Chapters 1-14

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african american soldiers constituted what percentage of the union army

10 percent

by 1830, the number of americans in texas had reached


what percentage of southern white families owned slaves in 1860

25 percent

more than 250000 settlers crossed the plains between 1840 and 1860; how many were killed by hostile indians


How many men are estimated to have died in the civil war


According the John C. Calhoun, How could south carolinians be exempted from paying the tariff

A state legislature could nullify a federal law it considered unconstitutional

Why did Federalists choose John Adams for their Presidential candidate in 1796

Alexander Hamilton was too controversial

what reason did Booth give for his killing of Abraham Lincoln on April 14 1865

America had to be saved from "****** Equality"

What was the title of the Union's plan to squeeze the confederacy into submission

Anaconda plan

During the Civil war

Approximately 2.1 million men served in the Union army

Infant mortality in the chesapeake region during the first century of English colonization was

Approximately on half of all children born

General sherman's troops liberated


in what battle did General George McClellan's army stop general Robert E. Lee's first invasion of Maryland in 1862

Battle of Antietam

SLaves had many different assignments in America, but what made all of the "slaves"

Being defined, treatted and defended as property

Who led Congress's diplomatic effort to secure recognition and assistance from France during the American Revolution

Benjamin Franklin

Most Scots- Irish settled

Between English settlers on the seaboard and Indian communities

What stood at the center of the economy for all plains Indians


Lincoln's claim that the union could not survive "half slave and half Free" earned him Stephen C. Douglas's taunt

Black republican

What was Congress's response when President Andrew Jackson refused to show them papers he had shared with cabinet members

Congress censured jackson

Although Andrew Jackson received the most electoral votes in the general election, in the end John Quincy Adams was named president with the support of Henry Clay. How did Jackson's supporters characterize this outcome

Corrupt bargain

A sharp decline in the Indian population followed the arrival of Europeans because

Diseases were introduced inadvertently by the Spanish

According to the Treaty of Ghent, signed on !2 24 1814

England agreed to remove its troops from the Northwest

On June 1, 1812 after continuing interference with American shipping, President Madison asked Congress to declare war on

England, Because the British navy continued to stop American vessels and impress American sailors into the British service

One result of the Emancipation Proclamation was

European nations no longer supported the confederate states of america

Most immigrants who followed missionaries to Oregon territory were

Farm families of modest means

Ferdinand and Isabella

Forced defeated people in Spain to convert to Christianity or leave the country

Who commanded all union forves when the Civil war began

General winfield scott

Southerners generally agreed that slavery was less efficient than free labor but believed slavery was the only way to

Get work done in an unproductive climate

German immigrants tended to settle

In the backcountry from Pennsylvania to the carolinas

what was accomplished by the second reconstruction act passed in july 1867

It ensured black suffrage by placing the army in charge of voter registration

How did the constitution of the confederacy differ from that of the United States

It states specifically that whites were superior to blacks

Even as suffrage was extended to all white males.

It was withdrawn from free African Americans, even where permitted previously

What was President Jackson's response to the bill that extended the charter of the Second National Bank

Jackson Vetoed the bill

who was the first presidential candidate of the New Republican party

John C. Fremont

Stephen A. Douglas first introduced a provision for popular sovereignty in the

Kansas- Nebraska Act

Where did violence erupt in Kansas over the competing constitutions that permitted and banned slavery


Abraham Lincoln lost the election in 1858 and his battle

Made lincoln a leading spokesman for the Republican Party

which of the following statements about Moctezuma is correct

Moctezuma II was also known as Montezuma

What prediction did Governor DeWitt Clinton make regarding the Erie Canal

New York City would become the emporium of the world

banned slavery from expanding in territory north of the Ohio River

Northwest ordinance

What is meant by the term "benevolent Empire"?

People as god's agents should care for other people

Who said that the United States was a "singularly happy" nation

President Martin Van Burren in his inaugural address in 1837

Medical practices during the Civil War were


The Trail of Tears refers to

Removal of the cherokees from Georgia to India Territory

What rule of law was upheld in the case of Dartmouth v. Woodward (1819), a case concerning the charter of Dartmouth College

Rights of contract

Where did migrants father to begin their journey westward on the Oregon Trail

St. Joseph Missouri

Slave rice cultivators commonlu worked by the , which involved a specific assignment for a day's work

Task System

Beyond even racism, what motivated Southerners in their determination to expand slavery into western territories

The defense of property rights and ability to move that property

President Martin Van Buren agreed with President Andrew Jackson that

The federal government should not manage currency

what problem did the Half Way covenant try to address

The growing number of Anglo Indian Marriages

what slogan characterized the presidential campaign of 1840

Tippecanoe and tyler too

According to the philosophy Thomas Jefferson expressed in the Declaration of Independence, What was the Primary responsibility of government

To protect the natural rights of people

What agreement ended the war between the united states and mexico in 1848

Treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo

What set Elias Boudinot apart from Cherokee tribal chief John Ross

Unlike Ross he understood the American Legal system

how was the fugitive slave law received in African American communities in the North

With terror, because they believed every African American was subject to slavery

What brought Britain and the United States to the Brink of war in 1837

a canadian rebellion

what kind of economy developed rapidly in Texas in 1820

a cotton economy dependent on slavery

ending participation in the international slave trade by the united states had what effect

a flourishing domestic slave trade arose

According to those who envisioned total development of the continent in the nineteenth century, America would eventually become what

a highway for transporting goods and culture

how many voters would have had to swear allegiance to the union under the wade davis bill

a majority

What was the consequence of the senate's killing the original package of the compromise of 1850

a new generation of leaders took over congress

what did the republican party nomination of Ulysses Grant for president in 1868 signify

a retreat of the republican party from radicalism

At gettysburg battlefield, President Lincoln said that the Civil War had become

a test of democracy and the principle of human equality

after the civil war, north carolina witnessed

a wave of violent assaults against black people

What criticism did radical republicans have of the Freedmen's Bureau

agents sided with landowners against the interests of freed people too often

ratification of the new constitution was

all of the above

What group first organized educators to teach literacy skills to former slaves

american Missionary assocation

Discussions about women's citizenship and intellectual capacities

applied only to prosperous white women

how had a majority of americans come to regarding voting by the 1820s

as an emblem of liberty, but only for whites

The fench colony of Louisiana

attracted so few colonists that officials used it as a place to relocate criminals

The swiss protestant reformer John Calvin

believed God ordained who wold be saved even before they were born

how did President lincoln want his generals to conduct the war

by coordinating attacks so southern armies would be engaged and unable to assist each other

how were children of the wealthy usually educated prior to the civil war

by private tutors

Following the battle at San Jacinto, Texans made Sam Houston their first president and

called for texas to be annexed to the united states

Although the freedmen's bureau mostly dealt with labor relations, these often spilled over into matters of

civil rights

what is meant by the term "redemption"

cleansing the Republican party of the taint of corruption and scandal

discussion of women's rights was

common in both European and American circles

Moderates in the continental congress

conceded that war preparations were indeed necessary

black codes

confined black freedoms with laws that singled out blacks for unequal treatment

To win the civil war, the north had to

defeat the armies of the confederacy

to win the civil war, the north had to

defeat the armies of the confederacy

To reduce the power of the second national bank before its charter expired, president jackson

deposited all federal revenue in state or "pet Banks"

which of the following were the results of the panic of 1819

each statement is accurate

Under the Mexican plan for the development of Texas, the Mexican government agreed to place immigration in the hands of what group


what impact did revolutionary ideals have on African slavery in the former english colonies

every state north of Delaware banned slavery

Who would have jurisdiction in fugitive slave classes following passage of the compromise of 1850

federal commissioners

the liberty party

fielded its first candidate in 1840

how did charles g finney's teachings differ from traditional calvinist beliefs

finney believed humans could accept or reject divine grace

after the death of Joseph Smith in 1844, most latter-day saints

followed brigham young to utah

written in 1829, "an appeal to the colored citizens of the world," by david walker called for

free and slave blacks using violence if necessary to abolish slavery

the liberty party was replaced by the

free soil party in 1848

Those also known as separatists

gave up on reforming the church of england

who did confederate president jefferson davis send to charleston to seize Fort sumter and defend the harbor

general p. g t. Beauregard

was founded as a philanthropic venture and a military- commercial outpost


Most blacks who held elected office in southern states during reconstruction

had been free in prewar period

Most Blacks who held elected office in southern states during Reconstruction

had been free in the prewar period

Justice Roger Brooke taney ruled that congress had erred in the Missouri Compromise because that body

had infringed on the property rights of southerners by banning slavery from the territory

How did Judge John Marshall use the case of Marbury v. Madison to expand the authority of the Supreme court

he established the Court's judicial review to rule on the constitutionality of executive and legislative actions

What was Andrew Jackson's attitude on the protective tariff in the 1820s

he favored some level of pretectionism

what was president andrew jackson's reaction to the ruling

he refused to enforce it

what was president jackson's response to nullification

he requested congress to pass the force bill supporting his effort to enforce federal law

what was president johnson's stand on the fourteenth amendment

he urged southern states to reject the amendment

how did President lincoln dispose of the wade davis bill

he used the pocket veto

although president John Quincy Adams was a wise man, his presidency is characterized by all of the following except

his wife's poor health, ehich kept him from focusing on the nation's problems

What was the most surprising outcome of the presidential election

how close the republican party came to victory

who were the primary targets of the American nativist movement

irish Catholics

Why was the American Party also known as the Know- Nothing party

it began as a secret society

Which statement about the Emancipation proclamation is not correct

it eliminated slavery in the united states

the battle of Antietam had what important political consequence in addition to its military significance

it enabled president lincoln to issue the prelininary Emancipation proclamation

what did the reconstruction of Act of March 2, 1867 provide

it established former confederate states as territories and divided them into military

what was the first accomplishment of the fourteenth amendment

it overruled the Dred Scott case defining citizenship

to what did the term "whig" refer when applied to jackson's opponents

it suggested that jackson ruled like a king instead of an elected official

How did sharecropping help shape the social system of the postwar south

it tied the southern economy to agriculture, particularly cotton

how did sharecropping help shape the social system of the postwar south

it tied the southern economy to agriculture, particularly cotton

The Glorious revolution, in addition to making parliament the most powerful branch in British government, had what result

it ushered in a period of political stability that enabled Britain to become the world's most powerful nation

What policy did the new Republic of Texas follow with regard to its status among nations

it wanted annexation to the united states as soon as possible

why did supporters of women's suffrage oppose ratification of the fifteenth amendment

it would subject elite, educated women to the rule of base and illiterate males, especially immigrants and blacks

the missouri compromise was a devastating defeat for

james monroe

the election of 1796 was won by

john adams

Under the sharecrop system

landowners provided land, tools, seed, and work animals

After 1815 about half of the members of the U.S. congress were engaged in what profession


What policy regarding slavery did president abraham lincoln state in his inaugural address

leaving slavery alone in the south

Why did corn cultivation move so far northward from Mesoamerica

like other goods and practices corn cultivation traveled north on the Mississippi river

Why did Massachusetts frequently support imperial war efforts

many in that colony looked to conquer French Quebec

The civil rights bill of 1866

marked the first time the federal government intervened in the due process of states

what effect did reports of violence against freed people have on congress

moderate republicans were radicalized

What changes did former slave women face in their personal relationships with husbands during reconstruction

most traded slavery for patriarchy

most internal migrants

moved only short distances

Wampanoag chieftan Metacom, or king philip

occupied land claimed by massachusetts, plymouth, and Rhode Island

to what does the practice of "squatting" refer to

occupying public land without purchasing it

women were particularly drawn to shakerism

of a belief in the spiritual equality of women and men

what was the policy of the united states regarding a canadian rebellion against Great Britain in 1836-1837

official neutrality

A chief example of English civil liberty was the right to be taxed

only by duly elected representatives

why did democrats argue that their party should prevail in the election of 1856

only the democratic party could prevent the breakup of the union

New england shippers

opposed a war against England

stephen c. douglas

opposed the lecompton constitution

abolitionist followers of william lloyd garrison generally

opposed violence to achieve an end to slavery

The death of the shawnee leader Tecumseh marked the end of what

organised Indian resistance to white advances east of the mississippi river

How did indians react to the american revolution

overall, more indians sided with England than with the rebels

african slavery, because it was based on race, was


why did slave codes assign slaves status as personal property rather than real property

personal property management was more flexible

Republicanism represented a growing body of thought on the role of government that believed that

power is always dangerous and those who wield it must be watched

planters in south carolina

preferred to live in elegant houses in Charleston than on their plantations

Why did confederates open fire on fort sumter on april 12 1861

president Jefferson Davis had to prove his authority

at the founding of the nation, suffrage was restricted by gender, race, and

property ownership

What motivated most confederate soldiers to serve in the army

protecting their homes from Yankee Invaders

what did black most expect from government

public services especially universal education

those who advocated a harsh peace for the south and citizenship for former slaves were called for

radical republicans

when douglas divided Nebraska Territory into two territories, he expected popular sovereignty to

result in one slave state and one free state

Catharine Sedgwick's novel The Poor Rich Man and the Rich poor man

romanticized urban poverty and suggested that "true wealth" lay within the reach of everyone

which of the following was not something andrew jackson had done as a young man

run for local office

when cherokee leaders appealed to president Jackson for help, he

said it was his duty to support the state in the exercise of its rights

reformers refocused their attention in the 1830s on what social needs

self control and external restraint

Which Indian group opposed its removal to indian territory longest


The American board of commissioners for foreign missions

sent missionaries to china, africa, and asia

what labor system for former slaves develop soon after plantation owners reclaimed their land after the civil war

sharecrop systems

The loss of territory to whites caused indians to

shift from agriculture to a more nomadic way of life

What was the greatest impediment to the annexation of Texas to the United States


What was the primary platform of the free soil party in the election of 1848

slavery should be barred from all territories

who were joseph E. brown and Zebulon Vance

southern governors more interested in states' rights than confederate vistory

When the French revolution began in 1789 most americasn

supported the revolution, partly because France had helped the united states in its revolution against england

as president andrew jackson believed

that he spoke for the nation on all matters

George Rapp, Who also thought the Second Coming of Christ was imminent, believed

that members should amass material wealth to place at Christ's disposal

what did free black leaders think were the true motives of the American Colonization Society's effort to repatriate blacks in Africa

that they were mostly interested in getting rid of free blacks

William lloyd garrison was

the advocate of "immediatism"

which of the following was not a confederate advantage

the confederate navy

By the end of Andrew Jackson's Administration

the democratic party had grown too diverse to remain stable

What motivated harriet beecher stowe to write Uncle tom's cabin

the fugitive slave law

what was the waltham system

the integration of textile production from fiber to finished clothes

what liberty did southerners try to protect with their secession

the liberty to own, buy, sell, and transport slaves

the proposer of the compromise of 1850 gathered all its elements into a single pieve of legislation known as

the omnibus bill

what type of individual typified the "New Middle Class"

the self made man

what prompted moderate republicans to grow increasingly more radical during reconstruction

the violence aimed at freed people

What was proclaimed in the Monroe Doctrine

the western hemisphere was in the sphere of influence of the united states

What most distinguished irish immigrants from general american society

their catholic religion

what did henry clay and john c. calhoun hace in common in 1812

they argued fiercely for war and the capture of canada

How did farmers under the leadership of Daniel Shays hope to end the collection of debts

they shut down the courts

the american anti slavery society increased membership because

they traveled across the northern states speaking out about abolishing slavery

What did New England teacher Laura M. Towne observe about freed African Americans in her south carolina classroom

they were eager to learn

which amendment to the constitution officially ended slavery, or "involuntary servitude" in the united states

thirteenth amendment

Why did separatist communities withdraw from daily contact with the outside world

to create a more perfect society here on earth

What was the primary purpose of the american bible society

to distribute bibles in cities and frontier settlements

Why did some Americans withdraw into covenanted communities

to prepare for the end of days

why did some americans withdraw into covenanted communities

to prepare for the end of days

Why did congress submit the olive branch petition to king george

to preserve unity with the moderates

what was the intent of the tenure of office act

to prevent the president from firing a cabinet member with consent of the senate

why did congress exact the Ku Klux Klan Act in 1871

to protect a free and fair vote in the south

What was England's strategy in the first part of the American revolution

to punish and isolate boston because england believed resistance to English policy was centered in new england

for what purpose did the rev. ezra stiles ely establish the society for supporting the gospel

to work with indigents in urban shelters

the female moral reform society

tried to reclaim women from prostitution

The french and Indian war began

virginians led by George washington attacked a french scouting party near the forks of the Ohio

President Lincoln's plan for reconstruction required 10 percent of what group to swear future loyalty to the united states

voting population of a state in 1860

New immigrants usually found work as

wage laborers in cities

how did most people reach their destinations in the west

walking beside wagons carrying precious cargo

advanced education at the college level in the antebellum period

was available only for males

Draft resistance in the confederacy

went beyond anything the union had experienced

To Andrew Jackson's way of thinking, who was the quintessential "common man" in American politics

western settlers struggling to bring new land under cultivation

what was at stake in the aroostook war

whether timber in the aroostook valley belonged to Canada of the United States

what group provided the "backbone" of the benevolent empire

women volunteers

the organization of new political groups such as the working men's party provides evidence that

workers lacked confidence in existing parties

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