Chapter 9

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Studies on _____ have shown that being in an impoverished environment has a direct impact on brain development.


Crystallized intelligence is the dimension of intellect that includes all of the following abilities EXCEPT

recognizing relationships between two objects you have never seen before.

One of the unique features of Gardner's theory of intelligence is that it

rejects the notion that a single IQ score can meaningfully assess intelligence

The best way to describe the relationship of IQs between ages 11 and 61 is

relatively stable

With regard to experience, Sternberg believes that

the creative component of intelligence is best measured by a person's responses on novel tasks.

Which is NOT one of the scales on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development?


Which type of test is most apt to put an older adult at a disadvantage?

"Speeded" (timed) test

The intent of the original Binet and Simon intelligence test was to be able to identify

"dull" children in need of special education.

If the scores from an intelligence test are normally distributed, then you would predict that the largest number of people would receive an IQ score of _____ on that test.


On a normal distribution of IQ test scores, the average score would be


It was found that when they were in their 40s, _____ of the Camberwell Cohort lived with their families.


How many of the following four home situations (father is absent from family, mother has poor mental health, family has two or less children, head of household is unemployed) represent possible risk factors for negatively impacting a child's IQ score?


Research would predict that _____ would show the largest intellectual declines in the coming years.

69-year-old May, who lives alone and is socially inactive,

If the scores from an intelligence test are normally distributed, then you would predict that the FEWEST number of people would receive an IQ score at or below _____ on that test.


Which type of theorist would be most likely to describe intellectual development in terms of qualitative changes in thought with age (e.g., transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly)?

A Piagetian

What physiological event has been associated with the acquisition of Piaget's formal operation stage of thinking?

A spurt in brain development

The concept of stereotype threat is most often used to explain the lower IQ scores found in

African Americans.

Which parenting practice is best associated with the development of creativity?

Allowing children the freedom to explore and opportunities to experiment

Who is most likely to say, "The major focus of my discipline is on the creation and understanding of intelligence tests"?

Archer, who is a psychometric theorist

Which statement best describes the impact of genetics and environment on a child's IQ?

At age two, maternal IQ best predicts the IQ of a child; by age four, the impact of the quality of the home environment becomes as good a predictor as maternal IQ.

_____ refers to an efficiency of information processing that appears with practice.


Which factor best describes the Flynn effect?

Average IQ scores in the United States have risen dramatically over the past decades.

If you want to predict later intelligence using some infant measure, which of the following measures would be best to use with the infants?

Speed of habituation scores

A group of English individuals with intellectual disabilities who participated in a long-term study are referred to as the

Camberwell Cohort

Which pair is best associated with concepts of fluid intelligence?

Cattell and Horn

Whose "formula" for intelligence is, "intelligence" = "g" + "s"?

Charles Spearman

Which statement about the classification of intellectual disabilities is true?

Children with intellectual disabilities often have associated impairments like cerebral palsy or a sensory disorder.

Which item is NOT one of the three dimensions on which divergent thinking is analyzed?


Who is best known for developing a set of intelligence tests that can be used on individuals from toddlerhood to old age?

David Wechsler

Which is the best characterization of intellectual functioning in adulthood?

Declines are not universal.

Who is demonstrating a high level of ideational fluency?

Drew, who quickly generated a list of 20 novel uses for marshmallows

Which statement is true?

During adolescence, IQ scores become more predictable but creativity seems to wax and wane.

If you tested 1,000 infants on a valid test that generated a DQ, what expectation would you have concerning the correlation between the DQ and an IQ taken when these individuals reach age 20?

Expected correlation around 0

Which is the best definition of wisdom?

Expert knowledge in the fundamental pragmatics of life

Which environmental change is most likely to positively impact an African-American child's IQ score?

Exposing them to a "culture of tests and the school"

_____ intelligence is defined as the ability to use your active mind to solve novel problems.


The fact that adults born in the 1980s have higher adult IQs than adults born in the 1950s illustrates the _____ effect.


Whose current IQ score would most likely be highly correlated with their IQ score at age 10?

Fox, who is eight years old

Which of the following is the strongest piece of evidence showing that genetic factors influence intelligence (as measured by IQ tests)?

Identical twins reared apart are more alike than fraternal twins reared together.

The two-factor model argues that intelligence is highly influenced by a factor simply designated as "g." What does "g" stand for?

General mental ability

Which of the following accurately summarizes Terman's famous longitudinal study of findings regarding gifted children (i.e., the "Termites")?

Gifted children are well adjusted and morally mature.

A researcher is using a measure in which both the emotional and verbal responsiveness of a parent and the provision of appropriate play materials are being assessed. Given this description, the researcher appears to be using the

HOME inventory.

How did Sternberg include the notion of confluence into his theory?

He believed that several factors combined to create intelligence.

What would indicate that LeBron's free-throw-shooting has undergone automatization?

He has practiced so many times that he does not even have to pay that much attention to make the shot.

Which best described the average of Terman's "Termites" when they reached adulthood?

Healthy, happy, productive

Which statement best describes Kaufman's (2001) findings on the pattern of IQ change from young adulthood though old age generated by cross-sectional studies?

IQ scores rise gradually until middle age (age 40-50) then decline slowly until old age (around 80) when the decline accelerates.

Who developed the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale?

Lewis Terman

Some children show a lowering of their IQ during their school years. Which factor seems to be the most common cause of this decline?

Living in impoverished environments

According to Howard Gardner, intelligence consists of at least eight distinct abilities. Which of the following is among Gardner's distinct types of intelligence?


Which statement best summarizes the pattern of IQ-score change in childhood?

Overall age group stability but large individual variation

Which "home environment" factor seems to be most important for the intellectual development of a child?

Parental involvement with the child

Some children show gains in IQ during their school years. Which factor appears to be the primary cause of such gains?

Parents who foster achievement

Jacque is told that he will be taking the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. What type of task should Jacque expect to complete as part of the assessment of his performance IQ?

Puzzle assembly

Reba has been accurately diagnosed as being affected by organic intellectual disability. Which statement about Reba would ALWAYS be true?

Reba's disability is due to some identifiable biological cause.

Which factor has NOT been used to explain the Flynn effect?

Smaller family size

Using today's standards, how would Wendy be accurately classified as a "gifted" child?

She needs a high IQ score and some special abilities.

Which statement concerning racial and ethnic differences in IQ is FALSE?

Stereotype threat appears to account for about 80 points of the gap between majority and non-majority students.

What has been shown to increase the IQ scores of disadvantaged children from minority racial and ethnic groups?

Telling the child that the exam was not going to be scored

Which of the following can we conclude about intellectual functioning across the lifespan?

The speed with which someone processes information is related to intellectual performance.

Which of the following is true of creative children?

They engage in more fantasy or pretend play than other children.

Why do scores on infant developmental scales appear to be such poor predictors of later IQs?

They may tap qualitatively different abilities.

Who would have the highest IQ?

Tom, who is 10 years old and has a mental age of 15

What saying is most applicable to describing intellectual functioning in later life?

Use it or lose it.

Sixty-five-year-old Kint is going to a psychologist to have his verbal IQ assessed. Which test would a competent psychologist select to accomplish this goal?


. Harold is about to assess the intelligence of his four-year-old son, Kumar. Which test would be most appropriate him to select?


Which question would be the best method of assessing divergent thinking?

What are some effective ways of studying for a psychology exam?

IQ scores obtained during adolescence are best at predicting

a person's high school grades.

Terminal drop is the name given to

a rapid decline in the mental abilities of elderly people a few years prior to dying.

Test norms are

a table of test scores that indicates the average score and how to interpret the range of scores around that average score.

Divergent thinking is to convergent thinking as

a variety of answers are to one answer.

The primary way gifted children can be identified at an early age is by their

advanced language skills.

Many early studies suggested that childhood _____ was the driving force behind the development of creativity.


Most widely used traditional tests of intelligence focus on _____ intelligence(s).


Sternberg would argue that an individual who is outstanding at filtering out irrelevant from relevant information excels on the _____ component of intelligence.


Peak levels of creativity tend to occur EARLIEST in individuals who are in the


Research on aging and creativity has shown that older individuals are _____ than younger adults.

as original and less productive with creative ideas

The Flynn effect refers to the observation that

average IQ scores have been increasing

The stability of IQ scores

becomes fairly high starting at around age four.

Research on IQ and diabetes indicates that the reason individuals with higher IQs may live longer is because they are

better able to monitor and treat their illness.

An average 10-year-old would have

both a chronological and mental age of 10.

Schaie's sequential study of stability of intellectual abilities showed that

both cohort and age affect intellectual performance.

Creative achievement requires

both enthusiasm and experience.

Child poverty involves

both low family income and a lack of meeting a child's needs.

Scarr and Weinberg's research on social class and IQ showed that

children from disadvantaged homes could raise their IQs if adopted into middle-class homes with intelligent adoptive parents.

Luther is developing a test of intelligence. He believes that in order to accurately generate an intelligence test score, he must assess a multitude of factors that will be added together to form the "product" called intellect. This belief indicates that Luther is a strong proponent of


People with savant syndrome illustrate that intelligence

consists of multiple and distinct abilities

Miss Whitney asks her class to name the person who invented the cotton gin. This question best represents a measure of

convergent thinking.

The production of ideas that are original and meaningful are both defining characteristics of


Kao is involved with a project studying intelligence. During the study, she is first asked to name the state capitals of Wisconsin and Hawaii. Then she is asked to explain the difference between the words "destiny" and "density." Given these tasks, Kao appears to be taking a test of _____ intelligence.


The fact that IQ tests are more appropriate for Caucasian middle-class children than low-income African-American children provide an example of a(n) _____ bias in testing.


Mr. Edam grew up in Wisconsin and knows a lot about Colby cheese. Mr. Cheddar grew up in Cheddar, England, and knows a lot about cheddar cheese. Both are given an intelligence test that contains a question about Colby cheese. The fact that Mr. Edam would be at an advantage due to his familiarity with the subject matter illustrates a problem referred to as

culture bias.

Children from impoverished environments may show progressively lower IQ scores over time, a phenomenon called

cumulative-deficit hypothesis.

When discussing intelligence, David says, "I subscribe to a psychometric approach on that topic." This means that David would most likely

describe a person in terms of measurable traits he or she possesses

The intelligence test developed by Binet and Simon (1904) was specifically designed to

determine which school children were likely to be slow learners.

A study on the development of wisdom in young and elderly women by Staudinger, Smith, and Baltes (2001) found that

expertise is a better predictor of wisdom than age.

Dominique is shown a series of triangles of different sizes and colors and is asked to guess what the next triangle in the series might look like. The use of this novel task indicates that the person testing Dominique is most likely assessing _____ intelligence.


Research on changes in intellectual abilities during adulthood indicates that

fluid intelligence declines earlier and more quickly than crystallized intelligence.

The basic distinction between crystallized and fluid intelligence is that

fluid intelligence involves using your mind in new ways, and crystallized intelligence involves using what you have already learned.

Longitudinal research on IQ change during adulthood indicates that

fluid intelligence peaks and then declines, while crystallized intelligence remains steady into middle-old adulthood.

A large-scale study on intelligence, income, and occupational prestige by Judge, Klinger, and Simon (2010) found that

general intelligence was significantly related to both income and occupational prestige.

Ideational fluency refers to one's ability to

generate many interesting, novel ideas.

Concerning creativity, ideation is to elaboration as

generating is to executing.

Research on genetics and intelligence test scores has shown that

genetic factors can help partially explain between-group variation but not within-group variation.

An intelligent infant is best characterized as one who

gets bored quickly with familiar information and seeks out novel information.

While Dilbert is severely intellectually disabled, he has the ability to tell you the day of the week for any future date (e.g., November 27, 2949 = Tuesday). This description indicates that Dilbert

has savant syndrome.

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) test differs from the Stanford-Binet test because only the WISC-IV

has separate scores for verbal and performance abilities.

Organic intellectual disability is the term given to intellectual disability caused by

heredity, disease, or injury.

The typical pattern of creativity in childhood is

high in preschool, lower in first grade, even lower in fourth grade, and higher by age 12.

Research on intelligence and creativity has shown that

highly creative individuals rarely have below-average IQs.

An information-processing theorist focusing on intelligence testing would be most likely interested in

how children solve the problems on the test.

The cumulative-deficit hypothesis is often used to explain

how the negative effects of an impoverished environment "snowball" over time to create lowered IQ scores

The STAT test

includes an essay.

A culture fair test is best defined as one that

includes questions that are equally familiar or unfamiliar to children from all cultures.

The use of a test yielding a DQ over a test yielding an IQ is most appropriate when you are assessing


The analytic component of intelligence focuses exclusively on

information-processing skills.

One of Siggy's most endearing traits is an exceptional sensitivity to other people's motivations and moods. According to Gardner, Siggy would best be classified as having high _____ intelligence.


Cleopatra has an outstanding sense of her own feelings. This ability is best associated with Gardner's _____ type of intelligence.


Eighteen-year-old Becker is accurately classified as being mildly intellectually disabled. Given this diagnosis, it is most likely that he

is able to live and work independently but has some academic limitations.

According to the psychometric approach to intelligence, intelligence

is made up of traits that vary and can be measured.

Researchers using the Characteristics of Giftedness Scale found that gifted children could be distinguished from average children in a number of ways including all of the following EXCEPT their

lack of concern about perfection

"Successful intelligence" is BEST summarized as the ability to succeed in


Browning's latest book of poems is being hailed as a "triumph in the use of the written word." This indicates that Browning most likely possesses high levels of _____ intelligence.


Gardner's theory of intelligence

links distinct types of intelligence to specific areas of the brain.

As a general pattern, _____ tend to have the lowest IQs.

manual laborers

Searching for a hidden toy is part of the assessment of _____ scale on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development.


On the fifth edition of the Stanford-Binet test,

mental age is no longer used to calculate IQ.

The average level of age-graded problems a person can solve is used to determine the person's

mental age.

To say that test scores are normally distributed around the average score means that

most people score in the average range and few people score very high or very low

The phrase, "I really want to be the best," illustrates the key element of _____ that exemplifies the behavior of many child prodigies.


Otis has just been told that his son Goober is going to be assessed using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. As a knowledgeable psychologist, Otis would know that this test will assess Goober's

motor skills (e.g., ability to grasp and throw a ball).

Given that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution was based on Darwin's extremely insightful observation of animals, it is likely that Gardner would have viewed Darwin as having exceptionally high _____ intelligence.


The fact that the brain can be restructured in response to training exemplifies the concept of


Fluid intelligence is usually

not taught and emphasizes using the mind in new ways.

IQ and creativity scores are

not well correlated.

Research on wisdom suggests that

only adults with expertise or experience display wisdom.

Results from the Camberwell Cohort study indicated that for adults diagnosed with intellectual disabilities in early life, the

overall quality of their lives was lower than that of non-impaired peers.

Long-term research on children who were in Project Head Start indicates that

participation in such programs may reduce the likelihood of teenage pregnancy.

Terminal drop is best associated with

poor health

According to triarchic theory, person with "street smarts" possesses high levels of _____ intelligence.


Moesha grew up in a society in which women were supposed to always begin a conversation with a man. While traveling in a foreign nation, Moesha learns that in this culture, a woman who begins a conversation with a man is considered stupid. This cultural distinction in the definition of intelligence illustrates what Sternberg called the _____ component of intelligence.


A _____ disabled child will show major delays in all areas of development.


When describing the practical component, Sternberg argues that an intelligent person will

shape an environment to better suit his or her skills.

Research has shown that children who participate in early intervention programs

show immediate gains in IQ, but the gains fade after the programs end.

Intellectual disability is defined as

significantly below-average IQ and deficits in adaptive behavior.

The intelligence concept of "g" was based on the observation that

skill levels are consistent across tasks.

As a great architect, Mr. Brady has an amazing ability to visual and mentally transform a building in his mind. This suggests that he has superb _____ intelligence.


On average, _____ tend to have the highest IQs.

technical workers

Creativity is usually defined as

the ability to produce novel responses that are valued by others

With regard to the Binet and Simon intelligence test, "age graded" refers to

the age at which an average child of a certain age can successfully complete an item.

The major focus of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development is to assess intelligence by measuring

the rate at which infants achieve developmental milestones.

Sternberg is best associated with _____ theory.


Research on race, ethnicity, and intelligence has shown that

you cannot predict an individual's IQ on the basis of their race or ethnic status.

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