china mod 5, China Module 3, China Test: Module 4

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Identify five effects of the medieval economic revolution on Chinese society.

• The economic center of China shifted to the Yangtze River drainage area • Cities grew in number and size • Farmers' sons could go work in cities instead of on farms • Agriculturally focused people could live with more ease • Interregional trade increased


"human" or "humaneness"

The Eightfold path of the Middle Way

1) right views 2) right intentions 3) right speech 4) right action 5) right living 6) right effort 7) right mindfulness 8) right concentration Buddha is the Enlightened one.

Art of War

A Chinese military treatise written by Sun Tzu.

Li Si

A Legalist minister who centralized China with the First Emperor. Li Si is credited with founding legalism.


A stylized animal face commonly seen in Chinese bronzes. A symbol found on Shang and Zhou bronze.


A system of writing in which each word is represented by a single symbol, such as the Chinese script.

Explain the "Mandate of Heaven."

According to the Book of Documents, Heaven gives the king a mandate to rule only as long as he rules in the interest of the people.

How did advances in military technology contribute to the rise of independent states?

Advances in military technology were undermining the old aristocratic social structure of the Zhou. The states fought each other.

What two factors aided the commercialization of the economy?

Agricultural prosperity and denser settlement patterns helped the economy commercialize. Peasants could now work for a market and not just concentrate on their own survival. People sold surpluses and were able to buy more goods. This worked especially well in dense areas. This led to the spread of goods and interregional trade.

What contributions did Southeast Asia make to the development of Chinese civilization?

Agriculture in China was perhaps influenced by developments in Southeast Asia.

Lord Shang

An earlier Qin official and the true ancestor of the Legalist school.

Why did Confucian scholars dabble in metaphysical theories of li and qi?

As a response to the challenge of the sophisticated metaphysics of Buddhism. Li=principle and Qi=vital energy.

What are the links between these earlier societies and the Shang Dynasty?

Bronze foundries and fine black pottery, the use of oracle bones (animal bones for divination purposes).

Why did Buddhism find so many adherents in China during the three centuries after the fall of the Han dynasty?

Buddhism found many adherents after the fall of the Han because it appealed to many people. It appealed to the rulers because it offered a tool to unite people. To the middle and lower classes, the fact that everyone was considered equal was very comforting. During this rough time of tremendous upheaval, Buddhism's support of charity and kindness was also encouraging.

List the achievements of the "Founders" of Chinese civilization:

By about 2000 BC, the late Neolithic culture we call Lung Shan, or Black Pottery, had begun to build walled settlements larger than villages, to make bronze tools, weapons, and ornaments, and to use a pictographic and ideographic script clearly recognizable as the ancestor of written Chinese.

Compare the Han Empire with the Roman Empire.

China and Rome were both large, complex states governed by monarchs, bureaucracies, and standing armies. Both reached directly to the people through taxation and conscription policies, and both invested in infrastructure such as roads and waterworks. In both empires people in neighboring areas that came under political domination were attracted to the conquerors' material goods, productive techniques, and other cultural products, resulting in gradual cultural assimilation. However, The Roman Empire was linguistically and culturally more diverse than China and politically the dynastic principle was stronger in China than in Rome. Slavery was much more important in Rome than in China, and merchants were more favored.

Explain why is said that most Chinese were Confucianists when things went well and Taoists when things went badly.

Chinese were Confucians when things went well because when things were going well, they believed that they could improve or change things. When things were going poorly, they were resigned to their condition and accepted the way of the cosmos.

Bound feet

Circa 950 AD. A woman's feet were wrapped tightly in strips of silk to keep feet small. This meant breaking bones in the toes and in the arch of the foot. Small, bound, feet were seen as beautiful. Only women with bound feet were seen as beautiful. Many people bound their daughters' feet to secure them a husband.

Give the Confuciun and Daoistic reasons for suffering.

Confucianism - people are lazy, uneducated, and have bad rulers Daoism - it's the way of the cosmos

Identify Han accomplishments in literature, government and technology.

Confucianism was more firmly established as the official orthodoxy and state ideology, and the famous Chinese imperial civil service system recruited men of talent, schooled in classical Confucian learning, to hold office through competitive examination regardless of their birth. Confucian classics: The ancient texts recovered during the Han Dynasty that Confucian scholars treated as sacred scriptures. A major intellectual accomplishment of the Han Dynasty was history writing.

Describe Confucius' childhood.

Confucius and his mother were rejected by his father's family. He lived in very poor conditions and his mother and he struggled to meet their subsistent needs. Confucius had to do all sorts of menial labor. However, he had an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He read many books.

According to Confucius, why were force and law ineffective in guaranteeing social harmony and order?

Confucius said that force and law were ineffective in guaranteeing social harmony because people had to want to do the right thing. Laws only served to punish people after doing the wrong thing. People had to believe that what they were doing was morally right and want to stay in their roles.

According to Confucius, what was the key to an orderly society?

Confucius said that the key to an orderly society was having everyone in their possible role and being happy doing it.

During what period was Confucius born?

Confucius was born around 550 BC in the Warring States Period

What was Confucius' dream?

Confucius' dream was to become a government official and bring peace and an end to corruption. Confucius began a school for people of all classes. He urged people to become scholars and men of superior moral quality. He was offered a position by a Duke. He eventually became the shadow governor with Duke Dang implementing his policies.

What is meant by the Dao?

Dao refers to "the Way;" a cryptic phrase referring to the way one should live and the way of nature or the cosmos.

Describe the life cycle of a typical woman in China.

First, a woman would live at home with her family if they could afford it. Then, she was married in an arranged marriage. Afterwards, she had children preferably a male. It was good if a woman was able to become a widow after her son has grown up. Often, if the couple reached middle age, a concubine could be brought into the family. Later, she would try to find partners for her children.

Describe the impact Buddhism had on the arts in China.

Merchants who originally brought Buddhism to China also brought architectural designs regarding temples and the depiction of Buddhas. Now, temples were lavishly decorated along with Buddhist statues.

What were some of the other pursuits of an educated man?

Educated men often collected antiques/old books, practiced the arts (eg poetry, writing, calligraphy, and painting)

What advantages did the Yellow River share with the Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, and Indus River valleys?

Highly fertile soil

Identify five key elements of Daoist thought. Why might Daoism be seen as a reaction to Confucianism?

Five key elements of Daoist thought are that "the way" cannot be put into words, silence is a sign that one has knowledge, voluntary action does not produce good results, nature and passivity are good, human interference cannot improve on cosmic truth. Daoism might be seen as a reaction to Confucianism because it stresses the opposite things. While Confucians sought improvement and change, Daoists sought passivity and acceptance.

Where is the emergence of Chinese civilization most clearly documented archaeologically?

For the north China plain of the Yellow River.

Describe Siddartha Gautama.

He an Indian high priest. A royal who was born into an insulated environment, he was born in 563 BC. He lived into an insulated environment. When he went out to see the world, he saw much suffering.

What was Confucius relationship with powerful local families?

He made enemies with powerful local families. They conspired against him and took away his power. Confucius took to the roads in search of someone to listen to his ideas. Beginning in 497 BC, he walked through Eastern China in exile. He made enemies throughout China. Confucius said that an oppressive government was worse than a man-eating tiger. He found only resentment and hatred.

When did Confucius' marry and have his first child?

He married and had a son at 19.

Who was Qin Shi-Huangdi?

He was the first emperor. He ruled all of China. He ordered all nobles to leave their lands and move to the capital. He dispatched officials to administer the territory that had been conquered and controlled the officials through a long list of regulations.

Describe Confucius' parents.

He was the son of a ferocious warrior/governor and a concubine.

Why is archeological evidence lacking in other areas of China?

High humidity, ample rainfall, and high temperatures that rapidly break down organic remains.

Why has 221 BCE been called the most significant in Chinese history?

In 221 BC, Qin succeeded in defeating the last of its rivals, and China was unified for the first time in many centuries.

Wu Wei

Inaction, let things happen as they are, don't seek to improve things.

What was the dominant crop of ancient northern China? Why?

Millet, because it was probably native to the area.

Explain Junzi and Ren.

Junzi was the concept of the perfect gentleman and Ren was the perfect benevolence or goodness. So, a junzi had ren.

What was Confucius' real name.

Kung Fu Tze

Who was Daoism founded by?

Lao Tze, possibly a contemporary of Confucius and a reaction to Confucianism.

Explain the basic tenets of Legalism. How did it contrast with Confucianism?

Legalism believes that the state should come before the individual. Under legalism, light crimes are punished severely, so that people don't commit harsh crimes. Legalism follows strictly the letter of the law more than the spirit of the law. Strict order is very important under legalism. Under legalism, other philosophies were not tolerated. Confucianism, on the other hand, believes that leaders should be kind and lead by example, respectfulness, moral behavior, and learning.

What evidence is there that a significant inland and coastal shipping industry existed in China?

Marco Polo, a famous Western merchant, said that there were more than 15,000 boats in one river in one city. This was not even the greatest amount. Due to the agricultural surplus, interregional trade and the shipping industry increased.

How did Mencius and Xunzi contribute to the success of Confucius ideas?

Mencius elaborated on Confucius's ideas in the book of Mencius and Xunzi elaborated on the metaphysical aspects of Confucianism.

Where do most Muslim Chinese live? How did Islam arrive in China?

Most Muslim Chinese live along the northwest and southwest frontiers of China, specifically Linxia, a city known as "Little Mecca" for its high Muslim population.They arrived through Arab traders and merchants.

Who was Mozi?

Mozi was a scholar who challenged the Confucian worldview. He did this by saying that people are not inherently good but are inherently selfish and bad. He said that they needed to be controlled by laws. He laid the foundation for legalism.


One of the Shang Dynasty capitals from which the Shang kings ruled for more than two centuries.

Book of Documents

One of the earliest Chinese books, containing documents, speeches, and historical accounts about early Zhou rule.

What advantage did the Qin possess during the Warring States Period?

Qin was a large, well-drilled infantry army able to withstand and defeat chariot-led forces.

How did the Zhou govern their society? Why did this eventually lead to their downfall?

Rather than attempt to rule all their territories directly, the early Zhou rulers set up a decentralized feudal system. The danger of this is that the regional lords could become so powerful that they no longer obey the commands of the king, and that is exactly what happened.

Gentry contributions

Rented their land, loaned money, collected taxes, served as judges.

Trace the development of the Shang culture

Shang kings ruled from Anyang. At the center of Anyang were large palaces, temples, and altars. Outside the central core were industrial areas where bronze workers, potters, stone carvers, and other artisans lived and worked. Texts found in the Shang royal tombs at Anyang show that Shang kings were military chieftains. War booty was an important source of the king's revenue, especially the war captives who could be made into slaves. The Shang king was also the high priest, the one best qualified to offer sacrifices to the royal ancestors and the high god Di. The Shang royal family and aristocracy lived in large houses built on huge platforms of rammed earth similar to those used in the Neolithic period.

Who was Siddartha Gautama?

Siddartha Gautama was the founder of the Buddhist religion. Born the son of a noble, he lived a life of great pleasure until he was 29. Then, realizing all of the suffering in the world, he created the Buddhist religion.

Define and describe the importance of loess.

Soil deposited by wind; it is fertile and easy to work.

Describe the significance of the Silk Road to cultural diffusion.

The Chinese spread their culture to the other city-states on the Silk Road.

What form of Buddhism arrived in China?

The form of Buddhism that arrived in China was Mahayana Buddhism. This was the 'greater vehicle.' It was more popular and less strict than the other form of Buddhism, Theravada. However, it was more religious and included the worship of lesser Buddhas.

List descriptive characteristics of Shang society.

Status distinctions, bronze working.

How did the Han utilize the accomplishments of the Qin?

The Han depended on the retention of many of the techniques used by the Qin. Although the Han dynasty abolished some of the Qin's practices, they kept many, such as conscription for the army, forced labor for public works, the administrative division of the empire into counties each under the control of an imperial magistrate. Currency, weights, measures, script, and orthodox thought.

Why would the Qin Emperor embrace the principles of legalism?

The Qin Emperor would embrace the principles of legalism because he saw the states of China as needing strong order and rule. He thought that people needed laws to govern them strongly. This fits well with the principles of legalism because legalism states that the government needs strong officials who create rigorous laws.

Li Ping

The appointed provincial governor of the former state of Shu and also famed as a hydraulic engineer associated with many of the big Qin projects, including control works on the Yellow River.

How would the basic American values of individualism and freedom be viewed through the Confucian lens of East Asia?

The basic values of individualism and freedom are viewed negatively under Confucianism. This is because individualism is seen as selfishness and freedom is seen as lawlessness. Gentlemen are above the common man. They use moral persuasion, a benevolent force, to influence the 'grass' or common people. Gentleman are made, not born. Education is the key to being a gentleman. If you are not educated, then you are not human.

Describe the Daoist view on rulers.

The best rulers are those that people only know of. They do not use force. They rule passively and let the people do as they will. The Falun Gong movement is a mystical spiritual movement occurring in China. It is based off of the ancient art of Qi Gong or breath control to regulate the life energy or Qi. The Falun Gong involves daily movement exercises, breath exercises, and literally means The Power of the Law Wheel. The leader of the Falun Gong is Master Li. Traditional Chinese religions such as the following of the Black Dragon, a folk village god, have been making a huge resurgence in rural China. Once frowned upon by the Chinese government, the local temples have brought in huge amounts of money and have revitalized local economies. So, government officials tend to turn a blind eye to the activities of the local people. Villagers are enthralled by the local religions and give money enthusiastically to the local temples. This religious freedom was previously unheard of.

Describe four elements of daily life within the Han.

The bulk of the population in Han times and even into the twentieth century consisted of peasants living in villages of a few hundred households. the government had to try to keep peasants independent and productive. To fight peasant poverty, the government kept land taxes low, provided relief in time of famine, and promoted up-to-date agricultural methods. senior males had great authority, marriages were arranged by parents, and brides normally joined their husbands' families. universality of patrilineal family names, the practice of dividing land equally among the sons in a family, and the great emphasis placed on the virtue of filial piety.

What was the attitude dominant in these relationships?

The dominant attitude was hierarchical; dominant and inferior.

Book of Songs

The earliest collection of Chinese poetry; it provides glimpses of what life was like in the early Zhou Dynasty.

Assess the First Emperor's significance in Chinese history.

The first emperor, Qin Shi Huang Di abolished feudal and land-tenure arrangements. He centralized China, and began the project of the Great Wall of China.

What were the 5 cardinal relationships according to Confucius?

The five key relationships were father and son, husband and wife, ruler and subject, older brother and younger brother, and friend and friend.

How were the relationships arranged?

The five relationships were arranged with superior inferior relationships except between friends, which was an equal relationship.

What are the Four Noble Truths?

The four noble truths are that life is filled with pain, sorrow, frustration, impermanence, and dissatisfaction (the dukkha), these are caused by the desire and urge for existence, to end this, one must end desire, the end of desire can be achieved through following the eightfold path of right conduct. However, this does not address all of the happiness, greatness, achievement, and fulfillment that can be caused by desire.

What contributed to the success of the examination system?

The invention of printing helped bring along the examination system. It spread literacy and the ease of learning throughout China. Though movable type was note popular, literacy spread. Books could be easily accessed and libraries built. Through this, more people could potentially succeed at the examination system and become influential.

What were the main elements of Legalist thought?

The main elements of legalist thought were that people needed to be governed with strict laws, not the ritual and goodness of Confucianism. It stated that people were inherently evil and that they needed to be controlled. A leader must centralize all power on himself and trust no one. Intellectual debate and questioning of authority must not be tolerated and the people should be made easy to govern.

Identify the reasons Confucianism worked

The moral component. People thought it was wrong to abandon their roles. It didn't completely stifle individualism. People were free to cultivate themselves in goodness.

Where was the Jewish colony established in China?

The original Jewish Colony was founded and Xian An and later moved to Kaifeng, the capital of the Sung dynasty. Eventually, as the Jews married with Chinese, they became virtually indistinguishable from other Chinese except for traces of the Hebrew language. At first, Jews were distinguished by their dietary practices but, overtime, they abandoned these rules, intermarried, and disappeared in the sea of Chinese.

What technological development aided ocean going travel?

The perfection of the compass helped ocean going travel. The compass became smaller and more transportable. The needle no longer floated in water and it was sometimes given a glass top.

What were the yin and yang?

The yin and yang were two complementary concepts that were opposites of each other. The balance of yin and yang explained many metaphysical ideas in early Chinese thought. Yin is weak, feminine, dark, yielding, and negative while yang is bright, strong, assertive, masculine, creative, and positive.

How did Christianity spread throughout China?

There is now evidence that Christianity in China from the 6th through the 9th centuries may have been very influential. Although there are a significant number of Chinese Muslims, around 21 million, they make up only a very small percentage of China's population. While Confucius ruled the state prospered. It was officially sanctioned by the Song Dynasty as the Religion of Light. Its influence is shown in Guanyin, the traditional Chinese god of Mercy. Before Christianity, Guanyin was portrayed as male. After Christianity, it was portrayed as a female with robes similar to the Virgin Mary.

What do Hanoi and Canton have in common?

They shared a common language, identity, and way of life.

How do Ouyang Xiu and Sima Guang illustrate the extraordinary men produced by the scholar official elite class?

They were both very accomplished. Ouyang Xiu spared time in his busy official career to write love songs, histories, and the first analytical catalogue of rubbings of ancient stone and bronze inscriptions. Sima Gzuang, besides serving as prime minister, wrote a narrative history of China from the Warring States Period to the founding of the Song Dynasty.

What methods did the Qin use to centralize China?

To cripple the nobility of the defunct states, who could have posed serious threats, the First Emperor ordered the nobles to leave their lands and move to the capital. The private possession of arms was outlawed to make it more difficult for subjects to rebel. The First Emperor dispatched officials to administer the territory that had been conquered and controlled the officials through a long list of regulations, reporting requirements, and penalties for inadequate performance. A census of the population was ordered.

How does modern US paper money compare to ancient Chinese paper money?

US paper money is actually very similar to Chinese money. There are signatures of important officials and important seals. The only difference is the lack of vermillion on US paper money.

Identify Wu Ti (Wu Di)

Wu Ti is a Han emperor. He first tightened imperial control, removed the remaining power of the lords created by Liu Pang for faithful service, imposed state regulations on trade and merchants, and set new taxes and new state controls on salt, iron, and the supply of grain.

Identify "Xia": what is its significance?

Xia is supposedly the first dynasty in Chinese history. It is recorded by traditional Chinese texts but not confirmed archaeologically. It's significant because the Shang dynasty could not have appeared without a predecessor.

Compare the Lung Shan with the Yang Shao.

Yang Shao was the name of the Painted Pottery culture. It lasted until it merged with other late Neolithic cultures to form the first literate and city-building, metal-using civilization, the Shang dynasty. Painted pottery was covered with geometric designs in red or black, and was baked in a kiln, although made without the potter's wheel. The culture's original domain extended from Kansu in the northwest eastward into Honan, where it overlapped with black pottery, or Lung Shan. Black pottery was of fine quality and often elegant in design, wheel made, and kiln fired.

Identify Zhuangzi. Describe several examples of how Zhuangzi embodied Daoist thought.

Zhuangzi was a later Daoist who wrote essays elaborating on Daoist beliefs. When he was offered a government post, he refused it on the grounds that Daoists opposed excessive government. When his wife died, he sang and accepted it as the way of the cosmos.

"Wu wei"

purposeful inactivity

Filial piety

respect to ancestors and parents



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