Chemistry Study Test 1

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Ch. 7 Write the appropriate chemical formula for: Ammonium Sulfide

(NH4)2 S

Ch. 8 Identify the type of bond resulting from the combination of Carbon and Sulfur.

.03 nonpolar covalent bond

Ch. 8 Identify the type of bond resulting from the combination of Lithium and Phosphorus

1.21 polar covalent bond

Ch. 9 Write Zinc sulfide combines with oxygen gas to produce zinc oxide and sulfur dioxide into a balanced chemical equation

2 ZnS + O2 --> 2 ZnO + 2 SO2

Ch. 10 In the formula Pb3 (PO4)4, how many moles of lead are present.


Ch. 8 Ammonia has a molecular arrangement of AB3E, this notation tells us there will be ____ atoms surrounding the central atom.


Ch. 10 In the formula Pb3 (PO4)4, how many Phospahte ions are required to make 1 mole of this materal.


Ch. 8 In a Lewis structure the symbol - represents ________________.

A shared electron pair

Ch. 10 What does the word anhydrous tell you about a solution.

All the water has been removed from that mixture.

Ch. 9 We use the term ________________ when describing a solution in which water is the solvent.


Ch. 10 Name 4 formula unites

Atoms, molecules, formula units, or ions

Ch. 10 The number 6.022 x 10^23 is known as __________________.

Avagadro's number

Ch. 9 Predict the product for BaF2 + K3PO4 -->

Ba3(PO4)2 + 6KF

Ch. 9 Because there are equal numbers of atoms of each element represented on both sides of the equation, we would call this a(n) ____________ chemical equation.


Ch. 8 Give the appropriate formula for: B F3

Boron Triflouride

Ch. 9 Predict the product for CH4(g) + O2(g) -->

CO2 + H2O

Ch. 9 Give the name of the reactant(s) in CO2 + H2O

Carbon Dioxide, and Dihydrogen Monoxide

Ch. 9 A(n) ______________________ is a precise statement of numbers and chemical symbols that describes the events in a chemical reaction.

Chemical equation

Ch. 9 The 6 in front of 6 CO2 is called a(n) _____________________.


Ch. 9 Given the chemical equation CH + O2 --> CO2 + H2O one should recognize this reaction as what type of reaction.

Combustion reaction

Ch. 9 Write the chemical equation Cu + 2 AgNO3 --> Cu(NO3)2 + 2 Ag into words

Copper (I) combines with Silver Nitrate to yeild Copper (II) Nitrate and Silver

Ch. 8 In a _______________ bond, atoms share electrons.


Ch. 8 When atoms share electron, the attraction between the atoms is called a(n) ______________ bond.


Ch. 9 What kind of reaction is this: 2KNO3(s) + heat --> 2 KNO2(s) + O2(g)


In a sample of pure oxygen, the oxyg en atoms will combine to form a particle representated as O2. This particle is called a(n) ________________ molecule because it contained only two atoms.


Ch. 8 Give the appropriate name for: N2 O4

Dinitrogen Tetraoxide

Ch. 8 ____________ are described as the weak attraction between oppositely charged ends of polar molecules.

Dipole - dipole forces

Ch. 9 When an ionic compound is dissolved in water, it separates into its ionic components. This occurrence is called ________________.


Ch. 9 What kind of reaction is this: 3 H2S(g) + 2Fe(OH)3(s) --> Fe2S3 + 6 H2O

Double Replacement

Ch. 8 The = symbol in C=C represents a ________________.

Double bond

Ch. 8 The term __________________ makes reference to an atom's ability to attract electrons when combined with other atoms.


Ch. 10 The ______________ of a substance represents the smallest whole number ratio of elements in a chemical compound.

Empirical formula

Ch. 9 A diagram called an electronegativity series can help a person predict whether or not a single replacement reaction will occur.


Ch. 9 If 5 grams of sodium chloride is dissolved in water, the sodium chloride would be recognized as the product of the solution.


Ch. 9 T or F One can use the ----> to indicate the need for heating rather than writing + heat in a chemical equation.


Ch. 7 Write the appropriate chemical formula for: Iron (III) Oxide

Fe2 O3

Ch. 9 Chemical reaction indicators include _________________, __________________, and __________________.

Gas production, color change, and temperature change

Ch. 9 What are the elements that form diatomic molecules.

H, N, F, O, I, Cl, Br

Ch. 8 _____________ occurs when orbitals of similar energies in the same atom combine to form new orbitals of equal energy.


Ch. 8 _________________ will mostly likely never be the central atom in a molecule.


Ch. 8 the 1 is pointing to a

Hydrogen Bond

Ch. 9 Write the chemical equation 2 FeCl3 + 3 (NH4)2S --> 6 NH4Cl Fe2S3

Iron (III) Chloride reacts with Ammonium Sulfide to yeild Ammonium Chloride and Iron (II) Sulfide

Ch. 8 Which of the following will produce an ionic bond. H-I, K-Br, Be-I, S-O


Ch. 7 Write the appropriate chemical formula for: Pb (SO4)2

Lead (IV) Sulfate

Ch. 8 This diagram is called a

Lewis Structure

Ch. 8 Uneven electron distribution within an atom causes a short lived dipole which the produces a weak intermolecular force called a(n) __________________.

London dispersion force

Ch. 10 What is the correct formula for magnesium sulfate heptahydrate.

MgSO4 . & H2O

Ch. 10 The mass in grams of one mole of substance is called the ____________ of that substance.

Molar mass

Ch. 10 _________________ is defined as the mass in grams of 1 mole of substance.

Molar mass

Ch. 10 the ___________ is defined as the number carbon - 12 atoms in exactly 12g of pure carbon - 12.


Atoms/ elements that bond covalently form chemical compounds that are called ______________ compounds because the combined atoms form a molecule


Ch. 9 Write Amonium nitrate breaks down at a high heat to produce dinitrogen monoxide and water into a balanced chemical equation

NH4 + NO3 + heat --> N2O + 2 H2O

Ch. 7 Write the appropriate chemical formula for: Ni P

Nickle (III) Phosphide

Ch. 8 Give the appropriate name for: N Br3

Nitrogen Tribromide

Ch. 9 Predict whether a single replacement reaction will occur in Fe + Na3(PO4) -->

No, NR

Ch. 8 Molecular compounds form when atoms of _____________ share electrons with nonmetals.


Ch. 8 A Cl-O bond is a _____________.

Nonpolar covalent bond

Ch. 8 The _______________ states that atoms with combine insuch a way that each atom in the compound with have an outer energy filled with 8 electrons.

Ocet Rule

Ch. 9 The symbol O2 ^ tells us ________________

Oxygen is given off as a byproduct

Ch. 8 Give the appropriate formula for: Tetraphosphorus Decoxide

P4 O10

Ch. 10 ____________ is calculated by dividing the mass of an element in a sample by the mass of the sample and multiplying the result by 100.

Percent composition

Ch. 9 In Ba(NO3)2 (aq) Na2CO3 (aq) --> BaCO3 (s) + NaNO (aq) we would use the term _____________ to indicate that barium carbonate settles out of the solution as a solid.


Ch. 8 The brackets and the "-" sign identify a molecule as a _______________.

Polyatomic ion

Ch. 8 The term _________________ refers to a group of (2 or more) atoms that are covalently bonded together, have an electrical charge on them, and act as a single particle.

Polyatomic ions

Ch. 8 When naming binary molecular compounds, the second element in the formula is named using a(n)_____________ to indicate the number of atoms of that element and the ending of the element name is changed to ___________________.

Prefix, -ide

Ch. 9 Double arrows tell us that a reaction is ________________.


Ch. 7 Write the appropriate name for: Rb3 N

Rubidium Nitride

Ch. 9 What kind of reaction is this: Mg(s) + Zn(NO3)2(aq) --> Zn(s) + Mg(NO3)2(aq)

Single Replacement

Ch. 9 Write Ca(s) + 2 AgNO3(aq) --> Ca(NO3)2(aq) + 2 Ag(s) as a chemical equation

Solid Calcium combines with Silver Nitrate dissolved in water to yield calcium nitrate dissolved in water and solid silver

Ch. 9 If a hydrocarbon is burned in the presence of oxygen ( combustion reaction) the products will be CO2, H2O, and energy.


Ch. 9 T or F A chemical reaction is a process in which atoms in one or more substances are rearranged to make one or more new substances.


Ch. 8 the notation AB4 and SP3 both make reference to a molecular geometry called _______________.


Ch. 8 The central atom in a Lewis Structure is usually carbon or _____________.

The atom with the lowest electronegativity

Ch. 9 We must balance chemical equations because the ___________________ tells us that matter cannot be created or destroyed through normal chemical changes, and the chemical equation must reflect this.

The law of conservation of matter

Ch. 8 When using the notation, AB2E2, the E2, tells us _____________.

There are two pairs of unshared electrons on atom A.

Ch. 7 Write the appropriate chemical formula for: Titanium (IV) Carbonate

Ti (CO3)2

Ch. 8 In a polar covalent bond, the electrons are shared ______________.


Ch. 8 The letters VSEPR stands for

Valance Shell Electron Pair Repulsion

Ch. 8 In a Lewis Dot Structure, the dots surrounding the chemical symbol represent the ________________ of the atom.

Valance electrons

Ch. 8 The chemical compound dihydrogen monoxide is referred to as ____________.


Ch. 9 Anytime you see the symbol (aq) we know this material is dissolved in water. What role does the water serve in the solution.

Water or the solvent, facilitates the materials

Ch. 9 Predict whether a single replacement reaction will occur in K + ZnCl2 -->


Ch. 8 If aluminum and Iodine combined, the bond holding the atoms together would be classified as a

polar covalent bond

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