Chapter 23 Digestive system

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Which of the following describes gastric function?

All of the above

Which group is incorrect?

Biliary tree structures: cystic duct, portal vein, common bile duct

Which of the following does not directly connect to the duodenum?


Which of the following is a hormone?


Which of the following form(s) the large intestine?


Which of the following is true of lipase?

Digests fats

The wall of which structure secretes the disaccharidases?


Which condition is associated with the base of the esophagus, fundus of the stomach, and diaphragm?

Hiatal hernia

Which of the following is true of the salivary glands?

Include the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands.

Which of the following is most likely to cause ascites and esophageal varices?

Increased portal vein pressure

Which of the following does not communicate with the common bile duct?

Portal vein

Which condition is most likely to be caused by pyloric stenosis?

Projectile vomiting

Which enzyme is found in saliva?


Which of the following is true of the appendix


Which of the following is (are) true of cholecystokinin (CCK)?

Secreted by the walls of the duodenum in response to the presence of fat

Which of the following is not a function of the liver?

Secretes cholecystokinin and secretin

Which group is incorrect?

Small intestine: duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum

Which structure is located between the common bile duct and the duodenum?

Sphincter of Oddi

Which of the following produces amino acids as its end product of digestion?


Which statement is true?

Trypsin is an enzyme that digests protein.

Which of the following is characteristic of bile?

Two of the above

The canaliculi, hepatic duct, and cystic duct

Two of the above are true.

The pancreas

Two of the above are true.

What is the most important nerve of the digestive tract?


Which of the following produces the disaccharides as its end products of digestion?


Pain in the RLQ is most characteristic of


The cystic duct, common bile duct, and hepatic ducts

are parts of the biliary tree

The splenic flexure does not involve the

ascending colon

Which structure is located between the cecum and the transverse colon

ascending colon

Cholecystokinin regulates the secretion of


Emulsification is most associated with which substance?


The liver lobule secretes


Fat digestion is accomplished by

bile and lipase

Relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi allows

bile to enter the duodenum from the common bile duct

The appendix

can rupture and cause peritonitis.

The appendix is attached to which structure?


The stomach mixes and mashes a bolus of food that is called


The sigmoid is part of the


The gallbladder

contracts in response to cholecystokinin.

The stomach

delivers chyme to the duodenum.


digest carbohydrates.

Lipases, proteases, and amylases are

digestive enzymes

Lactose intolerance is a _____ problem.


Sucrase, maltase, and lactase are


The ampulla of Vater and the sphincter of Oddi are located between the common bile duct and what structure?


The common bile duct empties its contents into the


The wall of which structure secretes cholecystokinin?


What is the site of most chemical digestion?


Which structure contains the villi, microvilli, and brush border cells?


What is the site of absorption for most end products of digestion

duodenum and jejunum

The common bile duct

empties bile into the duodenum.

Which flap of tissue prevents food and water from entering the respiratory passages?


Which of the following is caused by portal hypertension?

esophageal varices

The hepatic flexure does not involve the


What is the tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach?


Chyle and bile are most related to

fat and lacteal.

The elimination of gas that is produced during digestion and released from the anus is called


Which surgical procedure is most likely to cause dumping syndrome?


Gingiva refers to the


Gastrin, secretin, and cholecystokinin are



is caused by contraction of smooth muscle.

The duodenum

is the site where most digestion and absorption occur.

Obstruction of the common bile duct causes


Chyle is found in the


The cecum is part of the

large intestine

The cecum, colon, and rectum are parts of which structure?

large intestine

The portal vein carries blood that is rich in digestive end products to which organ?


The word hepatic refers to the


This organ synthesizes clotting factors, stores vitamins, detoxifies drugs, and helps regulate blood glucose levels.


What is the chief organ of drug detoxification?


Which organ produces bile and secretes it into the hepatic ducts?


What is the sphincter that allows food to enter the stomach from the esophagus?

lower esophageal sphincter

Which structure prevents gastric reflux?

lower esophageal sphincter

Which of the following best describes the chewing of food?

mechanical digestion

Impaired hepatic function

often causes plasma drug levels to increase to toxic concentrations

Which membrane resembles an apron draped over the abdominal organs?


Which of the following refers to the roof of the mouth?


Bile is not found in which structure?


Which organ secretes the most potent of the digestive enzymes?


A paralytic ileus is caused by a cessation of


Which of the following best describes why food moves through the digestive system from the mouth toward the anus?


Which of the following is most related to esophageal reflux?


Which of the following structures allow(s) the stomach to expand?


Parotid, sublingual, and submandibular refer to

salivary glands.

Hydrochloric acid, intrinsic factor, and gastrin are

secreted by the stomach.

Paralytic ileus is the

slowing or cessation of GI motility

A drug that blocks vagal activity

slows GI motility and reduces GI secretion

Which of the following best describes the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum?

small intestine

The vagus nerve

speeds up gut motility and secretion

An antacid drug exerts its effect in the


Food moves through the esophagus to the


The fundus, body, and pylorus are parts of the


The primary function of which organ is to deliver chyme to the duodenum at the proper rate?


The pyloric sphincter is located between the duodenum and what structure?


Deglutition refers to


Deciduous, baby, and milk are descriptive for which structure(s)?


Enamel, dentin, and cementum are related to which structure?


Which of the following is a digestive enzyme?


Which of the following is least characteristic of glucose?


Which of the following is least related to fat digestion?


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