CIS 200 Exam 1 - Miller (CSU)
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." Think teams. People, systems, and so on are not as valuable standing alone. Put together, they create much more value per person or part.
Major/Main Activities in each of the SDLC phases
1) Planning: scan for opportunities for IS (is there a need?), define project scope & perform feasibility studies, and plan the project. Do not proceed if the answer is no to any of those. 2) Analysis: no programming, analyst meet with key stakeholders to determine and document requirements of the system, analyst create requirements diagrams. Very important that everyone is on the same page. 3) Design: no programming is typically done(maybe some pseudo-code), designers document the technical design req. of the software, e.g. user interface design, database design. 4) Programming/Development: code is written, programmers use the previous documentation from the analysis and design phase to guide their coding. 5) Testing: software program undergoes structured tests; bugs, errors, etc., are found and corrected. 6) Implementation: training to users, providing documentation (user manual), converting from old system to new when applicable, different approaches to implementation: direct cutover, pilot implementation, parallel implementation, phased implementation. 7) Maintenance: system is in production, structured support in place: reported bugs are fixed, new feature requests are considered & implemented, updates & backups are performed routinely.
1:M & M:M relationships in Data Models
1:M - when an instance of the first entity can have a relationship with one or more instances of the second entity, but instances of the second entity can be related to only one instance of the first. Like one club has many members, and many members are in a club. M:M - when instances of each entity can be related to one or more instances of the other entity. data models cannot contain direct M:M relationships. Instead, insert a relational entity. Like a school with many clubs and many students can use a membership relational table to bridge the gap and create 1:M & M:1 relations.
A [blank] is the unit of data that is routed between an origin and a destination on the Internet or any other [blank]-switched network. ... The individual [blanks] for a given file may travel different routes through the Internet.
How to identify which foreign keys are needed in a given entity/table
A foreign key in one table is the primary key in another table. The use of primary keys from one table as foreign keys in another is the primary way that the relationships are stored in the data.
A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
A local-area network is a computer network that spans a relatively small area. Most often, a LAN is confined to a single room, building or group of buildings, however, one LAN can be connected to other LANs over any distance via telephone lines and radio waves.
A networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. _______ perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet. A data packet is typically forwarded from one [blank] to another [blank] through the networks that constitute an internetwork until it reaches its destination node.
Digital Native
A person born or brought up during the age of digital technology and therefore familiar with computers and the Internet from an early age.
Knowledge Worker
A person who uses information, information systems, and information technology to create business value for organizations.
Primary Key
A primary key is a special relational database table column (or combination of columns) designated to uniquely identify all table records. A primary key's main features are: It must contain a unique value for each row of data. It cannot contain null values.
A series of instructions, in other words a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.
A set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do.
A supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest:
A table is a data structure that organizes information into rows and columns. It can be used to both store and display data in a structured format. For example, databases store data in tables so that information can be quickly accessed from specific rows. Websites often use tables to display multiple rows of data on page. Spreadsheets combine both purposes of a table by storing and displaying data in a structured format. Entities are the things and concepts for which you wish to store data in the database. Once you have identified the entities, you can effectively list most of the tables that will be used to organize your database.
A wide area network is a telecommunications network or computer network that extends over a large geographical distance. Wide area networks are often established with leased telecommunication circuits.
Access Control
After authentication, must ensure certain people can only access resources for which they are authorized. ACL(Access Control List) each data resource has a list of users who have the ability to take specific actions, & RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) users are assigned roles, and the roles are assigned access rights.
Application Software
Allows the user to accomplish a goal or purpose. Can be divided into two general classes: systems software and applications software. Applications software (also called end-user programs) include such things as database programs, word processors, Web browsers and spreadsheets.
World Wide Web
An information system on the Internet that allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another.
Applications are managed by you, and Security, Database, Operating Systems, Virtualization, Servers, Storage, Networking, Data Centers are taken care of by the the vendor.
Information Privacy Strategies
Authentication: biometrics, multi-factor authentication. Access Control: ACL(Access Control List) each data resource has a list of users who have the ability to take specific actions, & RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) users are assigned roles, and the roles are assigned access rights. Encryption: process of encoding data its transmission or storage so that both parties can communicate securely. Backups: Data and corp. servers, offsite storage for disaster recover, tested regularly. Firewalls: Hardware, where a device is connected to the network and filters packets based on rules. Software, runs on OS and intercepts packets as they arrive. Can restrict the flow of packets leaving a firm. Can implement many firewalls. Intrusion Detection Systems: Does not offer direct security protection, but provides functionality to identify if a network is being attacked. Physical Security: Protection of the actual hardware and networking components that store/transmit data (locked doors, physical intrusion detection, secured equipment, environmental monitoring, and employee training). Security Policies: lays out the guidelines for employee use of the information resources; provides company recourse in case of violations, Addresses any gov. or industry regulations that apply to the organization (FERPA & HIPAA).
Advantages and Disadvantages of IS acquisition options (Cloud Computing Slides)
Buy: Adv.-faster and cheaper, long-term ownership of license. DisAdv.- little or no competitive adv. may compromise on features, dependent on vendor.. Lease: Adv.- low cost and fast, vendors handle maintenance and updates, does not require IS staff. DisAdv.- little no competitive advantage, no control over features, dependent on vendor. Cloud/Subscribing: Adv.- no software to install, low cost and fast, vendors handle maintenance etc., does not req IS staff, not limited by local/org.'s hardware. DisAdv.- little or no competitive advantage, req internet for access/use, little to no control over features, dependent on vendor. Open Source: Adv.- Less costly (sometimes free), customizable and can fix bugs, less software "lock-in". DisAdv.- support may not be available, little control over dependent and quality (unless in-house expertise exists). Make/Build: Adv.- can provide competitive advantage, retain control over system, customization of systems, can be combined with open source. DisAdv.- longest time & highest cost, requires IS staff with time & development knowledge, IS staff turnover can affect knowledge base.
Information Security Triad (CIA) Definitions & Examples
CIA: Confidentiality: Restrict data access to only those who are authorized to see it. Integrity: Protect data from unauthorized modification or deletion. Availability: Data can be accessed or modified by authorized personnel in an appropriate timeframe.
People in IS (Common Roles)
CIO = Chief Information Officer ERP Managers Information Security Officer Emerging Roles Data Scientist/Analyst (in the era of "big data") Business Intelligence Specialists Social Media Experts
Central processing unit, sometimes referred to simply as the central processor, but more commonly called processor, the [blank] is the brains of the computer where most calculations take place.
Collection of facts, in its raw form it is not very useful. Examples: phone number, name, price, city, account number, date, etc.
CARROTS & why this Framework is Important
Complete, Accurate, Reliable, Relevant, Objective, Timely, & Source. It is specifically very important to knowledge workers to use this in assessing data & understanding information systems.
Cloud Computing
Computing services provided over a network, most often commercial services provided over the Internet by a third party that can replace or offload tasks that would otherwise run on a user or organizations existing hardware or software instead of having to be locally installed.
Cons executed through technology. Goal is to trick the victim into performing an action (e.g.m downloading malware) or revealing sensitive information. "Spear Phishing" specifically targets users or an organization
Personalization-privacy paradox
Consumers are not able to enjoy the benefits of customized and personalized information about products and services without sacrificing some of their personal information. i.e., privacy is the trade for personalization.
Competitive Strategies and IS Examples
Cost leadership, differentiation, market segmentation/focus strategy, innovation strategy, & alliance strategy. Find IS examples of these.
Digital Footprint (passive & active)
Data left behind by users using electronic devices and services, can be active or passive. Essentially data that is left behind when a person uses an electronic device that is connected to the web, and it can be tied back to them very specifically.
Data on corporate server and individual computers need to be _________ up regularly. Offsite storage for disaster recovery. Data restoration must also be tested regularly. An entire industry has emerged for data backups: service provider for backups, and online storage space (DIY).
Database Management System: software to create and manage a database - sometimes called database software. Examples are Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, Filemaker Pro, Open Office Base, Oracle, MySQL.
Defined as a connection that has speeds greater than or equal to 256,000 bps. Or a high-capacity transmission technique using a wide range of frequencies, which enables a large number of messages to be communicated simultaneously.
Qualitative Data
Descriptive and qualitative. Information about qualities; information that can't actually be measured. Some examples are the softness of your skin, the grace with which you run, and the color of your eyes. However, try telling Photoshop you can't measure color with numbers.
Intrusion Detection System
Does not offer direct security protection, but provides functionality to identify if a network is being attacked.
Encryption: process of encoding data its transmission or storage so that both parties can communicate securely. Backups: Data and corp. servers, offsite storage for disaster recover, tested regularly. The translation of data into a secret code. The most effective way to achieve data security. To read an ___________ file, you must have access to a secret key or password that enables you to decrypt it. Un_________ data is called plain text ; _________ data is referred to as cipher text.
Utility Computing/Hardware Clouds
Essentially platform vs. infrastructure as services. A firm develops its own systems but runs them over the Internet on a third party's hardware.
Tuckman's Model of Team Development (the different stages)
Forming: politeness; tentative interactions. Attempt to define goals. Leadership emerges. member roles emerge. feelings of insecurity, anxiety, excitement. Storming: conflict emerges re: roles, priorities, leadership. Ideas criticized. Competition. Feelings of resentment, hostility, and withdrawal. Norming: Agreement on rules. Compromising & collaborating. Share information. Accept differences. Cooperation and cohesion. Performing: group members work toward achieving their goals. Decision making; problem solving. Adjourning: termination of duties and reduction of dependence. regret; increased emotionality.
Web 2.0
Happened in the mid 2000's. [Blank] is the term given to describe a second generation of the World Wide [blank] that is focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online. Characterized especially by the change from static [blank] pages to dynamic or user-generated content and the growth of social media. Essentially the beginning HIGHLY connecting the entire world, the results were the beginnings of elimination of no diversity, and close-minded cultures on an heavy level.
Hardware, where a device is connected to the network and filters packets based on rules. Software, runs on OS and intercepts packets as they arrive. Can restrict the flow of packets leaving a firm. Can implement many firewalls.
Identifying someone one or more of three ways: - Something they know, have, or are. Most common: user ID and Password, but are not very secure and softwares can easily guess basic passwords. Most secure methods: -Biometrics, like finger print or facial recognition. Biometric authentication is a security process that relies on the unique biological characteristics of an individual to verify that he is who is says he is. Biometric authentication systems compare a biometric data capture to stored, confirmed authentic data in a database. -Multi-factor authentication, like a method of computer access control in which a user is granted access only after successfully presenting several separate pieces of evidence to an authentication mechanism - typically at least two of the following categories: knowledge (something they know), possession (something they have), and inherence (something they are).
In computing, a [blank] is an instance of a computer program that is being executed. It contains the program code and its current activity. Depending on the operating system (OS), a [blank] may be made up of multiple threads of execution that execute instructions concurrently.
Foreign Key
In the context of relational databases, a foreign key is a field (or collection of fields) in one table that uniquely identifies a row of another table or the same table. In simpler words, the foreign key is defined in a second table, but it refers to the primary key or a unique key in the first table.
Information is data that has been interpreted so that it has meaning for the user. "The price of crude oil has risen from $70 to $80 per barrel" gives meaning to the data and so is said to be information to someone who tracks oil prices.
Infrastructure as a Service: Applications, Security, and Database's are managed by you, and Operating Systems, Virtualization, Servers, Storage, Networking, Data Centers is managed by vendor.
Output Device
Is any device used to send data from a computer to another device or user. Most computer data output that is meant for humans is in the form of audio or video. Thus, most [blank] devices used by humans are in these categories. Examples include monitors, projectors, speakers, headphones and printers.
Quantitative Data
Is any kind of numeric data. information about quantities; that is, information that can be measured and written down with numbers. Some examples are your height, your shoe size, and the length of your fingernails.
How IT creates value for an organization
It can be applied to value chain activities to create business value in three ways: automating, informating, transforming/generating competitive advantage.
Guest Speaker Presentations & and two Assigned Articles
Know information from guest speakers, along with Carr's argument, and Clemons article. Specific to this class in Fall of 2017.
Knowledge is a combination of information, experience and insight that may benefit the individual or the organization. "When crude oil prices go up by $10 per barrel, it's likely that petrol prices will rise by 2p per litre" is knowledge.
Security Policy
Lays out the guidelines for employee use of the information resources; provides company recourse in case of violations, Addresses any gov. or industry regulations that apply to the organization (FERPA & HIPAA). Is the most critical element of an IT security program. A S________ P_________ identifies the rules and procedures that all persons accessing computer resources must adhere to in order to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and resources.
Listening into or recording conversations, transmissions, or keystrokes.
Shoulder Surfing
Looking over someone's shoulder to glean passwords or other secure information on the worker's screen.
Spreadsheets VS. Databases
Main Function: Spsht: data analysis, and Dtbse: data storage and retrieval. Data Entry: Spsht: limited validity checks. Dtbse: easy to set up validity checks. Data Organization: Spsht: data cells are independent. Dtbse: data organized by fields or records. Calculations: Spsht: fast and many. Dtbse: more arduous, used in forms and reports. Data Storage: Spsht: yes, has limitations though. Dtbse: yes, large amounts of data. Queries: Spsht: limited. Dtbse: can perform complex data queries. Virtualization: Spsht: charts/graphs. Dtbse: reports.
Link between Moore's Law and e-Waste
Moore's law means more performance. Processing power measured in millions of instructions per second (MPS) has risen because of increased transistor counts. E-Waste" may be defined as discarded computers, office electronic equipment, entertainment device electronics, mobile phones, television sets, and refrigerators. This includes used electronics which are destined for reuse, resale, salvage, recycling, or disposal. The link lies where technology is increasingly getting faster and better, which means new hardware has to be produced and the old is thrown out resulting in e-Waste.
Net Neutrality
Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments regulating the Internet must treat all data on the Internet the same, and not discriminate or charge differentially by user, content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or method of communication. The principal that all internet traffic should be treated equally.
DNS Cache Poisoning/Spoofing
Network threat: exploits can redirect Internet address mapping, with severe consequences-typically, users believes they are visiting a legitimate web site but the web site is fake. Always try to web pages that have HTTPS: at the beginning of the URL, because they are more secure.
Non-Obvious Relationship Awareness: Process of collecting large quantities of varied information to create profiles of individuals. Varied information examples: location, web-surfing (clickstream(logging every single link you went to)), criminal records, credit reports, driving records. Yours and others aggregated data can be available for purchase from a variety of companies. Often companies sell this type of data to other companies for the purpose of research. Is very useful to firms.
Components of IS
People, process, hardware, software, data, & networking communications. The latter four being the technology.
Personalization is a means of meeting the customer's needs more effectively and efficiently, making interactions faster and easier and, consequently, increasing customer satisfaction and the likelihood of repeat visits.
Personally Identifiable Information: information about a person that can be used to uniquely establish that person's identity. Protecting PII does NOT mean that organizations can't share PII. In the U.S., you must specifically opt-out if you don't want your own PII shared.
Value Chain: primary and secondary. How IS relates.
Primary activities: Inbound Logistics, Operations, Outbound Logistics, Marketing/Sales, & Service. Secondary/Support Activities: Firm infrastructure, Human Resource Managements, Technology Development, & Procurement. What do these compose? IS can literally be used to automate and informate every single one of these activities in various ways. Like enterprise resource planning in all of the primary's, or B2B commerce in procurement. Office automation in HR. Or productivity software in all of the secondary's.
Physical Security
Protection of the actual hardware and networking components that store/transmit data (locked doors, physical intrusion detection, secured equipment, environmental monitoring, and employee training). The protection of personnel, hardware, software, networks and data from physical actions and events that could cause serious loss or damage to an enterprise, agency or institution. This includes protection from fire, flood, natural disasters, burglary, theft, vandalism and terrorism.
Social Engineering
Psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. Can be used very deceptively.
RBV Resource Characteristics and IS ex.
Resource-Based View. For sustainable competitive advantage, a firm must control a set of resources with four characteristics: 1.Valuable(improves efficiency & effectiveness) 2.Rare(unique) 3.Imperfectly imitable(tough to imitate). 4.Non-substitutable(can't be replaced). Resources are not just the product & services they are offering, but internal processes as well. People, operations, etc.
Dumpster Diving
Sifting through trash to find valuable data or information that can be used to launch a security attack.
Software as a Service: a company provides all software and maintains it, and also might provide hardware as well. Third party manages: Applications, Security, Database, Operating Systems, Virtualization, Servers, Storage, Networking, Data Centers.
Software tool that acts like an operating system for an operating system. Allows one computer to act like many computers by creating smaller compartments in memory that each behave as a separate computer with its own operating system and resources. Enables public cloud computing. e-Lab is an example of this.
Some are destructive to software, and therefore can hinder or destroy use. Types: Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Botnets or Zombie Networks, Malicious Adware, Spyware, Keylogger, Screen Capture, Blended Threats.
Systems Development Life Cycle: the process of developing a system. Can be very complex, but is broken down into these parts - 1) Planning: scan for opportunities for IS (is there a need?), define project scope & perform feasibility studies, and plan the project. Do not proceed if the answer is no to any of those. 2) Analysis: no programming, analyst meet with key stakeholders to determine and document requirements of the system, analyst create requirements diagrams. Very important that everyone is on the same page. 3) Design: no programming is typically done(maybe some pseudo-code), designers document the technical design req. of the software, e.g. user interface design, database design. 4) Programming/Development: code is written, programmers use the previous documentation from the analysis and design phase to guide their coding. 5) Testing: software program undergoes structured tests; bugs, errors, etc., are found and corrected. 6) Implementation: training to users, providing documentation (user manual), converting from old system to new when applicable, different approaches to implementation: direct cutover, pilot implementation, parallel implementation, phased implementation. 7) Maintenance: system is in production, structured support in place: reported bugs are fixed, new feature requests are considered & implemented, updates & backups are performed routinely.
SQL Injection
Takes advantage of a sloppy programming practice that does not validate user input, so hackers can type code fragments into the fields and modify the code that gets executed. (SQL = Structured Query Language).
Information Privacy
The ability to control information about oneself. Can be applied A LOT of situations, and technology related things. Everyone that uses technology has a digital footprint, and most of their footprint is easily accessible from a person who is familiar with tech.
Porter's Five Forces
The main one that relates to the other four is Competitive Rivalry within an Industry: Bargaining power of Suppliers, Bargaining Power of Customers, Threat of New Entrants, & Threat of Substitute Products. All firms must take these into consideration, and make decisions to deal with the conflict. No firms want these in their market, but they are often Inevitable.
The part of an IS that you can touch. The physical "hard"ware of an IS.
Operating System Software
The program written that makes hardware functional. For example, Mac operating system is the software used on Apple computers. Manages the hardware and creates the interface between the hardware and the user. Provides a platform for application development.
Transforming/Competitive Advantage
The use of IT to acquire or sustain a competitive advantage over competitors/rivals (i.e., strategic information systems). Cost Leadership: initially set the cost, & become the leader by offering the lowest prices in other firms in their market. Differentiation: no notes Market Segmentation/Focus Strategy: serve your targetted audience better than of their competitors. Innovation: no notes Alliance: Barnes & Noble & Starbucks created an alliance. Giving them a competitive advantage.
How to Read a Data Model or Identify the Appropriate Data Model for a Given Scenario
This is not easy to verbalize, but essentially one must study Data Models, and get an idea of how they work. Just know what tables are, and what general things should be used for them in the tables. Understand relationships, and how they should be used.
Transmission Control Protocol & Internet Protocol. A server sends a web page to a user, the application passes contents of the page to TCP, TCP slices the Web page into packets; IP takes over, sending packets from router to router across the Internet until it arrives at the user's PC; packets can take different routes and arrive out of order, TCP running on the receiving system check that all packets have arrived, requests that damaged or lost packets be resent, puts them in the right order, and sends a perfect, exact copy of the Web page to your browser.
Digital Divide
United Nations' stating that broadband access is a human right? This ties to the idea of the digital divide, which refers to the "haves" and "have nots" of broadband access—and those without access are often considered to be disadvantaged in terms of their access to education and information in general. UN: Broadband is a Human Right "Broadband technologies are fundamentally transforming the way we live...It is vital that no one be excluded from the new global knowledge societies we are building. We believe that communication is not just a human need--it is a right."
Cookies & Personalization
When surfing the web, web browsers will create text files that store information from your own personal experience on the client machine. Like: IP address, type of browser used, computer type, operating system, and many more. This can often be helpful in some cases, where the web browser will personalize the adds you see to what you generally shop for online. Can also be a problem because certain cookies can store sensitive information.
Different Networking Technologies Features (WiFi vs. Mobile Network vs. Bluetooth)
WiFi: wireless, can only be picked up within a certain range of the base station. Often used in the home Mobile Network: more available in many different areas, going to overtake WiFi in house eventually. Poses the NIMBY problem for some who don't get coverage where they need it. Bluetooth: not generally used to connect a device to the internet. It is the standard method for connecting nearby devices wirelessly (exchanging data over short distances using radio waves). Can do this without the service of WiFi, or a Mobile Network.
a local or restricted communications network, especially a private network created using World Wide Web software. The purpose of an intranet is to provide a vehicle for communication similar to the world wide web that is pertinent to the organization. By using internet technology communication is cheaper and easier than previous expensive proprietary hardware and software that was used for internal communication. Helpful within businesses.
a request for data or information from a database table or combination of tables. This data may be generated as results returned by Structured Query Language (SQL) or as pictorials, graphs or complex results, e.g., trend analyses from data-mining tools.
Utility Software
allows one to fix or modify your computer/device in some way. Examples are anti-virus, fire-wall, adobe acrobat. system software designed to help analyze, configure, optimize or maintain a computer. It is used to support the computer infrastructure in contrast to application software, which is aimed at directly performing tasks that benefit ordinary users.
an intranet that can be partially accessed by authorized outside users, enabling businesses to exchange information over the Internet securely.
an organized collection of related data. Goal of many IS is to transform data into information in order to generate knowledge that can be used for decision-making - this serves that goal.
Input Device
is a hardware or peripheral device used to send data to a computer. An [blank] device allows users to communicate and feed instructions and data to computers for processing, display, storage and/or transmission.
Information System
is an organized combination of technology, people, and processes that collects, creates, transforms, and distributes information in order to achieve a goal.
is the equivalent of a column in a spreadsheet. Used to store data in a database. data that has several parts, known as a record, can be divided into fields. Relational databases arrange data as sets of database records, also called rows. Each record consists of several fields; the fields of all records form the columns. Examples of fields: name, gender, hair colour.
is the equivalent of a row in a spreadsheet. Used in a database to store data. are composed of fields, each of which contains one item of information. A set of records constitutes a file. For example, a personnel file might contain records that have three fields: a name field, an address field, and a phone number field. In relational database management systems, records are called tuples.
Enterprise Sytem
large-scale application software packages that support business processes, information flows, reporting, and data analytics in complex organizations. ... enterprise resources planning (ERP) systems, enterprise planning systems, and. customer relationship management software. Another type is supply chain management.
recognizing that the execution of processes also creates new data and information. org. can then process these new data to improve its decision making or improve the process itself. With an informating view, IT can deliver more long-term benefits than from automation alone. To use informating, firms need to determine if IT stores data that can be used for learning & decision-making. Can deliver long term benefits.
Programming Software
software that makes more software. software which helps the programmer in developing other software. Compilers, assemblers, debuggers, interpreters etc. are examples of programming software. Integrated development environments (IDEs) are combinations of all these software.
Productivity Software
software used by knowledge workers to get things done. Spreadsheets, word processing, etc. application software dedicated to producing information, such as documents, presentations, worksheets, databases, charts, graphs, digital paintings, electronic music and digital video.
standardized query language for requesting information from a database.
Knowledge Work
the intellectual activity that people perform upon data, information, and knowledge in order to discover business options in the context CIS and business.
uses technology to perform tedious or repetitive tasks more quickly, cheaply, consistently, and accurately. Typically, the organization uses tech to do the same things as before, but with greater efficiency and accuracy. Examples: depositing check via mobile phone instead of physically going to the bank.
Internet of Things
wireless technology and sensors will allow physical objects to send and receive data about themselves.