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What is Karma?

A souls good and bad deeds follows from one reincarnation to another. Karma influences the caste system someone is born into, their wealth and health, etc.

Athenian Democracy "Direct democracy"

A type of government used in Athens which is sort of a combine of majority rule and democracy. It remains a unique and intriguing experiment in direct democracy where the people do not elect representatives to vote on their behalf but vote on legislation and executive bills in their own right. Greek democracy created at Athens was a direct, not a representative democracy: any adult male citizen of age could take part, and it was a duty to do so.

What was the government of Greek City-State?

Greek city-states adopted a variety of governments, including monarchy, aristocracy, and oligarchy as well as democracy.

Great Zimbabwe (history denied)

Seized control of gold and ivory trade route. Taxes people who used routes. 1450 Great Zimbabwe abandoned. Stone Dwellings

Islamic law required that Jews and Christians to be

be treated with tolerance

How Greeks influenced the modern world

direct Democracy, first alphabet, first libraries, olympics, science, math, mythology, arthitecture

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have a common root in the Hebrew idea of

ethical monotheism

Beliefs of Judaism

first monotheistic religion; worship God (Yahweh); covenant b/w God and people; acknowledge God and obey laws; God acknowledges people. 10 commandments

All of the following factors contributed to the rapid expansion of the early Muslim empire EXCEPT (A) forced conversions of conquered people (B) the military skill of the Muslim armies (C) weaknesses in the Byzantine and Persian Empires (D) the strong faith of the Muslim soldiers

forced conversions of conquered people

Ancient Olympics

held in honor of Zeus, every 4 years=Olympiad, lasted 5 days, only 1st place winners received medals, events included track/discuss/javelin/chariot racing, emphasize individual sports, women were not allowed to participate, had own olympics= Herea (honor of Hera)

Athens became the most powerful city-state in ancient Greece as a result of

the defeat of the Persians

Meccans initially resisted Muhammad's teachings because

the people feared Mecca would lose its position as a pilgrimage center

The most important force in the spread of both Buddhism and the alphabet was


Greek Drama

tragedies and comedies, performed in outdoor ampitheaters. Actors wore masks.

What is reincarnation?

Belief that one's soul will be reborn in a new form until your soul reaches Nirvana.

Aksum conversion to Christianity

Biggest and longest lasting accomplishment of King Ezana (he converted).

Peloponnesian War

(431-404 BC) The war between Athens and Sparta that in which Sparta won, but left Greece as a whole weak and ready to fall to its neighbors to the north. Persia helped fund.

2. Empires in West Africa grew powerful by (A) controlling trade (B) invading neighboring kingdoms (C) building alliances (D) converting to Islam

(A) controlling trade The empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai drew their strength from the control of key trade routes and access to natural resources, especially gold.

A key difference between North African and sub-Saharan societies, which helps explain their contrasting social patterns, was (A) the influence of Islam (B) nomadic culture (C) lineage groups (D) access to natural resources

(A) the influence of Islam Hunting-gathering societies like the Efe in sub-Saharan Africa did not have written, formal laws or a centralized system of power. In North Africa, by contrast, Islamic law helped order and unify Muslim states.

4. The trading of enslaved persons began (A) with the arrival of the Portuguese (B) about the ninth century (C) with the Bantu migration (D) after the conquest of Kilwa

(B) about the ninth century Muslim traders began exporting enslaved East Africans to Asia around the ninth century. However, this trade did not expand dramatically until the 1700s, when Europeans began buying Africans to work on their colonial plantations.

Under Abbasid rule, a key force unifying the Muslim Empire was (A) direct political control (B) economy and trade (C) Persian language and culture (D) a common vision of Islam

(B) economy and trade

3. The main reason for the fall of the Songhai Empire was (A) ineffective government (B) an eastward shift in the gold trade (C) military weakness (D) disruption in the gold-salt trade

(C) military weakness Although the Songhai Empire was built by military conquest, their armies fought only with spears and swords. In 1591, Moroccan troops armed with gunpowder and cannons defeated Songhai warriors, ending the era of West African empires.

5. Although Islam spread throughout Africa, (A) the Arabic language did not influence African culture (B) it did not spread by conquest (C) few African rulers converted to Islam (D) it did not replace traditional religions Islam was most influential among rulers, government officials, and the merchant classes, who were predominantly Muslim. Much of the population never converted to Islam, and many who did practiced traditional beliefs along with their new faith.

(D) it did not replace traditional religions Islam was most influential among rulers, government officials, and the merchant classes, who were predominantly Muslim. Much of the population never converted to Islam, and many who did practiced traditional beliefs along with their new faith.

Great Zimbabwe Componets of Trade


Islam -Development of the religion/life of Muhammad


Islam Achievenments (art, architecture, science, mathematics)


Islam Conquests


Islam Decline of Golden Age


Islam-foundations of Golden Age




East Africa Trading


Goals of Hinduism?

1) Dharma -Aspiration for virtue 2) Artha aspiration for material well being 3) Kama aspiration for pleasure 4. Moksha englightment

10 Commandments

1-5 Obligation toward God 6-10 obligations toward other people

Greek Art

1. Greek art glorified human beings--ideal beauty. Status stressed admired traits of beauty, strength, intelligence, pride, grace, and courage 2. Sculptures purchased to honor the gods

Julius Caesar

100-44 BC. Roman general who ended Roman Republic. Conquered Gaul with his powerful army. Made himself Roman dictator in 46 BC. Assassinated by Brutus and others in 44 BC because he was too powerful. "Et Tu Brute" March 15 is called the "Ides of March" Granted people in providences citizenship, created jobs through construction projects.

Roman Law

12 Tables written laws (mostly oral before) and free citizens had a right to the protection of the law. --BIGGEST ACCOMPLISHMENT!!!

Oldest Civilization in Africa is how old?

500 bc

Persian war

5th century B.C.E wars between the Persian empire and Greek city-states; Greek victories allowed Greek civilization to define identity.

Challenges/benefits of African geography

Africa, the second largest continent in the world, includes many different environments, some of them largely uninhabitable. Most Africans live on the savannas, which cover about three-fifths of the continent and support substantial agriculture. Rainforest have Tsetse fly and no one can live in the desert.

Development of Asksum

Aksum's location on the Red Sea linked it to the trading networks of Asia and the Mediterranean. As the kingdom grew into a center of trade, it attracted people from all over the ancient world, who brought with them new ideas and traditions.

East Africa Swahili

Arabic language blended with Bantu language

Greek Science

Archimedes explored the principles of the lever and pulley. Hippocrates, physician, studied the causes of illness and looked for cures. Greek Astronomy-thought earth may revolve around the sun, but most refused to accept this. Euclid-gemometry concept we still use today

Alexander the Great

BIGGEST CONTRIBUTION-SPREAD HELLENSTIC SPREAD HELLENISTIC CULTURE After Alexander's death, his empire was split into separate kingdoms. Even so, the territory he conquered shared many Greek customs. In these areas, Greek culture blended with Egyptian, Persian, and Indian traditions to create Hellenistic culture.

Bantu migrations causes & effect on local cultures

Bantu people migrated and settled mostly in the savanahs south of the Sahara. Farming techniques of slash and burn destroyed the soil so they would have to move frequently. But because they could produce more food by farming than by hunting and gathering, the population increased. Shared agriculture skills and languages with people they met and adapted goat herding and learn to cultivate banannas. Also taught weapon making skills. Also migrated because needed hardwood so searched for hardwood in rainforests to melt iron and iron ore sources.

Differences between Hinduism and Buddism?

Both believe in reincarnation, Karama and non-violence. Both believe perfect state of understanding called moksha( Hindiuism and Hirvana (Buddist). Buddha rejected many gods (does not worship animals) and rejected the caste system.

An important difference between Buddhism and Hinduism is

Buddist reject of caste system

Why did rome decline?

CONFLICT BETWEEN RICH AND POOR CONFLICT BETWEEN RICH AND POOR As Rome's influence expanded, its slave population grew, as did the numbers of its homeless and unemployed. Military leaders recruited soldiers from the poor to build their own armies. Increasing tensions among social groups and political rivals plunged the republic into civil war.

Push/Pull effects on migration

Cultural blending of languages or ways of life Redistribution of the population/change population density Ideas and technologies shared Quality of life may improve because of moving Clashes between groups may cause unrest Environmental conditions may change causing famine or depletion of resources Employment opportunities may dry up

Reasons for fall of the Roman Republic

Enlarged territory, republican form of government grew unstable and gave way to dictator ruled government. Gap of rich and poor grew. Miliarty generals started to take control and promise land for support. Three men gained control of rome Julius Casear a general, Crassus, a wealthy roman, and Pompey a popluar general ran rome and were known as the truimvirate--a group of three rulers. Julius Casear, who was popular because of his military successes, became the absolute leader.

Push/pull causes of migration

Environment: Push: climate changes, exhausted resources, drought/famine Pull: Abundant land, new resources, good climate Economic: Push: Unemployment, slavery Pull: employment opportunities Political: Push: Religious, ethnic or political persecution, war Pull: political or religious freedom NOT FOR SPREADING LANGUAGES

Ethical monotheism

Ethical monotheism is defined as the belief in one single God who guides man with moral principles.

Roman Engineering

Excellent, durable roads, Strong bridges, Aqueducts to move water, Building designs that inspired later societies

. English, Persian, Spanish, and Hindi are all derived from languages spoken by the


Aksum decline

Islamic invaders destroyed the sea port and international trade declined.

How did Roman Republic begin?

It all began when the Romans overthrew their Etruscan conquerors in 509 B.C.E. Centered north of Rome, the Etruscans had ruled over the Romans for hundreds of years. Once free, the Romans established a republic, a government in which citizens elected representatives to rule on their behalf. A republic is quite different from a democracy, in which every citizen is expected to play an active role in governing the state.


Lead Jews to the promised land. Born a slave and pharaoh had all baby boys killed and his mother hid him in the reeds so he would survived. He was found and raised by the Pharaoh's daugther. God ordered him to lead the Jews out of Egypt.


Located in egypt a blend of egyptian, persian and india influences. Hellenistic culture, big trading areas lighthouse and library.

The greatest contribution of Islamic culture to the West was its (A) cosmopolitan urban centers (B) legal code (C) architecture (D) scholarship


Greek Architecture

Most buildings were temples. Columns were the way heavy marble buildings were supported. There were three column styles: Doric (plain), Ionic (scrolled), and Corinthian (very decorative and painted).

East Africa-influence of Islam

Muslim traders introduced islam to africa. Muslims do not separate religious life from personal life. Islamic spread literacy.

East African enslavement

Muslim traders traded slaves to india. Slaves purchased for employment and armies.

Decline of Athens

Peloponnesian War. Between the war and the plaque that struck during the war, much land ruined. .

Why was Christianity a threat to Rome?

Refused to worship Roman gods.

Roman language

Roman created latin which many european languages are derived from.

great revolt of the Jews/Masada

Romans had occupied Israel for many years and jews were burdened with heavy taxes and were forced to honor Caligula as a god. The jews revolved and ended up having a holy temple in Masada destroyed and Romans killing 1/2 million jews.

Aksum King Ezana

Ruler of Aksum and expanded empire by conquering part of persia.

Ghana expansion and decline

Salt & gold trade--did not own minds, but owned routes and taxes good in exchange for safe passage. King of Ghana kept best gold for himself keeping price high.

Ghana/Mali/Songhai Trade

Salt (Sahara) and gold mines (near coast). Camels used because they could last in the dessert without water for many days.

Roman government "Representative Democracy"

The Roman Republic had a government divided into three parts, similar to the U.S. government today. Combined elements of democracy, aristocracy, and monarchy

augustus caesar

The first empreror of Rome, the adopted son of Julius Caesar, help Rome come into Pax Romana, or the Age of Roman Peace ALSO, CREATED THE CIVIL SERVICE AND THIS IS WHY GOVERNMENT REMAINED STABLE

What are the four noble truths?-Buddism

The four noble truths are: 1. Life is filled with suffering (Dukkha) and sorrow 2. The cause of suffering is people's selfish desire for temporary pleasures of this world. 3. The way to end all suffering is to end all desires 4. The way t overcome such desires and attain enlightenment is to follow the Eightfold Path, which is called the Middle Way between desires and self-denial.

What influenced the development of GReece culture

The region's climate and geography


Torah-God choose Abraham to be the father of the Hebrew people. Told Abraham to take his family from Mesopotenia to the promised land which was Cannan.


When the Jews fled Egypt for the promised land remembered during passover.

Aksum innovations

Written language, minting coins, terrace farming, irrigation canals/dams

How was Roman republic organized

• Complex civilization developed, along with two unequal classes Two classes- patricians—upper-class landowners, held high government positions - plebeians—common farmers that could vote but not hold power • Tension over patriciansʼ power led to written constitution - around 450 B.C., Twelve Tables set forth citizensʼ rights, duties

What is Buddhism?

• What is Buddhism? Buddhism is a religion to about 300 million people around the world. The word comes from 'budhi', 'to awaken'. It has its origins about 2,500 years ago when Siddhartha Gotama, known as the Buddha, was himself awakened (enlightened) at the age of 35. • Is Buddhism a Religion? To many, Buddhism goes beyond religion and is more of a philosophy or 'way of life'. It is a philosophy because philosophy 'means love of wisdom' and the Buddhist path can be summed up as: (1) to lead a moral life, (2) to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and (3) to develop wisdom and understanding.

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