Chapter 6 Study guide
To be lawful, force used in self-defense or defense of another must be both reasonable and
immediately necessary
In states that have adopted "make my day" rules, the occupant of a dwelling
may use deadly force against an intruder
The US Supreme Court ruled that the Fourth Amendment applies to the use of force by a police officer because the Fourth Amendment provides an explicit textual source of constitutional protection against this sort of
physically intrusive governmental conduct
The amount of force used in self defense or defense of another must, under the circumstances that exist, be
The castle doctrine states that people who have been assaulted in their home by a trespasser have no duty to retreat or flee but may stand their ground and use such force as is necessary and
reasonable to defend themselves
In most, if not all states, the use of booby traps is
Booby traps and spring guns , may not lawfully be used to protect property
Not having to retreat before using defensive in one's home is known as the "castle" doctrine
Not only police officers, but any person, may use reasonable force to defend another person against unlawful force or interference
The Fourth Amendment is not violated by an arrest based on probable cause, even though the wrong person is arrested
Key points in determining the lawfulness of force used in self-defense include all of the following except
Whether the assailant is armed or not
When an uncooperative driver refuses to submit to a breath or urine test police have begun taking forced
blood samples from these uncooperative drivers
A person assaulted in their home by a trespasser has no duty to retreat and may use necessary force based upon what doctrine?
The law regarding the use of deadly force in making an arrest is exactly the same from state to state
When acting in self-defense, all states impose a duty to retreat prior to the use of deadly and non-deadly force
Should a frail, elderly woman begin to hit a large, athletic man with an umbrella, the man may
Defend himself by taking the umbrella away from the woman
A citizen is never authorized to use deadly force against another citizen; only police may use deadly force against another person.
Deadly force may never be used by a police officer in an attempt to seize an individual
In states that have adopted "stand your ground" laws, severe limits have been placed on the use of deadly force by the occupant of a dwelling
Only parents may use reasonable force in disciplining children
Which reason explains why the use of deadly force is currently forbidden in the defense of property?
Law enforcement agencies are readily available to assist individuals confronted with theft
To lawfully use deadly force in self-defense, what kind of fear of imminent death or great bodily harm must exist?
Currently most states prohibit the use of _____ force to protect property
If force in making arrests should be necessary because of resistance or an attempt to escape, the officer may use only such force as is reasonably believed necessary to achieve all of the following except
err on the side of too much force
The Florida "stand your ground" law creates a presumption that a homeowner has a reasonable fear of imminent peril or death whenever another person unlawfully and
forcefully enters the dwelling