Chapters 11 and 12-Done

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Features that apply to RNA

-contains the base uracil -expresses genetic information -A,U, C, G -Single stranded polynucleotide

Features that apply to DNA

-contains the sugar deoxyribose -highly stable -A,T, C, G -Double Stranded Helix

If a strand of DNA has the sequence CGTAA, the RNA made from this molecule will have the sequence:


Translation occurs in the BLANK of the cell, where ribosomes are located.


Gene promoter

Most genes have a stretch of DNA that acts as an on/off switch for gene expression. This stretch of DNA is called ________.

UV light, radiation, and incorrect pair matching during DNA replication are all potential causes for _______.


Why does the mRNA that leaves the nucleus have far fewer nucleotides than the initial RNA product that is made by the transcription of a gene?

Noncoding regions are removed from the initial RNA product during RNA splicing

Where is DNA located inside the cell?


Locations of where transcription occurs in eukaryotes

Nucleus chloroplasts mitochondria cytosol

Where is RNA located inside the cell?


Where in the flow of genetic info does translation occur?

Outside the nucleus, but in the cell

Which of the following things take place during gene expression? Protein Function Translation DNA replication Transcription

Protein Function Translation Transcription

What is a codon?

Something that codes for an amino acid (except for stop codons)

When one base is changed to another as a single position in the DNA sequence of a gene, a(n) BLANK mutation has occurred.


Eukaryotic, prokaryotic

The _______ genome contains many different chromosomes. The _______ genome contains little, if any, noncoding DNA several million base pairs, and genes of related function that are located in close proximity in the genome.

TRUE OR FALSE: Chromosomes are located on genes

FALSE. Because GENES are located on CHROMOSOMES

TRUE OR FALSE: If a gene has two alleles, you can be sure that they have the same DNA sequence.


TRUE OR FALSE: Messenger RNA is the only type of RNA produced by transcription.


Insertion or deletion mutations can cause a BLANK that causes a change in the reading of the mRNA codons.


*_________* mutations usually are so significant that they produce a nonfunctional protein. Watch this animation about the impact of mutations on the amino acid sequence to learn more.

Frameshift mutations

Regulating transcription, transcription , mRNA , DNA , protein synthesis

First way of controlling of gene expression, _____ . Most gene expression is regulated at the _____ stage. This controls whether _____ is made from _____ and whether the _____ process continues.

3 steps of transcription

1. During Initiation, RNA *polymerase* binds to the *promoter* of a gene. 2. During Elongation, a complementary molecule of *RNA* is made from the template strand of the DNA. 3. During termination, the enzyme is released from the *DNA* and the double helix *zips back up*.

What is the proper order of steps during DNA repair?

1. Recognition of damaged DNA 2. Removal of damaged DNA 3. Replacement of damaged DNA

How many amino acids are encoded by this sequence of messenger RNA? AUGGGACAUCAG


gene , amino acids, protein, Transcription , Translation , amino acid, protein, expressed

A _____ is a sequence of DNA that codes for a sequence of _____ , ultimately a _____ . _____ - copies DNA into RNA. _____ - reads RNA to create amino acid sequence. The_____ sequence folds into _____ . When this occurs, we say a gene is being _____ .


A ______ has a phosphate, five-edged carbon, and nitrogenous base like guanine.

mRNA , proteins, ribosomes , mRNA , protein , mRNA , cytoplasm

A single _____ can synthesize multiple _____ . Many _____ can attach to a single _____ at the same time, allowing great quantities of _____ to be made from a single transcript. Then _____ is broken down in the _____

What are the basic human DNA base pairs?


What are the base pairs of RNA?


transcription, mRNA , eukaryotes, introns, mRNA , nucleus , cytoplasm

After _____ , some modification of _____ sequence occurs after in _____ . Sections of non-coding DNA (_____ , aka spacer gene) are removed. Then _____ leaves _____ into _____ .

What is the job of ribosomal RNA?

Assist in the making of the covalent bonds that link amino acids together to make a protein.

*_________* do not always change the sequence of amino acids produced by a gene.

Base substitutions

What is the job of transfer RNA?

Blue collar, carries out the instructions from white collar RNA

How dot the bases in RNA pair?


The importance of tRNA is that it

Carries a specific amino acid to the mRNA

Housekeeping genes

Certain genes in your genome are involved in the everyday functions that keep your cells (and you) alive. These genes that are always expressed are called _______.

gene expression, proteins , genes , transcription , lac operon, gene expression, Transcription regulation, RNA , Translation

Control of _____ is important for organisms to control what _____ are made and when. The cell controls the expression of _____ in several ways, _____ and _____ . Control of _____ genes can be controlled in a variety of ways: Tightly packed DNA, _____ , Regulation of _____ breakdown and _____ regulation and etc.

The hereditary genetic material present in all living cells is:


What is the key enzyme involved in the process of DNA replication?

DNA Polymerase

Double helix, covalent, hydrogen

DNA is called a ______ because it is built of two strands of DNA nucleotides that are twisted together like a spiral stair case. ______ bonds between the sugar of one nucleotides and the phosphate of the next nucleotides create single strand of DNA. The two strands of DNA nucleotides that form a single DNA molecule are held together by ______ bonds between complementary nitrogenous bases.

______ is the key enzyme involved in the process of DNA replication.

DNA polymerase

What is the sugar used in DNA?


DNA is called a *_________* because it is built of two strands of DNA nucleotides that are twisted together like a spiral staircase. *_________* bonds between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next nucleotide create a single strand of DNA. The two strands of DNA nucleotides that form a single DNA molecule are held together by *_________* bonds between complementary nitrogenous bases. Covalent ,Double Helix, Hydrogen

Double Helix Covalent Hydrogen

DNA is called a ______ because it is built of two strands of DNA nucleotides that are twisted together like a spiral stair case. ______ bonds between the sugar of one nucleotides and the phosphate of the next nucleotides create single strand of DNA. The two strands of DNA nucleotides that form a single DNA molecule are held together by ______ bonds between complementary nitrogenous bases. Double helix,hydrogen, covalent

Double helix, covalent, hydrogen

Transcription, RNA, translation, ribosomes, protein

During gene expression, the process of _______ is used to convert the information in a gene into _____, which moves to the cytoplasm where it undergoes _______. In this process, _______ build a chain of amino acids on the genetic information fed to them. The resulting chain of amino acids folds up to form a(n) ______ that does a specific task in the cell producing a phenotype.

Identify the DNA segment that signals the start of a gene and acts as the binding site for RNA polymerase.

Gene promoter

Most genes have a stretch of DNA that acts as an on/off switch for gene expression. This stretch of DNA is called ________.

Gene promoter

Certain genes in your genome are involved in the everyday functions that keep your cells (and you) alive. These genes that are always expressed are called _______.

Housekeeping genes

Certain genes in your genome are involved in the everyday functions that keep your cells (and you) alive. What are these genes that are always expressed called?

Housekeeping genes


If the DNA sequence is AGC-TTA-CGC-GAC, what would the complementary DNA sequence be _____ .


If the DNA sequence is AGC-TTA-CGC-GAC, what would the transcribed RNA sequence be _____ .

Out of these four things which can cause mutations? Incorrect base pair matchup during DNA replication UV light DNA Repair Radiation

Incorrect base pair matchup during DNA replication UV light Radiation

What are the three phases of the process of translation?

Initiation Elongation Termination

The eukaryotic genome contains genes and noncoding DNA. Genes contain both *_________* that are removed after transcription and *_________* that are pasted together to determine the amino acid sequence of a protein. Different genes are separated by noncoding regions known as *_________* and are controlled by noncoding *_________* sequences. *_________* sequences contribute to the architecture of chromosomes. Structural DNA, Regulatory DNA, Spacer DNA, Introns, Exons

Introns Exons Spacer DNA Regulatory DNA Structural DNA

What shade are introns and what shade are exons?

Introns are light, exons are dark

The eukaryotic genome contains genes and noncoding DNA. Genes contain both _____ that are removed after transcription and _____ that are pasted together to determine the amino acid sequence of a protein. Different genes are separated by noncoding regions known as ______ and are controlled by noncoding _______ sequences. ______ sequences contribute to the architecture of chromosomes. regulatory DNA, Introns, spacer DNA, structural DNA, exons,

Introns, exons, spacer DNA, regulatory DNA, structural DNA

What is an anticodon?

It checks/double checks to bring the correct amino acid

Transcription , Transcription , RNA (mRNA), proteins , genes, nucleotide , promoters , terminators, mRNA , complement , DNA , RNA polymerase, DNA , nucleotides , mRNA , RNA polymerase, promoter strand , DNA, DNA , nucleotides , RNA polymerase, terminator sequence

Protein synthesis. Step 1, _____ - _____ makes copy of genetic message contain within DNA to _____ . Regions of DNA that encode _____ are called _____ . They are designated with special _____ sequences called _____ and _____ , which signify where the information begins and ends. The transcribed _____ molecule is a _____ of the template _____ strand. _____ unzips _____ and adds _____ to the growing _____ molecule. _____ attaches to _____ on _____ , which unzips _____ and adds complementary _____ as it travels along molecule. Then _____ breaks away once_____ is reached.

Transcription , ribosome , start codon, elongation, anticodon , amino acids, stop codon

Protein synthesis. Step 2, _____ - the _____ scans a molecule of messenger RNA to find the _____ . This is followed by _____ , during which the ribosome recruits transfer RNA molecules with _____ that are complementary to the codons in the messenger RNA sequence. The transfer RNA molecules carry specific _____ that are joined to form a chain by the enzyme activity of the ribosome. When the ribosome finds a _____ , the termination stage begins and ribosome complex is disassembled, therefore ending translation.

transcribed , RNA, nucleus (in eukaryotes), RNA , cytoplasm, RNA , translated , polypeptide chains, proteins

Proteins are made in two steps. Step 1, DNA is _____ to form _____ , which occurs in the _____ and then _____ moves into _____ . Step 2 _____ is _____ to form _____ , which fold to form _____ .

What is the sugar used in RNA?


During initiation, *_________* binds to the *_________* of a gene. Then, during elongation, a complementary molecule of *_________* is made from the template strand of the DNA. Finally, during termination, the enzyme is released from the DNA and the double helix *_________*. Zips back up, RNA, RNA Polymerase, Promoter

RNA Polymerase Promoter RNA Zips back up

During the process of *_________*, noncoding RNA sequences known as *_________* are removed from the RNA and the remaining coding regions known as *_________*, are glued together to produce a mature mRNA molecule.

RNA Splicing Introns Exons

Which of the following occurs during transcription? RNA polymerase binds to the promoter. RNA nucleotides are matched to the DNA nucleotides in the template strand. Both sides of the DNA are copied into RNA. Amino acids join to form a growing peptide chain.

RNA polymerase binds to the promoter. RNA nucleotides are matched to the DNA nucleotides in the template strand.

After *_________*, the *_________* is moved to the cytoplasm for translation mRNA, RNA splicing

RNA splicing mRNA

Sort the following features based on whether they apply to DNA or RNA. contains the base uracil highly stable expresses genetic information contains the sugar deoxyribose

RNA: contains the base uracil expresses genetic information DNA: contains the sugar deoxyribose highly stable

_____,______,and _____ is the order in which DNA repair occurs (RRR).

Recognition, removal, replacement

Which of the following would be found only in RNA? Ribose and Uracil Ribose and thymine Deoxyribose and thymine Deoxyribose and uracil

Ribose and Uracil

During initiation, the *_________* scans a molecule of messenger RNA to find the *_________*. This is followed by elongation, during which the ribosome recruits transfer RNA molecules with *_________* that are complementary to the codons in the messenger RNA sequence. The transfer RNA molecules carry specific *_________* that are joined to form a chain by the enzyme activity of the ribosome. When the ribosome finds a *_________*, the termination stage begins and the ribosome complex is disassembled, therefore ending translation. Stop Codon, Ribosome, Start Codon, Amino Acids, Anticodons

Ribosome Start Codon Anticodons Amino Acids Stop Codon

lac operon, lactose (carbohydrate), lactose, lactose, regulatory protein, attaches , lactose metabolism, RNA polymerase, lactose, lactose , regulatory protein, detaching , RNA polymerase, transcribe , mRNA , expression process

Second way of controlling of gene expression ,_____ . A famous example of this regulation occurs in bacteria and the control of _____ breakdown. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a highly studied bacteria species that can break down the sugar molecule _____ . When bacteria are not in the presence of _____ , a _____ _____ to the DNA sequence that sits before genes that code for proteins involved in_____ - this blocks _____ from attaching and transcribing. When bacteria are in the presence of _____ , a _____ molecule attaches to the _____ , _____ it from DNA, this allows _____ to _____ the DNA creating _____ which will continue the gene _____ for lactose metabolism

The process of DNA replication is known as *_________* because each new strand of DNA is made up of one strand of the *_________* DNA molecule and *_________* strand(s) of new DNA nucleotides. One, Parent, Semiconservative

Semiconservative Parent One

The process of DNA replication is known as ______ because each new strand is made up of one strand of the parent DNA molecule and _____ strand(s) of new DNA nucleotides. Semiconservative, one

Semiconservative, one


Short DNA sequences that can move around the eukaryotic genome are known as _______.

DNA , nucleotides , uracil , thymine, RNA polymerase

Similar between Transcription and DNA replication, _____ is unzipped and then complementary _____ are added to growing chain. Differences between Transcription and DNA replication, _____ is added instead of _____ , _____ is involved and single strand of RNA is produced

Is the double helix the most or least condensely packed version of DNA?

The least

What occurs at the stop codon?

The mRNA and the completed amino acid chain both separate from the ribosome.

Introns, exons, spacer DNA, regulatory DNA, structural DNA

The eukaryotic genome contains genes and noncoding DNA. Genes contain both _____ that are removed after transcription and _____ that are pasted together to determine the amino acid sequence of a protein. Different genes are separated by noncoding regions known as ______ and are controlled by noncoding _______ sequences. ______ sequences contribute to the architecture of chromosomes.

What is transcription?

The first step of gene expression, in which a particular segment of DNA is copied into RNA (especially mRNA) by the enzyme RNA polymerase. (so, DNA-->mRNA)

Which of the following are valid statements about the genetic code? The genetic code is universal because it is used by almost all species. The genetic code is redundant because more than one codon encodes all but two of the amino acids. The genetic code is unambiguous because each codon encodes exactly one amino acid. Every individual has a unique genetic code.

The genetic code is universal because it is used by almost all species. The genetic code is redundant because more than one codon encodes all but two of the amino acids. The genetic code is unambiguous because each codon encodes exactly one amino acid.

What is translation?

The process in which ribosomes in a cell's cytoplasm create proteins. It follows transcription of DNA to RNA.

Semiconservative, one

The process of DNA replication is known as ______ because each new strand is made up of one strand of the parent DNA molecule and _____ strand(s) of new DNA nucleotides.

During gene expression, the process of *_________* is used to convert the information in a gene into *_________*, which moves to the cytoplasm where it undergoes *_________*. In this process, *_________* build a chain of amino acids based on the genetic information fed to them. The resulting chain of amino acids folds up to form a(n) *_________* that does a specific task in the cell producing a phenotype. Protein, Transcription, RNA, Ribosomes, Translation

Transcription RNA Translation Ribosomes Protein

Where do transcription and translation happen?

Transcription happens inside the nucleus, translation happens outside of it but still in the cell

During gene expression, the process of _______ is used to convert the information in a gene into _____, which moves to the cytoplasm where it undergoes _______. In this process, _______ build a chain of amino acids on the genetic information fed to them. The resulting chain of amino acids folds up to form a(n) ______ that does a specific task in the cell producing a phenotype.

Transcription, RNA, translation, ribosomes, protein

______,______,_______ are all processes that occur during gene expression.

Transcription, translation, enzyme function

Where does "transcription", "Translation" happen?

Transcription-inside the nucleus Translation-right outside the nucleus

Mature messenger RNA moves from the nucleus to the cytoplasm where *_________* occurs. During this process, the ribosomes link *_________* together using the messenger RNA as a template. Amino acids are brought to the ribosome by molecules of *_________*. Transfer RNA, Translation, Amino Acids

Translation Amino Acids Transfer RNA

Short DNA sequences that can move around the eukaryotic genome are known as _______.


TRUE OR FALFE: Though most DNA remains in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, RNA moves between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.


TRUE OR FALSE: A point mutation changes the DNA sequence into the following DNA sequence. The protein produced by the mutation will be longer than the one produced from the original gene


TRUE OR FALSE: A species of bacteria will express different genes in different environments


TRUE OR FALSE: During replication, each "old" DNA strand serves as a template for a new strand.


TRUE OR FALSE: Genes are the "coding" portion of DNA


TRUE OR FALSE: RNA polymerase is the enzyme used to transcribe the gene for RNA polymerase into RNA.


TRUE OR FALSE: The first amino acid of most proteins is methionine.


True or Flase: RNA polymerase is the enzyme used to transcribe the gene for RNA polymerase into RNA.



UV light, radiation, and incorrect pair matching during DNA replication are all potential causes for _______.

Which of the following is NOT a base found in DNA? T G A U


What are the 3 stages of transcription?

initiation, elongation, termination

Which of the following types of mutation can cause a frameshift mutation? insertion substitution deletion

insertion deletion

What is the job of messenger RNA?

White collar, tales the DNA instructions from the nucleus to the ribosomes (and the tRNA hears it from there)

RNA , ribose, nucleotide, uracil , thymine, mRNA , rRNA , tRNA

____ is a single-stranded and has _____ as sugar in _____ . which has _____ instead of _____ . There are three variations of RNA : _____ (messenger) - copy of RNA, _____ (ribosomal) - component of ribosomes, _____ (transfer) - transfers amino acid to ribosome during translation.

Protein , hormone, Enzymes , Amino acids, monomers , 'R' group, R group

____ is made of chains of amino acids and most structurally and functionally diverse biological molecules. Its functions include : Cell structure, Cell signal molecule (_____ ), _____ (facilitates chemical reactions), movement and many more. _____ are protein _____ with an amino group (NH2) attached to carbon and a carboxyl group. Each amino acid has an _____ which is a side chain that is different for each amino acid. There are 20 different amino acids, each with a different _____ .

Mutations , amino acid, nucleotide , amino acid, Point mutations, Mutations, nucleotide , Substitution, nucleotide , amino acid, Insertion , deletion , frameshift , amino acid, Insertion , deletion , structure , function

_____ alter _____ sequence. Changes in _____ sequence can change the _____ sequence; thus, change in structure that lead to change in function for protein. _____ is a type of _____. When a single _____ is changed, three possible events. _____ , when one _____ is switched for another so only single _____ is affected. _____ or _____ can cause _____ so every _____ after mutation is affected. _____ and _____ mutation is probably the most likely to be harmful. Changing of the nucleotide sequence changes the amino acid sequence, this can change the _____ & _____ of the protein.

Peptide bonds, amino acids, polypeptide , amino acids, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary , Quaternary

_____ link together _____ , a carboxyl group attaches to the amino end of another amino acid. A _____ is a chain of many _____ bonded together. A protein's structure is determine at 4 levels : _____ , _____ , _____ and _____

DNA, proteins, Genes, proteins, expressed, transcription, translation

_____ stores genetic information, which is a set of instructions to make _____ . _____ are sequences of DNA that encode _____ which are _____ in a two-stage process: -DNA to RNA, _____ - RNA to protein.

Recognition, removal, replacement

_____,______,and _____ is the order in which DNA repair occurs (RRR).

DNA polymerase

______ is the key enzyme involved in the process of DNA replication.

Transcription, translation, enzyme function

______,______,_______ are all processes that occur during gene expression.

Which of the following types of mutation can cause a frameshift mutation?

insertion and deletion

Which molecules are involved in translation?

mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA (plus amino acids)

Which of the following are required for translation to occur?

mRNA, tRNA, rRNa

Which of the following are required for translation to occur? ribosomal RNA DNA transfer RNA messenger RNA

ribosomal RNA transfer RNA messenger RNA

Which of the following processes can the cell modify in order to regulate gene expression? translation transcription protein modification degree of DNA packing

translation transcription protein modification degree of DNA packing

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