Chapter 9

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______ crops tend to produce best when given sufficient fertilizer, water, and pest control. ______ crops can produce well even when these resources are limited or less than optimal.

"High responder"; Traditional

Economist Robert Fogel suggests that hunger costs the world ______ in economic growth each year, since hungry people are not effective workers.

$120 billion

Which of the following statements best describes how hunger impacts the economy?

-About $120 billion in economic growth is lost every year due to hunger. -People who are hungry cannot effectively work.

Which of the following statements regarding global obesity patterns are correct?

-About 13 percent of adults are obese. -More than twice as many people are overweight than are underweight. -Obesity affects many developing countries and is not just limited to wealthier nations.

African countries where malnourishment is high (greater than 35 percent of the population) include ______.

-Tanzania -Ethiopia -Somalia

In general, how will crops suffer from a warming climate?

-Warmer temperatures will result in more transpiration, so plants will need more water. -Plants grow and produce seeds within a narrow range of temperatures, so any change will make them less successful at doing this.

Famines are most often caused by ______.

-armed conflict -political oppression

World food production has been able to keep pace with global population growth due to ______.

-better distribution systems -improved crop varieties -increased use of irrigation

A person who is overweight or obese is at a greater risk for ______.

-diabetes -heart attacks -stroke

Confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) ______.

-have led to the development of new breeds of livestock -require specially prepared mixes of corn, soy, and animal protein -are designed to rapidly grow animals for meat

The richest countries pay their farmers $350 billion a year, and most of that money goes toward ______.

-irrigation systems -crop insurance -transportation networks

Marasmus ______.

-is caused by deficiencies in both calories and protein -causes low resistance to disease and infections -gives children a thin and shriveled appearance

Obesity ______.

-is partly the result of increased consumption of highly processed foods -affects about one-third of adults in the United States -is defined as a person having a body mass index (BMI) over 30 kg/m2

In addition to being used as food, many genetically modified (GM) crops such as corn and soybeans are also used for ______ in the United States.

-livestock feed -biofuels -industrial oils

The three main crops that humanity depends upon for food are ______.

-maize (corn) -rice -wheat

Famines commonly result in ______.

-massive starvation -social disruption -economic chaos

The current recommended food pyramid, which is based upon the Mediterranean diet, includes ______.

-moderate exercise at its base -sparse consumption of red meat and starchy foods -copious amounts of nuts, legumes, fruits, and vegetables

The rate of obesity among adults is increasing because ______.

-modern lifestyles are more sedentary compared to earlier generations -economics makes it more profitable for food producers to sell highly processed food products that contribute to obesity -modern diets often include large amounts of oily and sugary foods

Hybridized varieties of crops ______.

-offer increased yields compared to traditional open-pollinated crops -create food surpluses that allow wealthier countries to send food aid overseas

The process of aquaculture ______.

-provides about half of the seafood that humans eat -involves growing aquatic species in net pens or tanks

The effect of subsidized agriculture in wealthier countries ______.

-undercuts local farmers in developing countries -allows American farmers to sell their products at up to 20 percent below production costs

Global food prices often rise despite their abundance because ______.

-weather conditions can often trigger spikes in prices -food is often bought and sold for profit on commodity markets

Kwashiorkor is ______.

-when young children are fed a diet of mainly cheap starchy foods -a West African word meaning "displaced child" -typified by puffy, discolored skin and a bloated belly

Nearly ______ adults, or about 39 percent of the world's adult population, are considered to be overweight but not obese.

2 billion

Approximately ______ % of Americans are overweight.


Due to new technologies, annual ocean fish catches rose dramatically until the end of the 1980s leading to the current depletion or overfishing of ______ of fisheries.


Match each type of commercial fishing technique with its description. Trawling

A large net is dragged along the seafloor. Habitats are destroyed and large amounts of bycatch are produced.

Match each type of commercial fishing technique with its description. Longlining

A very long fishing line equipped with shorter, baited lines and hooks are used to catch fish. If the lines are too shallow, turtles, dolphins, and seabirds are caught.

The continent of ______ contains the greatest number of malnourished (greater than 35 percent of the population) countries in the world.


Match each kcal (kilocalorie) value to the correct statement. 3,500 kcal

Average daily consumption of food energy in industrialized countries

_____, the cultivation of aquatic species in net pens or tanks, provides for about half of the seafood we eat.

Blank 1: Aquaculture

_____ are large-scale food shortages that can lead to massive starvation, social disruption, and economic chaos.

Blank 1: Famines

_____ in the developing world do the majority of the farmwork involved in food production but they rarely control the land or capital involved.

Blank 1: Women or Females

The constant use _____ of in the modern meat production process is creating new resistant bacteria that threaten the health and safety of humans.

Blank 1: antibiotics

About $350 _____ is spent by the world's richest countries each year to support agriculture, including irrigation systems, crop insurance, and direct subsidies.

Blank 1: billion

One of the issues with some types of aquaculture is that when they are close to shore they may release large amounts of _____ into the environment.

Blank 1: disease, feces, antibiotics, waste, or pollution

A(n) _____ modified organism is created by borrowing DNA from completely unrelated species in order to generate favorable characteristics in the modified organism.

Blank 1: genetically

The _____ revolution refers to the dramatic increase in crop yields in the 1950s and 1960s that resulted from new technologies and new crop varieties.

Blank 1: green

People who receive sufficient calories but who may be lacking in sufficient nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and trace minerals are said to be _____. (Use only one word per blank.)

Blank 1: malnourished

The production of _____ is very expensive since it requires large amounts of grain to feed to the livestock. Consumption of this product is often an indicator of wealth.

Blank 1: meat, beef, or cattle

People who have a body mass index (BMI) over 30 kg/m2 are considered _____.

Blank 1: obese

The growing rate of _____ in adults is linked to a diet rich in oily and sugary foods and lifestyles that involve less walking and less physical work than previous generations.

Blank 1: obesity

Wheat, _____, and maize (corn) are the three primary crops that humans depend upon for food.

Blank 1: rice

The current _____ harvest from the wild is about 95 million metric tons each year, which is the primary protein source for 1.5 billion people in developing countries. (Use only one word per blank.)

Blank 1: seafood or fish

Match each region to the staple crops that are cultivated there. Some items may be grown in more than one place, so find the best match. Melanesia and the South Pacific

Cassava and sweet potatoes

More than 70 percent of the United States corn crop is genetically modified (GM); nearly 95 percent of the soybean crop is GM. Why are these GM crops so prevalent in the United States?

Corn and soybeans are genetically modified to be more tolerant of herbicides, which in turn helps boost production yields.

True or false: The most dominant type of genetically modified trait involves gene transfers that offer fire and drought tolerance to crops.

False Reason: Herbicide resistance and pest resistance are the most common gene transfers that occur with genetically modified crops.

True or false: Many farmers in the United States have switched to crops that minimize soil erosion since the government pays high subsidies to conserve topsoil and nutrients.

False Reason: Many farmers actually choose to produce cultivation-intensive crops since government subsidies for these crops are much greater than subsidies for soil conservation.

Match each kcal (kilocalorie) value to the correct statement. 3,000 kcal

Global average daily consumption of food energy

______, a word meaning "displaced child," is a type of protein deficiency observed in young children who consume mainly cheap starchy foods.


Match each type of commercial fishing technique with its description. Seining

Large nets are dragged through open water, but large fish and marine mammals get caught unintentionally by this process.

The ______ diet minimizes red meats and starchy foods and allows for copious consumption of nuts, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.


Match each region to the staple crops that are cultivated there. Some items may be grown in more than one place, so find the best match. Northern Europe

Potatoes, barley, and rye

Match each kcal (kilocalorie) value to the correct statement. 2,200 kcal

Recommended daily value of food energy consumption

______ is the main animal protein source for about 1.5 billion people in developing countries.


Match each region to the staple crops that are cultivated there. Some items may be grown in more than one place, so find the best match. Dry regions of Africa

Sorghum and millet

Which of the following statements exemplifies the negative impact that genetically modified (GM) crops have on organic agriculture?

The constant use of GM crops with the Bt gene, a natural pesticide, has led to Bt-resistant pests that threaten organic crops.

Of the three common commercial fishing techniques listed, which causes the most damage to sea bottom ecosystems?

Trawling Reason: Nets, rakes, and dredges can destroy seafloor ecosystems.

The most common nutritional problem in the world is ______, which is usually caused by dietary iron deficiency.


Critics of genetically modified (GM) foods argue that GM products ______.

are not fully understood regarding their potential health implications

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) ______ to produce desired characteristics.

can include bits of DNA borrowed from other completely unrelated organisms

Increased use of irrigation and fertilizers, improved crop varieties, and better distribution systems in crop production have ______.

caused global food production rates to outpace population growth

Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia are home to the largest proportion of ______ of all global regions.

chronically undernourished people

When it comes to food production in the developing world, women ______.

complete 50 to 70 percent of the farmwork, but rarely control farmland

One of the major innovations in livestock production is the ______, where animals are housed and fed for rapid growth.

confined animal feeding operation (CAFO)

A person who is chronically undernourished is ______.

consuming less than the daily minimum food energy intake of 2,200 kcal

The majority of the U.S. ______ and ______ crops are genetically modified (GM) for herbicide resistance, which helps provide greater yields compared to non-GM varieties.

corn; soybean

The wave of suicides among farmers in India is the result of ______.

debt burdens incurred while trying to afford genetically modified crops and pesticides

Malnourishment occurs when a person ______.

does not receive sufficient nutrients from their food

Armed conflicts and political oppression are the leading factors that cause ______.


Unlike other meat resources, ______ are/is the only wild-caught meat source still sold commercially on a large scale.


The ability to obtain sufficient food on a day-to-day basis is called ______.

food security

Many critics have questioned the safety of ______ foods, arguing that we do not fully understand the potential health effects of using these products.

genetically modified (GM)

The main goal of most ______ agriculture is to maximize crop production when combined with specialized commercial chemicals.

genetically modified (GM)

The natural pesticide originating from the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) bacterium is becoming less effective at fighting crop pests, threatening organic agriculture. This is because ______.

genetically modified crops often include the Bt gene, which creates overexposure and Bt resistance in pest populations

The average daily consumption of food energy in industrialized countries is ______ the recommended value of 2,200 kcal. The average daily consumption of food energy worldwide is ______ the recommended value.

greater than; greater than

The most dominant type of genetically modified trait introduced into crops is ______.

herbicide and pesticide resistance

Despite the mass production of food, _______ of people are still chronically undernourished worldwide. (Select the most accurate maximum number.)

hundreds of millions

After ______ crop varieties were introduced to the United States, crop yields increased dramatically.


Speculation of food commodities on global stock markets can lead to ______.

increasing food prices

Genetically modified (GM) corn crops are used for all of the following purposes in the United States except ______.

invasive species management

Anemia usually results from a lack of ______ in a person's diet.


Meat is expensive to produce because ______.

it requires large amounts of grain to feed each animal

Children suffering from ______, caused by a shortage of both calories and protein, have low resistance to infections and often experience impacts on their mental and physical development.


The primary focus of genetically modified (GM) seed development is to ______.

maximize crop production when combined with specialized chemicals

The number of chronically undernourished people around the world is approximately 800 ______.


Potatoes, barley, and oats are staple crops in ______, whereas in regions such as ______ cassava and sweet potatoes are staple food sources.

northern Europe and Asia; Amazonia and Melanesia

Approximately _____ of Americans are seriously overweight or obese.


"High responder" crop varieties tend to produce best when the ______.

optimal levels of fertilizer, water, and pest control are applied

A person who is ______ is at a greater risk for hypertension, diabetes, stroke, heart attacks, and some cancers.

overweight or obese

A warming climate will result in ______ crop yields, as plants grow best in a narrow temperature range.


Fish are unique in that they are the only commercially sold meat source that is ______.

still wild-caught

The majority of chronically undernourished people live in ______.

sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia

Critics of ______ agriculture argue that it floods the markets of developing countries with cheap commodities, destabilizing food production and driving local farmers out of business.


The green revolution refers to the ______.

sudden increase in crop yields in the 1950s and 1960s that resulted from new technologies and crop varieties

When antibiotics are constantly used in meat production, the result is ______.

the creation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that threaten human health

The rise in annual catches of ocean fish and the corresponding decline in major fisheries since the 1950s are largely the result of ______.

the development of freezer technology to preserve catches on board ships

Food security is the ability ______.

to obtain sufficient food on a day-to-day basis

A person who is chronically ______ consumes less than 2,200 kcal a day in food energy.


Marine ecosystem nurseries in ______ are lost due to aquaculture, as these are common places for the placement of farmed shrimp farms.

wetlands and mangrove forests

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