Christ in the Synoptic Gospels

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The Jews in general rejected Christs teaching on the Kingdom because

Christ was assuming equality with God in ruling the Kingdom

During the Passion Week, Christ taught His disciples about Jerusalems desturction and His 2nd coming in the

Olivet Discourse

What relationship exists between Christ's teaching and His ultimate redemptive purpose?

The teaching of Christ was tied directly to His purpose to be the sacrifice for our salvation

During Christ's early Galilean ministry, He

appointed the twelve as apostles to be with Him.

Many scholars assume the priority of Mark because Mark

is used almost entirely by Matthew and Luke

Christ showed himself to be a master teacher in that He

loved and knew His students and lived what He taught

We generally characterize Pharisees as Jews who were

middle class tradesmen or businessmen and were associated with the synagogues

During His early Galilean ministry, Christ

ministered fairly widely through the province of Galilee.

At the beginning, the synagogue was intented to

provide an alternative for temple worship

The Jewish nation helped Christ's message to be birthed and nurtured by providing

religious vehicle through which Christ could be revealed

Which statement is true concerning Christ's crucifixion

Christ was arrested at midnight and died at 3PM- only 15 hours

Which event took place on day 5 of Passion Week

Christ instituted the Lords Supper

The parables which deal with kingdom living teach us that

Discipleship requires obedient service, sacrifice, and sharing knowledge with others

What cultural factors enabled the gospel to have the greatest possible impact

Greece provided the language, and Rome provided political security

Which Herodian family statement is correct?

Jews never regarded the Herods as true Jews and made no attempt to hide their feelings of hatred toward these Edomites

What significant event occured during Jesus' first year of ministry

John the Baptist was imprisoned by Herod

Concerning the annunciation and birth of Jesus, Luke records

Joseph and Mary's trip to Bethlehem in response to a decree for Caesar Augustus

Which statement distinguishes the kingdom of God from the Jewish concept of the Kingdom

Love the Lord your God with all your mind...Matthew 22:37-39

Which Gospel includes Adam in the genealogy of Christ


Which Gospel records the most parables of Jesus


What is one characteristic of Luke's Gospel

Luke gives us more historical details than any other Gospel writer

In the equation Mark + Q + M= Matthew, Q stands for

Material that is common to Matthew and LUke

Which Gospel writer appeals to people's respect for teachers and teaching


Although the region is not mentioned by name in the New Testament, the land on "the other side of the Jordan" refers specifically to


Matthew's main purpose

Prove to Jewish audience that Jesus fulfilled the promises and is the Messiah

Which statement represents a significant fact about the Synoptic Gospels?

Since the Synoptic writers goal was not to write biographies, they give few facts about Christ's first 30 years

Based on Mark's style of writing, we may conclude that his purpose was to

Stress Christ's deity as revealed in His works of power

What did Christ teach about God, himself, and the Holy Spirit

The Godhead is a trinity or 3 distinct persons

Which statement is true about the harmony of miracles in the Gospels?

The Gospel accounts of miracles complement and verify each other, but differ in specific details

One chronological indicator that helps us to date the beginning of Christ's ministry is

The beginning of John's ministry in the 15th year of Tiberias Caesar

The matter of Christ's fulfilling His promises to rise from the dead on the 3rd day rests on?

The custom in those days to count parts of days as whole days

In the context of Christ's last week, the word Passion refers to

The events leading from the Last Supper to His death and burial

Defined correctly, a parable is a method in which the teacher

Uses familiar concepts to illustrate unfamiliar concepts in terms the learners understand

The term Synoptic Gospels refers to the accounts of the good news presented by Matthew, Mark, Lake and means they

View the gospel similarly

By saying that followers of Christ live between the times, we mean that

What Christ has already initiated in them will not be fully realized until His 2nd coming

We man define miracle most accurately as

any event that would not normally occur without the intervention of an outside force

The Samaritans were best described as?

a mixture of people whom the Assyrians resettled in Palestine and Israelites who were not deported.

While the Synoptic Gospels cover the final months of Jesus's ministry fairly well, we rely on John's Gospel for

details of the Judean/Perean ministry

Which miracle of Christ is common to all 4 Gospels

feeding the 5,000

The prefaces of Luke and Acts indicate that the

same person wrote the Gospel of Luke first and then Acts

During the intertestamental period, the Hasidim were the

so-called pious ones who sought to protect the Jews from Hellenism and later became the Pharisees

According to the Law presenting a male child to the Lord required the parents to

take him to the temple in Jerusalem and offer a sacrifice

According to Luke's gospel and our study which of these men saw Jesus first after His resurrection

the 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus

The intertestamental period represents the time between

the end of Malachi's prophetic ministry and the New Testament events

Regarding the accounts of Christ's arrest in the Synoptic Gospels we note that only Mark mentions

the young man, who only wore a linen garment being seized by the crowd

Matthew used the term "Kingdom of Heaven" more than kingdom of God because he wanted

to avoid using the term Yahweh or God out of respect for the feelings of the devout Jews

In contrast to the present aspect of the Kingdom, the future aspect will be

visible and physical

Our Lord's temptation is most significant in that He

was tempted in every way just as we are, yet was without sin

During the Persian period, the Jewish exiles in Babylon were permitted

were permitted to return to their homeland

A religious party like the Pharisees and Sadducees, Essenes were know for

withdrawing from society to develop purity and practical service

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