CIS Government Final Exam

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The framers of the constitution wanted a government strong enough to avoid the difficulties encountered under the

Articles of Confederation

Approximately how many cases does the Supreme Court select each yers as worthy of review .

Fewer than 100

The plan presented at the Constitutional Convention generally favored by large states was

Virginia Plan

According to the theory of dual federalism, _____ the nation and the states.

a rigid wall separates

Some research indicates that people who watch partisan news become

more extreme in their politics.

A typical Gallup national ​poll surveys approximately _______ individuals.


About __________ of all Americans adopt their parents' party


In a poll cited in the text, ___ percent of Americans said they favored universal background checks for gun ownership


About how many requests for review doesn't The U.S. Supreme Court receives each year?


Plea bargaining is the process by which

A defendant pleaded guilty in exchange for a reduced sentence

A confederation can best be described as

A form of socialism

One result of the Second Continental Congress was

A plan for the Boston tea party

Nationwide jail sovereignty is defined as

A political entity's externally recognized rights to exercise final authority over its affairs.

Which of the following statements best describes the attitude of the American people toward political parties?

Americans recognize the value of parties but distrust the existing ones.

Which of the following is not an assumption of the majoritarian model of democracy? Citizens:

Are raised in families that voted and encouraged active political participation

Young Americans are more reliably socialized into their parents' religions when

Both parents flow the same religion

Why do most democracies give power to representatives rather than directly to citizens?

Bringing large numbers of citizens together for discussions and votes is difficult. Decisions may require specialized knowledge not possessed by the average citizen. Discussion of political issues takes more time than most people are willing to spend.

A recent example of popular music conveying a political message is "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga, which focuses on


A country where the government heavily censors Internet news and search engines is


In modern elections, candidates ____ to learn about voters' interests.

Conduct public opinion polls

The chief objective of the First Congress was to

Decide how to deal with the issue of slavery

Among the most undemocratic features of the U.S. Constitution is the

Direct election is senators

Someone ho believes that the elastic clause of the constitution should be narrowly interpreted is most likely to endorse the concept of ______ federalism


According to the text, politicians openly call for more order

During times of social strife and disasters

More and more cable news seems similar to

Early partisan newspapers

According to a 2012 survey in your text, which of the following individuals is most likely to identify as a Republican?

Earning between $75,000 to $99,999, college degree, male, age between 42-53

Under separation of powers, the U.S. system keeps power among branches balanced by enabling one branch to counter the actions of another by the use of

Economic manipulation

States' rights supporters believe that congress should restrict its activities to

Enumerated powers

A sample of six hundred randomly selected individuals is usually accurate to (plus or minus)

Five percentage points

Whether ode not Supreme Court should permit flag burning as a form of political protest can be seen as a trade off between

Free and order

A sign that pluralist democracy might not be working well in the United States is the

Generally low levels of political knowledge among Americans

Which of the following statements reflects the role opinion should play according to the majoritarian model nod democracy?

Government should do what a majority of the public wants.

The Supreme Court's decisions in two flag-burning cases have

Held the flag burning is illegal protected political expression.

The Framers guessed that the __________ would reflect public opinion, especially on the crucial issues of taxes and government spending.

House of Representatives

The constitution did not give congress the authority to establish the internet revenue service. Congress did so, however, to implement its power to "lay and collect taxes". The power creation of the internet revenue service is an example of the use of an ___ power


The "television hypothesis" is the belief that television

Is to blame for the low level of citizens' knowledge about public affairs.

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson's statement that "all men are created equal" is similar to which theorist's belief that government is based on the "consent of the governed"?

John Locke

How likely are voters to participate in state and local elections compared with national elections?

Less likely

Today, college students are much more __________ than the general public.


Judicial Interpretation of the law means that judges, in effect,

Make policy

Where in the Constitution are political parties discussed?

Nowhere in the Constitution

to form a government that puts power in the hands of an elite is a(n)


According to Thomas Hobbes, author of Leviathan, the proper objective of government is to ensure


Originally, the Constitutional Convention's purpose was to

Overturn Articles amended by the second continental congress

The texts defines ____ as the actions of private citizens by which they seek to influence or support government and politics.

Political participation

According to the text, the concept of order encompasses

Preserving life, protecting property and maintaining patterns of social relationships

In Dred Scott, the Supreme Court decided that congress had no power to

Prohibit slavery

The extent to which any organization agent is influential depends on

Prolonged exposure to and good communication with the agent, as well as being receptive

Prior tp the constitution, the Articles of Confederation

Provided for no independent executive

In 200, Republican George W. Bush won the presidency despite

Receiving fewer popular votes than Al Gore

Which of the following is not an important functions n of the news media in our political system?

Reporting the news, setting the agenda, socializing citizens, and interpreting the news.

What form of democracy selects individuals to govern on behalf of there?

Representative democracy

The original relationship between the colonies and Great Britain could be characterized as

Salutatory Neglect

The Republican Party was established in response to the issue of


The notion that government authority springs form the consent of governed is derived fo m

Social contract theory

State judges are obligated to follow the U.S. Constitution whenever state law conflicts with it under the Constitution's

Supremacy Clause

To appeal means to

Take a case to a higher court

The government's role in redistributing income to promote economic equality gasps been a major source of debate in the United States ever since

The 1960s

Which event helped to shape the partisan patterns of the North and South for slavery for nearly a century?

The Civil War

Which document proclaimed, "we hold these truths o be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator it's certain unalienable rights"?

The Declaration of Independence

A critical event that helped end the Republican Party's domination of national politics in the 1920s was

The Great Depression

A major event that led to greater British taxation of American colonies was

The Seven Years War

Which f the following is not an essential premise of dual federalism?

The constitution is the creation of the people of the United States

The power to coin money belongs to

The federal government

Which of the following is an incorrect description of the cooperative federalism model?

The functions and responsibilities of the national and state governments are clearly defined and should be carried out separately.

Judicial Review is

The power of the Supreme Court to declare laws invalid if they violate the constitution.

Content analysis of network news suggest that most coverage focuses on

The president

The broad, basic definition of politics given by the text is

The restriction of human freedom in the name of national sovereignty

All of the following are regarded in the text as examples of unconventional participation except

Timothy McVeigh's 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City.

With respect to religion, the group that has grown rapidly in the 21st century and now makes up almost 20 percent of the American population is


The Great Compromise provided for

a two-chamber legislature with equal representation for all states in one chamber and population-based representation in the other.

Timothy McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma City federal building because he

believed the US gov. had become a police state.

Children are likely to adopt their parents' party identification when

both parents strongly identify with the same party

The powers of the president as outlined in the constitution are

briefly stated and comparatively vague.

The reasonable access rule required

broadcasters to make facilities available to all responsible parties in a community wishing to express conflicting views on issues.

A method of delegate selection that begins with local meetings and culminates in a state convention is also known as the

caucus method

The Greek word demos, which is the root of the term democracy, means

common people

The constitution expressly gives the federal government the power to ___ within the states

create a postal system

Private ownership of the media in the United States makes the American news industry

dependent on advertising revenues

The idea that the most important government decisions are made by an identifiable and stable minority that shares certain characteristics -- particularly wealth and business connections -- is called

elite theory

The notion that American public schools are open to all is an example of

equality of opportunity

When one person has the same chance to succeed in life as another, this is called

equality of opportunity

The framers of the constitution created a comparatively strong executive because

executive power as it existed under the articles of confederation had failed to bind the states into a unified nation.

The majoritarian model of democratic government

expects citizens to have a high degree of knowledge

Generally, the first agent of political socialization that people are exposed to is


The first newspapers in the United States were

financed by political parties that advocated party causes.

The ________ Amendment prohibits Congress from abridging freedom of the press


The practice of altering district lines for partisan advantage after the census is also known as


One criterion that must be met for a country to be democratic is that it must

have more than one political party.

A power not specifically mentioned in the Constitution but necessary if another specific grant of power is to be carried out is called a(n) _________ power.


An organized group that seeks to influence government policy is called a(n)

interest group

One similarity between the a Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan was that both plans

left unspecified how many people might comprise the executive

The broad, basic definition of government given by the text is

legitimate use of force within specified geographic boundaries to control human behavior

Globalization can be seen as a threat to

national sovereignty

According to John Locke, all legitimate political authority exists to preserve

natural rights

A symmetrical, bell-shaped distribution around a single mode is called a

normal distribution

Which of the following is not one of the political principles relied on by the founders?

one person, one vote

What fraction of the voting-age population will vote in a primary election?

one quarter

Each citizen having one vote demonstrates

political equality

The set of values and beliefs that a person holds about the purpose and scope of government is called

political ideology

The process whereby one becomes aware of politics, learns political facts, and forms political values is called

political socialization

The key feature of the Great Compromise was its provision for

population-based representation for states in the House and equal representation for states in the Senate.

The traditional division of mass media into ________ has been made problematic by the internet.

print and broadcast

In the United States today, the mass media

provide a two-way channel of communication between the people and the government.

Services that benefit all citizens and are not likely to be produced by the voluntary acts of individuals are known as

public goods

The accuracy of the population sample used for public opinion polls depends on

randomness of selection, size of sample, and variation in the population

A republic is a government

resting on the consent of the governed through their representatives

The initial concept for the presidency at the Constitutional Convention was an executive

selected by Congress for a seven-year term and ineligible for reelection.

Criminal offenses such as arson, theft, and murder are almost always the sole responsibility of which entity?


A government pursuing laissez-faire policies would

take a hands-off attitude toward the economy

Today, the mass media conduct most polls by


A proponent of states' rights and enumerated powers would be more likely to quote the _________ Amendment to the Constitution.


Although terrorism is an unconventional political action, it is generally not counted as unconventional political participation because

terrorists do not seek to influence government but to destroy it.

The New Hampshire presidential primary gathers the lion's share of political and media attention because

the New Hampshire primary is the first one to occur each election year.

When an act of Congress conflicts with the Constitution,

the act is invalid

The basic definition of public opinion is

the collected attitudes of citizens on a given issue or question

One critique that pluralists make of the public as a whole is that

the public seldom demonstrates clear, consistent opinions on daily issues of government.

According to the text, American presidential elections seem to last so long chiefly because

they are consistently held every four years.

The Articles of Confederation failed because

they did not provide an effective means for the government to raise money, they did not include an independent leader to direct the government, and they did not give the government the power to regulate commerce.

The basic premise of federalism is that

two or more governments share power and authority over the same land and people

Since the present two-party system was established, how many minor-party candidates have been elected to the presidency?


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