chapter 22 Respiratory

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213) A newborn infant is found dead, abandoned by the road. Among the many questions that the police would like to have answers to is whether the infant was born dead or alive. After an autopsy the medical examiner tells them that the infant was dead at birth. How could the medical examiner determine this? Answer Unless the infant was suffocated immediately when it was born, the first breath that it took would start to inflate the lungs and some of the air would be trapped in the lungs. By placing the lungs in water to see if they would float or not, the medical examiner can determine whether there is any air in the lungs. Other measurements and tests could also be used to determine if the infant had breathed at all (air in the lungs) or was dead at birth (lungs collapsed and a small amount of fluid).


214) Ralph is taking scuba diving classes, and is confused as to why he should not hold his breath under water while breathing from the air tank. What would you tell him? Answer When breathing the compressed air from a scuba tank, the lungs are virtually completely inflated. Problems would arise if he held his breath and began to ascend. On ascending, the decrease in pressure would cause the gas in his lungs to expand (Boyle's law). Since the lungs are already fully inflated, this would cause overinflation and possible rupturing of the lung. If this occurred, air would leak from the lungs into the pleural cavity, resulting in a pneumothorax and a collapsed lung.


216) A decrease in blood pressure triggers a baroreceptor reflex that leads to increased ventilation. What is the possible advantage of this reflex? a) Answer b) An increase in ventilation will increase the movement of venous blood back to the heart (recall the respiratory pump). This movement would increase venous return and thus help increase blood pressure (Starling's law of the heart).


102) The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood is approximately

a) 40 mm Hg.

103) The partial pressure of oxygen in the interstitial space of peripheral tissues is approximately

a) 40 mm Hg.

59) Functions of the nasal cavity include all of the following, except a) Acting as a reservoir during coughing. b) Humidifying the air. c) Warming the air. d) Filtering the air. e) Acting as a resonating chamber in speech

a) Acting as a reservoir during coughing.

178) If the neural connections between the pneumotaxic center and apneustic center are severed, a) Alveolar ventilation will increase. b) Pulmonary ventilation will decrease. c) A person will stop breathing. d) The respiratory minute volume will increase. e) Tidal volumes will decrease.

a) Alveolar ventilation will increase.

89) The actual sites of gas exchange within the lungs are

a) Alveoli.

119) A mucosa consists of

a) An epithelium. b) An underlying layer of areolar tissue.

19) Which of the following would slow down gas exchange between the blood and alveolar air? a) An increase in membrane thickness. b) An increase in alveolar surface area. c) An increase in respiratory rate. d) A decrease in membrane thickness. e) A decrease in nitrogen solubility

a) An increase in membrane thickness.

113) Prolonged inspirations can result from stimulating the ________ center.

a) Apneustic

189) In a condition known as pleurisy, there is excess fluid in the pleural space. How would you expect this to affect the process of pulmonary ventilation? a) Breathing would be labored and difficult. b) More air would be forced out during expiration. c) It would be easier to expand the lungs on inspiration. d) Tidal volume would increase. e) Ventilation would require less energy.

a) Breathing would be labored and difficult.

75) The cartilage that articulates with the arytenoid cartilage is the ________ cartilage. a) Corniculate b) Vestibular c) Epiglottic d) Cuneiform e) Thyroid

a) Corniculate

58) The function of the nasal conchae is to: a) Create turbulence in the air so as to trap small particulates in mucus. b) Divide the nasal cavity into a right and a left side. c) Provide a surface for the sense of smell. d) Provide an opening to the outside of the body. e) Provide an opening into the pharynx

a) Create turbulence in the air so as to trap small particulates in mucus.

121) ________ is the most common lethal inherited disease affecting individuals of Northern European descent. a) Cystic fibrosis b) Myasthenia gravis c) Congestive heart failure d) Parkinson's disease

a) Cystic fibrosis

143) ________ involves active inspiratory and expiratory movements and calls on accessory muscles to assist with inhalation, while exhalation involves contraction of the internal intercostal muscles.

a) Forced breathing

171) Carbon dioxide is more soluble in water than oxygen is. To get the same amount of oxygen to dissolve in plasma as carbon dioxide, you would have to

a) Increase the partial pressure of oxygen.

156) In quiet breathing

a) Inspiration involves muscular contractions and expiration is passive.

112) The normal rate and depth of breathing is established by the ________ center.

a) Inspiratory

145)________ is the amount of air that you can take in over and above the tidal volume.

a) Inspiratory reserve volume

105) The process by which dissolved gases are exchanged between the blood and interstitial fluids is

a) Internal respiration.

81) Tension on the vocal cords is regulated by a) Intrinsic laryngeal muscles. b) Extrinsic laryngeal muscles. c) Extrinsic ligaments. d) Vestibular folds. e) Intrinsic ligaments

a) Intrinsic laryngeal muscles.

84) Secondary bronchi supply air to the a) Lobes of the lungs. b) Lobules of the lungs. c) Alveoli. d) Lungs. e) Alveolar ducts

a) Lobes of the lungs.

114) The pneumotaxic center of the pons

a) Modifies the rate and depth of breathing.

57) Large airborne particles are filtered by: a) Nasal hairs in the vestibule of the nose. b) The nasal sinuses. c) The soft palate. d) The nasopharynx. e) Choanae.

a) Nasal hairs in the vestibule of the nose.

136) The resulting pain when pleural fluid is unable to prevent friction between the opposing pleural surfaces is known as

a) Pleurisy.

147) The term used to describe a blockage of a branch of a pulmonary artery with interruption of blood flow to a group of lobules or alveoli is a) Pulmonary embolism. b) COPD. c) pneumothorax. d) emphysema. e) anoxia.

a) Pulmonary embolism.

128) During a choking episode, most foreign objects are lodged in the ________ bronchus due to its larger diameter and steeper angle.

a) Right primary

181) At birth, an infant takes its first breaths and a) The pressure in the lungs decreases. b) Very little air enters the alveoli. c) changes in blood flow cause the foramen ovale to open. d) the resistance in the pulmonary arteries increases. e) after each expiration the alveoli collapse.

a) The pressure in the lungs decreases.

8) What is the basic distinction between an alveolar duct and an alveolar atrium? a) Their shape b) Their size. c) Their function. d) Their epithelial type. e) Presence or absence of cilia.

a) Their shape

139) One unit of measurement used commonly by respiratory therapists is a) Torr. b) mm Hg. c) cm H2O. d) phi. e) both B and D

a) Torr.

193) Articulation is the modification of sounds produced in the larynx by other structures to form recognizable words. a) True b) False

a) True

194) The entire array of protective mechanisms in the respiratory system is called the respiratory defense system a) True b) False

a) True

195) The beating of the cilia of the respiratory passages in the direction of the pharynx forms a mucus escalator a) True b) False

a) True

196) When the inspiratory muscles relax, the rib cage returns to its original position as a result of elastic rebound a) True b) False

a) True

197) The ease with which the lungs stretch in response to changes in pressure is termed compliance a) True b) False

a) True

198) In the condition known as hypoxia the concentration of oxygen in the interstitial fluid declines. a) True b) False

a) True

199) In the condition known as anoxia a tissue's oxygen supply is cut off completely. a) True b) False

a) True

200) The proper term for quiet breathing is eupnea a) True b) False

a) True

201) Deep breathing is also known as diaphragmatic breathing a) True b) False

a) True

202) Shallow breathing is also known as costal breathing a) True b) False

a) True

203) An increase in the rate and depth of breathing is known as hyperventilation a) True b) False

a) True

204) The abundance of alveoli in the lung gives it an open, spongy appearance. a) True b) False

a) True

205) External respiration involves all the processes involved in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body's interstitial fluids and the external environment a) True b) False

a) True

206) The technique of artificial respiration provides air to a person who has stopped breathing. a) True b) False

a) True

207) The technique of cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR can restore circulation and ventilation to a person whose heart has stopped beating. a) True b) False

a) True

208) The volume of air moved in a quiet respiration is termed tidal volume a) True b) False

a) True

209) The volume of air that can be forcefully expelled from the lungs following a normal exhalation is termed expiratory reserve volume a) True b) False

a) True

210) The volume of air that can be forcefully inhaled on top of a normal inspiration is termed inspiratory reserve volume. a) True b) False

a) True

211) The volume of air that remains in the lungs after a forced expiration is termed residual volume a) True b) False

a) True

212) The volume of air that remains in the lungs after a pneumothorax is termed minimal volume a) True b) False

a) True

47) The pleurae and pleural fluid help prevent the spread of pulmonary infection to the pericardium. a) True. b) False.

a) True.

50) Gas transport is the process of carrying gases from the alveoli to the systemic tissues and vice versa. a) True. b) False.

a) True.

51) Carbon monoxide competes with oxygen for the same binding site. a) True. b) False.

a) True.

53) Erythrocytes do not carry out aerobic respiration; thus, they do not consume any of the oxygen they are transporting. a) True. b) False

a) True.

117) Which of the following systems are responsible for elimination of CO2 as waste?

a) Urinary b) Respiratory

4) Which two ligaments extend from the thyroid cartilage to the arytenoid cartilages? a) Vestibular and vocal ligaments. b) Laryngeal and corniculate. c) Corniculate and cricoid. d) Cricoids and arytenoids. e) Thyrohyoid and cricoids.

a) Vestibular and vocal ligaments.

125) The ________ extend between the thyroid cartilage and the arytenoid cartilages.

a) Vestibular ligaments c) Vocal ligaments

157) Each of the following factors affects the rate of external respiration, except the a) Volume of the alveolus. b) Solubility of oxygen in plasma. c) PCO2 of the blood. d) PO2 of the alveoli. e) thickness of the respiratory membrane.

a) Volume of the alveolus.

161) Which of the following factors would increase the amount of oxygen discharged by hemoglobin to peripheral tissues?

a) decreased pH

165) Contraction of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles will

a) open the glottis. c) Close the glottis.

95) Each of the following muscles can function in expiration, except the a) scalenes. b) internal oblique. c) rectus abdominis. d) external oblique. e) Internal intercostals.

a) scalenes.

176) Which of the following would be greater? a) the percent of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin when the DPG level is low b) the percent of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin when the DPG level is high c) Neither is greater.

a) the percent of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin when the DPG level is low

104) The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the interstitial space of peripheral tissues is approximately

b) 45 mm Hg.

24) Normally the systemic arterial blood has a Po2 of _____ mm Hg, a Pco2 of _____ mm Hg, and a pH of _____. a) 40; 95; 7.4. b) 95; 40; 7.4. c) 7.4; 40; 95. d) 95; 7.4; 40. e) 40; 7.4; 95

b) 95; 40; 7.4.

17) Tom is in respiratory arrest due to an electrical shock. Why does a Good Samaritan have up to 4 or 5 minutes to begin CPR and save Tom's life? a) Reserve oxygen in Tom's lungs. b) A venous reserve of oxygen in Tom's blood c) The ambient Po2 can support life that long. d) The Haldane effect lasts up to 5 minutes. e) Tom's hypoxic drive will keep him alive for up to 5 minutes.

b) A venous reserve of oxygen in Tom's blood.

168) Damage to the septal cells of the lungs would result in a) a thickening of the respiratory membrane. b) Alveolar collapse. c) Alveolar rupture. d) decreased surface tension in the water lining the alveoli. e) an increased rate of gas exchange.

b) Alveolar collapse.

180) All of the following are present prior to birth, except that the a) pulmonary arterial resistance is high. b) Alveoli are expanded. c) Rib cage is compressed. d) pulmonary vessels are collapsed. e) lungs and airways contain fluid.

b) Alveoli are expanded.

149) Asthma is

b) An acute condition resulting from unusually sensitive irritated conducting airways.

184) Severing the sensory fibers of the vagus nerve from the lungs would result in all of the following, except a) potential damage to the lungs due to overinflation. b) Atelectasis. c) Less stimulation of the expiratory center during forced breathing. d) less inhibition of the inspiratory center during forced breathing. e) a disappearance of the Hering-Breuer reflexes.

b) Atelectasis.

107) Most of the oxygen transported by the blood is

b) Bound to hemoglobin.

155) Sympathetic stimulation to the smooth muscle tissue layer in the bronchioles causes

b) Bronchodilation.

109) the most important chemical regulator of respiration is

b) Carbon dioxide.

127) An acute infection of the throat that can lead to swelling and closure of the glottis and cause suffocation. This is known as

b) Epiglottitis.

130) When charting an assessment about an abnormality heard when listening to the left lung with your stethoscope, all of the following would be correct, except a) Rhonchi noted throughout all lung fields. b) Friction rub noted in the middle lobe. c) Respiratory wheezes heard in the superior lobe. d) Crackles noted in base of the inferior lobe. e) Lung sounds diminished throughout

b) Friction rub noted in the middle lobe.

186) Tina is singing a song. At a certain point in the song she forces a large volume of air out of the glottis and at the same time increases the tension on her vocal cords. The sound that she produces is a) medium pitched and soft. b) High pitched and loud. c) low pitched and soft. d) high pitched and soft. e) low pitched and loud

b) High pitched and loud.

Which of the following is the term for a deficiency of oxygen or the inability to utilize oxygen in a tissue? a) Apoxia. b) Hypoxia. c) Anoxia. d) Cyanosis. e) Eupnea.

b) Hypoxia.

173) Increasing the alveolar ventilation rate will a) decrease the rate of oxygen diffusion from the alveoli to the blood. b) Increase the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli. c) Increase the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the alveoli. d) have no effect on either the partial pressure or diffusion rate of gases. e) decrease the rate of carbon dioxide diffusion from the blood to the alveoli.

b) Increase the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli.

177) A drug that depresses the activity of the pneumotaxic center would result in a) increased respiratory rate. b) Increased tidal volume. c) Less activity in the apneustic center. d) a shorter inspiratory cycle. e) decreased total lung capacity.

b) Increased tidal volume.

The amount of air in excess of tidal volume that can be inhaled with maximum effort is called a) Vital capacity. b) Inspiratory reserve volume. c) Expiratory reserve volume. d) Residual volume. e) Inspiratory capacity

b) Inspiratory reserve volume.

93) Expiratory movements are produced by contraction of the ________ muscle(s).

b) Internal intercostal

28) Congestive heart failure results in which of the following? a) Hypoxemic hypoxia. b) Ischemic hypoxia. c) Anemic hypoxia. d) Histotoxic hypoxia. e) Idiopathic hypoxia

b) Ischemic hypoxia.

164) When speaking, only the first third of Joe's vocal folds vibrate, but when John speaks, half of the length of his vocal fold vibrates. Which of the two has a higher-pitched voice? a) John b) Joe

b) Joe

151) The C shape of the tracheal cartilages is important because

b) Large masses of food can pass through the esophagus during swallowing.

97) Alveolar ventilation refers to the

b) Movement of air into and out of the alveoli.

120) Tuberculosis results from an infection by the bacterium

b) Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

3) The nose is divided into right and left halves termed the; a) Nasal cavities. b) Nasal fossae c) Nasal septa. d) Nasal vestibules. e) Nasal apertures.

b) Nasal fossae

36) Scuba divers breathe a nitrogen-oxygen mixture rather than pure compressed oxygen in order to avoid a) The bends. b) Oxygen toxicity. c) Rapture of the deep. d) Caisson disease. e) Hypoxemic hypoxia

b) Oxygen toxicity.

144) ________ is the amount of air you move into or out of your lungs during a single respiratory cycle under resting conditions.

b) Resting tidal volume

190) Damage to the phrenic nerves would

b) Result in decreased alveolar ventilation.

88) The respiratory membrane consists primarily of

b) Simple squamous epithelium.

9) Crude sounds are formed into intelligible speech by all of the following except a) The pharynx. b) The epiglottis. c) The oral cavity. d) The tongue. e) The lips.

b) The epiglottis.

6) Each alveolus is surrounded by blood capillaries supplied by a) The aorta. b) The pulmonary artery. c) The pulmonary vein. d) The inferior vena cava. e) The superior vena cava.

b) The pulmonary artery.

90) Air moves out of the lungs because

b) The volume of the lungs decreases with expiration.

94) When the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract:

b) The volume of the thorax increases. (so pressure decreases and inhale air)

169) Harry suffers from cystic fibrosis and frequently has periods where he can hardly breathe. The problem is the result of

b) Thick secretions that exceed the ability of the mucus elevator to transport it.

72) The cartilage that makes up most of the anterior and lateral surface of the larynx is the ________ cartilage. a) Cuneiform b) Thyroid c) Epiglottic d) Cricoid e) arytenoid

b) Thyroid

78) The pair of superior ligaments in the larynx that are covered by epithelium and help close the glottis are a) Intrinsic laryngeal muscles. b) Vestibular folds. c) Vocal folds. d) Extrinsic ligaments. e) Intrinsic ligaments.

b) Vestibular folds.

79) A pair of ligaments in the larynx that are covered by epithelium and function in sound production are a) Intrinsic ligaments. b) Vocal folds c) Extrinsic ligaments. d) Intrinsic laryngeal muscles. e) Ventricular folds

b) Vocal folds

183) Jill lives in St. Louis, which is close to sea level. She decides to spend a month of her summer vacation working in the mountains outside Denver. After a week in the mountains, what kinds of changes would you expect to see as Jill adapts to the higher altitude?

b) decreased PO2 in the alveoli

87) The septa divide the lungs into a) lobes. b) lobules. c) alveoli. d) Trabeculae. e) Bronchi.

b) lobules

141) The term ________ describes the result from an injury to the chest wall that causes air to leak into the pleural cavity.

b) pneumothorax

166) Which is greater? a) the number of lobes in the left lung b) the number of lobes in the right lung

b) the number of lobes in the right lung

172) Which of the following is greater? a) the partial pressure of oxygen in atmospheric air (21 percent oxygen by volume) b) the partial pressure of oxygen in a gas cylinder of an artificial air mixture (60 percent oxygen by volume) c) Neither is greater.

b) the partial pressure of oxygen in a gas cylinder of an artificial air mixture (60 percent oxygen by volume)

126) The trachea contains ________ tracheal cartilages.

c) 15-20

26) In one passage through a bed of systemic blood capillaries, the blood gives up about what percentage of its oxygen? a) 5% to 10%. b) 10% to 15%. c) 20% to 25%. d) 30% to 40%. e) 70% to 85%.

c) 20% to 25%

43) Your breathing rate is 12 breaths/minute; your tidal volume is 500 mL; your vital capacity is 4700 mL; and your dead air space is 150 mL. Your alveolar ventilation rate is _____ mL/min. a) 2,400. b) 3,600. c) 4,200. d) 5,600. e) 6,400.

c) 4,200.

132) Roughly ________ terminal bronchioles arise from each tertiary bronchus. a) 1500 b) 3000 c) 6500 d) 10,000 e) 15,000

c) 6500

153) In tissues at a normal partial pressure of oxygen, blood entering the venous system contains about ________ of its total oxygen content.

c) 75 percent

108) Most of the carbon dioxide in the blood is transported as

c) Bicarbonate ions.

The blood transports more CO2 in the form of ___ than in any other form. a) Carbaminohemoglobin. b) Carboxyhemoglobin. c) Bicarbonate ions. d) Dissolved CO2 gas. e) Bisphosphocarbonate

c) Bicarbonate ions.

12) In a healthy person, which of the following will have the greatest influence on resistance to pulmonary airflow? a) Atmospheric pressure. b) Respiratory rate. c) Bronchiole diameter. d) Quantity of surfactant. e) The diaphragm

c) Bronchiole diameter.

16) Carbon dioxide is transported by all the following means except a) Carbaminohemoglobin. b) Carbonic acid. c) Carbonate. d) Bicarbonate ions. e) Dissolved gas.

c) Carbonate.

25) Which of the following enzymes in an RBC breaks H2CO3 down to water and carbon dioxide? a) Hemoglobin. b) Carboxyhemoglobin. c) Carbonic anhydrase. d) Bisphosphoglycerate. e) Carbaminoreductase

c) Carbonic anhydrase.

179) Blocking afferent action potentials from the chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies would interfere with the brain's ability to regulate breathing in response to a) changes in blood pressure. b) changes in PN2. c) Changes in PO2. d) Changes in pH due to carbon dioxide levels. e) changes in PCO2

c) Changes in PO2.

82) Which of the following is false of the trachea? a) Contains many mucous glands b) Is reinforced with C-shaped cartilages c) Contains bands of smooth muscle capable of autoresponse to changing atmospheric conditions d) Can alter its diameter when stimulated by the autonomic nervous system e) Is lined by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

c) Contains bands of smooth muscle capable of autoresponse to changing atmospheric conditions

76) The cartilage that lies in a fold of tissue that extends between the lateral aspects of the arytenoid cartilage and the epiglottis is the ________ cartilage. a) Epiglottic b) Cricoid c) Cuneiform d) Corniculate e) Thyroid

c) Cuneiform

11)____ states that the total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of its individual gases. a) Boyle's law. b) Valsalva's law. c) Dalton's law. d) Charles's law. e) Henry's law.

c) Dalton's law.

158) External respiration involves the

c) Diffusion of gases between the alveoli and the circulating blood.

31) A lung disease marked by abnormally few but large alveoli is a) Cor pulmonale. b) Pulmonary hemosiderosis. c) Emphysema. d) Atelectasis. e) Collapsed lung

c) Emphysema.

42) Blood banks dispose of blood that has low levels of bisphosphoglycerate. What would be the probable reason for doing so? a) A low BPG level causes acidosis of blood. b) Erythrocytes low in BPG does not unload CO2 very well. c) Erythrocytes low in BPG does not unload O2 very well. d) Erythrocytes low in BPG does not load O2 very well. e) A decline in BPG level is accompanied by a decline in hemoglobin level.

c) Erythrocytes low in BPG does not unload O2 very well.

131) Primary bronchi are to ________ as secondary bronchi are to ________.

c) Extrapulmonary bronchi; intrapulmonary bronchi

2) The upper respiratory tract extends; a) From the nose through the trachea. b) From the nose through the pharynx. c) From the nose through the larynx. d) From the nose through the alveoli. e) From the nose through the lungs. .

c) From the nose through the larynx.

159) Breathing that involves active inspiratory and expiratory movements is called a) eupnea. b) diaphragmatic breathing. c) Hyperpnea. d) Costal breathing. e) Shallow breathing.

c) Hyperpnea.

100) Dalton's law states that

c) In a mixture of gases such as air, the total pressure is the sum of the individual partial pressures of the gases in the mixture.

187) A clot lodges in one of the large arteries of the right lung. Over a period of time you would expect to observe a) increased cardiac output from the right ventricle. b) no appreciable changes in heart structure or function. c) Increased thickness of the right ventricular wall. d) Distension of the pulmonary veins from the right lung. e) increased cardiac output from the left ventricle.

c) Increased thickness of the right ventricular wall.

134) Respiratory function deteriorates as a result of pneumonia because of

c) Inflammation causing fluids to leak into the alveoli, leading to bronchiole swelling and constriction.

70) The vocal folds are located in the a) Oropharynx. b) Nasopharynx. c) Larynx. d) Bronchi. e) Trachea

c) Larynx.

96) Pulmonary ventilation refers to the

c) Movement of air into and out of the lungs.

146) Decompression sickness is a painful condition that develops when a person is exposed to a sudden drop in atmospheric pressure. ________ is the gas responsible for the problem.

c) Nitrogen

22) Which has the highest concentration in the air we breathe? a) Oxygen. b) Water vapor. c) Nitrogen. d) Carbon dioxide. e) Hydrogen.

c) Nitrogen.

182) With aging a) the lungs become more elastic. b) costal cartilages become more flexible. c) Pulmonary ventilation decreases. d) The lungs become more compliant. e) vital capacity increases.

c) Pulmonary ventilation decreases.

174) For maximum efficiency in loading oxygen at the lungs, the a) pH should be slightly acidic. b) PO2 should be about 70 mm. c) Temperature should be slightly lower than normal body temperature. d) DPG levels in the red blood cells should be high. e) both C and D.

c) Temperature should be slightly lower than normal body temperature.

152) According to Boyle's law, if the volume of a gas increases,

c) The pressure of the gas will decrease.

10) Which of the following cartilages is largest? a) The corniculate cartilage. b) The epiglottic cartilage. c) The thyroid cartilage. d) The cricoid cartilage. e) The arytenoid cartilage.

c) The thyroid cartilage.

61) The portion of the nasal cavity contained within the flexible tissues of the external nose is the: a) Nasal septum. b) Nasopharynx. c) Vestibule. d) Glottis. e) Internal chamber.

c) Vestibule.

160) If a student inhales as deeply as possible and then blows the air out until he cannot exhale any more, the amount of air that he expelled would be his

c) Vital capacity.

163) Which of the following would have a higher-pitched voice?

c) a person with thin vocal folds

92) Each of the following muscles can elevate the ribs, except the a) External intercostals. b) Sternocleidomastoid. c) external oblique. d) scalenes. e) Serratus anterior.

c) external oblique

137) Decreased oxygen is to ________ as 0 oxygen is to ________.

c) hypoxia; anoxia

135) Blood pressure in the pulmonary circuit is usually relatively low, with systemic pressures of ________ or less. a) 5 mm Hg b) 10 mm Hg c) 20 mm Hg d) 25 mm Hg e) 30 mm Hg

d) 25 mm Hg

44) Your breathing rate is 14 breaths/minute; spirometric measurements reveal your tidal volume is 500 mL; your inspiratory reserve volume is 3000 mL; and your expiratory reserve volume is 1,200 mL. Your vital capacity is ______ mL. a) 2,400. b) 3,000. c) 3,800. d) 4,700. e) 5,800.

d) 4,700.

Each hemoglobin molecule can transport up to _____ oxygen molecules. a) 1. b) 2. c) 3. d) 4. e) 5.

d) 4.

67) The larynx is composed of ________ cartilages. a) 2 b) 3 c) 6 d) 9 e) 12

d) 9

188) While playing in an intramural football game, Joe is tackled so hard that he breaks a rib. He can actually feel a piece of the rib sticking through the skin and he is having a difficult time breathing. Joe probably is suffering from a) a collapsed trachea. b) decreased surfactant production. c) an obstruction in the bronchi. d) A pneumothorax. e) A bruised diaphragm.

d) A pneumothorax.

167) The chloride shift occurs when

d) Bicarbonate ions leave the red blood cells.

150) An enlargement of the respiratory passageways is termed

d) Bronchodilation.

29)___ is a lung disease marked by a reduced number of cilia, reduced motility of the remaining cilia, goblet cell hypertrophy and hypersecretion, and thick sputum. a) Asthma. b) Oat-cell carcinoma. c) Atelectasis. d) Chronic bronchitis. e) Emphysema.

d) Chronic bronchitis.

5) The most numerous cells in the lungs are called a) Mucosal cells. b) Type I alveolar cells. c) Type II alveolar cells. d) Dust cells. e) Vibrissae.

d) Dust cells.

71) The elastic cartilage that shields the opening to the larynx during swallowing is the ________ cartilage. a) Cricoid b) Thyroid c) Corniculate d) Epiglottic e) Cuneiform

d) Epiglottic

14) Vital capacity consists of a) Inspiratory reserve volume + expiratory volume. b) Inspiratory reserve volume + tidal volume. c) Expiratory reserve volume + tidal volume. d) Expiratory reserve volume + tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume. e) Respiratory volume + tidal volume.

d) Expiratory reserve volume + tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume.

60) The openings to the nostrils are the: a) Internal nares. b) Palates. c) Turbinates. d) External nares. e) Vestibules

d) External nares.

20) The addition of CO2 to the blood generates ___ ions in the RBCs, which in turn stimulates RBCs to unload more oxygen. a) Sodium. b) Potassium. c) Nitrogen. d) Hydrogen. e) Chloride.

d) Hydrogen.

91) Boyle's law states that gas volume is

d) Inversely proportional to pressure.

1) Which of the following is not a function of the respiratory system? a) It helps control the pH of body fluids. b) It promotes the flow of lymph and venous blood. c) It helps regulate blood pressure. d) It assists in the synthesis of vasodilators. e) It helps with defecation.

d) It assists in the synthesis of vasodilators.

118) The trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles all make up the

d) Lower respiratory tract.

98) The function of pulmonary ventilation is to

d) Maintain adequate alveolar ventilation

162) Physical damage to the lamina propria of the nasal mucosa is likely to result in

d) Nosebleeds.

154) All of the following provide chemoreceptor input to the respiratory centers of the medulla oblongata, except the a) carotid body. b) medullary chemoreceptors. c) aortic body. d) Olfactory epithelium. e) all of the above

d) Olfactory epithelium.

124) The ________ is shared by the respiratory and digestive systems.

d) Pharynx

80) Air passing through the glottis vibrates the vocal folds, resulting in a) Coughing. b) Speech. c) Articulation. d) Phonation. e) Gagging.

d) Phonation.

55) Functions of the respiratory system include all of the following, except. a) Moving air to and from the exchange surface. b) Defending the respiratory system and other tissues from pathogenic invasion. c) Protecting respiratory surfaces from dehydration, temperature changes, or other environmental variations. d) Preventing choking from accidental respiration of chewed food. e) Providing an extensive area for gas exchange between air and circulating blood

d) Preventing choking from accidental respiration of chewed food

192) Abe decides to make an attempt to get into the record books by sitting under water for the longest time. She fixes a mouthpiece to a long plastic tube, weights herself down, and sits at the bottom of an 8-foot pool with the top of the plastic pipe 3 inches above the water. After a few minutes, she finds that a) her vital capacity is increased. b) her tidal volume has decreased. c) her residual volume has increased. d) She is breathing faster and deeper. e) Her alveolar ventilation rate has increased

d) She is breathing faster and deeper.

38) The vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves carry afferent signals from peripheral chemoreceptors to a chemosensitive area in a) The pontine respiratory group. b) The dorsal respiratory group. c) The ventral respiratory group. d) The medulla oblongata. e) The pons.

d) The medulla oblongata.

69) The glottis is a) Part of the hard palate. b) A flap of elastic cartilage. c) The inferior margin of the soft palate. d) The opening to the larynx. e) The opening to the pharynx.

d) The opening to the larynx.

129) The right lung is to ________ as the left lung is to ________.

d) Three lobes; two lobes

83) The airway between the larynx and the primary bronchi is the a) Laryngeal duct. b) Bronchiole. c) Alveolar duct. d) Trachea. e) Pharynx.

d) Trachea.

56) Air entering the body is filtered, warmed, and humidified by the: a) Lower respiratory tract. b) Alveoli. c) Lungs. d) Upper respiratory tract. e) Bronchioles.

d) Upper respiratory tract.

133) Gas exchange occurs across the respiratory membrane of the alveoli. The respiratory membrane consists of a) The endothelial cells lining an adjacent capillary. b) The squamous epithelial cells lining the alveoli. c) The fused basal laminae that lie between the alveolar and endothelial cells. d) all of the above e) None of the above

d) all of the above

138) Determination of blood gases includes testing for a) pH. b) PCO2. c) PO2. d) all of the above e) both A and C

d) all of the above

191) In emphysema, the alveoli break down and coalesce into large air spaces. The lungs also lose elasticity and compliance is increased. You would expect a person with emphysema to have a) increased dead air space. b) elevated PCO2 in the blood. c) increased anteroposterior diameter, leading to increased vital capacity. d) all of the above e) A and C only

d) all of the above

142) Quiet breathing is to ________ as shallow breathing is to ________.

d) eupnea; costal breathing

101) The partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood is approximately

e) 100 mm Hg

62) The portion of the pharynx that receives both air and food is the a) Oropharynx. b) Nasopharynx. c) Laryngopharynx. d) A and B e) A and C

e) A and C

111) The term hypercapnia refers to

e) An increase in the PCO2.

18) During exercise, which of the following directly increases respiratory rate? a) Increased H+ level in the blood. b) The Bohr Effect. c) Reduced blood pH. d) Reduced oxyhemoglobin. e) Anticipation of the needs of exercising muscle

e) Anticipation of the needs of exercising muscle

74) The cartilage that articulates with the superior border of the enlarged portion of the cricoid cartilage is the ________ cartilage. a) Cricoid b) Cuneiform c) Corniculate d) Thyroid e) Arytenoid

e) Arytenoid

73) The cartilage that serves as a base for the larynx is the ________ cartilage. a) Cuneiform b) Corniculate c) Arytenoid d) Thyroid e) Cricoid

e) Cricoid

21) Which of the following has no effect on oxyhemoglobin dissociation? a) Epinephrine. b) Fever. c) Thyroid hormone. d) Low pH. e) Erythrocyte count

e) Erythrocyte count

170) During an attack of asthma, an individual's

e) Expiratory reserve volume decreases.

77) The thyroid cartilage is attached to the hyoid bone by a) Intrinsic laryngeal muscles. b) Intrinsic ligaments. c) Vestibular folds. d) Vocal folds. e) Extrinsic ligaments

e) Extrinsic ligaments

39) Mucus plays an important role in cleansing inhaled air. It is produced by ___ of the respiratory tract. a) Squamous alveolar cells. b) Great alveolar cells. c) The pleurae. d) Ciliated cells. e) Goblet cells.

e) Goblet cells.

110) A 10 percent increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood will

e) Increase the rate of breathing.

68) Articulating cartilages are bound to each other by a) Vestibular folds. b) Vocal folds. c) Extrinsic ligaments. d) Intrinsic laryngeal muscles. e) Intrinsic ligaments

e) Intrinsic ligaments

106) At a PO2 of 70 mm and normal temperature and pH, hemoglobin is ________ percent saturated with oxygen.

e) More than 90

85) Structures formed by the branching of the trachea within the mediastinum are a) Bronchioles. b) Tertiary bronchi. c) Secondary bronchi. d) Alveoli. e) Primary bronchi.

e) Primary bronchi.

116) The Hering-Breuer reflex

e) Protects the lungs from damage due to overinflation

7) Which of the following does not have cilia? a) The nasal cavity. b) The trachea. c) Primary bronchi. d) Tertiary bronchi. e) Respiratory bronchioles

e) Respiratory bronchioles

148) The condition resulting from the inadequate production of surfactant and associated alveolar collapse is a) Pulmonary embolism. b) Pneumothorax. c) COPD. d) Anoxia. e) Respiratory distress syndrome.

e) Respiratory distress syndrome.

185) Theresa receives some bad news in the mail and starts to cry. She is crying so hard that her nose begins to run. Why does this occur? a) Crying increases the production of mucus by the nasal epithelium. b) Crying activates the frontal sinus mucous epithelium to overproduce mucus, which then drains into the nasal cavity. c) Tears drain into the maxillary sinuses and then into the nasal cavity, causing the runny nose. d) Crying initiates a neural reflex that causes the runny nose. e) Tears drain from the eyes into the nasal cavity, where the increased moisture makes the mucus loosen and run.

e) Tears drain from the eyes into the nasal cavity, where the increased moisture makes the mucus loosen and run.

99) Henry's law states that:

e) The volume of gas that will dissolve in a solvent is proportional to the solubility of the gas and the gas pressure.

140) At the start of the respiratory cycle, the relationship between the intrapulmonary and atmospheric pressure is that

e) They are equal.

122) The respiratory defense system is important because it a) Helps filter the air. b) Keeps out debris. c) Keeps out pathogens. d) Helps warm the air. e) all of the above

e) all of the above

123) ________ generally causes a rapid increase in the rate of mucus production in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. a) Exposure to noxious stimuli b) Exposure to debris or pathogens c) Exposure to unpleasant stimuli d) Exposure to allergens e) all of the above

e) all of the above

175) A molecule that blocks the activity of carbonic anhydrase would a) interfere with oxygen binding to hemoglobin. b) Cause a decrease in blood pH. c) Decrease the amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in the plasma. d) increase the amount of bicarbonate formed in the blood. e) none of the above

e) none of the above

86) The following is a list of some of the structures of the respiratory tree. a) Secondary bronchi b) Bronchioles c) Alveolar ducts d) Primary bronchi e) Respiratory bronchioles f) Alveoli g) Terminal bronchioles The order in which air passes through these structures is h) 2, 4, 1, 7, 5, 3, 6. i) 4, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 6. j) 1, 4, 2, 5, 7, 3, 6. k) 1, 4, 2, 7, 5, 3, 6. l) 4, 1, 2, 5, 7, 3, 6.

i) 4, 1, 2, 7, 5, 3, 6. primary bronchi, secondary bronchi, brochioles, terminal bronchioles, respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli

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