Civics: Chapter 5 Review

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because Rhode Island is very small it has no representatives in the House of Representatives T/F


before a bill is approved: a) a committee holds hearings to gather information b) committee members may revise the bill c) the committee makes a recommendation for or against the bill d) all of the above


both houses of congress have specific guidelines regarding: a) age of members b) citizenship of members c) legal resident of members d) all of the above


for Congress to conduct official business, a certain minimum number of members, or______, must be present


for a bill to become a law, the: a) president must sign it b) House an Senate both must pass it c) president can veto it d) Speaker of the House must approve it


formal disapproval of the actions of a member of Congress by the other members


if a state's population decreases, its number of senators: a) decreases proportionately b) stays the same c) increases by one d) is sent to the Supreme Court for evaluation


if the president pro tempore is presiding in the senate, it may be assumed that the: a) president is absent b) majority leader is absent c) vice-president is absent d) floor leader is absent


in the house, the ways and means committee handles all matters concerning taxes T/F

house of representatives

larger house of Congress, whose membership is based on the population of each state

bill of attainer

law sentencing a person to jail without a trial


members of both houses of Congress may serve on_____ committees to deal with matters of mutual concern


term limits for members of Congress have been ruled unconstitutional T/F

committee of the whole

type of congressional committee in which members of both houses act as one group to discuss a bill


which of the following does NOT apply to the Senate? a) 6 year terms b) 435 members c) at least 30 years old d) resident of the state where elected


which of the following is NOT a special power of the Senate: a) all impeachment trials must be held in the Senate b) all bills for raising money must begin in the Senate c) all treaties with foreign nations must be approved by the Senate d) appointments to the Supreme Court must be approved in the Senate


which of the following is an implied power of Congress? a) establishing a national court system b) providing for the general welfare of the US c) governing the District of Columbia d) borrowing money

legal resident

A member of Congress must be a(n)________________of the state that he or she represents (2 words)


A member of the Senate must: a) have been born in the United States b) be over 35 years old c) have first been a representative in the House d) have been a citizen of the United States for at least 9 years


National defense and trade regulation are among the________powers of Congress


President Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton were all impeached by the house of representatives T/F


Setting up national military training academies is an example of the_____powers of Congress


State legislators sometimes draw district lines that favor a particular political party T/F


The US Congress is the most powerful representative body in the world T/F


The president "pro tempore" is just another name for the vice President T/F


______ is a limit on the debate of a bill in the Senate


___________is the congressional process in which formal changes are brought against a high-ranking government official


_________committees are permanent congressional committees that consider bills only in certain areas


a 32 year old member of congress has recently been reelected for her second term of office. it may be assumed that this person is a: a) senator b) representative c) senior whip d) party whip


a(n)_______ is paid to represent an interest group's viewpoint


a(n)___________ bill gives approval for spending public money

writ of habeas corpus

a(n)_______________ is a court order requiring that an accused person be brought to court without delay to determine if there is enough evidence to hold the person for trial(4 words)

ex post facto

a(n)_________law applies to actions that took place before the law was passed


after a bill is introduced, it is usually: a) sent to the president for approval b) discussed before a committee of the whole c) sent to a standing committee d) sent to a joint conference committee


all of the following are delegated powers of Congress EXCEPT: a) collecting taxes b) declaring war and making peace c) granting patents and copyrights d) none of the above

party whip

assistant to the floor leader in each house of Congress who tries to persuade party members to vote for bills the party supports


censured members of congress: a) must petition the president for re-try into the House or the Senate b) are no longer allowed to vote on proposed bills c) must stand alone at the front of the House or Senate as charges are read against them d) must serve brief jail time and pay a fine

joint session

combined meeting of both houses of Congress, sometimes called by the president


committees appointed on a temporary basis to consider issues not handled by the standing committees are called: a) joint sessions b) select committees c) special committees d) committees on committees


conference committees are formed: a) to gather opinions of the taxpayers regarding a proposed law b) to debate a bill with the executive branch c) to work out compromises when the House and the Senate pass different versions of the same bill d) to consider several bills addressing the same topic


congress determines how the seats in the House are to be apportioned: a) every 10 years, after the census is taken b) every 3 years, after the census is taken c) based on voter turnout after each presidential election d) based on how many republicans and democrats are already in office


congress is NOT allowed to: a) raise taxes b) regulate foreign trade c) favor the trade of one state over another state d) pass naturalization laws


congress is in session, and the president is given a bill to sign. he lets the bill sit on his desk for 10 days. it can be concluded that: a) the bill has become. law b) the bill has been vetoed c) the bill will have to go back to committee d) both houses of congress will have to vote on the bill again


each member of Congress receives a yearly salary of $325,000 T/F

floor leader

each party's proposed laws are guided through the House of Representatives by the____________(2 words)


each standing committee is divided into: a) joint committees b) subcommittees c) select committees d) investigating committees


members of the House of Representatives must be all of the following EXCEPT: a) at least 25 years old b) a US citizen for at least nine years c) a legal resident of the state they represent d) practicing lawyers


membership in the House of Representatives is based on State population T/F


method of delaying action on a bill in the Senate by making long speeches

implied powers

powers not specifically granted to Congress by the Constitution, but which are suggested to be necessary to carry out its delegated powers


process of drawing congressional district lines to favor a political party


proposed law being considered by a lawmaking body


regular elections for members of the House of Representatives are held: a) in Jan of each even numbered year b) in Nov of each even numbered year c) in April every four years d) in Nov of each odd numbered year


removal of a member of Congress for serious misconduct


resident of a congressional district

franking privilege

right of a member of Congress to mail official letters free of charge

elastic clause

session of the constitution granting Congress the authority to extend its delegated powers


sessions of Congress may last as long as Congress chooses T/F


smaller house of Congress that has two members from each state


the Senate and the House of Representatives have passed different versions of an air pollution bill. the kind of committee that would most likely be formed to work out a compromise would be a: a) standing committees b) select committee c) conference committee d) joint committee


the function of each party's committee on committees is to: a) research proposed bills for select committees b) assign bills to committees c) make nominations for membership on standing committees d) set priorities for committee business


the impeachment process can be used to impeach: a) the president and the vice president b) just the president c) the president, vice president, federal and state judges, and the Speaker of the House d) the president, vice president, and federal judges


the legislative branch is the interpreter of the country's laws T/F


the president pro tempore: a) is the vice president of the US b) is elected by members of the House c) is by custom the longest serving member of the minority party d) is by custom the longest serving member of the majority party


the senate, unlike the House of Representatives, does not have the power to: a) pass laws regulating trade b) introduce appropriation bills c) try impeached officials d) approve treaties


the senior senator from each state is the: a) senator who gained the most votes b) senator who has served the longer period of time c) senator from the largest district d) oldest senator


the speaker of the house: a) is the most important officer in Congress b) is appointed by the president c) must belong to the same political party as the president d) cannot be elected to more than two consecutive terms


the writers of the constitution established a bicameral legislature in order to: a) provide equal representation in one house for all of the states b) streamline the process whereby a bill becomes a law c) prevent Congress from imitating the British Parliament d) make it more difficult for Congress to declare war in the future


the______contains 100 members

House of Representatives

there are 435 members in the_________________(3 words)


to ensure that the majority of all senators are experienced, a) junior senators are elected for 8 year terms b) only 1/3 of the senators are up for reelection every 2 years c) senior senators chair all committees d) all senators are guaranteed 2 terms in office

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