Christian Worldview Topic 6 Study Guide

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Define the problem of evil from the textbook and the PowerPoint.

Problem of Evil--the philosophical and theological "problem" expressed in the question: If God is a good and loving God who is omnipotent, and sovereign, why is there evil in the world?

From the PowerPoint, what two commandments did Jesus say are the greatest? How does a Christian ethics view transformation?

1) Love God 2) Love Others Transformation--less about behavior, though it is important, and more about becoming a new person in Christ

According to the textbook and PowerPoint presentations, define absolute truth and absolute morality?

Absolute truth--believing that there are unalterable facts that are true at all times for all persons regardless of context. Truth that corresponds to reality. It is true, whether one agrees or not. Absolute morality--the belief that right and wrong is universal, objective, and a standard exists.

How does the textbook define empiricism?

Empiricism--an epistemological theory that knowledge comes through only sensory experience

Read the story of the raising of Lazarus in John 11. What can we learn about Jesus and death from this account of the event? How does this passage speak to the Christian worldview's hope of ending suffering?

From John 11, we can learn that those who believe in Jesus will never die. According to John 11:25, Jesus states, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die." This passage speaks to the Christian worldview's hope of ending suffering because it reminds us that this suffering, though it may feel bad now, will be nothing compared to the glory in heaven, and will ultimately end up glorifying God. John 11:4 states, "This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it."

Briefly define General and Special Revelation.

General Revelation--the means God has used to reveal himself universally to humanity through nature, history, science, and reasoning. Special Revelation--the means God has used to reveal himself specifically to people through the Bible, the person of Jesus Christ, and to individuals as they seek him in prayer and devotion.

From the textbook, describe the potential problems associated with relative truth and with relative ethics.

Relative truth--the idea that truth is relative to the individual or culture rather than absolute, encounters problems logically because if the statement that there is no truth is true, then the statement is self-refuting. The argument refutes itself because it is making an absolute truth claim in its basic statement that there is no absolute truth. This view of truth also encounters problems morally because when self-interests harm others, there is no guide by which self-interest can be identified and evaluated as right or wrong. Relative ethics--the view that all morality, right and wrong, is individually or culturally created, encounters problems when the ethics of two individuals or two cultures collide. Both relative ethics and relative truth require at lease one universal claim to support the idea that there are no universal claims.

According to the textbook and PowerPoint presentations, define relative truth and relative morality? What, according to the textbook, is the main issue with relativism?

Relative truth--truth relative to what an individual or society believes to be true. In other words, it is only true as a person understands it to be true. Relative morality--the belief that right and wring is individual, subjective, and that no standard exists. In other words, everything is relative. Relativism--in epistemology, is the belief that no statements or constructs are true at all times, for all eras, and for all persons other than mathematics. The main issue with relativism is that is requires at least one universal claim to support the ideas that there are no universal claims.

Define theodicy. What are four arguments of theodicy covered in the PowerPoint presentation?

Theodicy--the Christian defense of God's infinite goodness and power despite the presence of evil and suffering. 1) Original Sin Theodicy--states that all evil that we see in creation stems from the effects of original sin, which is a corruption of God's good creation. Thus theodicy answers the questions of cause, that sin causes evil, not God. Yet it does not fully answer why God would allow sin, knowing that it would bring evil. 2) Free Will Theodicy--holds that God in some way chooses to allow evil within creation in order to provide human beings with an actual free will to choose good or evil. Without the ability to choose evil (as well as good), human beings would not have a free will. Therefore, God chooses to allow evil so that the greater good of human free will can exist. 3) Irenaen Theodicy (Soul-Making)--Irenaeus posited that God has allowed evil to be in the world as a moral test for humanity, causing people to become more like God morally and spiritually. It is biblically accurate for describing the role of suffering, that suffering, as a result of evil, brings about the growth and maturing of a person's character. Therefore, God, knowing the effects of suffering to a mature person, allows evil to be in the world. Evil is thus a means to good. 4) Eternity Theodicy--looks at the reality of eternal life as being joyful beyond any suffering a person would experience in life. This is also biblically accurate for describing suffering, and, taking heaven into account, our sufferings will be more than compensated by eternal joy.

According to chapter 9 in the textbook and Job 1-2 and 38-40, does Job ever find out why he suffered? What does the story of Job teach, according to the textbook?

Though the Book of Job provides some key answers, God does not seem to answer the 'why' questions of suffering; rather, he focused on who he is, asking Job to trust in God himself and not in Job's own comprehension of why he was suffering. The story of Job shows: 1) Suffering comes to persons regardless of how righteous they are. 2) Shows that it is alright to ask questions of God. 3) Shows that humans should not blame God for evil nor question his goodness. 4) Illustrates that it should be enough for humans who do trust in God to know that their Creator sees them, hears them, loves them, is with them, and will be revealed as completely good in the end. 5) Job gives a clear reminder that things will work together for good for those who love God.

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