chapter 7 joints

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movement away from the midline


the hip bone rarely dislocated because its deep socket ___ is enhanced by a circular ___ ring called ____

acetabulum, fibrocartilage, acetabular,

movement toward the midline


movements that change the angle between connected bones are called ____ movements


the _____ ligament (ACL) stretches from the anterior ____ of the ___ to the ___ side of the ___ condyle of the ____.

anterior cruciate, intercondylar area, tibia, medial, lateral, femur

the joint cavity is subdivided by an ___ disc, which turns the TMJ into a joint with two types of movement :

articular, depression and elevation (hinge), and lateral excursion ( side to side grinding movements

a joint or _____ is the ___ where two or more bones meet

articulation, site

the PCL job is to prevent ___ sliding of ___ or ___ sliding of ___

backward, tibia, forward, femur

the most freely movable joints are the _____ joints. they permit motion in three planes making them ___ joints. ex are the shoulder and hip joint only

ball and socket, multiaxial

movement in two planes

biaxial joints

there are two types of friction reducing structures

bursae and elongated bursae

___ are flattened, fibrous sacs lined with ____, thus they contain____.

bursae, synovial fluids, ligament

part of the fibrous capsule

capsular or intrinsic ligaments

name three types of reinforcing ligaments

capsular or intrinsic, extra capsular, intra capsular

the joint ___ is thin but reinforced by muscle tendons. there are at least ___ associated ___ around the knee joint

capsule, 12, bursae

if the bones are united by cartilage to joint is called ____

cartilaginous joint

flexion + abduction + extension + adduction of a limb so as to describe a cone


if the articular surfaces of all joint- forming are oval the joint is a ____ or ____ joint. it is a ___ joint that permit all___ movement

condyloid or ellipsoidal, biaxial, angular

there are some reinforcing ligaments like the ____ ligament between ____ process of the ___ and the proximal ___, and the three ___ ligament that strengthen the front of capsule

coracohumeral, coracoid, scapula, humerus, glenohumeral

the intracapsular knee ligaments are called ___ ligaments bc they cross each others path when looked at from the front.


in fibrous joints the bones are joined by

dense fibrous connective tissue

the outer fibrous layer is made of

dense irregular connective tissue

moving a body part inferiorly


most joints of the body, including all joints of our limbs are ____ joints


moving the foot upwards


lifting a body part superiorly


turning the sole laterally


increases the angle of the joint


outside the capsule

extra capsular ligament

the ____ joint is a ___ joint between the articular surface of the posterior aspect of the ___ and the distal end of the ___

femoropatellar, plane, patella, femur

structural classification has three types of joints

fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial

decrease the angle of the joint


there are six types of angular movement

flexion, adduction, circumduction, extension, abduction, hypertension

the ACL job is to prevent ___ sliding of the ___ against the ___ and ____ of the knee joint

forward, tibia, femur, hyperextension


freely moveable

movements can occur along the __,___, and ___

frontal, sagittal, transverse

the shoulder joint is also called the _____ because its a ball and socket joint formed by the ___ of the ____ and the ____ of the ____.

glenohumeral, ball and socket, head, humerus, glenoid fossa, scapula

a ____ movement happens when one flat bone surface glides or slips over another similar surface


____ are the ____ joints that keep our ___ in the alveolar sockets.

gomphoses, peg- in -socket

the __ of the radius rotates within the ___ ligament during pronation and supination of the forearm

head, angular

___ joints allow flexion and ____ only, which makes them___joints.

hinge, extension, uniaxial

the knee joint is a modified ___ joint that allows for ____,___ and a small degree of ___ when the knee is flexed

hinge, flexion, extension, rotation

the __ or __. joint is a multiracial ball and socket joint

hip or coxal

articular cartilage always is ___ cartilage


synovial fluid is a viscous filtrate containing plasma and_____

hyaluronic acid

excessive extension beyond normal range of motion




movement in syndesmoses varies from _____ to _____

immoveable to slightly movable

gliding movement is found in the ___ joints at at the base of the hand, the ____ joints of the foot, and the joints between the ____ of the vertebral column

intercarpal, inter tarsal, articular processes

the PCL stretches from the posterior ___ of the ___ to the lateral side of the ____ condyle of the ____

intercondylar area, tibia, medial, femur

deep to the capsule; covered by synovial membrane

intra capsular

turning the sole medially


in fibrous joints there is no ___ and most joints are ____

joint cavity, synarthrotic

the articular or ___ capsule consists of two layers

joint, outer fibrous layer and inner synovial membrane

the __ joint is the largest and most complex joint of the body bc it consists of __ joints that are surrounded by a modified ____.

knee,3, joint cavity

the ___ and ____ joints connects the lateral and medial condyles with the articular surfaces of the ____ of the ___.

lateral and medial tibiofemoral, head of tibia

the ___ or _____ ligament (LCL) is the outer extra capsular ligament

lateral or fibular collateral

the inner synovial membrane is made of

loose connective tissue

the synovial fluids job is to ___ the surface and to ____ the cartilage

lubercate, nourish

the TMJ connects the ____ with the inferior surface of the ___ bone

mandibular condyle, temporal

joints can be classified based on the ____ binding bones together and whether or not a joint cavity is present


the ___ or ___ ligament (MCL) the inner extra capsular ligament.

medial or tibial collateral

because the tibial articular surfaces are shallow and small there are two ___ on either side that increase the articular surface and help absorb mechanical stress


movement in or around all three planes

multiaxial joint

the shoulder joint is ____ with an big range of _____, but this great motility also means less ____

multiaxial, movement/ motion, stability

bones that form a joint are moved out of their position by contraction of ___


slipping movements only

non axial joints

depending on the range of motion we identify four kinds of joints:

non axial, uniaxial, biaxial, multiaxial

movement in the saddle joint so that the thumb touches the tips of the other fingers

opposition of the thumb

muscles always have a point of ___(immoveable) and ____ ;which is the attachment to the ___ bone

origin, insertion, moveable

the teeth are held in place by the ____ ligament


____ joints are ___ joints too. they are created by the ___ end of one bone being surrounded by a sleeve or ring of another bone

pivot, uniaxial , rounded

there are 6 types of synovial joints based on the shape and the articular surfaces of the joint forming bones

plane, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle, ball and socket

____ joints have flat articular surfaces. they are ___ joints that allow for short ___ movements only

plane, non axial, gliding

moving the foot downward

plantar flexion

the ____ ligament (PCL) is stronger than the ACL

posterior cruciate

rotation of the forearm so that the palm faces posteriorly


anterior movement in a transverse plane


the ____ tendon gives rise to three structures:

quadriceps, patellar ligament, lateral and medial patellar retinacula

the elbow joint is formed by three bone

radius, ulna, humerus

posterior movement in a transverse plane


the turning of a bone around its own long axis is called ____. we find that kind of movement between the ___and ___ cervical vertebrae

rotation, first, second

in ___ joints both articular surfaces have ____ and _____ areas, giving this ___ joint a ___ freedom of movement than a condyloid joint

saddle, concave and convex, biaxial, greater

angular movements can be subdivided into movements that occur along the ___ plane and movements that occur along the ____ plane

sagittal, frontal

the shoulder joint is the ____ easily dislocated joint behind the tmj


elongated bursae that wrap around tendons are called


bursae are found in structures such as

skin, tendons, bones, or muscles rub together

you find sutures mainly in the



slightly moveable

what forms the rotator cuff

subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor

rotation of the forearm so that the palms face anteriorly


___ are rigid, interlocking joints containing short connective tissue fibers


the types of fibrous joints are

sutures, syndesmoses, and gomphoses

in ____ hyaline cartilage covers the articulating surfaces and is fused to an intervening pad of _____. this creates strong, flexible amphiarthroses

symphyses, fibrocartilage

name the three types of joints

synarthrosis, ampiarthroses, diarthroses

in ___ a bar or plate of ___hyaline cartilage unites the bones creating a synarthrotic joint

synchondroses, hyaline

the two types cartilaginous joint

synchondroses, symphyses

in ____ the bones are connected by bands of fibrous tissue called ____

syndesmoses, ligaments

later in life sutures ossify and are then called


the inner synovial membrane secretes

synovial fluid

the ____ joint is the only freely moveable joint in the skull

temporomandibular joint

the elbow joint is formed mainly by the _____ of the ___ and the ___ of the ___

trochlear notch of ulna, trochlea of humerus

two collateral ligaments are ___ and ___ that reinforce the capsule and restrict side to side movement. these joints also stabilized by then tendons :

ulnar and radial, biceps and triceps

movement in one plane

uniaxial joints

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