CIS Exam 1

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5. business strategy goals 5 -stakeholder's interest 6. partners/supplies RcEmhRp 7. shareholders/investors MpGmsHr 8. community PaErIe 9. employees FcJsEc 10. customers GcsHqpEd 11. gov ArlIeEtr

5. leadership plan that achieves goal -create new prod/servi, -enter new mrkt, -increase cust loyal, -attract new cust, -increase sales 6. realiable contacts, ethical material handlin, respon production 7. max profits, grow mrkt share, high ROI 8. professional associates, ethical recycle, increase employ 9. fair compensation, job secure, ethical conduct/treat 10. gd cust serve, high quali prod, ethical dealin 11. adhere 2 reg/law, increase employ, ethical tax report

1. Managerial decision-making challenges (AApplyM) 2. 6 step decision making (ICSSSS) (KNOW) Decision making occurs @ ea level 3. operational decision making 4. structured decisions 5. managerial decision making 6. semistructural mrketing 7. analytical info 8. strategic decision making 9. unstructrued decision 10. project 11. metrics 12. critical success (CSF) 5 points CRRIH-what u want 2 achieve

1. -Analyze lrge amounts of info -Apply analysis techniques -Make decisions quick 2. -ID prob -COLLECT DATA -solution generate -solution test -solution select -solution implement 3. Employees develop, control, and maintain core business activities required to run the day-to-day operations 4. situ where established process offer potential solutions 5. employee eval comp op 2 ID, adapt, & leverage change 6. few established process help evaluate potential solu, but not 2 lead a def recomended decision 7. purpose is 2 support performance of managerial analysis or semistructured decisions 8. managers develop strategies, goals, & objectives 9. no procedures or rules exist 2 guide decision maker towards right choice 10. temp activity comp undertakes 2 create unique prod, serv, result 11. measurements that evaluate results 2 determine whetehr proj meets goals 12. crucial steps comp make 2 perform 2 achieve goals & implement strategies -create high quality produ -retain competitive adv -reduce product cost -increase cust satis -hire & retain best professionls

Ch. 1 1. Fact 2. Info Age 3. 3 ex of power of bus/tech 4. Internet of things(IoT) 5. Machine-to-Machine (M2M) 6. 4 Core Drivers of Info Age 7. data analytics ex 4 (hint: analysis) 8. capital budget planning has

1.confirmation/validation of event or obj 2. present time, infinite quantities of facts are widely available 2 any1 w computer 3. amazon(not tech but bus; books), netflix(not tech but bus; stream content) zappos(not tech, bus; shoes) 4. wrld where devices or things can collct & share data w/o human intervention 5. device connect 2 other devices 6. Data, info, bus intelligence, knowledge 7. behavioral analysis, social M, text A, Web A 8. no cust facing process

1. how individs can go against ethical MIS 5 2. Rule 41 3. legal but unethical ex 4. illegal & unethical 5. legal & ethical 6. illegal but ethical Prevent Info Misues 7. info management 8. information government 9. information compliance 10. information secrecy 11. information property ---------------------- 12. digital trust 13. ediscovery-investigation 14. child online protection act 15. orgs build culture based in what policies 6 16. epolicies; used 2 establish (3) (BUS Setting) 17. web scraping(data scraping) 18. ethical comp use//policy 20. threat 21. epolicies bus should implement 2 protect themselves (4) IAIA

1. -copy, use, & distribute software -search database 4 sensitive/personal info -create & spread virus -hack 2 steal info -employee destroy/steal info 2. fed criminal procedures-search & seizure of physical/digital softw 3. amazon 4. microsoft 5. lawyers 6. drug dealers 7. examines resource of info & regulates 2 ensure data can grow 8. syst of gov 4 info management/control 9. conforming or yielding info 10. protect data fr authorized disclosure/ confirms authentic 11. ethical use of who owns what & how info can b sold/exchange 12. consumer partner & employee confidence in org ability 2 protect info 13. comp can ID, search, seize digital info 4 investigation 14. protects minors from inappropriate material 15. -ethical comp use -info privacy -acceptable use -email privacy -social media -workplace monitoring contains gen principled 2 guide comp user behavior 16. policies that adress info managment & ethical use of comp in bus environ//employee procedure & guidelines, organizational rule, 17. extract lrg data fr web & save 2 comp 18. princp 2 guide comp user behavior; ensures all users informed on rules & consent 2 abide 20. act/obj that poses danger 21. -info privacy -acceptable use -internet use -anti-spam

1. mass customization (3) 2. personalization 3. Long tail 4. intermediary 5. disintermediation 6. reintermediation (steps added) 7. cybermediation 8. interactivity(effectiveness) 9. heat map 10. stickiness (time) 11. best way 2 measure ebus success 12. click through (measures ads) 13. cookie 14. freemium(spotify) 15. clickstream data; can reveal (7) your activity

1. ability of an org 2 tailor prod/serv 2 cust likes; Nike, Toyota, M&M 2. when comp knows enough ab cust that it can fashion offers 2 appeal 2 person (netflix) 3. tail of typical sales curve; prod have viable/profitable bus models when sellin via ebusi 4. agents, software, or bus that provide tradin infrastructure 2 brin buyers/sellers 2gether 5. bus sells directly 2 cust online & cuts out intermediary. comp shorten order proc & add value w reduced costs or better service 6. steps added 2 valu chain as new players find ways 2 add valu 2 bus process 7. creates new intermediares that couldnt exist b4 ebus 8. measures advertising effectiveness by countin visitor interactions w ad, includ time spent viewin ad, # of pg viewed, # of repeat visits 9. 2D rep of data usin colors 10. amt time visitors spend on web. 11. use effectiveness 12, count # of peeps who visit site & click ad 2 go 2 nother ad 13. sm file on hard drive w info ab cust & browsin activ 14. tech where bus offers free basic produ, gives option 2 use premium 15. tracks patter of consumer's navigation through web; -# of pg views -pattern of web visit =length of stay -date/time =# of cust w shoppin carts -# of abandoned carts -demographics

1. data mining 2. 3 elements of data mining (DDD) 3. data mining tools 4. data mining 6 phases (understandin, data) 1. data profiling 2. data replication: internal relations & external relations 3. recommendation engine

1. analyze data 2 extract info not offered by raw data alone. recycle work 2 bcome more efficient in solve future prob 2. data -discovery: identify new patterns -deployment: implement discoveries 3. used 2 find patterns & relations in large volumes that predict future behavior/guide decision makin 4. -bus understanding: understand prov & how solve -data understanding: anazlyze data & identify issues - data prep: gather & org in right structure -data modeling: apply math tech 2 find patterns -evaluation: analyze trend 2 asses potential solution -deployment: implement discoveries 1. process of collecting stats & info ab data in existing source 2. share info 2 ensure consistency b/t many data sources. determine impact on sales, cust satis, corp products -price -product positioning -staff skills // -economic indicators -competition -cust demographic 3. analyzes cust purchases & actions on web & uses data 2 recommend sim products

Ebusiness fraud 1. affiliate prg (youtube ads) 2. click fraud 3. hitbots -------- 4. email 5. IM 6. podcasting 7. videoconferencing 8. web conferencing 9. content management syst 10. internet service provider 11. cyborg anthropologist 12. real time comm 13. web real time comm 14. telepresence robot (stephen hawkings 15. taxonomy 16. webinar

1. bus can commisions when cust visit 2. artifically inflating traffic ads stats 3. create illuiosn that lrg # of custs are clickin on ad links 4. electronic mail, echange digital messg ovr INt 5. real time comm w peeps. 6. convert audio brodcast 2 digital music player 7. allow 2 or more 2 interact 8. blends videoconference w doc sharin 9. help comp manage creation, storage, editing, publication of web content 10. comp proves acces 2 INT 4 mo fee 11. studies interact b/t hums & tech 12. syst updates info @ same rate recieves it 13. open source proj seeks 2 embod rea time voice, text comm in web browsers 14. remote-controlled wheeled device w display 2 enable vide chat/conference 15. classif into groups based on similarities 16. blends vid conf w doc & allows user 2 present

Marketing revenue 1. associate program(affiliate prog) 2. banner ad 3. pop-up ad 4. viral marketing ------------------- 5. website traffic analytics 6. website ebusiness analytics 7. ebusiness model 4 8. OG comp operating on internet 9. B2C Ebusiness models

1. bus generate commissions/royalties 2. box running across web that has ads 3. sm web pg w ad 4. tech that induces web or users 2 pass on marketin messg 5. uses clickstream data 2 determine EFFICIENCY of site 4 users & operates @ server level 6. uses clickstream data 2 determine EFFECTIVENESS of site as channel-mrkt 7. plan details how comp creates, delivers, & generates revenues on Internet, B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C 8. 9. -brick & mortar-in person -click & morter: both -pure play: internet only

1. knowledge management (know in box 4 future) 2. knowledge management syst KNOWLEDGE BASED ASSETS 3. explicit knowledge 4. tacit knowledge Collab outside Org 5. crowdsourcing 6. asynchronous comm 7. synchronous comm ------------------------ 8. social media 9. social network 10. social networking 11. snackable content (tiktok) 12. tags 13. social tagging 14. folksonomy (catalog) 15. website bookmark 16. social bookmarking 17. blog 18. wiki 19. mashup 20. microblogging 21. real simple syndication (wattpad, youtube)

1. capture, classify, evaluate, retrieve, share info into assests that provide context 2 make decis. Obj is comp know of facts/sources & solutions are avail when needed 2. supports capture, org & dissemination of know. share info based on peep & expertise. 3. anything that can be documented (patents, trademarks, lists ) 4. knowledge in peeps heads 5. wisdom of crowd 6. response not @ same time 7. comm @ same time 8. webs rely on user participat/contributed content 9. application that connects peeps by matching profile info 10. pratice of expanding buss contacts 11. designed 4 easy 2 consumer & share 12. specific keywords/phrases into web content 13. markin shared online content w keywords 4 filtering(hashtag) 14. determines tags or keyword-based class syst 15. locally stored URL or address of file 4 shortcut 16. allows users 2 share, organize, search, manage bookmarks 17. online journal that users post own comments/vids 18. collab web that allw users 3 add & change content 19. content fr more tha one source 20. brief posts 2 personal blog either public or prov group(twitter) 21. web format used 2 publish updated wrks like blogs, news, video. readers can track updates

1. 3 generic strategy Cl, D, Fs 2. broad mrkt low cost 3. broad mrkt high cost 4. narrow mrkt low cost 5. narrow mrkt high cost 7. value chain anal-views fimrs Valu Chain PRIMARY VALUE ACTIV 8. inbound logistics 9. operation 10. outbound logistic 11. marketing/sales 12. service-cust support SUPPORT VALUE ACTIV 13. firm infrastructure 14. HR management 15. tech development 16. procurement-gettin

1. cost leadership, differentiation, focused strategy 2. walmart 3. neiman marcus 4. payless 5. tiff & co 7. view firms as series of bus proc that ad value 2 prod/serv 8. acquire raw material & resources & distribute 9. transform raw material or inputs into gds & services 10. distribute gds/serv 2 cust 11. promote, price/sells prod 2 cust 12. provide cust support 13. comp format/department struct, environ, syst 14. provide employee train, hirin, compensation 15. applie MIS 2 process 2 add valu 16. purchase input lik raw material, resoure, equipment & supplies

Ch. 1 1. competitive adv 2. 1st-mover adv Bus Tools 3. SWOT Analysis 4. strength-CcMlCaEm 5. weakness-Nsd, Ot, Nm, Op 6. opportunities-Epl, ID, Nm, Nr 7. threats-Ne, Sp, Sm, Err 8. 5 forces model 9. buyer pow; switching cost; loyalty prog 10. supplier pow; supply chain 11. threat of sub prod or service 12. threat of new entrants 13. product differentiation

1. cust place gr8 valu on prod/serv than sim offer fr competitor 2. when org can sig impact mrkt share by bein 1st 2 mrkt w comp adv 3. evaluate proj position, strength weakness, opport, threats 2 wrk for/against bus strat 4. core competencies, mrkt leader, cost adv, excell manag 5. no strategic directon, old tech, no manager, old produc 6. expand prod line, increse Deman, new mrkt, new regula 7. new entrents, sub product, shrink mrkt, expensiv regular requiremen 8. eval industr attractiveness; rivalry w competit, buyer pow, threat of new entrent, threat of sub prodct, supplier pow 9. buyers affect price of item// cost make cust reluct 2 switch//reward cyst in amt of bus 10. ability 2 influ price charge 4 suppl//all parties invole in prodce raw material(supplier, comp, cust) 11. high when alternativ, low w no alternativ 12. high w lots enter mrkt, low when there's entry barriers(cust come 2 expect feature of prod/servic when enter new mrkt) 13. comp develop unique diff in prod/serv 2 influen demand

Ch.1 1. information ex 1 2. report 3. static report 4. dynamic report 5. bus intelligence, 5 ex sources & 1 ex 6. analytics (science) 7. bus analytics (science, insight) 8. descriptive analytics 9. predictive analytics 10. prescriptive analytics 11. bus intelligence ex 8 BCEdPrSmSTW

1. data converted into meaningful/useful context (Worst sellin prod) 2. doc w data organized in tble, matrix, graph 4 ez comprehend 3. data not change 4. change automatically durin creation 5. info collect from many sources that analyze patterns, trends, relations 4 decison makin (suppliers, cust, competitors, partners, industries) lowest sales p/week compared w interest rates 6. science of fact-based decision makin 7. scientific proc of transforming data into insight 4 better deci makin 8. tech describe part performance/hist 9. tech extract info fr data & use 2 predict future trends/ID behavoral patterns 10. tech create models includ best decis 2 make or course of action 2 take 11. behavioral anal, correlation A, exploratory data A, pattern recognition A, Social M A, speech A, text A, web A

1. disruptive technology ex 5 2. sustaining tech ex 3 4. not best way 2 determine orgs success? 6. Classify the different operational support systems, managerial support systems, and strategic support systems, and explain how managers can use these systems to make decisions and gain competitive advantages. 7. bus process reengineering 8. operational bys level descisions/structured decisions ex 9. MIS Skills gap 10. data democratization

1. dell, apple, intel, sony, oracle 2. sears, Gen Motors, phillips petrol 4. do not measure web traffic 6. operational: TPS-basic bus syst that serves the operational level. Ex is payroll -managerial: DSS: suport managers & bus proff during decision makin process -strategic: executive info syst supports senior exects in org -be able 2 sort, calc, analyze, slice & dice info is important. Can't make decisions w/o traits 7. analysis & redesign of workflow b/t enterprises 8. decin 2 enter new mrkt -enter new idustry ovr next 3 years -choose 2 eliminate entire product line 9. diff b/t existin MIS workplace knowledge & knowledge required 2 fulfill goals/strategies 10. data can b collected, analyzed & accessible 2 all users

1. bus process modeling(mapping) 2. bus process model 2 ex(changes) 3. Set of 1 or more process models details the many functions of a system or subject area w graphics & text & it's purpose is to: 4. •Investigating bus process can help org: (errors) 1. workflow 2. workflow control syst 3. digitization 4. time for bus change 5. operational bus processes

1. detailed chart or process map of work process showin inouts, tasks, activitis in structured sequence 2. graphic descrip of process showin steps: -As is: current sales of op that is mapped w/o chamges. goal is 2 simplify/eliminate To be -•To-Be process model: results applying change improvement opport 3. •Expose process detail in controlled manner •Encourage conciseness & accuracy in describin process model •Focus attention on process model interfaces •Provide powerful process analysis & consistent design vocab 4. find bottlenecks, remove redudndant tasks, & recognize smooth-running process. 1. tasks, activ, responsibilities required 2 execute ea step in bus process (tasks that need 2 b executed) 2. monitor processes 2 ensure task, activ, responsibilities are executed as specified(makes sure tasks r executed) 3. automation of existing manual & paperbased process & workflows 2 digital format 4. -shift in market process was designed 2 serve -comp marked below benchmarks on its process -regain competitive ad, comp must beat competition on key dimensions 5. static, routine, daily bus like -stocking inventory -checking out cust -daily open/close tasks

ebusiness forms 1. content providers 2. infomediaries (zillow) 3. online market place 4. portals 5. service providers 6. transaction brokers ---------------------------- 7. search engine 8. search engine ranking 9. search engine optimization 10. adwords benefits vs challenges 11. advertising fees 12. license fee 13. subscription fee 14. transaction fee 15. value-added service fees ---------------------------- 16. pay-per-click 17. pay-per-call 18. pay-per-conversion

1. digital content 2. gathers info 4 producers of gds/serv & potential cust(zillow) 3. bring 2gether buy/seller 4. operate central web 4 uses 2 access special content/serv 5. provide photo, vid sharing, storage 6. online sales transaction(fidelity) 7. web software that find othr pgs based on keyword matching simil 2 google. 8. evalue variables that search engines use 2 determine where URL appears on list of results. 9. combines ART W SCIENCE 2 determine how 2 make URLs more attractive 2 search engine rankin 10. keywords advertisers use 2 pay & appear on ads 11. B:well-targeted ads can b seen as valu-added content, easy 2 implement//C: limited revenue, overdone ads can b disturbin 12. B: incentives 4 transactions, customize 7 integration locks n custs//C up front fee barrier 2 entry, price differ is complicate 13. B: create incentives, diff proce, poss 2 build +revenue//C fixed barrier 2 entry 14. B: tied 2 sacings, imp revenue soirce when high lvel of liquidity//C: savins not visible, use of syst is discouraged, transact fee decreases w time 15. B: diff service 4 diff prices//C: bad process 4 cust 2 evalu new service continously 16. revejue when user clicks 17. revenue when user links 2 agent 18. revenue when visitor turns 2 cust

1. hacker ---2. black-hat hacker ---3. cracker ---4. cyberterrorist 5. cyber attacks 6. cyber security 7. drive by hacking ---8. hactivist ---9. script kiddes/bunnies ---10. white hat hacker 11. bug bounty program(vulnerability rewards program) 12. virus ---13. worm-a ---14. virus vs worm ---15. malware 16. bonets 17. ransomeware (cryptovirus, cyrptotrojan, cryptoworm) 18. scareware 19. back door program 20. Denial of service attack DOS 21. distributed denial of service DDoS 22. polymorphic virus 23. trojan horse virus

1. experts use know 2 break into comp 4 profit or challenge 2. breaks into peeps comp 2 steal/destroy info 3. criminal intent when hackin 4. want 2 cause harm & destroy systs & use INT as weap of destruct 5. attemp 2 access/damage comp syst 6. prevent cybertattacs on individ org, community or national level 7. comp attack where hacker gets into netwrk w/o enterin office or org that owns netwrk 8. philosphical/politcial reason 5 breakin into syst 9. find hackin code & click & point into syst 2 cause damage/spread vidus 10. wrk & request of syst owner 2 find holes 11. rewards individs 4 finding bugs 12. software written w malicious intent 2 cause harm 13. spreads intself fr file 2 file & comp 2 comp 14. v attach to something 2 spread, w doesnt 15. software intended 2 damage or disable comp 16. malware that allow hacker 2 control many devices 17. malicous software that infects comp & asks 4 $$ 18. trick victims into givin up personal info 2 download danger software 19. viruses that open a way into network 4 future attacks 20. floods web w lots of requests it slows/crashes site 21. attacks fr many comp that flood web w requests & crashes site (PingWeb) 22. change form as they propagate 23, hides nside other software

1. customer facing process (4) 2. business facing process 3. customer satisfaction (3) 1. business process patent 2. core processes EX 3. static process EX systematic approach 4. dynamic process EX 1. BPMN Event 2. BPMN activity 3. BPMN gateway 4. BPMN flow 5. swim lanes 6. Choices made my MIS should

1. external cust receive prods/services -fulfilling orders -communicate w cust -send out bills/marketing info -capital budget plannin 2. invisible 2 external cust but essential 4 effective bus management -goal setting -day-to day planning -giv performance feedback -reward & allocate resources 3. measured w benchmarks like surveys, % of existing cust retain, & increase in revenue $ p/cust 1. protects set of procedures 4 conducting a bus activity 2. -bus process -manfucturing gds -sell products -provide service that make up primary activ in valu chain 3. uses systematic approach in attempt 2 improve bus effectiveness & efficiency continously -running payroll -calculate taxes -create financial statesments 4. continously changing & providing bus solutions 2 ever changing bus operations -manage layoffs -change order levels based on currency rates -cancel bus travel bc weather 1. anything that happens durin the course of bus process -cust request -time request -end of process 2. task in bus process 3. controls flow of process 4. displays path process flows 5. arranges steps of bus process into rows depicting various elements 6. drive MIS processes & b based on bus strategies.goals

1. information privacy policy 2. fair info practices-standards 3. general data protection regulation (GDPR) 4. BYOD 4 advt 5. acceptable use policy -----6. nonrepudiation 7. internet use policy 8. cybervandalism 9. typosquatting 10. website name stealing 11. internet censorship 12. email privacy policy 13. spam 14. anti-spam policy 15. mail bomb 16. building blocks that protect organizational info (2) 17. social media policy 18. teargrubing 19. physical security 20. workplace MIS monitoring (information tech monitoring) 21. employee monitoring policy 22. keylogger(key trapper software) 23. adware 24. spyware 25. weblog 25. knowledge assets(intellelctual capital) 26. infographic

1. gen principles ab info privacy 2. set of standards 4 collect/use of data 3. legal framework sets guidelines 4 collect/process personal info in EU 4. -unlimited access 2 device -access 2 nonsensitiv data -acces w IT control -access but prevnt local storage on device 5. user agree 2 follow rules 2 have access 2 stuff 6. contract that ensure ebus do not deny online actions 7. gen info ab proper use of INT 8. deface existin webs 9. purpose misspell domain name 10. steal web name 11. gov control traffic by preventing things fr being viewed 12. extent of emails bein read by others 13. unsolicited email 14. says don't send spam 15. send lots of email to 1 person which stops server 16. ethics & security 17. guidelines that govern employee online communi 18. anti-spam approach, attack bac against spammer 19. protect like alarms, vaults 20. tracks peeps activity by keystroke, # of transact 21. state of when & where comp monitors employees 22. prog that records every keystroke/mouse click 23. ads that instal themselves when indiv downloads some other prog 24. hidden downloadable software tracks online move 25. 1 line of info 4 every vistor & stored 26. human, structural, and recorded resources available to the organization. 27. info in graph format 2 make data understandable @ glance

1. privilege escalation 2. vertical privlege escalation 3. horizontal priviledge escalation 4. prevent/build resistance 2 attacks w (3) def 5. cryptography 6. time bomb 7. antivirus software 8. personally identifiable info (PII) 9. nonsensitive PII 10. sensitive PII 11. HIPAA security rule 12. intrusion detection 13. Public Key encryption 14. certificate authority 15. digital certificate 16. National Institute of standards & tech (AES) 17. network behavior analysis 18. cyberwar 19. cyberterrorism 20. cyberespionage 21. cybervilgilantes

1. hackers use flaws in prog 2 gain access 2. attackers grant access like administrator & perform illegal activi 3. attacks grant same level access but takes another's ID (bank account fraud) 4. -content filtering: prevnt emails w sensitive info fr transmit & stop spam/virus fr spreadin -encryption: scramable info into key 2 descrypt -firewalls: hard/soft ware that guards priv network, prevents fr enterin network 5. sci that studies encryption 6. virus that waits 4 specific date 2 execute instructions 7. scans & removes viruses 8. data that could ID individ 9. info transmitted w/o encryption & includes info that does not harm individs 10. transmitted w encryption & can harm Indivd 11. every1's info is saved & secured 12. full-time search 4 patterns 2 ID intruders 13. uses 2 keys, public & priv 14. trusted 3rd part that validates user ID 15. data that ID individs or org 16. introduced encryption standard (AES) 2 keep gov info source 17. gathers org comp network to ID sus operations 18. attemo by military 2 destroy info 4 another country 19. use info 2 intimidate gov 2 gain goals 20. gov aft info ab another giv 21. indivs that want recogn

Ch. 1 1. goods def & ex 4 2. services 3. production 4. systems thinking: Input, process, output=feedback 5. Management information systems(MIS) MIS ROLES IN ORG 6. Chief Info Officer(CIO) 7. Chief Data Officer (CDO) 8. Chief Technology Officer(CTO) 9. Chief Security Officer (CSO) 10. chief privacy officer (CPO) 11. Chief knowledge officer (CKO)

1. items/products that cust buy 2 satisfy wants/need; clothes, phone, grocer, clothes, cars 2. tasks by peep that cust buy 2 satisfy need/want 3. process where bus take raw materials & processes them/converts in2 finished products 4 gds/services 4. monitoring entire syst by viewin many inputs being process/transformed 2 produce outsputs while gettin feedback 5. bus function moves info ab peeps, products, & process across comp 2 facilitate decision-makin & prob solvin 6. see all uses of info & ensure alignment of MIS w bus goals 7. determines types of info comp will capture, retain, analyz , share 8. respons 4 ensure speed, availaility, realiability of info 9. ensure security of MIS syst 10. ensure ethical & legal use of info 11. collect, maintain, distribute orgs knowledge

1. online analytical processing (OLAP) 2. decision support syst (DSS) 3. 4 quantitative models used by DSS inclue 4. syst of thinking vies of DSS 1. executive information system (EIS) 2. granularity 3. visualization 4. digital dashboard ex 5 (lists, graphs, tables) 1. EIS follows 4 capabilities 2. AI 3. weak AI 4. strong Ai

1. manipulat info 2 create bus intelligence 2 support strategic decision makin 2. models info 2 support managers & bus prof durin decision makin process 3. what-if anal: check impact of change in variable or assumption on model -sensitively anal: study impact on other variables when 1 changes a lot -goal-seeking anal: find input needed 2 achieve goal -optimization anal: find optimum valu 4 target variable by changing other variables 4. -input: TPS -process: what if, sensitivity, goal seeking, optimization -output: forecasts, stimulations, ad hoc reports -feeback 1. specialized DSS that supports senior level excecs in org 2. details in the model or decision process. gr8r granularity deeper level of fineness 3. displays of patterns 4. tracks KPI &CSFS by compile info fr many sources & tailor 2 meet user needs. -list of key perfrmance indicators, refresh every 15 mins -running line graph of planned vs actual prod 4 past 24 hrs -table showin actual vs forecasted product prices & inventories -list of outstanding alerts & resolution status -graph of stock mrkt price 1. -consolidation: -drill-down -silce & dice -pivot-rotates data 2 display presentation of data 2. stimulates human intelligence like ability 2 reason/learn 3. machine make own decisions on reasoin & past sets of data. most AI syst are weak 4. works towards brainlike pow 2 AI machine. make machine as smart as hums

Security threats 2 ebus 1. elevation of privilege 2. hoaxes 3. malicous code 4. sniffer 5. packet tampering 6. spoofing 7. the first & sec line of defense Issue w Info Security: People Issue 8. insiders 9. social engineering 10. dumpster diving 11. pretexting -------- 12. info security policies 13. info security plan 14. destructive agents-malicious agents 15. identity theft 16. phising 17. pharming 18. sock puppet marketing 19. astroturfing 20. Info secrecy 21. phising expedition 22. spear phising 23. vishing 24. zombie farm 25. pharming attack 26. authentication 27. authorization (most ineffective) 28. whats more effective than ID & pass 29. tokens 30. smart card 31. most effective authorization? def & downside 32. voiceprint 33. single factor 34. 2 factor 35. multifactor 36. zombie

1. misleads syst 2 grant unauthorized rights 2. attac by transmit virus hoax w real virus. Mask attack 2 infect many peeps 3. includes viruses, trojan horses, worms 4. monitors data over network. show all being transmitted. Hacker's fav weapon. 5. alter packet as it travels 6. forge return address so hacker can hide ID when they send virus 7. people, tech 8. legit users who purpose/accident misuse access & cause incident 9. hackers use social skills 2 trick peep 2 reveal info 10. look into trash 11. social engineering one indvid 2 gain info ab another 12. rules 2 maintain info security 13. how org can implement info security 14. malicious agents by spammers 2 farm email address off web/deposit spyware machines 15. take some1 ID 16. gain info usin fraud email 17. reroute real web request 2 fake 18. use fake ID 2 stimulate demand 4 product./service 19. fake online confo & pos reviews ab product 20. comp security that address protection of data 21. cover attack w spam & spoofin 22. designed 2 target person or org 23. call fishing 24. hackers plant zombie prog on bunch of comp 25. use zombie farm 2 launch phisin attac 26. confirm user ID 27. give permission 28. smart cards, tokens 29. sm electric device that change pass automat 30. credit card sz that has info 31. biometrics: usin fingerprints, face, voice//$$ & intrusive 32. voice that ID individ 33. user ID & pass 34. pass & security token 35. pass, token, biometric verification 36. takes ovr comp 2 attack other comps

1. web 2.0 (4) characteristics 2. adv of bus 2.0 (4)//java script 3. direct 2 consumer -4. cust experience -5. data collection -6. reduced costs Open Sourcing 7. open system 8. source code 9. open source 10. closed source 11. user-contributed content --12. native advertising --13. reputation syst Collab inside Org 14. collaboration syst 15. collective intelligence

1. next gen of INT; content share through open sourcin, collab inside/outside org, USER CONTRIBUTED CONTENT, brings peeps 2gether w machines 2. collab, share, free, java script: scriptin lang developed by Netscape & used 2 create interactive webs BIG DRIVER OF BUS 2.0 3. ebus model where comps build, mrket, sell & ship prod themselves w/o intermediaries 4. better experience 5. direct sales allows 2 collect cust data 6. ship 2 buyers & can sell @ low cost 7. hard/software that allows 3rd part 2 create add on prod into syst 8. programmer's instructions ab actions ab what 2 do 2 comp software 9. software license under legal right of copyright holder; free 4 3rd part 2 chnge 10. software code og prgrammer can chnge 11. created/updated by many users (youtube) 12. advertise attempt 2 gain attention by providin cntent 4 user exp 13. buyers post feedback on sellers 14. tools that support wrk of teams/groups by facilitatin the share/flow of info 15. colleb & tappin into core knowledge of all employee, partner, cust

1. Digital Darwinism 2. disruptive tech (new way) 3. sustaining tech 4. innovators dilemma 5. internet 6. how did the internet start; movement? 7. how does internet work 8. Internet & World Wide Web Business Disrupters 9. WWW 10. HTML (link) 11. web browser 12. hypertext transport protocol 1. WWW Consortium 2. Domain name hosting 4. HTML 5 6. applet-prog that runs in application 7. ICANN-internet corporations for assigned names/numbers 8. 5 reasons for WWW growth

1. org cannot adapt 2 new demands will extinct 2. new way of doin things that do not meet the needs of existin custs. open new mrkts 2 destroy old. 3. produces improved prod custs 4 existin cust. better/cheapter prod in mrkts 4. comp take advt of disruptive tech w/o affectin existin relations w cust,partner, stakeholders//2 much emphasis on staisfy current needs not future 5. connects comps w all ovr wrld & allows communication w 1 another. 6. emergency military comm syst by Department of Defense; military 2 comm tool 4 scientists 2 bus 7. use IP, connect w provider, visit web 8. not synonyms. WWW is part of Internet 9. access 2 INT info through docs that use HTML 10. hypertext makeup lang allows users 2 move fr 1 doc 2 next through link 11. allows users 2 access WWW 12. INT protocol Web browser used 2 request & display web pg using URL-universal resource locator 1. international community develops open standards 2 ensure longterm growth of Web 2. allows owner of domain 2 maintain web & provide email quick 4. delivers animation, graphics, movies, music/build complicated web applications 6. prog runs in another application like web 7. non profit org responsible 4 IP address allocation, protocol parameter, assign domain name syst & root server management 8. -microcomputer revolution -advancements in networkin -easy browser software -speed, convenience, low cost of email -web pg easy 2 create & flexible

1. ethics 2. information ethics 3. internet monitoring technology 4 4. privacy 5. confidentiality 6. copy right 7. counterfeit software 8. digital rights management 9. intellectual property 10. patent 11. pirated software 12. trademark 13. trade secret 14. legal doctrine::::unauthorized access ---15. purpose ---16. nature of copyrighted works ---17. amount & sustainability ---18. effect

1. principles/standards that guide our behavior 2. govern ethical/moral issu fr develop/use of info 3. keylogger, clickstream, web log, adware 4. right 2 b left alone & hav control ovr own stuff & not b watch w/o consent 5. assue that messag/info are avail 2 those authorized 6. legal protection afforded an express of an idea, book, song 7. manufactured 2 look lik real/sold lik real 8. publishers 2 control media & prevent copy/distribute 9. creativ wrk in physical form & includes, copyrights, trademarks, patents 10. right 2 make, use, sell invention & granted by gov 11. unauthorized use, distribution, sale of copyrighted software 12. simple wrds/phrase that belng 2 some1 13. actual/ptential info thats important(coke recipe) 14. allow unlicensed use of copyrighted materials based on 4 things 15. use is commercial or nonproft educational 16. creative expression 17. portion used compared 2 whole work 18. use upon potential mrkt valu

1. network effect (prod increase) 2. application programming interface (RPT) 3. mashup editor Web 3,0 4. deep web(invisible web) 5. dark web 6. Web 3.0-brings machines 2gether 7. integration of legacy devices 8. intelligent applications 9. open ID 10. open technologies 11. WW database 12. semantic web

1. prod increase in valu as # of users increases 2. routines, protocols, tools 4 buildin software 3. WYSISWYG; provide vis interface 2 build mashup, allow user 2 drag & drop points into web application 4. lrge part of INT that is inaccessible 2 search engines 5, INT that is intentionally hidden fr search engines. Only on special web browsers 6. uses natural lang processin, machine-based learnin/reasonin, & intelligence applications 7. ability 2 use devices 8. use of agents, machine learning & semantic web 2 complete tasks 9. online ID that can we carried 2 diff devices for authentication 10. design of web 2 b easily integrated & wrk 2gether 11. ability 4 database 2 b distributed & accessed fr anywhere 12. part of Web 2.0 that descibes things that comp can understand

1. expert systems 2. genetic algorithim 3. case-based reasoning 4. mutation EX of AI 2 make Bus Decisions 5. automation 6. complex analytics 7, fraud detection 8. resource scheduling Artifical Intelligence (3) -----1. machine learning 2. data augmentation 3. overfitting 4. underfitting 5. 4 bias -----6. neural network 7. fuzzy logic 8. deep learning 9. reinforcement learning ----1. virtual reality 2. augmented reality 3. google glass 4. virtual workplace 5. haptic interference

1. prog that imitate reasonin process of experts & solve diff probls 2. an AI syst that mimcs evolutionary, survival of fitest 2 create better solutions 2 prob 3. solve probs based on solutions fr simil cases in past 4. randomly tryin combos & evaluate outcome 5. AI buildin robots that can operate similar 2 hums 6. lots of data means hums need help 2 find probs 7. credit card comp use AU 2 see if purchase made by cust by analyze unfamiliar spend pattern 8. schedule use of resource 2 max efficiency 1. AI enables comp 2 understand concepts in environ & learn supervised, unsupervised, transfer machine learning 2. adding additional training ex by transform existing ex 3. machin learn model match training data so close model fails 2 correct predictions 4. machin learn model has bad predictive ability bc not learn compexity in train data 5. sample, prejudice, measurement,variance 6. emulate how hum brain works 7. math method of handlin imprecise/subjective info 8. 2 model & study complex datasets; used 2 create relations among data & datasets 9. training machine 2 make sequence of decisions 1. computer-stimulate environ that can be real/imaginary 2. view of physical world w computer-generated layers of info added 2 it 3. wearable computer w optical head mounted display 4. work enviorn not in physical place 5. use tech allow hum 2 interact w compture through bodily sensations/movements

1. information security 2. downtime 3. downtime ex (42) 4. how will downtime affect financial performance (5) (RCPCS) 5. " " revenue (6) LOSS 6. " " damaged reputation (CSFBB) people 7. " " other expenses (TEOETL)

1. protect info fr acident/intentional misuse by person in/out org 2. type syst is unavailable 3. -bomb threat -burst pipe -chem spill -construction -corrupt data -earthquake -electrical short -epidemic -equip failure -evacutaion -explosion -fire -flood -fraud -froze pipe -hacker -hail -hurricane -ice storm -insects -lightning -network failure -plane crash -pow outage -pow surge -rodents -sabtogae -shred data -snow storm -sprinkler malfunction -static electricity -strike -terriorism -theft -tornado -train detrailment -smoke damage -vandalism -vehicle crash -virus -water damage -wind 4. -revenue recog -cash flow -payroll guarantee -credit rating -stock price 5.-direct loss -compensatory payments -fut revenu loss -billing loss -investment loss -productivity loss 6. -cust -suppliers -financial mrkts -banks -bus part 7. -temp employee -equip rentals -overtime cost -xtra ship charge -travel expense -legal obligations

1. key performance indicators (KPI) 4 points (T, Pr, Nc, AcS) 2. external KPI 3. internal KPI 1. efficiency MIS metrics-performance-TTSRI 2. effectiveness MIS metrics-impact-CCFU 1. benchmark 2. benchmarking 3. model: how help 4 (simple reality) 1) Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) 2. online transaction processing (OLTP) 3. source doc 4. systs thinking view of a TPS

1. quantifiable metrics a comp uses 2 eval progress toward CSF -turnover rates of employees -# of product returns -# of new cust -avg cust spend -increase cust satisf 2. market share: portion of mrkt that firm gets 3. ROI-indicates earning pow of proj 1. performance of MIS: -throughput -transaction speed -syst avail -response time -info accuracy 2. impact MIS on bus process/activi -cust satisfaction -cust conversion rate -finances -usability 1. baseline values syst seeks to attain 2. proc of continous measur of syst result, compare result 2 optimal syst perform (benchmark values) & identify steps & procedure 2 improve syst perform 3. simplified rep or abstraction of reality. help managers: -calc risks - understand certainty -change variables -manipulate time 2 mak decisions 1. basic bus syst that serv operational level & assist in makin structured deci 2. gets transact & event info usin tech 2 process, store, update 3. the og transact record 4. -input: source doc -process: crud, calc, summarize -output: reports -feedback

Ch. 1 1. Data ex 4 2. structured data ex 6 SWblFCsPofsAcc data 3. unstructured data; 2 ex & defs SiPVSmTmVm 4. big data; snapshot 5. 4 characteristics of big data; def 1, def 2, def 3, def 4 6. machin generated unstructured data ex 4 SAwRi

1. raw facts that describe event/obj (order date, quantity sold, cust #, product order #) 2. stored in traditional syst (relational database/spreadsheet)defined length & includes cust address//sensor data, weblog d, financial d, click-stream d, point of scale d, accountin d 3. not defined & no specified format//machine-generated: machine w/o hum intervention//human-generated: data humans w comput generate//satellite images, photographic d, video d, social media d, text msg, voice mail d 4. collect of lrge, complex data sets(structure&unstructured) cannot b analyzed w traditional database methods/tools//view of data @ point of time 5. Variety: diff forms of unstructured/structured data; veracity: uncertainty of data w bias, noise, abnormalities; volume: scale of data; velocity: analysis of streamin data as it travels around internet 6. satellite images, atmpsh weather D, radar image

Data mining techniques 1. affinity grouping analysis(relation VNF) (association rule generators-likelihood 2. classification 3. cluster analysis 4. estimation analysis (historical) 5. market based analysis (scanner cust) 6. prediction -optimization modeling -forecasting modeling(time series info) -regression modeling (relationship)

1. relation b/t variables, nature, frequency. create rules 2 determine likelihood of events 2. org data into categories 2 classify records. All classes must b defined 3. divide into mutually exclusive groups. identify sim/diff. Exploratory 4. determine values 4 unknown variable behavior or estimated future valu. predict outcome on historical data 5. evalue web/checkout scanner info 2 detect cust behavior & predict future. 2 develop market campaign & other applications 6. what might happen (future sales or employee turnover) -stat process 2 make syst effective as poss -info collect @ particular frequency. Allow userd 2 manupulate time series 4 forecasting activi(visits p/hr, sales p/mo, cust calls p/hr) -estimate relation among variables(independent/dependent variables) predict win of marathon based on gender, height explain quantity of weakly sales of popular brand

1. business process(def) improvement & 3 steps 2. automation 3. robotic process automation & 3 ex. 3 components 1. machine vision- 4 uses digitized img 2. machine vision sensitivity 3. machine vision resolution 1. managerial bus process 2. streamlining 3. bottleneck 4. redundancy 5. strategic bus process is

1. set of activit that accomplish task like cust order//attempt 2 understand & measure current process & improve performance -doc as in process -established measures -follow process 2. process of computerizing manual tasks(payroll) 3. use AI w machin learning capabilities 2 handle high volume repeatable tasks -running payroll -stocking/reordering inventory ---brain, sensors(Iot), mechanical device 1. computer can see by digitizin imag, process data, & take action. Use camera 2 captire data & send 2 robot controller. -voice recog -handwrit recog -sign ID -currency inspect 2. machine see in dim light 2 detech weak impulses @ invisilble wavelengths 3. machine can differentiate b/t obj, better resolution, more confined field of vision 1. semiroutine monthly practice -resource allocation -sales -strategy -manufacture process improvements 2. improves bus process efficiencies by simplifyin/eliminate unnecessary steps. Removes bottlenecks & redundancy 3. resources reach full capacity & cannot handle additional demands 4. ocurs when task or activity is repated 5. -dynamic -nonroutine -longterm bus process like finance plannin -expansion strategies -stakeholder interactions -new tech laws

Ch. 1 1. knowledge ex 2 2. knowledge worker 3. Common Departments working independently 6 4. " " workin interdependently 2 make bus decisions 6 5. Environmental scanning 6. what will you find in operations management department?

1. skills, experience, & expertise w info & intelligence that create intellectual resources (not fire bc know circumstance; create daily special based on 1st 2 expire) 2. individ valued 4 ability 2 interpret/analyz info 3. accounting: records, measures & reports monetary transacts//finance: tracks finance issue includ $, bankin, credit, invest, assets// HR: maintain policies, plains, procedures 4 effectiv manage of employe//marketin: support sales by pricin, plannin, promotin gds/services//Operation management: manages process of convertin or transform resources nto gds/services//sales: perform sellin gds/serv 4. account: transactional D, purchasing D, payroll D, tax D// finance: investment D, monetary D, reporting D// HR: employee D, promotion D, vaca D// marketin: promote D, sales D, advertis D// Op Manage: manufactu D, distribute D, product D// Sales: potential cust D, sales report D, commission D, cust support D 5. rep goes 2 diff place & record inventory/products 2 get bus intelligence 6. -order inventory -create production schedule -manufacture gds

1. Web 1.0 2. ecommerce 3. ebusiness: 3 ex, creation 4. paradign shift 5. shopping carts 6. ebusiness advantages (5) 7. information richness 8. information reach (buyers & sellers) 9. internet impact on info (4)

1. term reder 2 WWW durin 1991 & 2003; static text based info webs 2. buyin & sellin goods/serv ovr INT, online 3. includes ecommerce along w internal & external bus op -servicin cust accounts -collab w partners -exchange rea-time info//paradign shift & changed bus process that rewrote bus rules; shopping carts 4. when new form of bus enters & reshapes things 5. made web product catalog avaialbe 4 online ordering 6. -expandin global reach -opening new markets -reducin costs -improvin effectiveness -low start up costs 7. depth & bredth of details in textual, graphic audio or video info 8. measures # of peeps firm can talk w. Buyers need 4 makin informed purchases & sellers need 4 differin fr competition 9. easy 2 compile, increase richness & reach, improve content

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