesn't suffice Econ progress requires a goc strong in national affairs Govt acts as umpire, calling when big business was good and when it was bad

Woodrow Wilson

Dem candidate for presidential election of 1912

war against alcohol

Differences over reform for sexual conduct and drinking emerge especially when movement was moral and social based (Example. Anti-Saloon League with Woman's Christian Temperance Movement to display negative effects of alcohol in causing stress, and health issues) Shift immorality of drunkedness to the direct relation to poverty, accidents States try to restrict liquor consumption with fight against saloons; ¼ live in "dry" comm → immigrant workers drank a lot, prohibitionists call for nation-wide ban

Northern Securities Company

Fed regulation in big business turn head towards trust made by business consolidation; known as trustbuster, but saw business consolidation as way to material progress Distinguish b/w good and bad trust, stop bad trust from monopolizing market Justice Department told to use antitrust law to prosecute railroad, meatpacking, oil trust that exploit the public SC convinced, ordered __________________________________________________ railroad company by JP Morgan to break up Could not break through to JP Morgan's steel industry Sympathetic to govt and company cooperating; Bureau of Corporations (under Department of Labor and Commerce) to assist company in merging and expanding Govt inspect them and tell company to regulate themselves, company allow this bc it operated efficiently and reduce overproduction

Meat Inspection Act

Govt regulation; govt agents monitor quality of processed meat Compromise made with meatpacking industry Govt would finance the inspection, not meatpacking industry They dont require date of processing date on cans

Mueller v. Oregon, Lochner v. New York, Holden v. Hardy

Law should reflect societal needs bc it is not logic but experience pushed by Oliver Wendell Holmes an associative justice of SC along with Harvard Law professor Pound → Challenge inflexible legal precedents Louis D Brandeis, who would join Holmes on SC argued that judges' opinions be based on factually obtained evidence on social realities Muller v. Oregon; show that longer working hours has harmful effects - evidence used to uphold oregon's ten hour work limit for women Those against; Judges for laissez faire and strict constructionist view of Constitution overturn laws Progressive deem necessary for reform (Lochner v. NY- revoke state law limiting baker's working hours) Use Fourteenth Amendment and Tenth Amendment to keep govt power out of life and state SC upheld those that protect life; Holden v. Hardy; regulate working hour for miners, and use of state police for morals, safety, health

women's club movement

Originate from education and literary organization, turn to public affairs Women activists barred from holding public office (except western states) so they use traditional female role as rationale for reforming society - social housekeeping Did not invest time in trust busting, etc, rather factory inspection, regulation of women and child labor, housing improvement, consumer protection Colored Women's Club Colored Women's Federation AA women usually not included in white women's clubs Establish training schools for "colored girls" National Association for colored women first AA social service org Nursery, kindergarten, retirement houses Colored women also had Black Baptist and African Methodist Episcopal reform org

Nineteenth Amendment

Persistent letter writing/publication to National Woman Suffrage Association Spirited meetings/militant marches of National Woman's Party Women's service in WWI as municipal worker, medical volunteer, factory worker Final impetus to passage of national suffrage amendment --> Led to national womens suffrage

interest-group politics

Progressive Reform; Issue oriented reform, champion own special causes before party lines Local Organizations formed around specific interest became nationwide in 1890; acted outside of actual party lines, made politics more fragmented and issue oriented

women's suffrage movement

Progressive fem led by Harriot Stanton Blatch (daughter of Cady Stanton) carry out voting right Link voting right with improved working condition - join Women's Trade Union League and found Equality League of Self Supporting Women Whether it was paid labor or unpaid housework, women contribute to betterment of society Public status has to do with achievement not wealth and refinement - women vote to protect econ roles Success in early 20th century with 9 states in West allow women to vote in local/state election Tactics Persistent letter writing/publication to National Woman Suffrage Association Spirited meetings/militant marches of National Woman's Party Women's service in WWI as municipal worker, medical volunteer, factory worker Final impetus to passage of national suffrage amendment (19th Amendment) in 1920 → Women failed to create a united, interest group powerful enough to overcome men's econ, political, social power

Harriott Stanton Blatch

Progressive fem led by ________________________ (daughter of Cady Stanton) carry out voting right Link voting right with improved working condition - join Women's Trade Union League and found Equality League of Self Supporting Women Whether it was paid labor or unpaid housework, women contribute to betterment of society Public status has to do with achievement not wealth and refinement - women vote to protect econ roles Success in early 20th century with 9 states in West allow women to vote in local/state election

nonpartisan elections

Progressives advocate ________________________________ to prevent fraud and bribery of party loyalty

Pure Food and Drug Act

Prohibit dangerously adulterated foods and abuse in patent medicine industry Tonic/pill makers made undue claims on product effects, and used alcohol/narcotics as ingredients Require listing on ingredients; Progressive ideal that if ppl knew the facts, they make wiser purchases

The Jungle

Reformers had been urging govt regulation on processed foods and medication Upton Sinclair's ___________________ had fired up public at fraud and adulteration, expose on Chicago's meatpacking plant

National Progressive Republican League

Reformers that thought taft was being insensitive to them made the ______________________________; behind La Follete Another wing was loyal to Taft, but after firing of Pinchot they were disappointed La Follette became ill, Roosevelt threw his hat into Rep nomination, called himself bull moose Reps choose to nominate Taft for election second time so the Progressive (bull Moose) Party ran as third party, Dems choose Woodrow Wilson, Socialist nominate Eugene V. Debs

Social Gospel movement

Religious movement called the _________________________ - Protestant ministers countered competitive capitalism by advocating social harmony/ improve conditions of poor. Individual salvation and God's Kingdom on Earth if they engage in service "What Would Jesus Do?" ---"Americanizing" Cultures --Humanitarians undermine good effort by imposing their values on them --Working class Catholic and Jews often time reject --Protestant aid, and dont like the middle class values imposed on their families when they have diff beliefs

presidential election of 1916

Rep choose Charles Evans Hughes, Wilson run on WWI win and progressive platform Socialists drew less votes bc Wilson had enacted some Socialist plan and Debs was no longer standard platform Wilson Wins

presidential election of 1912

Reps choose to nominate Taft for election second time so the Progressive (bull Moose) Party ran as third party, Dems choose Woodrow Wilson, Socialist nominate Eugene V. Debs

Booker T. Washington

Self Help was a strategy for AA made by_____________________________________________________that prompted AA to work hard, get homes, prove they are worthy of respect Atlanta Compromise - "Dignify and glorify common labor" Blacks and whites remain apart but share similar goals; whites like this bc of patience and showing them their place (endorse sep-but-equal), AA saw as subtle nationalistic pride Never said they are inferior, just that they can enhance dignity through self improvement → Others dont like southern based philosophy that show second-class citizen status Northern educated AA like William Monroe Trotter and T Thomas Fortune opposed Niagara Movement made up of "anti-Brookerites" that are willing to use militant effort for rights before law (WEB Du Bois)

western progressivism

Several politicians triumph and they were at forefront of fed/state campaign Nevada's Senator Newlands push for national planning/fed control of water CA Governor Johnson fight for pure food drug act, women labor, compensation, direct primary, education reform Montana senator Walsh fight corruption and women suffrage Women could participate in state/local reform Projects took place outside of politics and were racially diff White women against child labor, unfair rates, found social service AA women - homemakers and religious leaders are advocates of street cleaning, better education, health reforms

Margaret Sanger

Similar standard of behavior for men/women; Birth control movement by _________________________________ Believed in women's right to sexual pleasure and deciding when to have child Reverse state/fed laws that did not distribute info on sex and contraception → Disliked by those that think it will ruin family and morality Eugenicist who thinks that birth control limits the number of children born to inferior and nonwhite mothers American Birth Control League where she got physician/social workers to convince judge to allow distribution of birth control info → Contraceptives banned in most state, but got issue out on debate

Richard T. Ely

Social Science- the study of society and its institutions (underwent same process as law/edu) (econ use stats to show econ relationship as reflection of social conditions) _______________________ of Johns Hopkins - poverty and impersonality from industrialization need intervention by church, state, etc

Eugene V. Debs

Socialist unite behind __________________________, an American Railway Union organizer Along with Wisco's Victor Berger, first socialist to be elected to Congress, and NY labor lawyer Morris Hillquit they made effort for reform

Lester Ward, Albion Small, and Edward Ross

Sociologists led by them think citizens need to actively solve issue instead of waiting it out

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Talented Ten Intellectual vanguard of cultured, educated blacks to pursue racial equality 1909 join white liberals who don't like AA accommodation and form NAACP - voter right, no lynch AA reconcile "twoness" with national identity and racial pride

coal strike of 1902

United Mine Workers in Penns want shorter eight hour workday, more pay; owners don't want to arbitrate or recognize the union → Oil prices drop Roosevelt threaten to use fed troops to reopen mines; special commission force the owners to receive arbitration (higher wage less hours) , yet not recognize union good/bad labor organization, determine what labor demands are legitamate

southern progressivism

Urban and middle class in nature Factory safety, railroad regulation, pure food/drug legislation, moral reform as N Political Reform Direct Primary in NC City commission plan in Galveston, TX City manager plan in VA Progressive governors push for educational plan, business regulation as N Women took part in projects that were racially diff and outside of politics

settlement houses

Young educated middle class men/women leave homes to go to inner city outpost called settlement houses Adopted from England (1886-1910; Four hundred made in big cities inc. clinic, kindergarten, nursery, vocational training) Place where ppl learn from each other, mitigate modern problems through art, education, reform Settlement house workers work to improve conditions; see uran poverty and poor housing first hand Most influential settlement workers were women; use settlement as springboard to larger roles in reform Kelley expose child labor and Atgeld made her State Factory Inspector, making National Consumers League Wald made nursing a respectable position, made NAACP Addams get Nobel Peace Prize

National Consumers League

bring Progressive reform Protect female and child laborers; eliminate health hazard in marketplace (success in Muller case) Local NCL branch out to womens groups to inspect food, liscense food vendors, Fund medical/health education to poor

The Passing of the Great Race

by Madison Grant bolster theory that southern and eastern European immigrants are morally and mentally inferior to those who are Nordic 1920s efforts to curtail immigration from Asia, Europe, etc

New Freedom

concentrated econ power threaten individual liberty, monopolies must be broken up so marketplace is truly open, endorsed by Wilson (based on progressive lawyer Brandeis) Did not restore laissez faire; govt is power to regulate and protect

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

denounce Victorian notion of womanhood and articulated feminist goal In Women and Economics, she argued that domesticity and female innocence are obsolete, attack men dominance in econ opport Paid employees take care of domestic chores; cooking, cleaning, child care - modern women need access to jobs in industry/professions

Panic of 1907

econ crisis pushed Roosevelt to compromise his principles and work closely w/ big business NY banks had been closing due to reckless speculation; didn't want ppl withdrawing money JP Morgan stem issue by telling them to stop dumping stocks In return, Roosevelt allows him to absorb Tenn. Iron and Coal Company - at odds with issue on trust-busting Last years of presidency he lash out on big business; higher taxes, stronger business regulation → Would not rerun, and backed William Howard Taft to follow his initiative as Republican candidate against William jennings Bryan (Dem candidate)

Seventeenth Amendment

ensured that the ppl would vote for the State Senator and not the state legislatures

New Nationalism

era of national unity where govt coordinate and regulate national activity, central to Roosevelt's presidency Regulatory commissions of experts who protect ppl interest, and ensure wise use of econ power

National Association of Colored Women

first AA social service org Nursery, kindergarten, retirement houses

WEB Du Bois

first AA to graduate Harvard, was Progressive and member of black elite Sociological study of black urban life and wrote for civil rights Respect Washington, but thought they must fight for rights that are theirs Talented Ten Intellectual vanguard of cultured, educated blacks to pursue racial equality 1909 join white liberals who don't like AA accommodation and form NAACP (National Association of Advancement for Colored People) - voter right, no lynch AA reconcile "twoness" with national identity and racial pride

Mann-Elkins Act of 1910

gave ICC more regulatory power

National Child Labor Committee

had minimum age requirement for employment (12-16) and limited hours of work → Did not always fulfill the requirement for close inspection, and families that needed money found a way around child labor policies

Sixteenth Amendment

income tax is permanent part of fed power

Robert M. La Follette

initiate reform program that included direct primary, equitable taxes, regulation of railroads, had commission staffed by experts to use that data in speeches → carry ideas as Senator

white slavery

international gangs kidnap young women into prostitution

Ben Lindsey

lawyer for two boys accused of burglary and about to have sentence for life; unjust prison system and made separate juvenile court system for children with wife Henrietta Response to criminal prosecution, exploitative labor, poverty burden Genuine compassion and middle class bias

income tax

made possible by 16th Amendment (depends on wage. $4000 less no tax, $4000-$20000 1% tax, over $500000 is 6%)

American Association for Old Age Security

made progress with old age pension in AZ - judges strike down, but need continued

Niagara movement

made up of "anti-Brookerites" that are willing to use militant effort for rights before law (WEB Du Bois)

Eighteenth Amendment

outlaw sale, manufacture, transportation of intoxicating liquors Progressive goal to protect family and workplace Not all progressive were prohibitionist, vice versa

Charles A. Beard

try to explain present day American society; Constitution is a flexible document mendable to growth and change, not just sacred (Economic Interpretation of the Constitution explains how founders used Const. As a way to defend private property, if it served special interest of one age, it can in another)

Mann Act

passed by Congress prohibiting interstate and international transportation of women for immoral reasons → keep from sexual exploitation but overlook issue of violence among family members Show that govt thinks they can IMPROVE behavior by RESTRICTING it since sin is due to social environment and it can be eradicated by human effort → working class see it as a way to control them (Chicago dry community beat down with ¾ disapproval)

G. Stanley Hall and John Dewey

progressive education in The School and Society and Democracy and Education - children should be taught to use intelligence/ingenuity for real life problems (real life experience, made Laboratory School in UChicago) → Both want development as goal and school as center

Atlanta Compromise

prompted AA to work hard, get homes, prove they are worthy of respect "Dignify and glorify common labor" Blacks and whites remain apart but share similar goals; whites like this bc of patience and showing them their place (endorse sep-but-equal), AA saw as subtle nationalistic pride Never said they are inferior, just that they can enhance dignity through self improvement

Underwood Tariff

restore trade competition and aid consumer, reduce/elim certain tariff rates ; encourage cheaper foreign and manufactured goods

Hepburn Act

strengthened Interstate Commerce Commission by giving it power to view railroad financial records, and set freight rate at "just and reasonable rate" - ext to ferry,oil pipeline, storage facility strengthened Interstate Commerce Commission by giving it power to view railroad financial records, and set freight rate at "just and reasonable rate" - ext to ferry,oil pipeline, storage facility Elkins Act of 1903 did a lot for ICC to levy heavy fine and railroad companies with their customers involved in partial shipping cost on published rates _______________ act allows courts to overturn ICC decision, but now shippers have to prove they did not violate law

Gifford Pinchot

triple acreage of forest and back conservationist ______________________________ in the US Forest Service


use Darwinian principles to society in intrusive way Human character and habits can be inherited, as can unwanted traits like criminality Society should prevent producing those criminally inclined and mentally defective by Sterilizing and prevent from Marriage Target immigrants and people of color Discredited after Nazis use and now seen in modern day engineering → Some accept, others think imm restriction was better way to manage compositon The Passing of the Great Race by Madison Grant bolster theory that southern and eastern European immigrants are morally and mentally inferior to those who are Nordic 1920s efforts to curtail immigration from Asia, Europe, etc

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