Chemistry #4 Exam-nov 10th

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Balance the reaction for the combustion of propane: ?C3H8+?O2→?CO2+?H2O


Name this alcohol: CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2OH heptanol 7-heptanol 1-hexanol 1-heptanol


The IUPAC name of CH3 - CH = CH - CH3 is ________. 2-butane 1-butene 2-butene 2-butyne butene


What is the IUPAC name of the ketone that has a common name of butyl isopropyl ketone? 2-methyl-3-heptanone isopropyl butanone 6-methyl-5-heptanone 4-octanone


Name the alcohol that contains five carbons and has a hydroxyl (alcohol) group on the second carbon. 4-pentanol 2-pentanol 2-heptanol pentanol


The IUPAC name for CH3-CH2-C ≡ C-CH3 is ________. 1-methylbutyne 2-propene 2-pentyne pentyne 3-pentyne


Benedict's test is a way to identify, through a chemical reaction, if an aldehyde group is adjacent to a hydroxyl group. Which of the following is true? If there is no precipitate, there is no aldehyde group. A positive test gives a silver coating on the surface of the container. If there is no precipitate, there is no hydroxyl group. A positive test gives a brick red precipitate

A positive test gives a brick red precipitate



















Which of the following compounds is an alkyne? C3H6 H2C=CH-CH=CH2 2-pentene CH3-CH2-CH3 CH3-CH2-C≡CH

CH3-CH2-C≡CH: triple bond



What is(are) the product(s) of the complete combustion of any hydrocarbon? CO only CO2 only CO2 + H2O CO + H2O H2O only

CO2 + H2O

Mutarotation is a process in which__________. A) more than two monosaccharides are bonded to each other through an ether bond and that bond breaks and reforms B) a monosaccharide is drawn as an open-chain Fischer projection C) a monosaccharide is drawn as a Haworth structure D) the carbonyl carbon of a monosaccharide forms and breaks a bond to a hydroxyl oxygen on the carbon second furthest from the carbonyl group

D) the carbonyl carbon of a monosaccharide forms and breaks a bond to a hydroxyl oxygen on the carbon second furthest from the carbonyl group

How are the structures of d-glucose and d-fructose different? D-glucose is an aldose and D-fructose is a ketose. D-glucose has an aldehyde on carbon 1, while d-fructose has an alcohol group on carbon 1. d-glucose is a ketose, and d-fructose is an aldose. d-glucose has six carbon atoms, and d-fructose has only five carbon atoms.

D-glucose is an aldose and D-fructose is a ketose.

Alkenes and alkynes are saturated hydrocarbons. True or False


All aldehydes have a carbonyl carbon bonded to at least two hydrogens. True False


Cellulose is a monosaccharide. True False


In a trans alkene, the groups are on the same side of the double bond. True False


In the Fischer projection of D-glucose, the -OH group on the chiral carbon farthest from the aldehyde is to the left. True False


Sucrose is made up of glucose units only. True False


Tertiary (3°) alcohols oxidize to ketones. True or False


What is the IUPAC name of this compound? CH3- CH2- CH2- CH2- CH2- CH2- CH3 a) pentane b) butane c) octane d) heptane e) hexane


Select the correct statement regarding the Haworth structure of d-glucose. In β-d-glucose, the -OH group on carbon 2 is drawn above the plane of the ring. In a-d-glucose, the -OH group on carbon 1 is drawn below the plane of the ring. In β-d-glucose, the -OH group on carbon 1 is drawn below the plane of the ring. In a-d-glucose, the -OH group on carbon 1 is drawn above the plane of the ring.

In a-d-glucose, the -OH group on carbon 1 is drawn below the plane of the ring.

Which of the statements applies to oxidation? Ketones are oxidized to alcohols. Carboxylic acids are oxidized to ketones. Ketones cannot be oxidized further. Alcohols are oxidized to alkanes.

Ketones cannot be oxidized further

Which sugar is not a reducing sugar? maltose lactose sucrose galactose glucose


Select the correct statement regarding carbohydrates. A polysaccharide is a carbohydrate with only two monosaccharide units. A ketose has a ketone group on the first carbon atom. Monosaccharides have only an aldehyde or ketone functional group. Sucrose is an example of a disaccharide

Sucrose is an example of a disaccharide

Alcohols can be dehydrated to form alkenes. True False


Alcohols can form hydrogen bonds. True False


Alcohols, ethers, and phenols contain carbon-oxygen single bonds. True False


Enantiomers may have very different tastes or smells. True False


Hexane has six carbon atoms. True False


Humans do not have the enzyme necessary to hydrolyze cellulose. True False


Hydrocarbons contain only carbon and hydrogen. True False


Hydrogenation is used to convert alkenes to alkanes. True False


In a cis alkene, the groups are on the same side of the double bond. True False


In a ketone, the carbonyl group is bonded to two alkyl or aromatic groups. True False


In the hydration of alkenes, the hydrogen is added to the carbon that had the most hydrogens to start


In the hydrogenation of alkenes, the double bond is broken and hydrogen is added to both carbons. True or False


Methane has a tetrahedral structure. TrueFalse


Organic chemistry is the study of the chemistry of compounds that contain primarily carbon and hydrogen. True False


Secondary alcohols can be oxidized to ketones. True False


Shampoos, perfumes, and plastics are organic compounds. True False


Sucrose is a disaccharide. True False


The product of oxidation of an aldose is a carboxylic acid. True False


The series of reactions that are referred to as the carbon cycle are __________. oxidation reactions where glucose is turned into energy the reactions that occur in photosynthesis a combination of the reactions in respiration and photosynthesis the reactions that occur in respiration

a combination of the reactions in respiration and photosynthesis

Which of the following objects can be classified as chiral? a mechanical pencil a pair of scissors a drinking glass a fork

a pair of scissors

Which of the following is not typical of most hydrocarbons? a) high melting point b) covalent bonding c) poor solubility in water d) low boiling point

a) High melting point

The reaction of hydrogen (H2) and propene using a platinum catalyst is an example of a (an) ________ reaction. addition condensation combustion neutralization substitution


A monosaccharide that contains 4 carbon atoms, one of which is in an aldehyde group, is classified as a(n) ________. ketotetrose aldotetrose ketopentose aldopentose aldohexose


The hydrogenation of an alkene gives a(n) ________. alkyne alkane benzene isomer alkene


What type of compound is CH3-CH2-CH3? a) cycloalkane b) isomer c) haloalkane d) branchedalkane e) alkane


A hydrocarbon with a double bond is a(n) ________. alcohol alkane saturated compound alkyne alkene


A compound that contains the ring structure of benzene is called a(n) ________. hydrocarbon alkane aromatic compound alkyl group cycloalkane

aromatic compound

What is the condensed structural formula for an alkane with four carbon atoms? a) CH3-CH=CH-CH3 b) CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3 c) C-C-C-C d) C4H10

b) CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3

What is the IUPAC name for the following compound? Cl-CH2-CH2-C=-C-CH2-CH3 a. 6-chloro-3-hexyne b. 1-chloro-3-hexyne c. chlorohexyne d. chloro hexyl alkyne

b. 1-chloro-3-hexyne

Amylopectin is a form of starch which has ________. hemiacetal links joining glucose units only β-1,4-bonds between glucose units carbon-carbon bonds joining glucose units only α-1,4-links bonds glucose units both α-1,4-and α-1,6-bonds between glucose units

both α-1,4-and α-1,6-bonds between glucose units

Which ketone has a total of 10 carbons? butyl hexyl ketone dipentyl ketone heptyl propyl ketone butyl pentyl ketone

butyl pentyl ketone

Give the common name of the compound with the following condensed formula: CH3CH2CH2OCH2CH2CH2CH3 butyl propyl ether dipropyl ether butyl oxygen propyl propyl butyl ether

butyl propyl ether

An organic compound composed of carbon and hydrogen connected only by single bonds is an _____. a) alcohol b) alkyne c) alkane d) alkene

c) alkane

The carbonyl group consists of ________. carbon-oxygen-hydrogen attached by single bonds a carbon-oxygen-carbon attached by single bonds carbon and oxygen attached by a triple bond carbon and oxygen attached by a single bond carbon and oxygen attached by a double bond

carbon and oxygen attached by a double bond

A tertiary alcohol has a hydroxyl group bonded to a(n) ________. carbon bonded to one alkyl group carbon bonded to two alkyl groups carbon bonded to three alkyl groups aromatic carbon

carbon bonded to three alkyl groups

A secondary alcohol has a hydroxyl group bonded to a(n) ________. carbon bonded to one alkyl group carbon bonded to two alkyl groups carbon bonded to three alkyl groups aromatic carbon.

carbon bonded to two alkyl groups

A phenol has an -OH group bonded to a(n) ________. disubstituted carbon carbon in a benzene ring singly substituted or unsubstituted carbon tetrasubstituted carbon trisubstituted carbon

carbon in a benzene ring

An alkene is an organic compound that contains a ________ bond. carbon-carbon triple hydrogen carbon-carbon double aromatic carbon-carbon single

carbon-carbon double

The reaction of butane with oxygen is called ________. titration substitution combustion neutralization addition


The carbon atoms in saturated hydrocarbons _____. a) have at least one double bond b) have both a double and a triple bond c) have at least one triple bond d) have only single bonds

d) have only single bonds

A carbohydrate that gives two molecules when it is completely hydrolyzed is known as a ________. trisaccharide monosaccharide polysaccharide starch disaccharide


Maltose is a ________. polysaccharide monosaccharide phosphosaccharide trisaccharide disaccharide


Stereoisomers that are nonsuperimposable mirror images of each other are known as ________. achiral isomers Fischer projections anomers enantiomers superimposable isomers


CH3−CH2−OHCH3−CH2−OH Spell out the full name of the compound.


The alcohol in this list that would be most soluble in water is ________. ethanol 1-octanol 1-pentanol 1-hexanol 1-heptanol


A glycosidic bond between two monosaccharides can also be classified as a(n) ________. ester bond ether bond achiral bond double bond alcohol bond

ether bond

Name the ketone with a five carbon group on the right and a two carbon group on the left. ethyl pentyl ketone ethane pentane ketone propyl pentyl ketone pentyl ethyl ketone

ethyl pentyl ketone

Carbon atoms always have how many covalent bonds? a) one b) two c) three d) four e) five


How many different substituents are required on a carbon atom for it to be chiral? one two three four Any number from 1 to 4; chiralty does not depend on substitution.


Which monosaccharide is the sweetest saccharide? sucrose glucose fructose galactose


The sugar also known as dextrose, and blood sugar is ________. sucrose fructose glucose lactose galactose


Under acid hydrolysis conditions, starch is converted to ________. xylose fructose glucose galactose maltose


In a disaccharide, two monosaccharides are joined by what kind of bond? glycosidic double alcohol anomeric rotational


A cycloalkane ________. has no hydrogen atoms has two fewer hydrogen atoms than the corresponding alkane always contains a three carbon ring has two fewer carbon atoms than the corresponding alkane contains - CH3 groups joined by single bonds

has two fewer hydrogen atoms than the corresponding alkane

Achiral compounds are those which ________. are nonsuperimposable have no "handedness" have a carbon attached to four different atoms have the same formula but different structures have different mirror images

have no "handedness"

What is the IUPAC name of the continuous chain alkane with six carbon atoms? a) heptane b) hexane c) pentane d) octane e) butane


A monosaccharide that consists of 5 carbon atoms, one of which is in a ketone group, is classified as a(n) ________. aldohexose aldotetrose ketopentose aldopentose ketotetrose


Which of the following contains a β-1,4-glycosidic bond? lactose sucrose maltose amylose galactose


Galactose is a ________. phosphosaccharide monosaccharide trisaccharide disaccharide polysaccharide


Aspartame® and Saccharin® are two examples of ________. noncarbohydrate sweeteners disaccharides polysaccharides chlorosaccharides alcohol sweeteners

noncarbohydrate sweeteners

In a ketone, the carbonyl group is bonded to how many hydrogen atoms? none one two three four


Cellulose is a polysaccharide which has ________. only α-1,4-links bonds glucose units hemiacetal links joining glucose units both α-1,4-and α-1,6-bonds between glucose units only β-1,4-bonds between glucose units carbon-carbon bonds joining glucose units

only β-1,4-bonds between glucose units

An aldehyde forms a carboxylic acid by ________. hydrolysis reduction hydrogenation neutralization oxidation


Amylose is a ________. trisaccharide phosphosaccharide disaccharide polysaccharide monosaccharide


The dehydration product of CH3-CH2-CH2-O-H in the presence of acid is ________. cyclopropane cyclopropene CH2 =C= CH2 propene propyne


The structural formula of benzene is often represented as a ________. ring of five carbon atoms cycloalkyne ring of six carbon atoms with six double bonds cycloalkane ring of six carbon atoms with a circle in the center

ring of six carbon atoms with a circle in the center

hat classification of alcohol undergoes oxidation to yield a ketone? both secondary and tertiary alcohols secondary alcohol all classes of alcohols primary alcohol both primary and secondary alcohols

secondary alcohol

Thiols have structures similar to alcohols except that they contain ________. sulfur in place of oxygen in the functional group nitrogen in place of oxygen in the functional group three alcohol groups more than one carbon lithium in place of oxygen in the functional group

sulfur in place of oxygen in the functional group

What classification of alcohol is resistant to oxidation? primary secondary tertiary quaternary none


When naming an alkene, the parent chain is the longest carbon chain ________. that contains a branch regardless of whether or not it contains the double bond that contains at least one of the carbon atoms of the double bond that does not contain the double bond that contains both atoms of the double bond

that contains both atoms of the double bond

Hyperglycemia is a condition in which ________. the glucose level in the pancreas is lower than normal the glucose level in the blood is higher than normal the amount of glucose in the urine is lower than normal the glucose level in the liver is lower than normal the glucose level in the blood is about 100 mg/dL

the glucose level in the blood is higher than normal

Hypoglycemia is a condition in which ________. the glucose level in the blood is about 100 mg/dL the amount of glucose in the urine is higher than normal the glucose level in the blood is higher than normal the glucose level in the pancreas is higher than normal the glucose level in the blood is lower than normal

the glucose level in the blood is lower than normal

Tertiary alcohols cannot be oxidized because ________. a) the alcohol carbon is bonded to four groups so no hydrogen can be added to it b) the alcohol carbon is bonded to four groups so no oxygen can be added to it c)there are no oxygen atoms to remove from the alcohol carbon d) there are no hydrogen atoms attached to the alcohol carbon e) the alcohol carbon is too electronegative to have hydrogen removed from it

there are no hydrogen atoms attached to the alcohol carbon

Alkenes and alkynes are called unsaturated compounds because ________. a) they have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms attached to each carbon in the compound b) they have more carbon atoms than alkanes c) they have fewer hydrogen atoms attached to the carbon chain than alkanes d) they have more hydrogen atoms attached to the carbon chain than alkanes e) they have fewer carbon atoms than alkanes

they have fewer hydrogen atoms attached to the carbon chain than alkanes

The compound CH3CH2-SH is in the organic family known as ________. alcohols ethers sulfides amino acids thiols


In a tertiary alcohol, how many alkyl groups are attached to the carbon atom bonded to the -OH group? none one two three four


An alkyne is an organic compound that contains a ________ bond. aromatic single triple double hydrogen


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