Chapter 4&5 APUSH

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Treaty of Utrecht

1713 at the end if a Euro war fought along the Florida/Canadian borders (King William's War (1689-97), Queen Anne's War (1702-13), the treaty gave England, the French lands of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia/ the area around Hudsin Bay

Albany Plan

1754 Benjamin Franklin submitted the Albany Plan during the French and Indian War on 1754 gathering of colonial delegates in Albany New York. The plan called for the colonies unify in the face of French and Narive threats. The delegates approved the plan, but the colonies rejected it for fear of losing too much power. The crown didn't support the plan either, as it was wary of too much cooperation between the colonies. Unify 13 colonies in trade/military and other purpose

Stamp Act Crisis

1765, Grenville imposed the most odius measure of all: a stamp tax, to raise revenues to support the new military force. The Stamp Act mandate the use of stamped paper or the affixing of stamos, required on bills of sale for about 50 trade items as well as on certain types of commercial amd legal documents, including paying cards, pamphlets, newspapers, diplomas, bills of lading and marriage licenses

John Burgoyne

A British general that submitted a plan for invading NY state from Canada. He was then given charge of the army. Though defeated, he advances troops near Lake Champlaib to near Albandy. Buegoyne surrendered at Saratoga on Oct 17,1777. This battle helped bring France into war as an ally for the United Statws, thia has been called one of the decisive battles of histroy.

Iroquois Confederacy

A powerful alliance of Indian tribes that were the only ones to remain neutral during the French and Indian War (7 years' War). The tribe had previously been subject of a peace treaty with the British and were noted as one of three powers at North America. After the seven years' war the alliance with rhe Iroquois and the British dimisined and they begn contesting each for power over the Ohio Valley. (Mohwaks, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida)

Thomas Jefferson

A prominent stateman, Thomas Jefferson became George Washington's 1st secretary of state. Along with James Madison, Jefferson took up the cause of strict constructionists and the Republican Party, advocating limited federal government. As the nation's president from 1801 to 1809, Jefferson organized the national governemtn by Thomas Jefferson Republican ideals, doubled the size of the nation, and straggled to maintain American neutrality

Benedict Arnold

One of the leaders in an America. force in 1775 that captures British garrisons at Ticonderoga and Crown Point in NY seizing gunpowder, also led battle at Bunker Hill (Boston) 1st massive British army destruction; kept British from reaching Fort Ticenderoga on 1776, forcing them to stay in Canada for the winter; 1780 turned traitor for money, geatlt hurting American morale/waa going to sell our Hudson River.

Nathaniel Greene

Quaker-reared tacticiab who distinguished self as American general by taric of delay; stood the. retreated continuously, exhausting jos foe Cornwallis;succeeded in clearing most of Georgia and South Carolina of British troops aka the "fighting Quaker"

Thomas Paine

one of the first founding fathera of the united states on 1/10/1776 he 1st published a persuasive argument that Americans should become independent and it was written in a style that the common person could read. (Common Sense)

Virtual and Actual Representation

The theory of virtual representation, according to the theory it didn't represent individuals or particular geographical areas, instead each member represented the whole nation's interests and the entire empire, this including the colonies. Even though many members of Parliament were not elected by any of the colonists. The Americans, however, drawing from their experiences with town meetings and colonial assemblies, believed in actual representation. This qwas representations being elected by the members of that community. They felt this was better suited for the colonies and that their assemblies were like Parliament for England

Mutiny Act (1765)

This required the colonists to help provision and maintain the army , and it was made by the Greenville ministry to try and increase their authority in the colonies. Troops stationed in North America to protect the colonists from Indian or French attacks. Colonists believed assault to liberties because they had doing it voluntarily since the last years of the French and Indian War.


German soldiers hired by King George 3 to smash coloni rebellion. They proves good in a mechanical sense, but they were more concerned about booty than duty, they cared more about personal gain than about who won the war

Proclamation of 1763

A document that forbade settlers go advance beyond the mountains thst divides the Atlantic coast from interior. This was made because the British government knew that the English colonists were advancing into tribal lands and that the Indian tribes were fighting back, so in fear that the fighting would escalare, they made this. However, in the end, this failed. White settlers continued to swarm across the boundary and claim more and more land in the Ohio Valley

Sons Of Liberty

A radical political organized for colonial independence which formed in 1765 after the passage of the Stamp Act. They incited riots and burned the customs houses where the stamped British paper was kept. After the repeal of the Stamp Act, many of the local chapters formed the Committees of Correspondence which continued the promote opposition to British policies towards the colonies. The sons leaders included Samuel Adams and Paul Revere

Daughters of Liberty

A womens patriotic organization that was committed to agitating against British policies. They were particularly important to the boycott movement and proclaimed "rather than Freedom, we'll part with out tea". formed prior to the American Revolution. They also had a large influence during the war.

Coercive Acts (Intolerable) 1774

Acts instituted by the British as punishment for the Boston Tea Party; closed Boston Harbor until debt could be repsid, dissolved all town meetings in MA, and appointed British as all government officials

Articles of Confederation

Adopted in 1777 during the Revolutionary War, the Articles estaished the United States of America. The Articles granred limites powers for the state. The reault was a poorly defined national state that couldn't govern the country's finances or maintain stability. The Constitution replaced than in 1789

American Patriots

American colonists (1770) who faught for independence from Great Britain during the Revolutionary War

Boston Tea Party

An act that occurred in rebellion to the tea act in late 1777. Many leaders in colonists planned to prevent the East India Companh from landing itd cargoes in colonial parts. So colonies like NY and Philadelphia kept the tea from leaving the ships and in Charleston, colonists stored it in a public warehouse. Boston was boycotting the tea in protest of the tea act and wouldn't let ships to bring the tea ashore. Night, December 16,1773 colonists diguised as Indians boarded the ships and threw the tea overboard.

Lord Cornwallis

British General who was in charge of the Southern campaign in the early 1780's. After his defeat at Cowpens in Jan 1781, he fell back Willmington, North Carolina for reinforcements. Instead of goinf on the offensive with his 7,700 men, he retreated to a safee location at Yorktown where he waited for more supplies and men

William Howe

British commander, mistakes cost Britain war, he abandoned his battle plan, allowed Washington to regroup didn't attack at Valley Forge, sone believed thay he sympathized with colonists and didn't want to win the war. He liked Americans and was knkwn for partying; especially in the winter. During the summer of 1776, he led hundreds of British ships and 32,000 British soldiers to NY and offered Congress to choice between surrender with royal pardon and a battle againsy the odds, and despite havinf far fewer troops, reject offer


British practice of taking any sailors (not jus British) and forcing yhem in to military service if needed in an emergency. Infuriated Jefferson and American merchants

George Grenville

British prime minister from 1763-1765. To obtain funds for Britain after the costly 7-years' war, in 1763 he ordered the Navy to enforce the unpopular Navigation Laws and in 1764 he got Parliament to pass the Sugar Act, which increased duties on sugar imported from the West Indies. He also, in 1765, brought about the Quartering Act, wich forced colonist to provide food and shelter to British soldiers, who many colonists believed were only present to keep the colonists in line.

Benjamin Franklin

During the Revolutionary War, Benjamin Franklin served as an ambassador to France. Franklin was the oldest delegate to the Constitutional Convention and his advice proved crucial in the drafting of the constitution. Franklin has often been held up as the Paradigm of Englightenment throughout in colonial America because of his contribution to the fields of science and philosphy

Peace of Paris (1783)

Ended the Seven Years' War/ French and Indian War between Britian (and allies Prussia) and France (Austria/Indians). The result acquistion of all land east if the Mississippi and Canada for Britain, and removal of the French from mainland North America.

Crispus Attucks (1723-1770)

He was one of the colonist involved in the Boston Massacre, and when the shooting started, he was the 1st to die. It became a martyr.

George Washington

Initially the commander of Virginia's frontier troops, he was a colonel military leader for the British in the French and Indian Was (For Necessity). Latee, he was commander army during the American Revolution. His greateat achievements were (1) his suprise victory at Trenton (2) holding the army together at Valley Forge, and (3) his major victory at Yorktown

Second Continental Congress

Intercolonial assembly that met in Philadelphia on May 10,1775; all 13 colonies were reprensented; just wanted to get British acts repealed and wrote new appeals to British people and king, but raised merely to create an army/mavy.

Joseph and Mary Brant

Iroquois leader who helped persuade the Mohawks , Sebecas, and Cayugar to support the British in later stages of the Revolution. Protect selves from land hungry colonists. OneidS and Tucaroras oppose

Patrick Henry

Made a dramatic speech to the Virginia House of Burgesses in May 1765. "Virginia Resolves" on taxrs. No taxing unless by the Virginia House

Boston Massacre

March 5,1770, when a group od docworkers began throwing rocks at the Captain of the British regiment's house. The Captain, Thomas Preston, lined up several men infrong of the building to protect it. Their was scuffling and 1 of the soldiers fell to the ground, in all this shots were fired into the crowd and 5 people were killed. Locald then transformrd the accident that it was a result of confusion/panic into something completely awful. Paul Revere portrayed this event as a calculated assault on a peaceful crowd.

First Continental Congress

Met in 1774, Philadelphia with delegates from all the colonies except for Georgia. This congress made 5 major decisions. The 1st rejecting the plan for a colomial union under British authority. 2nd they endorsed a relatively moderate statement of grievances, sent to the king, whom they addressed as "Most Gracious Sivereign". Asked for repeal of all acts since 1763. 3rd they approved a series of resolutions recommending that military preparations be made for defenses against possible attach by British troops in Boston. 4th they agree to a boycotts that they hoped would stop all trade with Great Britian. A "continental Association" was formed to see that these agreements were enforced. Finally p, the delegates agree to met again in the following Spring

Prohibitory Act

On July 8,1775, the colonies made a final offer of peace to Britian, agreeing to be loyal to the British government if it addressed their grievances (repeal the Coercive Acts, ensed the taxation without representation policies), It was rehected by Parliament, which in December 1775 passed the Americab Prohibitory Act forbidding all firther trade with the colonies

Common Sense

Pamphlet written by Thomas Painein 1776; 120,000 copies sold (best seller); taught ideas that Britain shouldn't be governing America because smaller havenly bedies do not co tril larger ones, also called not just independence, but for the creation of a republic, where power flowed from the people themselves, not from a corrupt and despotic monarch; language laces with bibical imagery familar to common folk

Quarting Act (same Mutiny Act)

Passed by George Grenville to ensure that soldiers, needed, care/quarter in colonists homes.This angered colonists.

Quebec Act

Passed in 1774, but wasn't part of the intolerable acts. It gave Catholic French canadians religious freedom and restore the French form of civil laws. This annullited many of the western claims of coast colonies by extending boundaries of the province of Quebec to the Ohio River on the south and to the Mississippi River on the west

Lord North

Prime minsiter of Great Britain during most of the conflict with America; attempted to appease the colonies by modifying the townshend Acys and imposing the Tea Act, but he just causes tension to escalate and boil over; forced to resign after the British surrender at Yorktown

Committees of Correspondence

Propsed in 1772 by Samuel Adams in Boston. They provided the organization necessary to unite the colonies in opposition to Parliment. The committees were extremely effective and almost every colony had one

Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams played a key rold in the defense of colonial rights. He had been a leader of the sons of liberty and suggested the formation of the Committees of Correspondence. Adams was crucial in spreading the principle of colonial rights throughout New England and is credited with provoking the Boston Tea Party.

Writs of Assistance

Search warrants issued by the British governemnt. The allowed officials to search houses and ships for smuggled goods, and to enlist colonists to help them search. The writs could be used anywhere, as often as disired. The officials didn't need to prove that there was reasonable cause to believe that the person subject to the search had committed a crime or might have possession of contraband before getting a writ or searching a house. The writs were protested by the colonies.

Townshed Duties

Taxes on tea,glass,lead,paper and paint levied in 1767. The duties were in the tradition of the Navigation Acts, levying taxes on imported goods. They caused colonial prolemd because they were intended to raise revenue rather than regulate trade


The group of American colonists that remain loyal to the king during latter the American Revolution. When British lost the war many left the United States

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

The immediate goal of this was to pay sebt through the sale of land in the largely unmapped territory west if the original colonies acquired from Britian at the end of the Revolutionary War

French and Indian War (Seven Years' War 1754-1763)

The name refers to 2 main enemies of the British, the royal forces and various American Indian forces allied with him. The conflicts, the colonial war between France and Great British, resulted in the British conquest of all of New France east of the Mississippi River, well as Spanish Florida.

Charles Townshend

The secesor of Lord Charhem, the man who took office over Rock ingham, but once he was in office he was incapacited by mental illness most of the time, so most the leadership fell to Charles. When he began in office he had to deal with a lot of grievence was with the Mutiny Act of 1765, which required the colonists to provide shelter and supplies for British troops. The colonists didn't have huge problem in doing so, but just with the fact that London was forcing them to , so the Massachusetts and New York assemblies went so far to refuse Townshend responed to this by disbanding the New York assembly until they agreed to oblige by the Mutiny Act. He also imposed new taxes, known as the Townshebd Duties, on various goods that were imported such as long paint, paper, and tea. He assumed that since these taxes were on "external" goods only that the colonists wouldn't object

Virginia Resolves

The set of resolutions that was introduced by Patrick Henry. In the. it was declared that Americans had the same rightd as the English, especially the right to only be taxed by their own representatives; that Virginians should pay no taxes except those voted by the Virgina assembly; and that anyone advocating the right of parliament to tax. Virginans should be seen as an enemy to the colony. These reeolutions were printed and circulated.

Sugar Act (1764)

The sugar act was the 1st law ever passed by Parliment. The act was put in place for raising revenue in the colonies for the crown. It increased the duties on foreign sugar

Tea Act of 1773

This act was passed because in 1773, Britain's East India Company eas sitting on a large stocks of tea that they couldn't sell. They were on the verge of bankruptcy, so im effory to save it this act gave the company the right to export its merchandise directly to the colonies without paying any of the regular taxes that were imposed on yhr colonial merchants, who had normally been the middleman in this transaction with this company was able to undersell American merchants and monopolize the tea trade. This act agered the colonies and reminded them of why they hated taxation without representation. The colonists responded by boycotting tea.

(battle of) Saratoga

Turing point of the American Revolution. It was very important because it convinced the French to give the US military support. It lifted Amerixan spirits, ended the British threat in New England by taking control of the Hudson River,and, most importantly, showed the French that the Americans had the potential to beat their army, Great Britian 1777

Daniel Shays (1747-1825)

US revolutionary soldier and insurrectionist. When the state legislature failed to listen to the pleas of him and his fellow farmers, he helped lead Shays' Rebellion. He was condemned to death but was later pardoned.

Valley Forge

Washington spent the winter 20 miles from Philidelphia at Valley Forge and there much misery, but Baron von steuben whipped the colonists into shape


When Cornwallis was forced yo take position in Yorktown, American and French forces descended from different dorections in a join operational tatic and caught cornwallis between land and sea, where he surrendered his whole army of more than 7,000 on October 17,1781


White immigrants of French descent that owned black slaves in lower Mississippi area on plantations similar to those in the southern colonies of English America.

William Pitt

William Pitt was a British leader from 1757-1758. He was a leader in London Government, and earned himself tye name, "Organizer of Victory". He led and won a war against Quebec; Pittsburg was named after him

Olive Branch Petition

Written during the 2nd Contiental Congress. It claimed that the colonies didn't want to break free from but wanted to dicuss trade and tax regulations. The king rejected the regulations.

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