Civics: Ch. 10-12
Majority leader
Floor leader of the majority party
Conference committees come up with a compromise version of a bill
What is the purpose of a conference committee?
eminent domain
taking private property for public use
In emergency situations
A President may call Congress into special session...
Party caucus
A closed meeting of the members of each party in each house
Life of author plus 70 years
A copyright is good for what length of time?\
A general agreement among the majority
A legal order directing someone to appear before a committee or court
A major presidential appointment must be approved by...
A majority of the full membership of the house
A pause or halt of a session
Only by an act of Congress
According to the Constitution, how can the United States declare war?
The President
According to the Constitution, who has the main responsibility for foreign policy?
Speaker of the House
After the Vice President, who is next in line to become President of the United States?
Levied at the same rate in every part of the country
All indirect taxes passed by Congress must be...
An assistant floor leader
Commerce power
Applied to all types of economic activity
Franking privilege
Benefit for members of Congress
each house of Congress
Constitutional amendments can be proposed by a two-thirds vote of which of the following?
Rules committee
Controls the flow of bills to the house floor
Division of standing committee that does most of the committees work
Each State's representation in the House of Representatives is based on...
Has two sessions. The two year period during which the U.S. Congress meets, starting on noon of the 3rd day of January of each odd-numbered year
How can an inventor protect the right to manufacture and sell an invention he or she has made?
with a two-thirds vote in each house
How may Congress propose a constitutional amendment?
Every 2 years
How often does Congress begin a new term?
The House decides who will become President
If no candidate receives a majority of the electoral votes for President, what happens
In the map above, what is the most likely explanation for the shape of Congressional District 2? (Oddly shaped)
Help people in from their district or state deal with the national gov
In their role as servants of their constituents, members of Congress...
In which house of Congress does each state have the same number of votes, no matter how large or small its population?
Conference committee
Irons out the differences between house and senate versions of a bill
a large national government
Liberal construction has led to which of the following in the United States?
Limits debate in the senate
Seniority rule
Members are chosen based on experience
Joint committee
Members of both houses working together
The President is tried in the Senate
Once a President has been impeached, what happens next?
Standing committee
Permanent committees/ Panel that considers all bills related to certain policy matters
Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands
Sole right to use or sell an invention
Implied powers
Some congressional powers are not written in the Constitution but are suggested by the powers that are written there. What are they called?
Select committee
Special committee set up for a limited time
Suggested law
So there is equal representation
The House of Representatives has 435 members. Why does the Constitution allow only two senators from each state?
it is the basis for the existence of the implied powers
The Necessary and Proper Clause is important because
decision to run for reelection
The Senate can neither confirm nor reject the President's...
The act of distributing
Deficit financing
The act of spending more than is taken in during a year and borrowing money to make up the difference
Deficit financing
The federal government often spends more money than it takes in each year. It then borrows money to make up the difference. What is this called?
The person who currently holds a political office
The practice of drawing district lines to favor one political party
Oversight function
The process by which Congress, through its executive committees, ensures that executive branch agencies are carrying out the policies that Congress has set by law
6 years
The term of office for senators is...
To allow a bill to die in committee
Congress regularly raises the debt ceiling in order to sweep debt "under the rug"
What criticism of the Federal Government does the cartoon imply?
Assistant floor leaders - Serve as the liaison, a two-way link between the party's leadership and its rank-and-file members
What do party whips do?
The Senate must approve treaties negotiated by the President
What is Congress' role in making treaties with foreign powers?
It limited the number in the House to 435
What was the effect of the Reapportionment Act of 1929 on the House of Representatives?
Floor consideration
When a bill goes before the full House or Senate
In the Commerce Clause
Where has Congress found the authority to stop a tax on Internet sales?
Control foreign trade
Which can Congress do through its commerce power?
Conference committee
Which is a joint committee that finalizes a bill so it can go to the President?
the approval of presidential appointments
Which is an executive power given to Congress by the Constitution?
legal tender
Which is another name for money that a creditor must by law accept in payment for debts?
Eminent domain
Which is the federal government's power to take private property for public use?
The House is larger than the Senate
Which of the following comparisons of the House and Senate is true?
Those that have been in Congress longer have a better chance of gaining more powerful positions
Which of the following does the seniority rule favor?
to select presidential nominees for the major parties
Which of the following is not a reason why Congress may choose to conduct investigations?
a tax on an individual income
Which of the following types of taxes is allowable under the taxing power?
So the House and Senate could check each other
Which of the following was an important reason that the Framers favored a bicameral legislature?
Ways and Means Committee
Which standing committee in the House decides how to raise money for the federal government?
Expressed powers
Which type of congressional powers are clearly spelled out in the Constitution?
Committee chairmen have a major say in what bills the committee consider, if public hearings would be held, and what witnesses will be called.
Why are committee chairmen important in the legislative?
So there would be a single, national system of hard money
Why did the Framers give Congress the power to coin money?
so there would be a single, national system of hard money
Why did the Framers give Congress the power to issue currency?
Its decides whether or not a bill will get a vote by the full House
Why is the House Rules Committee so powerful?
a charge to meet public needs
Commerce Clause
applied to all types of economic activity
author's exclusive rights to a creative work
strict constructionist
believe in limiting federal power
liberal constructionist
believe in the growth of federal power
Necessary and Proper Clause
called the Elastic Clause
minimum wage
created under the commerce power
Federal Reserve System
created under the power to borrow money
legal procedure to resolve debts
lying under oath
legal tender
money creditors must accept as payment
public debt
money owed by the federal government
expressed powers
powers spelled out in the Constitution
process by which citizens of one country become citizens of another
postal powers
provides for the carrying of the mail
Commerce Clause
regulate trade among states
sole rights to use or sell an invention
to accuse or bring charges against
to end or discontinue; The President has this power regarding a session of Congress
strict construction
view that favors narrow powers for the national government
way to stop a filibuster