Chapter 5 (asking Questions) and Six (empathic understanding)

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What is Catharsis?

Stimulating questions in combination with non-judgmental responses fuel the catharsis process by encouraging clients to tell their stories and explore their feelings. The therapeutic value is for clients to provide the motivation to address their problems on their own

what a strategic transitions

strategic transitions arise when counselors make choices about topic alternatives imagine that a common types of statements such as the following. this is been the worst you don't record for me my finances where does Austin I lost my job I think I'll go on. Needless to say this hasn't been good for my marriage I can see how hot it is on my kids my oldest daughter seems to avoid me entirely and I'm sure my son is on drugs it is all becoming too much. pastor they cancel respond to this should he select finances as a priority for follow-up will go to one of the other problems marriage relationships with children drug abuse unemployment should the cancel a focus on problems for feelings or bus hello counselor responses as a strategic decision that affects the direction of the interview at least for the moment as much as possible client should be involved in decisions to make a strategic transition.

Multiple Questions- are two or more questions asked at the same time. if they are complimentary, they are not problematic. A second question may embellish the first or clarify the first. An example would be?

"How did you feel about it? How did you feel when he rejected you?"

SOME MORE STRATEGIES FOR ACHIEVING CONCRETENESS. There are 6 all together. 1. Let clients know the purpose 2. Respect timing 3.Use simple encouragers and directives 4. Ask Questions 5. Empathy 6.Follow Clues

(1) let client know the purpose! Counsellors should ONLY probe for understanding in those areas that support the purpose of the counselling relationship (Contract) without a clear contract, the counselling interview is more likely to be haphazard or random. When clients understand and support PURPOSE, they are much more likely to respond positively to probes for CONCRETENESS. (2) RESPECT TIMING probe cautiously at first till trust is developed. When there is relationship issues, deal with this reality first and probes for concreteness may stir up feelings that clients need time to process, so during the ending phase of an interview, probe more selectively.

Managing the rambling interview- how to focus and control verbose clients. The thinking pattern that leads clients to verbose wandering in an interview may be the same pattern that prevents them from handling their problem situations appropriately. What are some strategies?

(1)use closed questions. (2) identify the problem "your giving me lots of info, lets focus on one point at a time" (3) ask Q's that challenge the client to be brief "see if you can summarize in a sentence or 2" tell the client that "we sometimes get off topic" (4) remind the client of the time

What is a structured Interview

A sequence of predetermined standard questions. Example would be interviews that require counselors to complete forms. In structured interviews there is little or no choice regarding the focus and pace of the interview.

empathic responses leads Number 2

BASIC EMPATHY - YOU FEEL....AS YOU SEE IT>>> from your point of view..

empathic responses leads Number 3

INFERRED EMPATHY - Your tears suggest you might feel... * You've become quiet, Perhaps you are feeling... * When you talk about.. I sense you feel..

the three types of empathy.

Invitational. /description/ encourage clients to talk about feelings /major use/ to stimulate discussions of emotion and to normalize feelings.

What are some questions to ask clients to explore the behavioural area?

What have you done? "How did you respond? What did you do? what did you say?

chapter 6

chapter 6 the pursuit of empathic understanding

What do closed questions begin with?

closed questions begin with words such as can, did, are, have, is, would and do


how people think about their difficulties is often more important than the problem itself. Negative self talk is associated with inaction and poor self image. Questions to ask are "What does your inner voice say" "What are you telling yourself?"


sometimes clients know the solution of the problem they need help exploring emotional components of the problem/painful feelings. a good question is "HOW DO YOU FEEL" sometimes management of emotions is a pre requisite to problem solving.


unstructured interviews give clients and counselors freedom to go in any direction without a predetermined set of questions. The tone is more conversational and pace less rigid. No single approach to questioning works with every client, you must use a repertoire of techniques, engage higher order thinking and curiosity from client.

basic empathy

with Stacy came to see counselors to seed and respond to feelings that explicitly communicated. basic empathy Maine falls labeling feelings or summarizing express feelings frequently Clyde's want to talk about feelings particularly those closely related to the problem situations.

What are some questions that are relationship contracting you might ask the client

"How do you prefer feedback" "what are your expectations of me?" "What are you experiences of counselling? what did you find helpful/unhelpful?

QUESTIONS FOR EVALUATING. - ongoing evaluation of counselling outcomes and the counselling relationship ensures it stays on track. you can troubleshoot before there is a big problem. Also ensures contract negotiation and revision. what might be some good questions?

"How has our work met your expectation? What remains to be done. Looking back on our session, what were the things you found helpful/unhelpful? How would you evaluate our work together? " on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate our tome together?

What are some questions for "Establishing Purpose" with reluctant clients?

"How would you like to spend our time together" "What would you like to talk about" "What is your goal" "what do you think would be a good starting point?"

Positive self talk builds confidence and is self empowering. it moves people from victim mentality and allows them to deal with crises realistically without self imposed rigid and punishing demands. what questions could you ask to prompt exploration of the cognitive area?

"What are you telling yourself" "what does your inner voice say? Counsellors can directly challenge clients negative self talk. By seeking out what clients think, counselors can get valuable clues on clients important issues, self-esteem, motivation and irrational thinking.

At the end of the evaluating interview, what question sometimes provides surprisingly rich information?

"What have we missed? lets clients talk about unexpressed issues/feelings, perhaps ambivalent about sharing and empowers clients by giving them a last chance to make sure their needs are on the table for discussion. "what's left to explore" "What else do we need to discuss" are also good.

"common mixed feelings"

"happy and scared" & "happy and sad" & "depressed and fed up" & "angry and afraid" & " hopeful and despairing" & "attracted and repelled" & "approach and avoid" & "love and hate".

What are the 8 strategies that counselors can use to achieve CONCRETENESS


Why is it necessary to probe for CONCRETENESS? what are 8 reasons


TAILORING THE INTERVIEW TO THE CLIENT - WHEN CLIENTS DO NOT ANSWER QUESTIONS. sometimes clients don't answer questions or they are superficial. What are some reasons clients might be reluctant to respond?


empathic responses leads. Number 1

(Invitational empathy) "how do you feel" do you want to talk about your feelings" tell me how you feel?

these five terms are often used to describe effect

**"blunted": emotional expression is less than one might expect. **"flat"- there's an absence or near absence of any signs of emotional expression **"inappropriate"- the persons manner and mood contradict what one might expect. for example a client might laugh while describing the death of his mother. **"Labile": abnormal variability in affect. with repeated, rapid, and abrupt shifts in affective expression. **"Restricted or Constricted""_. there is mild reduction in the range of intensity of emotional expression.

choices for promoting elaboration concreteness include combining each of the six basic open question stands who what when where why how with each of the three basic domains behavior feeling thinking. simple and courage of such as tell me more and for example promote for the debts and clarity


interview transitions an interview transition occurs when the topic of conversation shifts from one subject to another. the need for transitions arises in the following situations.

1) discussion of a particular issue is finished and it is time to move on 2) discussion triggers ideas in another area or links to earlier areas of discussion. 3) the topic is too threatening or painful and a topic change is needed to reduce tension.4) the subject has limited relevant or has lost its relevance to the goals of the interview. 5) I change from one size of the interview to another is necessary. there are five types of transitions natural, strategic , control, phase, and connect or linking

Questions designed to learn about a clients situation generally target THREE IMPORTANT AREAS or DOMAINS. What are they?

1. AFFECTIVE DOMAIN (how client FEELS about the problem 2. COGNITIVE DOMAIN (how client THINKS about the problem 3. BEHAVIOURAL DOMAIN (what the client is DOING about the problem.

Typically, most interviews will have the following 5 process goals.

1. Establish purpose (sessional contract) (2) Defining, strengthening the counselling relationship (Relationship contract) 3. Explore and understand client situation and problems 4. Problem solving 5. Evaluating the work.

The acronym MOANS are 5 words that often signal self talk. What are they

1. I must succeed or I am worthless 2. I OUGHT to be able to do it 3.I ALWAYS screw up 4. I will NEVER get a job 4. I SHOULD feel differently 5. I MUST be perfect

What are Empty Responses?

Are devoid of content. phrases such as "I hear what your saying" and I understand what you mean" CONVEY NO CONFIRMATION THAT THE COUNSELLOR UNDERSTOOD. ALSO PARROTING to use EMPATHY A COUNSELLOR ASSIGNS LABELS TO FEELINGS that the client has expressed BUT NOT NAMED.

CHAPTER 5. The art of asking questions - Questions support counselling goals.

Asking questions is the cornerstone of ACTIVE LISTENING and COUNSELLING. Purposeful and well timed questions consider the current interview phase, sessional contract, level of trust. QUESTIONING ACHIEVES THE FOLLOWING 4 GOALS (1) gathering information (2) PROVIDING FOCUS (3) PROMOTING INSIGHT (4) CATHARSIS

Success tip for the three domains of feeling thinking behaviour

Change in ANY of the three domains will stimulate changes in the other 2 areas. (Client changes negative thinking, positive changes to feelings and behaviour will occur.

COUNSELLOR RELUCTANCE TO PROBE- Counsellors must have the courage and assertiveness to ask difficult questions about private matters. if not they may meet their own needs to keep the interview pleasant.

Client reluctance- some thoughts are private, lack of trust in relationship, some may think it is weak to open up, shame

Sometimes counselors ask excellent questions but at the wrong time, can you give me an example?

Counsellor asks CONTENT question after client has expressed their feelings. "we were married 10 years, I thought I could trust him, I feel like a complete fool" COUNSELLOR "How did you find our he was cheating ?" this is insensitive and counsellor should express empathy.

there are some risks for opening up new topics at the end of the interview, particularly as it may provoke strong emotions. what is important not to do at the end of evaluating at the end of a session

Don't leave the client in a state of distress.

what are emotions

Emotions define and shape the course of our lives. They remind us that we are alive but sometimes they make us long for death. some emotions - such as joy at the birth of a child demand to be expressed. some that are to frightening to acknowledge are destined to remain forever hidden, perhaps even from ourselves. Our emotional reactions are also linked to our emotional memories. The human brain compares current experience with past events for similarities, and it may command us to "REACT to the present in ways that were imprinted long ago, with thoughts, emotions, reactions learned in response to events perhaps only dimly similar (Goleman 2005) This may result in "out of date NUERAL ALARMS" that cause us to react with outdated or ineffective responses. Moreover, emotions can be particularly baffeling because they "often date from a time early in our lives when things were bewildering and we did not have words for comprehending events. We may have the chaotic feelings, but not the words for the memories that formed them.

GUIDELINES FOR QUESTIONOING - some DONTS are - (1)bombard the client with questions, (2)ask more than one question at a time,(3) don't use leading questions, (4)don't use WHY questions as they usually imply BLAME or CONVEY JUDGEMENT. (5) Don't ask questions unless you have a reason to NEED or a RIGHT to have the answer.(6) Don't ask a long series of closed questions.

GUIDELINES FOR QUESTIONOING - some DO's (1) balance AND ADD VARIETY TO THE INTERVIEW WITH A RANGE OF OTHER SKILLS. (2) Do pause after each question to give clients time to answer. (3) Remember that summary and empathy responses are important to confirm understanding. (4) Ask ONE question at a time (5) Respect cultural norms and individual styles that may make certain questions INAPPROPRIATE. (6) Ask questions for a specific purpose (7) Ask open ended questions.

Questioning PITFALLS- asking questions is a skill. poor questioning may bias answers, antagonize the client, or keep the interview at a superficial level. what is a LEADING (BIASED) QUESTION

LEADING QUESTIONS suggest the "correct" answer or convey a strong answer the interviewer would prefer to hear. example "You like school, don't you?" "Do you really want to keep working for a man who treats you that way?' "Your not thinking of killing yourself, are you?


INDIRECT QUESTIONS, or EMBEDED QUESTIONS are statements that ACT as questions. Indirect questions are a softer way of seeking information. They are less intimidating than open and closed questions. Example "I wonder whether you believe that its possible." "I'm curious about your opinion" 'Your view on this is important"

Anticipatory feedback helps plan for things that might arise in the counselling relationship. for example?

If I notice you get discouraged, what should I do? "what would be a good way for me to approach you if I think there were problems between us?

Invitational empathy

Invitational empathy and car just wants to explore emotions it signals intent or an invitation to move the interview away from one of the other demands behavior problem solving of thinking to focus on emotions. invitation Olympus E is initiated with a simple question such as how do you feel.

SUCCESS TIP - In beginning phase, clients often need an uninterrupted opportunity to tell their story and share their feelings. what could go wrong if counsellor is CONTROLLING and FOCCUSING the interview to early

It may impede and negate the CATHARIC benefit for a client that is made possible by ATTENTIVE LISTENING.


It measures the clarity and specificity of communication. When communication is CONCRETE, all participants share understanding of words, phrases, ideas, feelings, and behaviours.

WHY QUESTIONS- WHY questions should be used cautiously, since they tend to be THREATENING for clients because they ask for JUSTIFICATION. What does the tone of why questions sometimes communicate?

JUDGEMENT, DISAPPROVAL, or EMBEDDED ADVICE. A suggestion is to ask WHAT QUESTIONS instead of WHY QUESTIONS example "what prevents you from sharing your feelings?" as opposed to "Why don't you share your feelings?" WHAT questions seems to ACCEPT that there are explanations and reasons for the clients behaviour, whereas WHY questions seems TO DEMAND JUSTIFICATION.

what a linking or connect transitions

Kinect or linking transitions are used to join or blend ideas from the current themes for example a client my mic continual total references to a need to have everything just right to cancel them out use a Kinect transition to bring this theme to the foreground.

IRRELEVANT and POORLY TIMED QUESTIONS- Interviews have a definite purpose or intent. when counselors know the purpose of the interview they are able to frame questions that support that purpose. What happens when counselors don't know the purpose?

More likely to ask random questions. Counsellors should have a purpose for questioning and they should be prepared to share this purpose with their client. A good brief explanation could be "It would help me to understand your situation better if I asked you some questions. This will give me an idea on how you see things" Client is now aware of counsellor motives and procedures.

What is "Gathering Information" (first process goal of questioning)

Questions provide clients to share relevant details and lessen the possibility that a counsellor will make an erroneous assumption.


SYMPAHY refers to concern to other peoples problems and emotions and is related to our own emotional and behavioral reactions. SYMPHATHY IS THE COUNSELLORS PERSONAL REACTION although it is connected to the clients feelings, it is NOT the same as EMPHATHY. SYMPATHETIC RESPONSES are self-disclosures, where as EMPATHY IS A PROCESS OF SEEKING TO UNDERSTAND ANOTHERS FEELINGS. It is appropriate to express sympathy sometimes. It is essential for clients to separate their emotional reactions (SYMPATHY and COMPASSION) from those of their clients. Counselors need to ensure that their sympathy does not detract from the clients feelings by interfering with their needs to express FEELINGS< TELL THEIR STORY, and face the reality of their problem.

CROSS-CULTURAL INTERVIEWING- counselors need to be careful that their questioning methods are not culturally biased. Cultural groups differ profoundly in the way that they react to questions. what do counselors need to avoid?

Stereotyping and overgeneralization. some points to consider are 1. clients with history of oppression may tend to be overly compliant - use open questions not closed! (2) When using an interpreter look at the client while the interpreter is translating. (3) when langusge is limited, pay attention to NON VERBAL CLUES (4) Speak slowly, repeat or summarize often, allow pauses use simple language and minimize JARGON. speaking louder will NOT help.

EXCESSIVE QUESTIONING- can leave clients feeling interrogated and bombarded, they may not come to the next interview. some will get defensive and terse with their response. can leave them confused, cross examined, frustrated and exhausted. what else might a client think?

That questions put the counsellor in control, and remind the client who has the POWER in the relationship.

What can go wrong with multiple questions?

The client has to decide which one to answer first if they are not complimentary. each will take interview in different directions. one may focus on feeling domain the other on behavioural domain

What is "Providing focus" (second process goal of questioning)

The interview stays on track. a series of questions can systematically lead clients through problem exploration, goal setting and problem solving.

What is "Promoting insight" (Third process goal of questioning)

Thought provoking questions stimulate clients to begin a reflective process that can promote insight. effective questions can also help clients make connections and uncover patterns in their thinking and problem solving

individual differences and cultural context

all feelings can be experienced as positive or negative at varying levels of intensity, but this subjective determination is individually defined. for some people anxiety can be debilitating seriously affecting the quality of their lives however for an athlete the same emotion may arise a competitive spirit and the individual might thrive on the physiological consequences. counselors must remember that clients may respond with emotional reactions very different from their own- with similar feelings, different feelings, without significant emotional reaction, or with greater increased or decreased intensity.

feeling inventory category of emotions.

anger. Low level >annoyed medium level >mad angry high-level >outraged furious vengeful next example Fear /low level >nervous medium level /worries, scared. high level> horrified terrified

historically emotion responses have helped humans respond to important situations

anger: the hands swell with blood fear :blood flows to the legs. happiness :Brian activity inhibits negative thoughts and fosters increased energy Love: general bodily responses promote well being and a general state of calm and contentment. Surprise: surprise raising the eyebrows expense the field of vision is making it easier to figure out what is going on and to plan the best course of action. Sadness: a general drop in energy and enthusiasm creates an opportunity to Mourn.

Invitational empathy

another tool for exploring feelings is the sentence completion statement sentence completion statements give cancer was a way to focus feelings on a particular area and they give freedom to clients to control the answer. for example when I think of that all my problems I feel when I first came to counseling I felt the feeling that I must need to deal with are..

what are control transitions

because cancellous have two oldest write the flow of the interview they sometimes use control transitions to manage the interviews Direction redirecting the flow of an interview is warranted when the discussion topic is irrelevant or when it prevents do I log on more important issues. preventing promise you a subject change is crucial for ensuring concreteness of full explorations of content and feelings moving too quickly from topic to topic results in a rambling and superficial interview with many things that discussed but if you understood.

the importance of empathy

call Rogers argue that the cold conditions were not online necessary but also sufficient to effect change near the end of his life he offered this comment on the importance of empathy to my mind empathy is in itself a healing Agent . it is one of the most potent aspects of therapy because it releases, it confirms, it brings even the most frightened client into the human race if a person could be understood he or she belongs.

what up phase transitions?

cancel is also used to make changes to help move the counseling process into the next 5 for example in the beginning phase relationship building and problem exploration apartment however at some point it becomes clear that sufficient time has been spent on problem exploration and it is time to move on to the challenge of the action face with activity shifts to problem solving and sessional contract work on feelings thinking or behavior. the phase transitions are needed to bridge the work of one phase to another.


clients interpret their own problems and experiences and find them frequently complicated by multiple and seemingly contradictory feelings from two or more emotional families. A great deal of stress and confusion can arise from the competitive pushes and pulls of competing feelings, that, if unmanaged, can disrupt a clients life. The terms "ambivalence" and of "two minds" are often used. Ambivalence is normal and it can be a valuable help to decision-making

client reactions to empathy

clients may respond to empathy differently positive reactions include.1. reduction of pain through the release of feelings. 2. increased inside as feelings are recognized labeled and managed. 3. increase trust and rapport with the counselor. negative reactions include. 1. anger at the counselor for creating the conditions that led to their feelings being exposed 2. embarrassment arising from fear of being judged as weak. 3. a sense of intrusion of empathy violates personal family or cultural values that preclude sharing feelings with others.


closed questions can be easily answered with a yes or no and are useful for confirming facts and obtaining specific information.


cut off of phrases that inhibit the further expression of feeling cancellous we make statements as don't feel and you should feel a demonstrating a low level of understanding and acceptance of had a client still sucks statements are not supportive they force close to defend their feelings similarly when cancel those clients such questions ask why do you feel like that judgemental tongue is present that can leave Clydes feeling defensive

the third type of empathy "inferred"

description / response to nonverbal cues and other indicators of feelings /major use/ to move feelings into the verbal channel of communication

the second type of entity is basic

description /response to clearly articulated feelings / major use/ to encourage continued expression of feelings to confirm capacity to hear feelings


effect is a time capsule is used to describe how people express emotions like sadness excitement and anger culture and context help to define what is considered within the normal range of effect.

why achieving empathic understanding is so difficult

empathic errors are generally unlikely when counselor's are similar to their clients (in age, gender, race )and when they have similar problems and experience. however even in these situations empathetic errors can happen if counselors do not separate their own experiences from those of their clients. Counselor's need to remember to allow for individual differences by remembering that, however similar their own experiences might be , THEY CAN NEVER FULLYUNDERSTAND HOW THEIR CLIENTS FEEL. THROUGH EMPATHY THEY CAN GET A SENSE OF THEIR CLIENTS FEELINGS, BUT THIS UNDERSTANDING WILL NEVER BE PERFECT.

emphasizing does not entail just a cold calculation of what someone else thinks and feels.

emphasizing occurs when we feel an appropriate emotional reaction and emotional trigger by the other person to motion and it is done in order to understand another person to predict that behind it and the Kinect and resonate with him emotionally.

SUCCESS TIP - Consider switching to NON-QUESTIONING mode. why would a counsellor do this?

first (1)To reduce the tone of interrogation and avoid power struggle trap. and (2) when client responses are guarded and defensive and (3) when clients are not responding to questions, (4) for cultural adaptions and (5) to add variety to your interviews!

BEHAVIOURAL DOMAIN (Client behavior, what they are doing.

it is important not to move to quickly on problem solving, an important part of work in the beginning phase involves interviewing clients to learn what they are DOING and NOT DOING about their problems. This is important for assessment. It tells counselors if clients are active in seeking and working on solutions or if they have given up.

generalization 3 never assume that we can know another person's emotions in the way that they know them people often try to be understanding and compassionate by saying I know just how you feel while this response has the potential to be supportive it is more likely that it will sabotage further opportunities for exploration and money it does not on a fact that each of us emotionally process experiences in our own wat

generalization full mp3 requires flexibility in the shoes including the ability to refrain from using it empathise an important app Apple school but cancellous need to use it intelligently when clouds are willing to address feelings and PASOK responses are effective with some clients in Pacifica statements result in the opposite of what was intended instead of deepening trust in courage in clients to open up empathy arises defenses

four generalizations about empathy generalization 1. when clients share feelings empathy is more often than not the preferred response

generalization to risk expressing empathy early in the relationship norms once established a difficult Alta really empathy helps from the norm that they canceling relationship is a safe place to express feelings to be comfortable with that the thief cancel is need to overcome their own fears about bringing emotions into the foreground.

what is pacing

generally interview should proceed at a pace that the client can manage this does not mean that clients must always be 100% comfortable with the intensity of the interview indeed the work of interviewing and canceling can be demanding and exploring difficult topics can be exhausting hear some general guidelines the pacing. move slowly and you relationships and first encounters expect differences between clients don't expect to maintain the same intensity or ever increasing intensity 3 at the interview and and interviews with less demanding questions and responses.

SUCCESS TIP- Competent interviewing requires curiosity and a willingness to learn. counselors must monitor and control assumptions or they are vulnerable to assuming they know their clients situation without needing to be told.

have a break man!

empathy defined- Up to here 3:30pm!

in every day terms empathy mean seeing the world through someone else's eyes for the purpose of counselling the empathy is defined as "the process of accurately understanding the emotional perspective of another person and the communication of this understanding"

emotional responses trigger of unique physiological responses in a body such as nausea or headaches and I can have a profound impact on their health and wellbeing

in fact emotions experience that's positive can activate the inner Pharmacopoeia those chemicals that relax help fight infection and restore

how does empathy help

it encourages expression of emotions which is cathartic.2. normalizes invalidates feelings reduces isolation and contribute to the development of the counseling relationship.3. increases awareness of emotions including ambivalent feelings 4. stimulates further exploration of clients subjective experiences. 5. helps clients recognize the impact of emotions on themselves and others. 6. assistance to understand how emotions influence decision-making oh how they can impede action. 7. provides a starting point for managing and expressing emotions in constructive ways eg recognizing triggers.

what are metaphors

metaphors describe a state by using a symbol in a direct comparison. for example a client who says he's going round in circles is using a metaphor to describe these feelings of confusion. some other metaphores tied up in knots in a pressure cooker meaning stressed about to blow up then out of shape on a sinking ship.

what are natural transitions

natural transitions arise at the discussion for seamlessly from one topic to another with clear link between the two topics the most common natural transition because when clients mention you things as part of the interview and counselors use this information to jump to the new topic. Client : as I talk about my dissatisfaction with my job I realize that the same could be said about my marriage. counselor: perhaps we could address that now tell me what's happening in your marriage

school counselors a sense it to the following elements of the interview that are open to control there are four of them

number one specific topics that are the subject of focus number to the extent that the interviewer focuses on each of the three domains feeling including control on level of emotionality behavior and thinking. 3) sequences in which topics and discussed including decisions to move the interview from one place to another 4) use of time including depth of discussion as well as an interview start and end times

nonverbal communication of emotions

one key to successful communication is monitoring and understanding the nonverbal channel of communication. body language (especially facial expression) vocal cues such as tone, intensity, rate of speech and affect are essential components of emotions that confirm, embellish or contradict verbal statements. All cues should be interpreted cautiously including these common ones -tears, forced smiles, grimacing, clenched fist, shaking, becoming silent smiling, shaking head , pacing, looking at floor , turning away and yelling . for example lack of our contact may be culturally appropriate some Aboriginal peoples in Canada and so non- Aboriginal helpers should not interpret it as a sign of disrespect. counselors need to remember that there are no non- verbal communication is not always under their control and it may be outside their level of awareness.


open questions are difficult to answer with a yes or no, they are preferable to closed questions. they provide a great deal of freedom for clients to answer any way they choose.

What do open questions begin with?

open questions begin with the "FIVE W Q'S" who, what, where, when, why

success tips

recent neurological discoveries may help explain the roots of empathy as well as the risks of vicarious trauma for those in the helping professions. when we listen to or observe others "mirror neurons" in our Brian's tend to fire in the same way as those of our clients. as a result our feelings tend to mimic our clients feelings.


sometimes it is tough for counselors to lay aside personal reaction, suspend judgment, and RESPOND WITH EMPATHY to a client who (attacked an elderly person, HIV prostitute that has unprotected sex, pedophile) - remember EMPATHY helps counselors to UNDERSTAND how a client thinks and FEELS. EMPATHY is INSTRUMENTAL in forming the helping relationship. and the prerequisite condition for the contract between client and counsellor. Counsellor needs to remind themselves when it is difficult to respond with empathy (1) "what is it about this client that makes it difficult for me to respond with empathy (2) Does this client remind me of someone else (parent, ex-partner) (3) To what extent do I have unresolved issues and feelings that this client triggers" - Another strategy is spend some time getting to know the client. REMEMBER EMPATHY SIMPLY ATTEMPTS TO SAY "I UNDERSTAND HOW YOU FEEL AND HOW YOU SEE THINGS" in fact clients MUST FEEL UNDERSTOOD BEFORE THEY WILL RESPOND TO ANY EFFORTS TO PROMOTE CHANGE. EMPATHY IS ONE OF THE WAYS THAT COUNSELLORS ESTABLISH CREDIBILITY AND WIN THE TRUST OF THEIR CLIENTS. WHEN A TRUSTING RELATIONSHIP EXISTS, CLIENTS MAY BE WILLING TO CONSIDER OTHER PERSPECTIVES AND LOOK AT THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR CHOICES.

empathic responses also need to be present with an air of tentativeness to give clients an opportunity to off of Corrections a simple polls are a question such as have I got it right can be used to this end

success tip / to make simple yet effective empathic responses use this format " you feel" (add feeling word) because (add content)

empathy needs to be expressed to be effective the empathetic process is not completed their clients have an opportunity to confirm correct or embarrassed at feelings and they know that their feelings I understood and appreciated.

that was a success tip.

psychologist and health professionals use the term "affective disorder" or "mood disorder" to describe a variety of disturbances in mood

the most common mood disorders that "major depression" "dysthymia" and "bipolar disorder"

types of empathy

the three types of empathy Invitational empathy 2. basic empathy and 3. inferred empathy

at the beginning of an interview or when a new topic is introduced, an open ended question such as "What do I need to know about your situation?" empowers clients to identify areas of immediate concern or willingness to explore. what else does it communicate?

this question communicates to clients that counselors will respect their needs and wants without making assumptions. It seems to say "I am willing to listen and to learn. I will treat you as a person, not a number"

Some questions for PROBLEM SOLVING. questions can assist clients to think SYSTEMATICALLY about the SEQUENTIAL steps involved in finding solutions to their problems. Questions of this type are ONLY appropriate after the problem has been FULLY EXPLORED. what are some good questions?

what do you see as possible strategies for overcoming this problem "What prevents you from taking action" "When will you start" "What else do you need to make it happen" DONT MOVE TO QUICKLY, CLIENTS MUST HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS AND PROCESS THEIR FEELINGS.

poor substitutes for empathy

when counsellorS Express empathy, they ackowledge the feelings that the clients have expressed the verbally or non verbally they might include a brief "because" clause that summarize content. in most situations they will stop there. this gives clients a chance to process what they have heard, to offer Corrections, or possibly to share at a deeper level. at this point counselors the should avoid cut-off responses, subject changes,empty responses,sympathy or any other response to Divert attention away from EMPATHY.

inferred empathy

you put inside empathy sometimes called advanced empathy involves identifying clients feelings by storm nonverbal cues themes and hence cancellous should also pay careful attention to what the clients do not cite including topics I avoid and sudden shifts in focused in Philadelphia is a powerful canceling to that enables clients to deal with feelings at a level deeper than express emotions.

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الكيمياء للصف الثالث الثانوي - علل

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Engineering and Technology Project Management Quiz #2

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Chapter 7: The Nursing Process and Standards of Care

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75 Free NCLEX Questions - c/o

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