Chapter 25 Quiz

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The Dixiecrats who attracted national attention in 1948 were

A political party made up of breakaway Democrats opposed to the Democratic Party's position on civil rights.

The roots of 1950s rock 'n' roll music lay in

African American rhythm-and-blues.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr., in the launching of the Montgomery bus boycott?

By engaging in nonviolent civil disobedience, African Americans can demonstrate the immorality of Jim Crow laws.

Which of the following is true of the Internal Security (McCarran) Act of 1950?

It required members of "Communist-front" organizations to register with the government and prohibited them from holding government jobs.

Which of the following is true of the Civil Rights Act of 1957?

It suspended literacy tests for voting.

In its report To Secure These Rights, President Truman's Committee on Civil Rights proposed which of the following?

The enactment of antilynching and antisegregation legislation

Industry was attracted to the Sunbelt for which of the following reasons?

The region's right-to-work laws which banned closed shops

What was the main reason for the rash of strikes that began in late 1945 and extended through 1946?

Workers were hit hard by skyrocketing inflation.

In his book Baby and Child Care, Dr. Benjamin Spock asserted that

a mother's full-time attention was necessary for the well-being of her child.

During the 1950s, books such as The Crack in the Picture Window and The Lonely Crowd

criticized middle-class culture and the rise of conformity in American life.

One thing that the 1956 film Invasion of the Body Snatchers, William H. Whyte's The Organization Man, and J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye had in common was that they all

criticized the social conformity present in 1950s American society.

Which of the following is true of the 1954 Communist Control Act?

it effectively made membership in the Communist Party illegal.

During the 1950's, most Americans who were poor

lived in households headed by a person with an eighth-grade education or less.

The Supreme Court's decision in Smith v. Allwright benefited African Americans by

outlawing whites-only primaries.

One of the features of the classic movie Rebel Without a Cause that ties it to the 1950s is its reflection of

popular psychological theories of the 1950s such as "the crisis of masculinity."

One of the goals of the GI Bill was to

prevent demobilized veterans from flooding the civilian job market.

In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court ruled that

racially-segregated public educational facilities were unconstitutional.

The Beat writers of the 1950s

rejected the conventional world of the middle class.

The target of Rosa Park's protest in Montgomery, Alabama, was the denal of the right of African Americans to

secure jobs driving the Montgomery city buses

The 1958 National Defense Education Act was passed in response to

the launching of the first earth-orbiting satellite by Russia.

During the 1950s, unionized blue-collar workers

were able to enjoy a middle-class lifestyle.

Which of the following made up the nation's poorest group after the Second World War?

Native Americans

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