Christian Worldview Final Exam

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As mentioned in cdlass, the Fall of humanity in Genesis chapter 3 (sin of Adam and Eve) ruptered how many relationships created by God?


Martin Luther was a prominent reformer who challenged the catholic church by posting the what to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany?

95 Theses

What makes up a Worldview?

A foundational assumptions to whicfh one commits that serves as a framework for understanding and interpreting reality and that deeply shapes one's behavior, a set of assumptions or beliefs about reality that affect how we think and how we live, and the comprehensive perspective from which we interpet all of reality.

What are the analogies for a worldview?

A set of lenses, a building foundation, and a jigsaw puzzle.

Who of the following are mentioned in Genesis?

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

Which Old Testament covenant promises a lutitude of descendants, a blessing and a curse, and land?

Abrahamic Covenant


All roads lead to the same path; no one religion has the whole stoery, and every religion adds to our full understanding


Ascribing ultimate value or worth to anything besides God

Which of the following worldview families would see the universe as a closed system?


Which worldview family does not believe in anything supernatural?


In which of the following do people evaluate their worldview based on faith and reason

Atheism, theism, and pantheism

Who took Judah captive when the people of Judah were exiled?


Which one of the following would be considered a shared worldview belief for atheism?

Belief that the scientific method is the only source of knowledge

The Sermon on the Mount (Matt.5-7) begins with the Beatitudes (5:1-12). Which of these blessings is most emphasized by Jesus?

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness

All throughout the Old Testament, Yahwek (God) continues to prove that he is:

Both a God of compassion and justice

According to the teaching of Jesus in John 13:35, how are his followersw to be recognized?

By their love for one another

A unique characteristic of Christianity in comparison with other religionhs is whih of the following:

Christianity offrers good news of what God has done for us in giving his son to die for our sings and the gift of salvation

Which "acts" are part of the biblical story:

Creation, Fall, Redemption

Which Old Testament Covenant specifically develops the idea of a Jewish messiah?

Davidic Covenant

Which of the following believes God exists but is uninvolved in human affairs?


Which one of the worldview elements listed below deals with issues of right and wrong and whether there is absolute moral truth?


According to Matthew 5:44, Jesus commanded his followers to love only those who do good to them.


According to Romans 3:20, humans dan attain a relationship with God byh living by the letter of the Law in the Old Testament


All worldviews are private. There is no such thing as a shared worldview.


An objective claim is one based only on personal opinion and preference.


Genesis 4:1-16 gives the account of Abel killing his brother Cain


God explains to Job why Job has suffered


Having a relationship with Jesus involves more than merely accepting what Jesus said as truth, it also implies obedient living by loving God and others.


One of the results of the fall of man was that humanity now had to work. Work was not part of God's original plan for His creation.


The story Jesus told in Matthew 18:21-35 illustrates how unrealistic it is to forgive others.


The earliest prophecy is given in Genesis 3:15 and known as the proto-evangelium, meaning:

First Gospel

What is the difference between general revelation and special revelation?

General reveleation refers to what God reveals through nature while special revelation mainly refers to what God reveals through scripture

Genesis chapters 1-11 are a single unified account of the history of the world referred to as the toledot. What does this mean?


What are the primary relationships God created for humanity?

God and humanity, man/women and his/herself, humanity and creation, humanity and each other

What do Christians mean when they say that God is sovereign?

God has supreme authority over his creation

As discussed in class, how does Acts 2:1-13 specifically compare to Genesis 11:1-9?

God scrambles the language due to pride and then translates the language for the gospel message

Which persons of the Trinity were involved in the creation?

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit

In Galatians 3:24,25, Paul refers to Mosaic law as a:


What are the bibles original languages?

Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic

Which of the following statements is/are consistent with the Christian belief that humanity was created in the image of God?

Humanity has remnants of the character of God such as the capability to love and creat, humans were created with both a spirit and a body and are spirit beings like God

Which of the following is are reasons for seeing humanity as a pinnacle of God's creation according to Genesis 1-2?

Humanity's place as the final thing created by God in Genesis 1, the amount of space dedicated to discussing the creation of humanity in Genesis 1, and humanity was created in the image of God

Private worldviews are emphasized more in the U.S. than in many other countries. Which cultural description discussed in class is similar to the private worldview idea?


Friedrich Nietzsche had his own view of truth, saying, "there is not truth, only_______."


The prophet that recorded God's words about the New Covenant is:


According to the lecture, the offices of Prophet, Priest, and King are relevant to the New Testament because:

Jesus has perfectly fulfilled each office

In the Gospel of John chapter 11, the story of Lazarus teaches many truths. Identify which of the following lessons can be learned from this story:

Jesus knew what was going to happen to Lazarus, Jesus felt the grief of others deeply, God has the power to raise the dead, and death is not the end for those who believe in Jesus

Romans 3 teaches that Jesus' death is important for the restoration of humanity because:

Jesus' death on the cross satisfies the punishment that stood against humanity for its failure to keep God's laws

Proverbs 9:10 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight" (ESV). Which of the following statements is most consistent with Proverbs 9:10?

Knowing and fearing God leads to wise decisions

Jesus said that the two great commandments were which of the following?

Love God with all your heart and love yoru negihbor as yourself

In the Intelligent Design Video watched in class, Stephen Meyer stated that, "Whenever we find information and we tracde it back to its ultimate source, we always come to a _________, not a material process.


Which Old Testament covenant comes directly after the exodus of Egypt?

Mosaic Covenant

Based on the article "The Mystery of Original Sin: We Don't Know Why God Permitted the Fall, but We Know All Too Well the Eil and Sin That Still Plague Us," Shuster (agreeing with G. K. Chesterton) thinks the problem with the world is what?

My sins and yours

According to the lecture, the 3 primary places general revelation can be seen are:

Nature, history, and humanity

Which Old Testament covenant promises a future hope of the knowledge of God on people's hearts?

New Covenant

Genesis 1:1 says, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Which attribute of God best corresponds to this verse?


Chapter 1 of the textbook says the "worldview relates to the whole person." Assuming this is true, which of the following must also be true?

Our worldview affects both our thinking process and our everyday behavior.

The Bible explains that God created the universe:

Out of boredom and nothing

Which of the following is noted for spiritualism but not for belief in a personal God?


In Raphael's famous painting Scool of Athens, how are Plato and Aristotle depicted?

Plato is pointing up, referring to ideal forms that define universal truths and Aristotle is gesturing horizontally, referring to the belief that particular examples lead to universal truths.

Which one of the worldview elements listed below deals with questions like, "Why are we here?" and "What should we be doing with our lives?"


The most important connection between the Trinity and the image of God in humanity is:


Which of the following is not mentioned in the lecture as eplanation for suffering?

Suffering is God taking revenge for our disobedience

In the creation story, what one thing did God ay was not good?

That man should be alone

According to the lecture, special revelation is primarily given in:

The Bible, Jesus Christ, and Individuals

Which of the followinhg worldview tests evaluates evidences and experiences to see if the worldview matches with reality?

The Correspondence Test

The primary behind-the-scenes character in Luke-Acts that reveals the truth of Jesus and empowers the early church for ministry is:

The Holy Spirit

Which of the following worldview tests evaluates a worldview's livability?

The Practical Test

How do the first four of the Ten Commandments differ from the last six?

The first four describe our worhsip to God and the remaining six are our duty to people

Textual Criticism

The study of the ancient biblical manuscripts for the purpose of preservation and translating the original writings faithfully

Which tree were Adam and Eve warned not to eat of?

The tree of knowledge of good and evil

Without God...

There can be no moral and spiritual absolute truths

Which of the following statements is true of the theistic evolution (evolutionary creation) view of the creation of the world?

This view believes all life evolved in a procfess guided and empowered by God

Which of the following statements is true of the old earth view of the creation of the world?

This view believes that life appeared in stages as God gave the commands

As mentioned in class, the Trinity is best described as:

Three who's anhd one what

After the worldwide flood, Genesis chapter 9 finds God making a covenangt with Noah with the bow (rainbow) in the clouds as a sign. What was God's promise?

To never destroy all flesh by flood ever again

According to Romans 3:21-26, God revealed his righteousness through the sacrifice of Jesus, and this righteousness is available to all people by faith


According to Romans 3:23, all humans, when measured against the divine Law, are foung guility of sin and fall short of the glory of God


According to the textbook, the central theme of the Wisdom literature is the "fear of the Lord."


Jesus tauht his followers to forgive others even if this means sacrificing one's own rights for the restoration of the one forgiven


The Bible affirms that all human beings fail to fully obey the Law of God and for this reaswon, God sent Jesus as the sacrifice for sins.


The Garden of Eden account in Genesis 2 bears a striking resemblance to the description of the new heavens and new earth described in Revelation 21, God dwelling with His people in right relationship.


The Nicene Creed in Christianity is an example of a shared worldview


The correct order of the first 3 kings of Israel is Saul, David, and Soloman


The garden of Eden is presented in Genesis 2 as the throne room and temple of God


Christian exclusivism and inclusivism are similar in emphasizing the grace of Christ for salvation, but differ in:

Whether a person needs to clearly know Jesus and makie a personal confession

Which of the following statements best describes the nature of work?

Work was given to humanity as a good gift and work was given as the means for humanity to provide for itself.

From the Christian perspective, a relationship with God is established through:

a personal trust in Jesus

Wisdom in the Christian worldview includes the following:

being transformed from selfishness to selflessness

According to the prophecy in Isaiah 53:4-6, which of the following would be characteristic of the Messiah?

he will carry our sorrows, he will be pierced for our sins, God has put all our sins on him


is an attribute of God that is not shared by humanity


is the term used for the atoning work of Christ on the cross that declares sinners righteous on the account of faith


is the virtue of love applied to dialogue


is the virtue of love applied to relationship by asking questions, listening, and validating


not objective, my subjective preference matters most

Virtue (Aretaic) Ethics

objective, my character matters most


objective, upholding the standard or principle matters most


objective; the results matter most

According to the lecture, the good news of the gospel can be summarized in three R's:

rescue, redemption, and renewal

As a result of the Fall, what was introduced into the world?

suffering, death, painful work, and painful childbirth

Which of the following best describes the primary ministry of the Old Testament prophets?

they pronounced judgement against Israel

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