Chapter 25: Turmoil between the wars

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Match the authoritarian leader to his preferred artistic and cultural tastes.

"Aryan" art Correct label: Hitler classic kitsch Correct label: Mussolini socialist realism Correct label: Stalin

Choose the statement below that best defines the mid-1920s policy of "socialism in one country."

recognizing that there was going to be no worldwide communist revolution

Choose all of the correct terms that the Treaty of Versailles placed upon the Weimar Republic.

reparations accept responsibility for the war cede territory reduce size of the army

John Maynard Keyes, a British economist, believed that capitalism could create a just and efficient society if it were managed competently by national governments. First, he believed that -should be abandoned: governments should go into the red to boost sluggish economies. Then, he advocated the creation of -, that is, investments that entailed - but that were very socially productive. Keynes also endorsed - to rein in currency speculation and promote full employment. Keynes's ideas were very influential in the Roosevelt administration's collection of policies called the -.

1. Balanced budgets 2. venture capital 3. high risk 4. monetary control 5. new deal

In order to bring an end to class conflict, Mussolini reorganized the economy, placing it under the control of twenty-two -. Each one was organized by the - with representatives from the government and the major employment sectors. Along with setting wages and prices, the members of these bodies were responsible for determining -. Although they were supposedly designed to foster cooperation, in practice these bodies favored - and demonstrated Mussolini's allegiance to -.

1. Corporations 2.Fascist Party 3. working conditions 5.big business

The German hyperinflation crisis of 1923 was brought about by a combination of factors. First, the Germans were trying to pay for - for ex-soldiers who were often unemployed and embittered. Yet, according to the -, Germany also had to - to its former enemies, especially France. When the French tried to force the reluctant Germans to comply, the Germans printed money far in excess of its value, leading to the wiping out of - and the destitution of those who were on -.

1. Demobilizing programs 2. Treaty of Versailles 3. Pay reparations 4.individual savings 5.fixed incomes "The hyperinflation crisis was resolved by an infusion of American loan money and a restructuring of Germany's debt. However, the bitterness incurred by this experience remained with many Germans and was one reason why the Weimar Republic ultimately began to fall apart later in the early 1930s."

Early in his reign, Stalin decided upon the collectivization of -. Peasants were forced to join -, often after bitterly resisting the Soviet state. Indeed, Stalin launched a vicious campaign against the -, who were perceived to be better off than other peasants. Their liquidation led to one of the largest outbreaks of - in modern history, and those peasants who survived had little incentive to grow extra food. In all, collectivization cost upward of five million lives.

1. agriculture 2.collective farms 3.kulaks 4.famine

Nazi racism was influenced by many ideas stemming back to the mid-nineteenth century. One key idea was that of -, which argued that only those most fit to survive in a competitive world deserved to succeed. Another one was the idea of -, a belief that scientists could racially engineer "superior" peoples through selective breeding. The Nazis turned these ideas into policy, first with the 1933 law for - of genetically inferior people. Ultimately, such policies led to the - of millions of mentally and physically unhealthy people.

1. social darwinsim 2.eugenics 3.compolsory sterilization 4.mass murder

Choose all the tactics that the fascists employed in their pursuit of power from 1919 to 1922.

repressing radical movements taking over local governments attacking socialists

Choose the sentence that does not describe a consequence of the Russian Civil War of 1917-21.

Bolshevik leadership was purged

Choose the group that was not a member of the first Weimar coalition that established Germany's first postwar constitution.


Match the component of fascist doctrine to its definition.

Every interest and every loyalty must be incorporated. Correct label: statism Transcending each individual, it had a life and soul of its own. Correct label: nationalism Countries that did not expand would wither and die. Correct label: militarism

As in the Soviet Union the year before, the November Revolution in Germany was led by councils of workers and soldiers and brought a communist government into power in late 1918.


Despite their failure to gain the support or acceptance from the majority of the Russian population, the Bolsheviks were able to win the Russian Civil War of 1917-21.


Following his service in the German Army, Hitler moved to Munich where he started the German Workers' Party in 1919.


The Great Dictator (1940) was Leni Riefenstahl's filmed record of the Nazi party rally at Nuremberg and a hymn to National Socialist values.


The Red Leagues were militiamen whom Mussolini employed to intimidate his political opponents.


imilar to the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany envisioned a politically and militarily active role for women.


Decide whether it is true or false that, because Fascism emphasized political violence against its enemies, Mussolini's March on Rome in October 1922 was a brutal, and illegal, seizure of power.

False "During the March on Rome, Mussolini was invited by the King Victor Emmanuel III to form a government. Thus, Mussolini's accession to power was legal."

One of Albert Einstein's key scientific contributions was his splitting of the atom in 1939.

False -"Einstein's contribution was the special theory of relativity, which argued that mass and energy could be converted into one another."

The Nazis seized power in Germany through a violent coup d'état (overthrow of the state) called the Beer Hall Putsch.

False -The failure of the Beer Hall Putsch led Hitler to conclude that the Nazis could come to power only through legal means.

Mussolini derived the name of his political party, in part, from the ____________, an axe bundled by sticks that represented the ancient Roman state.


Click on all the areas Russia lost after the First World War on the following map.

Finland Estonia Lithuania Poland Latvia

Early in the Weimar period, bands of militant, anti-Semitic, anti-Marxist counterrevolutionaries called _________ openly opposed the new government.


The head of the Schutzstaffel (SS), __________ (last name only), became one of the most feared individuals in Nazi Germany for his remorseless application of terror.


Match the Nazi civil organization to its appropriate description.

Hitler Youth - taught the values of the Third Reich National Labor Service - provided workers for state-sponsored building and reclamation projects National Labor Front - organized industrial workers and employers

Place in correct chronological order the events that led to Hitler's accession to power.

Hitler runs for president Nazis gain 37.5% of the parlimentary votes Hindenburg invites Hitler to be chancellor The Reichstag is set on fire Parliament grants Hitler unlimited power.

Read the following passage from Stalin's 1931 speech to the Managers of Socialist Industry and then choose the sentence that best summarizes its main point. In ten years at most we must make good the distance which separates us from the advanced capitalist countries. We have all the "objective" possibilities for this. The only thing lacking is the ability to take proper advantage of these possibilities. ... It is time to put an end to the rotten policy of noninterference in production. It is time to adopt a new policy, a policy adapted to the present times—the policy of interfering in everything. If you are a factory manager, then interfere in all affairs of the factory, look into everything, let nothing escape you, learn and learn again.

In order to catch up with the Industrial West, the Soviet State and its managers must control production directly -"As part of the first Five-Year Plan, Stalin and the Soviet government planned the industrialization of Russia and set output targets for factories. There was no private, entrepreneurial control of the factory system in Russia."

Choose the sentence that does not describe Italy's situation after the First World War.

Italy was a defeated nation that had suffered high causalities

Read the following passage carefully and then choose the sentence that best expresses the viewpoint of the author. The Jew has no interest in the solution of Germany's fateful problems. He CANNOT have any. FOR HE LIVES ON THE FACT THAT THERE HAS BEEN NO SOLUTION. If we would make the German people a unified community and give them freedom before the world, then the Jew can have no place among us. He has the best trumps in his hands when a people lives in inner and outer slavery.

Jews cannot play any role in the resolution of Germany's problems -"The author, Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Germany's minister of propaganda, argues that Jews must be excluded from the political and social life of the nation if Germany is to regain its former strength."

What is meant by the concept of passive citizenship, which the fascists sought to instill in the Italian population?

People were given a sense of political involvement without any political rights.

Choose the sentence that best describes the artistic objectives of the Dadaists.

Rejecting all aesthetic principles -"Choosing their name from a dictionary, the Dadaists emphasized random combinations and a contempt for previous movements' efforts at form and meaning."

Choose the sentence below that best describes the "new woman" of the 1920s.

She sported bobbed hair and short dresses "Popularized in American mass culture, the "new woman" advertised her independence from traditional gender roles by deemphasizing conventional modes of female presentation."

The son of a poor Georgian shoemaker, ____________ (last name only) deftly maneuvered his way to the top of the Soviet elite by the late 1920s.


Choose the sentence that best expresses the intended meaning of this altered photo.

Stalin is a close, personal friend of lenin

Choose the sentence that describes Italy's situation after the First World War.

The north was more industrialized and much more prosperous than the agrarian south, leading to social conflict.

A gulag was a remote prison camp to which Stalin sent numerous kinds of criminals.


Although he became the founder of fascism, Mussolini actually began his political career as a socialist.


Decide whether it is true or false that Hitler utilized a manufactured crisis to consolidate his grip on power after January 1933.


The concept of a "lost generation" was given wide popularity through Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises (1926).


In general, the politics of the 1920s in Western democracies such as Britain, France, and the United States was conservative and favored big business. T or F

True Economic policies favored both deflation, which kept prices (and wages) low, and a resistance to any kind of social reforms on behalf of the working classes.

Match the Nazis' anti-Semitic action to its correct consequence.

a campaign of terror led by the SA Correct label: Kristallnacht (1938) excluded Jews from public office and civil service occupations Correct label: Racial laws (1933) prohibited marriage and sexual relations between Jews and other Germans Correct label: Nuremberg Decrees (1935)

Select all the ways that Mussolini fascisized (turned fascist) the Italian state after coming to power in October 1922.

abolished the cabinet merged state control with party control changed electoral laws

Select all of the correct features of the New Economic Policy (NEP) that was instituted by the Soviet Union in 1921.

allowing free trade peasants farming land for their benefit allowing limited ownership of property

Match the Nazi organization to its appropriate description.

conducted arrests and incarcerations Correct label: Gestapo eliminated the regime's political and racial enemies Correct label: SS maintained discipline with the Nazi party Correct label: SA

Select all the long-term causes of the Great Depression.

drop in agricultural prices restrictions on free trade falling industrial productivity

Match the Stalin-era policy to its historical objective.

elimination of Stalin's perceived enemies Correct label: Great Terror putting peasants on state-controlled farms Correct label: collectivization rapid industrialization Correct label: first Five-Year Plan

Select all the correct measures that the French Popular Front government took to combat the Great Depression.

established a wheat office established a public works program reorganized the Bank of France established a wheat office Nationlized

The architectural design style known as ___________ minimized decorative elements and explored the use of new materials.

functionalist "Functionalism emphasized simplicity of design and the use of chrome, glass, steel, and concrete."

One of Great Britain's key responses to the Great Depression was to abandon its ___________, which meant that it would no longer peg its currency to a fixed value of specie (metal).

gold standard "The United States followed up by abandoning the gold standard in 1933."

Choose all the ways that women's lives changed under Stalin's regime, roughly from 1927 to 1939.

greater numbers in workforce state support for mothers abortion outlawed

Choose the sentence that best expresses the artist's attitude toward mass communication.

mass communication produces a degraded and even barbarous discourse

Select all the correct features of "war communism," as practiced by the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War of 1917-21.

militarized production grain requisitioning abolition of money

Select all of the correct themes that the Nazis employed in their electoral campaigns of the late 1920s and early 1930s.

parliamentary weakness anticommunism decadence of Weimar culture

Select all the ways in which the Nazis sought to cultivate popular support among the German people.

rebuilt German economy appealed to national pride developed a cult of the leader

Select all the correct characteristics of the Weimar constitution as it was enacted in 1919.

universal suffrage established open, pluralistic democratic framework bill of rights

Choose the sentence that does not describe the intentions of the German Socialist Party (SPD) immediately after coming to power in November 1918.

wanted to bring communists into the government "The new SPD-led government turned against its former communist allies in January 1919 after the latter had launched a series of uprisings."

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