Check for Understanding--View from the Empire State Building
What question is Helen Keller answering in her letter?
"What did you think 'of the sight' when you were on the top of the Empire Building?" (Keller 3)
Who accompanies Helen Keller to the top of the Empire State building?
Keller is joined by her companions and guides with good vision.
What symbolic meaning does does Keller find in the Empire state building?
Keller states that beneath the materialistic surface of the Empire state building, there is poetry, mysticism, and inspiration that the building symbolizes.
What is Keller convinced people must have done in order to truly appreciate what a "divine thing vision is"?
Keller states that people must have "looked into darkness" (Keller 4)
How does is Keller's view of the Empire State building different than those with vision?
Keller was able to use her imagination to create her own vision while others just saw a materialistic view.