Chapter One: Sexuality: Pathways to understanding

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Many psychology studies only use introductory psychology college students as participants. What is the primary risk of this approach to sexuality research?

A college student sample is unlikely to accurately represent the broader population.

Which project would most likely be conducted by biomedical reseacher?

A test of a new infertillity treatment.

Which statement illusrates the concept of a double standard?

A women with many partnerss is considered a slut, a man with many partners is considered as a stud.

One evolutionary theory is that because females are chooseir about mates, males have evolved to engage in competitive and risky displays in order to attract female attention. Which situtation is the best example of this attractive behavior?

A young man revving his car engine as a group of girls walk by.

Sociologist at the University of Chicago have been giving the General Social Survey (GSS) every year or two since 1972. A key benifit of this type of survey is that?

It allows researchers to identify changes in attitudes over time.

Current theories in neuroscience identify biology causes os sexual orientation. This theory was first advanced in the early 20th century by sex reseacher?

Magunes Hirchfeld

Which statement best captures the diffrence between the terms "sex" and "sexuality"?

Sex refers to the biological distinctions between males and females; Sexuality refers to a persons sexual orientation.

In a 2013 study, Perry and colleagues discovered that gay men had higher levels of empathy than straight men, and lesbian women had lower levels of empathy than straight women. This suggests that empahty?

Shares adevelopmental process with sexual orientation.

How have televison and the internet shaped sexuality?

By raising awareness of kinks, Internet access has increased sexual stigma.

In Italy, some young males used to have thier tesicals removed to preserve a childlike singing voice. This practice is called?


A therapist believes that men develop fetishes for wearing womens clothing due to problems in thier early childhood realationship with thier mothers. This therapost has most likely been influced by the ideas of?

Sigmund Freud

Which problem occured with the national longitudinal study of adolescent health survey of adolescents?

Some survey respondents gave incorret or frivolous answers.

Why is polymany less common today than it was historically?

Women are far less likely to be viewed as men's property.

Results from the NHSLS, a demographic survey of sexual behavior, published in 1994 revealed that?

Women in realationships masturbate more than single women.

In societies that believe in partible paternity?

Women offten have multiple sex partners.

Which situation is an example of script theory?

You enter a restaurant and expect a hostess to seat you and a waiter to take your order.

Today sexology?

is accepted as a vaild acadamic discipline.

The evolutionary perspective on sexuality suggests that?

only humans engage in non-reproductive sexual activity.

Studies of sexual behavior among bonobos have demonstrated that in this species?

sex is used as a form of conflict solution and alliance formation.

Which type of reseracher would be most likely to study the hormonal and gentic mechanisms of sexuality?

A Biochemical reseacher.

For most of its history, organized christianity?

Allowed sex only with in a marriage.

The best contact for individuals or couples looking for certified sex therapist would probaly be the?

American Association os sexuality educators counselors and therapist.

Which survey method for a study of human sexual behvaior is likely to yield the most honest answers?

An online survey taken anonymously in a private room.

Which statement is most accurate according to reserach exploring the realationship between meida violence and sexual violence in men?

Average men who view sexual violence become more accepting of sexual violence.

According to the textbook, which is a way that marriage changed over the past few centuires?

Couples are now more likely to cohabit before marriage.

What most likely limited research on sexual behavior before the late 19th century?

Cultural and religious taboos kept researchers from pursuing sex studies.

A reseacher is moving to africa for six months to study sexual attitudes and behaviors of a little-known tribe of indigenous people. This is an example of a(n).

Cultural anthropology study.

A beautiful young women dates only older, wealthy men. She does not find them attrative but values the stablilty a marriage to a wealthy man provides. This best illustrates?

Economic factors in sexuality.

The study of sexuality?

Encompasses the entire realm of human experience connected with sex.

A resercheer interested in understanding how sexual desires are expressed and controlled on nude beaches spent serveral month at nude beaches while naked herself. This is an example of?

Ethnographic fieldwork.

The transition from hunter-gather socities to city-states changed sexuality by?

Formalizing marriage and discouraging nonmarital sex.

The sexual revolution of the 1960s resulted in

Greater public acceptence of sex outside marriage.

The community that is likely to have the highest rates of sexually transmitted infections?

Has has a recent influx of people.

The understanding that pregnacy results from a single act of coitus?

Has long been addressed by withdrawl, barriers, and other methods.

Modern appraches to sexual diversity best reflect which which reseachers contribution to the field?

Havelock Ellis saw sexual deviations as signs of diverity, not mental illness.

Baber (2000) compared sex ratios and teen birthrates in 185 countries and found that teen birth rates were?

Highest in countries with an excess of females.

The universal declaration of sexual right?

Identifies basic right realted to sexual safety, justice, and freedom.

Pawlowsku and collagues explares the question of whether risl-taking during street-crossings reflected sexual displays. The study determined that?

Men make higher-risk street crossings if women were present.

How have scientific advances supported Hirschfelds views about influences on sexual behavior?

Neurologist have identified the three centers in the brain that Hirschfeld theorized were responsible for sexual attarction.

Biomedical reserach has revealed that?

Orgasms are associtaed with changes in brian activity.

Which advance is directly related to our knowledge of the human genome?

Our ability to diagnose some fetal abnormalities from a sample of the mothers blood.

Suppose that researchers discovered that young women rated mountain climbers and race car divers as more appealing tha baseball players. Such a finding would best support ?

Pawloskis belief that evolution selects for competitive, risk-taking men.

Which characteristic makes it difficult to collect accurate information about sexual behavior>

Peoples reluctance to share personal or embrassing information.

Freud called adult sexual desires directed toward atypical tragets?


Historically, who was most likely to benifit from polygamy?

Powerful high-ranking men

In some indigenous tribes of lowland South Africa, people believe that a child can have many biological fathers. Although this biologically inaccurate, it offers the benefit of ?

Producing more male support and protection for children.

Biologist Alfred Kinsey is best known for?

Publishing one of the first sex surveys.

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