Chapter 6: Culture

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4 Characteristics of Individualistic Cultures

((1) consider the individual to be the most important entity in any social setting (2) stress independence rather than dependence, (3) reward individual achievement, (4) value each individual's uniqueness.)

4 Characteristics of Collective Cultures are.....

((1) views, needs, and goals of the group are more important than any individual views, needs, or goals, (2) obligation to the group is the norm; behavior is guided by duty, (3) the self is defined in relation to others, (4) focus on cooperation rather than competition.)

There are FIVE northern American approaches to managing conflict ( A-A-C-C-C

(- Avoidance - Accommodating - Competing - Compromising - Collaborating)

Hofstede's 5 *cultural Dimensions* are??? ( I-U-P-M-L)

(1. Individualism - collectivism 2. Uncertainty avoidance 3. Power Distance 4. Masculinity-Fermininity 5. Long-Term and Short-Term Orientation)

The 5 conflict styles vary on two dimensions: _________ (concern for self) and (concern for other)_________.

(Assertiveness and cooperation)

The 2 *dimensions* from Hofstede's work that are also used in FNT are ________ and _______.

(High-low context and Power distance)

How do LMX and SX relationships vary in organizational outcomes?

(LMX relationships: -higher employee job satisfaction, -greater satisfaction with the manager -higher organizational commitment SX relationships: - with their supervisors report lower job satisfaction -less satisfaction with their managers - decreased organizational commitment - engage in more nonconforming behaviors)

What is the connection between Comm accommodation theory and leader-member exchange theory?

(LMX theory recognizes that leadership consists of an interpersonal relationship between a superior and a subordinate and that not all relationships are created equally (in-groups and out-groups) CAT explains and predicts the experience of convergence and divergence in interpersonal communication. The more we like a person or perceive ourselves as part of an in-group, the more likely we are to adapt and match our speech patterns They are both in-group relationships characterized by trust, liking, and social support)

___________ theory recognizes that *leadership* consists of an *interpersonal relationship* between a *superior and a subordinate* and that not all relationships are *created equally*; within organizations there are also in-groups and out-groups. (relationships between superiors and subordinates can be placed on a continuum.)

(Leader member exchange) (LMX)

Conflict styles have dual dimensions of: ( S-O-M-C)

(Self-face concern: individuals must consider their own positive and negative face concerns Other-face concern: as well as their partners Mutual face-concern: involves the recognition of both self- and other-face needs Communal-face concern: managing in-group identity needs when challenged by an out-group) (Together, FNT predicts a causal relationship between culture, face, and conflict style.)

When considering self-face concern and other-face concern, 3 additional styles emerged: ________,_________, and ________. ( E-P-T)

(emotional expression, passive aggressive and third-party help)

The _____________ style refers to an *affective* response to conflict. (That is, emotional expression emphasizes a person's desire to react to his or her feelings or "gut reaction.")

(emotionally expressive)

A person who relies on a ____________ style surreptitiously ( secretly) attempts to make his or her partner *feel guilty.* the __________ individual only drops blameful *hints of the problem.*


What culture theory deals with a *Culture shock, u curve, and a honeymoon phase*? Includes being open to *new info* & recognizing *multiple perspectives*.

AUM (anxiety/uncertainty management theory)

Whereas URT focuses on *interpersonal* encounters........., __________ focuses on *intercultural* (or intergroup) encounters wherein people from *different cultural* backgrounds *interact.*

AUM (anxiety/uncertainty management theory)

_______ theory predicts that *communication effectiveness* and *intercultural adjustment* is a COMBINED RESULT of *reducing intercultural* anxiety and uncertainty.

AUM (anxiety/uncertainty management theory)

______ theory explains and predicts the experience of *convergence* and *divergence* in interpersonal communication. The more we like a person or perceive ourselves as part of an in-group, the more likely we are to adapt and match our speech patterns


The ______________theory is an informative platform from which to *understand* how and why we *adapt our communication* when we *interact* with others.

CAT (communication accommodation theory)

________ is *managing* in-group *identity needs* when *challenged by an out-group.*

Communal face concern

________ is the *comparison* of two or more cultural communities. (for example, comparing conflict styles of U.S. managers with those of Korean managers.)

Cross cultural communication

___________ Theory explains *cultural difference* in *conflict* as the result of *combining differing face needs* and conflict styles

FNT (face negotiation theory)

Conflict is particularly significant for *intercultural communication* because, during conflict, both parties can easily *lose* both positive and negative face through ____________'s.

FTA (face threatening acts)

Cultural differences lead to an affect on ____________, which leads to different communicative patterns resulting in misunderstandings and disagreements

Face Management

__________ distance cultures *accept* and rely on *hierarchies* and *status differences.*

High power

The connection between * CAT AND LMX* is that both theories are___________ characterized by *trust, liking, and social support.*

In group relationships (LMX theory recognizes that leadership consists of an interpersonal relationship between a superior and a subordinate and that not all relationships are created equally (in-groups and out-groups) CAT explains and predicts the experience of convergence and divergence in interpersonal communication. The more we like a person or perceive ourselves as part of an in-group, the more likely we are to adapt and match our speech patterns)

________________addresses how people *define themselves* and their *relationships* with others.


__________ cultures consider the *individual* to be the *most important* entity in any social setting and value each person's *uniqueness.*

Individualistic ( low context)

__________ cultures stress *INDEPENDENCE*. Also reward individual *achievement.*

Individualistic (low context)

_______ relationships have HIGHER employee job *satisfaction*, greater satisfaction with the manager, and HIGHER *organizational commitment.*


_________ relationships, considered to be *in-group relationships*, are characterized by *mutual trust, social support, and liking.* ( There is much more interaction between organizational members in an LMX relationship than in other types.)

LMX (leader-member exchange)

( Duel Dimensions added on to Conflict Styles) ______________ involves the recognition of both self- and other-face needs

Mutual face concern

( Duel Dimensions added on to Conflict Styles) __________ demonstrating the awareness of the other person's positive and negative face needs

Other face concern

_______ relationships report LOWER *job satisfaction* with supervisors, LESS satisfaction with their managers, DECREASED *organizational commitment*, and *engage* in more *nonconforming* behaviors.


_______ relationships are *out-group* relationships, *impersonal*, with *little* superior-subordinate interaction taking place

SX (supervisory exchange relationships)

( Duel Dimensions added on to Conflict Styles) _________ means individuals must consider their own positive and negative face concerns

Self face concern

Researchers of *CAT* theory argue that when *interacting with others,* individuals will ___________ their speech and language patterns, either by *matching* their partners' speech or by *differentiating their speech* and language use.


Indviduals with an _________ style cooperate with others but demonstrate *little assertiveness*-typically *conceding to their partner's requests.*


__________ is *adjusting* one's speech and/or conversational patterns. it is *not always* appropriate or effective.


_________ refers to an emotional state of apprehension, worry, or fear of negative consequences.


If you can appropriately *discern* and *reduce* your *uncertainty* about your interaction partner's *behavior*, you've successfully achieved ____________.

attributional confidence

Those practicing __________ lack assertiveness and cooperation, they withdraw from or seek to evade conflict altogether.


*AUM* posits that mindful __________ of *intercultural anxiety and uncertainty* motivates intergroup participants to *manage the reduction* of this apprehension


The *Masculinity-Femininity* dimension focuses on the relationship between *biological sex* and what is considered *sex-appropriate behavior.* *Masculine* cultures use the reality of ___________ in the creation of distinct roles for men and women. (In masculine cultures, men are expected to be assertive, ambitious, and competitive; women are expected to be supportive, nurturing, and deferent.)

biological sex

anxiety is affective, *uncertainty* is _____.


People with a _________ style have a *high* regard for *self and others*, making the person very *assertive* also very *cooperate.*


In, _________ cultures the *self* is defined in *relation to others.* The focus is on *cooperation* rather than competition.

collective ( high context)

In, _________ cultures... views, needs, and goals of the group are *more important* than any individual views, needs, or goals. *obligation to the group* is the norm and behavior is guided by duty.

collective ( high context)

CAT assumes individuals *belong* to a *wide variety* of social groups based on *ethnicity, gender, race, and religion. *Moreover, they maintained that these groups *shape* each person's ____________.

collective identity

___________ refers to a *social system* based on *in-groups and out-groups.* In _______ cultures, groups (relatives, clans, organizations) are the *central way of understanding* relations between people; *identity* is understood solely through *group membership.*


According to FNT, __________-________ cultures focus on * POSITIVE* face.


Those in a ________ conflict situation are *highly assertive* but *lack cooperation*; they push their viewpoints on others, sometimes to the extent of sacrificing the relationship altogether


A person with a _______ style has *moderate* concern for self and others; this individual is somewhat assertive and fairly cooperative. _______ typical involves a *willingness* to give up some demands to gain theres


FNT defines _______ as the perceived or actual *incompatibility* of *values, expectations, processes, or outcomes* between *2 or more* individuals.


________ is not a fixed trait, it is a person's *PREFFERED RESPONSE* to *conflict* in a given situation *( the context)*

conflict style (the context)

When a person wants to be viewed as a *Part* of an *In-group,* CAT predicts this person will accommodate by _____________. You will *alter* your speech and behavior so that it matches that of your conversational partner.


________ is one's *identification* with and *acceptance* into a group that shares *symbols, meanings, experiences, and behavior.*


Hofstede's cultural dimensions provide a typology useful for assessing cultural ___________ across social contexts. .


AUM says its only when this anxiety and uncertainty are appropriately _________and __________ that *effective communication* can occur

discerned and reduced

You will *alter your speech* through ___________, seeking to make your speech different, When individuals *don't* want to be *associated with a certain group* ( in-group) you will seek to make your speech different.or do not find a person interpersonally attractive; and want to differentiate from a particular crowd.


*AUM* deals with twin threats that must be managed: the 2 sets are anxiety and uncertainty. The goal is for ________ communication, not closeness.


*Feminine cultures* have ___________ for behavior based on *biological sex*. Men and women are *equally permitted* to be assertive or deferent, competitive or nurturing. Instead of rigid sex roles, the focus in feminine cultures tends to be on the facilitation of *interpersonal relationships* and *concern for the weak.*

fewer rigid roles

Cultures ______ in *uncertainty avoidance* maintain *strict* codes of *behavior* and support a belief in *absolute truths.*


*Collectivistic* cultures tend to use a ___________communication style. A __________ message privileges relational harmony over clarity or directness; messages tend to be *indirect, circular, or unspoken* so as *not to offend.*

high context

Different from URT......The *AUM* argues that when the exchange is between people of different groups or cultures, *individuals become* ___________ to cultural differences. .


___________ are *social affiliations* to which an individual *feels* he or she *belongs.*

in groups

According to FNT, __________-________ cultures focus on *NEGATIVE* face.

individualistic, low-context

An Outcome of *positively reducing* anxiety, and uncertainty is ________ ,whereby the *cultural out-group* member feels *emotionally secure, socially appropriate, and communicatively competent*.

intercultural adjustment

___________ involves the actual *interaction* between members of different cultures

intercultural communication

______ was most associated with perceived *similarity*; the more perceived similarity between the manager and the employee, the more likely an *LMX relationship.* (similarity in terms of attitudes about family, money, career, strategies, goals, and education is beneficial to LMX relationships)


The last dimension is Long-Term and Short-Term Orientation. A ___________ orientation is associated with thrift, savings, perseverance, and the willingness to subordinate one's self to achieve a goal. In cultures with a ________orientation, employees typically have a *strong work ethic* and keep their eyes toward the *achievement of goals.*

long term

American culture is a _________*uncertainty-avoidance* culture. In the *workplace*, individuals from ______uncertainty avoidance cultures tend to *work hard only when needed.* Rules are often *rejected or ignored*, and punctuality has to be taught and reinforced.


Cultures with_______ *power distance* value the *minimization* of power differences. Although hierarchy might exist, people higher in the hierarchy are not assumed to be superior to people lower in the hierarchy; people at all levels reach out to people at all other levels. Moreover, people lower in power believe that through motivation and hard work they can achieve power


Cultures_______ in *uncertainty avoidance* tend to accept ambiguity and *lack of structure* more easily. Individuals in _______ uncertainty-avoidance cultures are *more inclined* to *take risks*, innovate, and value *"thinking outside of the box."*


The United States falls on the ______ end *power distance* spectrum but is not extremely ____.


A characteristic of *individualistic* cultures is using a____________ communication style, it values *direct,* explicit expression of ideas. In _________ messages, the *meaning* is in the message, and sometimes *"the truth hurts."*

low context

___________ distance cultures prefer to view individuals as *equal.*

low power

____________ is the *absence* of adjustment.


According to AUM, *mindfulness* is the *key* to communication effectiveness, ________ communication suggests *thoughtful, conscious* behavior rather than relying on stereotypes or knee jerk reactions to a situation.


FNT states that members of *individualistic, low-context* cultures focus on _______ face, they prefer to be *confident, self directed*, and *independent.*


_______________ includes *over-and under-accommodation*, that is either too much or too little adjustment to make a successful interaction. .


AUM theory views *cultural strangers* as ________ members, while the cultural natives are in-group members.

out group

____________ are those social affiliations to which a person feels he or she does *not belong.*

out groups

FNT states that members of collectivistic, high-context culture focus on__________ face ,presenting themselves as *likable, cooperative* and interested in building relationships


*AUM* theory is a ______ approach to knowing


*CAT (communication accommodation theory)* is an _____ approach to knowing


The dimension of __________, is the extent to which people with little power in society consider inequity normal and acceptable. (Cultures with high power distance accept power as a scarce resource; power differences are natural and inevitable. In these sorts of cultures, there is greater centralization of power and a great importance placed on status and rank.)

power distance

A __________orientation centers on a desire for *immediate gratification.* Individuals in these cultures tend to spend money to "keep up with the Joneses" and prefer *quick results* to long-term gain.

short term

According to AUM, *communication effectiveness* occurs when "the person interpreting the message *attaches meaning* to the message that is relatively ________ to what was *intended by the person transmitting it.*


______________ are *implicit expectations* that guide social behavior. When in doubt, individuals rely on _____________ to inform their decision to *accommodate* or not.

social norms

The 1st assumption of *AUM* is that at least one person in an *intercultural* encounter is a ___________.


The tendency to rely on __________ means the person is more comfortable asking a person outside of the relationship to help manage the conflict.

third party help

The 2nd assumption of *AUM* is when a stranger *interacts* with a cultural *in-group* member, __________and _____ is abound.

uncertainty and anxiety

The cultural dimension ____________ refers to which people within a culture are made *nervous* by situations which they perceive as *unstructured, unclear, or unpredictable".* (Those cultures that seek to avoid ambiguity are known as *high*-uncertainty-avoidance cultures.)

uncertainty avoidance

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