Chapters 7-10 Combined

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The termination model resumes control at the exact point an exception is first raised after it is handled


To exit a loop completely, the continue statement is used


If a pointer is passed by value, the procedure cannot modify the contents of the pointer. T/F


Pass by name is included in all Algol60 descendants. T/F


Polymorphism allows names to have multiple types but does not allow for static type checking. T/F


In the absence of side effects, normal order evaluation does not change the semantics of a program


Lisp rewuires all expression to be fully parenthesized


The do statement ensure that the code of a loop is executed at least once


A call to procedure transfer to control to the beginning of the body of the called procedure. T/F


All computer data is finite. T/F


Declarations in surrounding blocks are called nonlocal declarations. T/F


Hindley-Milner type checking assigns type varaibles to all unnamed types. T/F


An activation block cannot communicate with the rest of the program. T/F


An activation record is a stored log, recording each time a procedure or function is activated. T/F


Another name for activation record is stack record. T/F


If an operator can be used to perform more than one operation, it is said to be shadowed. T/F


In Ada, parameters can be declared an in or out, but nor both. T/F


In C++, declarations that bind all potential attributes are called prototypes. T/F


Java does not allow dynamically sized arrays. T/F


Java requires manual deallocation of objects. T/F


Pass by value implies that changes cannot occur outside the procedure through the use of parameters. T/F


A __ is a mechanism in programming for abstracting a group of actions or computations. A. Statement B. Procedure C. Block D. Method


A(n) __ type uses itself in its declaration. A. Bootstrap B. Recursive C. Reference D. Enumerated


______ states that any two expressions in a program that have the same values may be substituted for each other anywhere in the program

Referential transparency

__ are used to revert control back to a method caller. A. Return-statements B. Revert-statements C. Control-statements D. Redirect-statements


operators can be written in infix, postfix or prefix notation


A procedure is a mechanism for abstracting a group of actions or computations. T/F


Locations are places where values can be stored. T/F


Pass by value is the default mechanism in C++ and Pascal. T/F


Pointers are often used in the creation of recursive types. T/F


Procedures were first introduced when memory was scarce, as a way of splitting a program into small, separately compiled pieces. T/F


When a nonlocal name is used in an expression, the declaration that applies to that name cannot be determined until execution time under dynamic scoping. T/F


You call a procedure by stating its name, together with arguments to the call. T/F


____ are any storable quantities, such as integers. a. Values b. Identifiers c. Data d. Locations


In the guarded if statement, the _____ are the Boolean expressions


The most closely nested rule is used to disambiguate _____

if statements

Variables declared in the calling method are said to be in the __ environment. A. Calling B. Defining C. Static D. Stack


A procedure with no nonlocal dependencies is considered to be in __ forms. A. Independent B. Closed C. Control D. Structured


Ada is a language with no explicit types. T/F


All data types must be names. T/F


Enumerated types are never ordered. T/F


Every language comes with a set of predefined types from which all other types are constructed. T/F


Recursion is allowed in Fortran77. T/F


Reference counting is a lazy method of storage reclamation. T/F


Static binding occurs during execution. T/F


Static constants are always computed at load time. T/F


Static type checking occurs at runtime. T/F


The type system is the naming convention for data types. T/F


In a(n) __ environment, all memory allocation can be preformed at load time, and the location of all variables are fixed for the duration of program execution. A. Dynamic B. Universal C. Global D. Fully static

Fully static

____ are generally bound at load time. a. All variables b. All attributes c. Predefined identifiers d. Global variables

Global variables

If a type must be inferred by the translator, it is considered to be a(n) __ type. A. Explicit B. Strong C. Implicit D. Weak


_____ code is code for a function body that is inserted directly at the point where the function would be called


A procedure is defined by providing a(n) and a body. A. Name B. Interface C. Activation Record D. Error Handler


____ declarations are associated with a specific block. a. Local b. General c. Global d. Specific


Type declaration is the process of __. A. Inferring new data types B. Creating type constructors C. Naming new data types D. Associating data types of identifiers

Naming new data types

A procedure communicates with the rest of the program through its parameters and through __. A. Constants B. Functions C. Nonlocal references D. Overloaded variables

Nonlocal references

Historically, the interpretation of pass by name arguments as functions to be evaluated was expressed by referring to them as __. A. chunks B. objects C. thunks D. expressions


A block consists of a sequence of declarations followed by a sequence of statements. T/F


A fundamental abstraction mechanism in any programming language is the use of names, or identifiers to denote language entities or constructs. T/F


A narrowing conversion is an implicit conversion that may result in loss of data. T/F


A procedure declaration creates a constant procedure value and associates a symbolic name with that value. T/F


A procedure specification includes its names, the names and types of its formal parameters and its return type, if any. T/F


A reference is the address of an object under control of the system, which cannot be used as a value or operated on in any way. T/F


A translator's symbol table stores the mappings between names and attributes. T/F


A union is considered to be discriminated if a tag is added to the union to distinguish the type of the element. T/F


Each function call generates a region of allocated memory associated with the function; this is called an activation record. T/F


Each type descriptor includes a field called a type for to identify the category of the data type. T/F


For multidimensional array declarations must have all but the first dimension specified. T/F


In C and Java, parameters are passed by value behave as local variables of the procedure. T/F


In a block-structured language with heap allocation, there are three kinds of allocation: static (for global variables), automatic (for local variables), and dynamic (for heap allocation). T/F


In a strongly typed programming language, the set of legal programs is a proper subset of the set of safe programs. T/F


In pass by name parameter passing, arguments are not evaluated until their actual use as parameters in the procedure. T/F


In strongly typed languages, procedure calls must be checked so that the arguments agree in type and number with the parameters of the procedure. T/F


Mark and sweep is a lazy method of storage reclamation. T/F


Names can be bound to attributes prior to translation time, as in the case of predefined identifiers. T/F


Pass by name can be described an an advanced inlining process for procedures. T/F


Pass by reference is also known as copy-in, copy-out. T/F


Pass by value can be described as an advanced inlining process for procedures. T/F


The for - loop construct provides for a(n) _____ expression, a test expression and an update expression


In C++, exception handlers are associated with _____ blocks


Languages without static type systems are usually called __ languages. A. reverse types B. untyped C. weakly typed D. strongly types


The bindings of ____ to storage locations is called the memory. a. names b. attributes c. values d. identifiers


A ____ is an object whose stored value can change during execution. a. method b. variable c. pointer d. class


Functions are written in prefix form


___ occurs when multiple access links must be followed to arrive at a nonlocal variable

Access chaining

The __ is the memory allocated for the local objects of a procedure block. A. Call record B. Activation record C. Activation heap D. Heap record

Activation record

__ are known as actual parameters. A. Arguments B. Global variables C. Control statements D. Normal parameters


_____ errors can occur at any moment, not necessarily in response to program code execution


_____ statements transfer control to and from sequences of statements


The group of actions in a procedure is called the __ of the procedure. A. Parameters B. Arguments C. Activation record D. Body


If a parameter behaves as a constant value during execution, the parameter is passed __. A. By address B. By reference C. By type D. By value

By Value

If the parameter becomes an alias for the argument, the parameter is passed __. A. by reference B. by address C. by value D. by type

By reference

Pass __ copies in the parameter value, and at the end of execution, copies out the final value of the parameter. A. by value B. by reference C. by value-result D. by address

By value-result

The __ environment houses global variables. A. Calling B. Dynamic C. Defining D. Universal


The __ determines the allocation of memory. A. stack B. Environment C. Memory Manager D. Translator


A unary operator can take one or more operands


Alan Turing introduced the guarded if statement


All languages restrict expression from producing side effects


An expression, in its purest mathematical form, produces side effects


Delayed evaluation is sometimes called strict evaluation


Exception handlers throw exceptions


If-then-else is an example of a binary operator


A procedure communicates with its calling environment through __. A. Parameters B. Local variables C. Constants D. Shared Memory


_____ evaluation stops once the truth value of a Boolean expression is known


A _____ is executed for its side effects and returns no value


A language has referential transparency when its expression produce no side effects


A sentinel-based loop if often used in situations where a series of input values must be processed


Bracketing keywords are used in the if statement to remove ambiguity


Exception handling is an attempt to imitate in a programming language the features of a hardware interrupt or error trap


If-expression never have all of their subexpressions evaluated


If-operators are a special case of operators that delay evaluating their operands


In a case statement, no two listed cases may have the same value after conversion


In normal order evaluation, each operation begin its evaluation before its operands are evaluated


Most languages use a mix-fix form that distributes the syntax of an if-then-else operator throughout the expression


Synchronous errors occur in direct reaction to program execution


Syntactic sugar is a language construct that is completely expressible in terms of other constructs


When parameters are passed by value, the arguments are expressions that are evaluated at the time of the call, with all the arguments' value becoming the values of the parameters during execution of the procedure. T/F


When you define a procedure, the parameters you list in the interface are the formal parameters. T/F


Sequence operators are used to ______

allow several expression to be combined into a single expression and evaluated

Evaluating all operands before applying operators is called ____ evaluation

applicative order

In a function, the operands are viewed as ___


Ada uses a(n) ______ for its if-statements

bracketing keyword

The process of joining a block of free memory with immediately adjacent blocks to form a larger contiguous block of free memory is called ___


In C, the _____ statement skips the remainder of the loop body and resumes execution with the next evaluation of the control expression


The pointer to the previous activation record is the ___ link


An ambiguity in which it cannot be determined which id statement that should be associated with a single else statement is called the ____ problem

dangling - else

The ____ environment maintains the location of the current activation record

environment pointer

When an error is thrown, a(n) _____ is executed to recover normal execution

exception handler

______ are an example of implicit control mechanisms

exception handlers

Stack unwinding occurs when an exception is thrown and control is ______

exited back in search of a handler

In a(n) ___ environment, activation records are not removed as long as there are references to any of its local objects

fully dynamic

Arguments are specified for use with ____


A general form for a loop construct is given by Dijkstra's structure called the _____

guarded do

The access link provides access to ___

nonlocal variables

The local variable ___ stores the distance from the environment pointer


If an exception is thrown and no handler is found in the block, control is passes to the next enclosing block in a process that is called ____ the exception


Reference counting is a form of ___

reclamation of storage that is no longer referenced

If control resume at the point where the exception was the first raised, _____ model is being used


If a program crashes, it fails the ______ test


The advantage of postfix and prefix forms of expression is that ____

they do not require parentheses to express the order in which operators are applied

__ types have no name A. Generic B. Anonymous C. Variable D. User-Defined


__ is a term used for the type correctness of assignments. A. Assignment Linking B. Value Assignment C. Assignment compatibility D. Backwards compatibility

Assignment compatibility

Ada has a completely safe union mechanism called a variant record. T/F


Any scoping structure that can be referenced directly in a language must have its own symbol table. T/F


Binding time refers to when an attribute is computed and bound to a name. T/F


Casts are permitted on structured types if they have identical sizes in memory. T/F


Dangling references are locations that have been deallocated from the environment but can still be accessed by a program. T/F


Declaration visibility includes only those regions of a program where the bindings of the declaration apply. T/F


Explicit typing can be used to remove ambiguities in programs. T/F


For multidimensional arrays, the column-major form of allocation can be used only if all array indices must be specified together. T/F


In Ada, simple data types are called scalar types. T/F


In C, blocks are called compound statements. T/F


In C, types that are constructed using type constructors are called derived types. T/F


In C/C++, multidimensional array declaration must have all but the first dimension specified. T/F


Names can be reused within nested blocks by associating each declaration with a level number and an offset. T/F


Static type information allows compilers to allocate memory efficiently. T/F


Subset types inherit operations from their parent types. T/F


The lifetime of an object is the duration of its allocation in the environment. T/F


A pointer is an object whose stored value is a ____. a. activation record b. direction c. compound value d. reference to another object

a. reference to another object

Dynamic allocation places variables ____. a. on the heap b. in the pointer list c. on the stack d. in the symbol table

on the heap

If an operator performs more than one function it is said to be ____. a. shadowed b. implicit c. overloaded d. variable


A data type is a(n) __? A. encoding form B. set of values C. style of storage D. group of location in memory

set of values

A variable declared locally within a block is said to ____ a global variable of the same name. a. shadow b. mirror c. occlude d. override


When a change in the value of a variable persists beyond the execution of a statement, a ____ has occurred. a. error b. side effect c. compound change d. persistent effect

side effect

Explicit conversions are often referred to as __. A. Casts B. Coercions C. Narrowing conversions D. Widening conversions


Implicit conversion are often referred to as __. A. Type leaps B. Symbolic conversions C. Interpretive conversions D. Coercions


Type __ are used to construct complex types from basic types. A. Constructors B. Assemblers C. Checkers D. Combiners


To obtain the value of a location in memory referenced by a pointer, the pointer must be __. A. Dereferenced B. Linked C. Evaluated D. Product


The primary data structure used to represent type attributes is called a type __. A. Definer B. Descriptor C. Constructor D. Enumerator


Ordinal data types in Ada are called __ types. A. Simple B. Scalar C. Composite D. Discrete


If information is maintained and checked at runtime, the checking is __. A. Dynamic B. Static C. Referential D. Inferential


____ binding occurs during execution a. Rapid b. Static c. Value d. Dynamic


__ types are set whose elements are named and listed explicitly. A. List B. Array C. Enumerated D. Simple


Type __ algorithms determine if two separately declared types are the same. A. Inference B. Equivalence C. Comparison D. Enforcing


Java uses assignment by cloning for all object variables. T/F


Lexical scoping rules are sometimes called dynamic scoping. T/F


The declaration before use scoping rule in C allows any declaration to be used as long as it is declared within the current block. T/F


The meaning of a name cannot be determined by the attributes associated with it. T/F


The most general type possible for a polymorphic function with a given implementation is called its __ type. A. General B. Base C. Principal D. Specialized


In Java, types constructed using type constructors are called __ types. A. Reference B. Simple C. Primitive D. Integral


When a structured type is cast, the translation merely __ the memory as a different type. A. Reallocates B. References C. Reinterprets D. Realigns


Which of the following languages has no explicit types or translation-time typing? A. Ada B. Java C. C++ D. Scheme


__ equivalence in type checking is when two objects are built in the same way using the same type constructors from the same simple types. A. Referential B. Simple C. Constructor D. Structural


In C, the Cartesian product type constructor is available as the __ construction. A. structure B. set C. array D. enumerator


To create a new data type that contains a subset of a known data type, the __ mechanism is used. A. subtype B. anonymous union C. intersection D. product


Each call to a method is referred to as a ____. a. activation b. branching c. execution d. invocation


In C, the ____ operator retrieves the address of a variable as a pointer. a. dereference b. allocation c. address of d. reference

address of

A ____ occurs when the same object is bound to two different names at the same time. a. duplicate b. multi-reference c. alias d. conflict


In object-oriented languages such as Java and Smalltalk, the ____ is the only declaration that does not itself need to be inside another class declaration. a. file b. module c. package d. class


Assignment by sharing works by ____. a. accessing shared memory b. duplicating memory addresses c. copying the location of the first variable to the second d. copying the value to a new location

copying the location of the first variable to the second

In C++, declarations that bind all potential attributes are called ____. a. symbols b. prototypes c. explicits d. definitions


The bindings of names to storage locations is called the ____. a. environment b. compiler c. symbol table d. translator


Language systems that automatically reclaim garbage are said to perform ____. a. recycling b. garbage collection c. memory reallocation d. memory reclamation

garbage collection

The process a translator goes through to determine whether the type information in a program is consistent is called type __ . A. Inference B. Constructing C. Equivalence D. Checking


In C, the scope of a binding is limited to the block in which its associated declaration appears. This scoping rule is called ____ scope. a. lexical b. block c. package d. namespace


The ____ is the level number and offset of a declared name. a. lexical address b. explicit address c. compound address d. block address

lexical address

The body of an externally defined function will not be bound until ____. a. load time b. link time c. translation time d. execution time

link time

A ____ constant is a name for a literal. a. manifest b. static c. compile-time d. symbolic


Garbage is defined as ____. a. variables with duplicate values b. a collection of unused variables c. memory that has been allocated in the environment but that has become inaccessible to the program d. a collection of unused constants

memory that has been allocated in the environment but that has become inaccessible to the program

The scope of a binding is ____. a. the region over which the binding is maintained b. the precision of the binding c. the magnitude of the binding d. the time when the binding takes place

the region over which the binding is maintained

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