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In 2012, the federal government spent about ________ of the total expenditures on criminal and civil justice.

18 percent

About ________ of criminal defendants plead guilty to the charges against them in an arrangement called plea bargaining.

95 percent

In the context of anomie theory, which of the following statements is true of ritualists?

They are usually members of the lower middle class

Which of the following defensive measures against crime was chosen by the largest percentage of Americans in 2007?

avoiding going to certain places or neighborhoods that they might otherwise have wanted to go to.

Defendants can appeal their convictions on legal grounds. Which of the following is NOT one of the legal grounds described in your textbook?

illegal search and seizure

In the United States, the states that do not utilize preliminary hearings schedule an arraignment date at the _______.

initial appearance

According to Robert K. Merton, ________ pursue the cultural goal of wealth through illegitimate means.


Which of the following terms is defined as mental or psychological impairment or retardation as a defense against a criminal charge?


Like the family, schools, organized religion, the media, and the law, criminal justice is a(n)

institution of social control

As an institution of social control, criminal justice differs from the family, schools, organized religion, the media, and the law in that it

is generally society's "last line of defense."

In the Florida cocaine possession case described in the text, which criminal justice function cost the most?


When politically conservative values are dominant in society, the principles and policies of the _______ seem to dominate the operations of criminal justice.

crime control model

Any record of crimes-such as "offenses known to the police," arrests, convictions, or commitments to prison-can be considered at most _______, or an estimate of crimes committed.

crime index

A(n) _______ is expressed as the number of crimes per unit of population or some other base.

crime rate

Which of the following types of single-bias hate crimes was reported most often to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 2014

crimes motivated by racial bias

The Latin term _______ refers to criminal intent or a guilty state of mind.

mens rea

According to body-type theory, an athletically built individual would be classified under the _______ body type


Criminal justice officials frequently complained that their jobs were made ___________ because of the practice, once common in many states, of sealing juvenile court records.

more difficult

Which of the following terms is defined as legal defense against criminal responsibility used when a crime to prevent a more serious crime?

necessity defense

Several modifications of classical theory are collectively referred to as

neoclassical theory

Because there is considerable conflict and confusion between different agencies of criminal justice, an accurate way of defining American criminal justice may be to call it


A(n) _________ is any standard or rule regarding what human beings should or should not think, say, or do under given circumstances.

norm or social more

As discussed in your textbook, the list of calls for police service in Long Beach, California, shows which type of call for service to be the most common?

parking violations

Men's control over women's labor and sexuality is known as


Which of the following is NOT one of the four types of methods used in heredity studies?

somatotype studies

In the case of a misdemeanor or an ordinance violation, a(n) _________ may be held

summary trial

Which of the following tests for insanity is the oldest?

the M'Naghten rule

When politically conservative values are dominant in society, the principles and policies of _______ seem to dominate the operation of criminal justice.

the crime control model

Which of the following terms is defined as crimes that are not officially recorded by the police?

the dark figure of crime

According to Albert K. Cohen, what is the cause of anomie experienced by juveniles?

the inability to achieve status among peers by socially acceptable means

Which of the following tests insanity did the attorneys for Lorena Bobbitt, who sliced off her husband's penis with a kitchen knife while he was sleeping, successfully employ in a 1994 Virginia trial?

the irresistible-impulse or control test

The national crime victimization surveys (NCVS) were formally called

the national crime surveys

Which of the following statements is true about an ex post facto law?

It declares criminal an act that was not illegal when it was committed

Which of the following is the most important problem with M'Naghten rule?

It fails to address the situation of the defendant who knew the difference between right and wrong but was unable to control his or her actions.

Which of the following statements is true of parole?

It is given before prisoners have served their full sentences.

Which of the following statements reflects a feature of conflict theory?

It is reformist in its policy implications

Radical theories of crime causation are generally based on the ideas of

Karl Marx

Which of the following is a problem associated with finding an appropriate definition of crime?

Many dangerous and harmful behaviors are not defined as crimes, while many less dangerous and less harmful behaviors are.

In 2012, which level of government spent the most on corrections?


The textbook lists several factors indirectly related to crimes that can affect crime rates. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

family size

Which of the following types of offenses in punishable by death in the United States?


Which of the following focuses on women's experiences and ways of knowing because, in the past, men's experiences have been taken as the norm and generalized to the population?

feminist theory

Which of the following crimes is NOT a uniform crime reports Part I offense?


Defendants can appeal their convictions on constitutional grounds. Which of the following is NOT one of the constitutional grounds described in you textbook?

freedom of speech and public assembly

Due process advocates recognize that there can be no equal justice where the kind of trial a person gets, or whether he or she gets a trial at all, depends substantially on

how much money the person has

Herbert Packer characterizes the due process model as

"obstacle-course justice."

Which of the following best captures classical criminologists' concept of "utility"?

"the greatest happiness shared by the greatest number"

The most important aspect of the crime control model of criminal justice is

(NOT "the means by which crime is controlled")

How much did the federal government spend to execute mass murderer Timothy McVeigh in 2001?

(NOT) $10 Million

According to the national crime victimization survey in 2014, victims did not report to the police ________ of all crime victimization.

(NOT) 23 percent

According to the 2014 national crime victimization surveys (NCVS), approximately how many crimes were attempted or completed against U.S. residents age 12 or older?

(NOT) 230 million

According to Robert K. Merton, _______ pursue the cultural goal of wealth only through legitimate institutional means.

(NOT) Innovators

Your textbook states four general ways in which punishment can be administered effectively according to learning theory. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

(NOT) Punishment must be combined with extinction

Which of the following is NOT a problem with psychotherapy?

(NOT) The emphasis in psychotherapy as an approach to rehabilitation is on the individual offender and not on the individual offender in interaction with the environment in which the criminal behavior occurs.

Which of the following is used to increase efficiency-meaning speed and finality-in the crime control model?

(NOT) bench trial

For which of the following theories is reintegrative shaming a policy implication?

(NOT) radical theory

in 2012, the federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) changed its definition of forcible rape to include a variety of new acts. Which of the following is NOT one of those new acts?

(NOT) rape of males

Which of the following is NOT one of the most commonly reported offenses in self-report crime surveys?

(NOT) tax evasion (probably sexual assault)

Which of the following is defined as the number of offenses for which at least one person has been arrested, charged with the commission of the offense, and turned over to the court for prosecution?

(NOT) the uniform crime reports (UCR)

According to the 2014 national crime victimization surveys (NCVS), which of the following demographic groups had the highest rate of violent crime victimization?

(NOT) younger persons

How much did the state of Florida reportedly spend to administer justice to serial murderer Ted Bundy in 1989


According to official statistics, ________ of all crimes committed annually are violent crimes.

10-15 percent

In 2014, the uniform crime reports (UCR) showed that the police were able to clear _______ of property crimes


Near the end of 2015, __________ of Americans said there was more crime in the United States than in 2014.

70 percent

From whose theory can it be inferred that crime may be a means by which individuals satisfy their basic human needs?

Abraham Maslow

The booking process typically involves

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following is a problem with or criticism of a legal definition of crime?

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following is a general criticism of positivism?

All the answers are correct.

Who argued that criminals are, by birth, a distinct type, and that this type can be recognized by physical characteristics or stigmata such as enormous jaws, high cheekbones, insensitivity to pain, etc. ?

Cesare Lombroso

Which of the following scientists suggested that some people "less highly evolved or developed that others" and that some people "were nearer their apelike ancestors than others in traits, abilities, and dispositions"?

Charles Darwin

Which of the following statements highlights the most important difference between the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) and the uniform crime reports (UCR)?

Compared with the UCR, the NIBRS makes it possible to examine crimes in much more detail because it contains more data on each crime.

Which of the following theorists modified Edwin H. Sutherland's theory by introducing role theory and arguing that criminal behavior could be learned by identifying with criminal roles and not just by associating with criminals?

Daniel Glaser

A major problem with the crime control model is that a presumption of guilt goes against one of the oldest and most cherished principle of American criminal justice. What is this principle?

Defendants are considered innocent until proven guilty

Cesare Beccaria recommended six ways to prevent crime. Which of the following does NOT belong?

Determine the physiological causes of crime.

Who among the following theorists advocated containing crime within reasonable boundaries?

Emile Durkheim

Which of the following is one of the first offenses added to the uniform crime report's (UCR's) list of Part 1 offenses since 1982, when collection of arson data was made permanent?

NOT murder and nonnegligent manslaughter

Which of the following statements is true about the fear of crime?

Nonwhites are more fearful than whites

There are at least three crime policy implications of Seymour Halleck's humanistic psychological theory. Which of the following is NOT one of the three policy implications listed in your textbook?

Psychoactive drugs should be provided as part of the psychotherapy process.

Which of the following theorists maintains that criminal behavior sometimes is chosen as an adaption over other possible alternatives because it offers gratifications or psychological advantages that could not be achieved otherwise?

Seymour L. Halleck

With whom are psychoanalytic theories of crime causation associated?

Sigmund Freud

Which of the following theorists is associated with body-type theory?

William Sheldon

A suspect becomes a defendant after

a formal notice of charge is given

The term "jurisdiction," as used in your text, means

a politically defined geographical area

Which of the following terms is defined as an act that is illegal for a juvenile but would not be a crime if committed by an adult?

a status offense

Your textbook lists three general solutions to women's subordinate position in society for liberal feminists. Which of the following does NOT belong?

abolition of patriarchy

What is the meaning of the word "crime"?

accusation or fault

The primary purpose of arraignment is to

allow the defendant to enter a plea

For Emile Durkeim, the cause of crime is _______, that is, the dissociation of the individual from the _______.

anomie; collective conscience

If defendants are not satisfied with the outcome of their trials, then they have the right to:


The primary purpose of a(n) ___________ is to hear the formal information or indictment and to allow the defendant to enter a plea


Cases that are not resolved through plea bargaining or by a jury trial are decided by a judge in a(n)

bench trial

Which of the following theories is based on the belief that criminals are physiologically different from noncriminals?

biological positivism

After an arrest has been made, the suspect is brought to the police station to be


Which of the following theories assumes that crime is committed by free-willed individuals who are motivated by a hedonistic rationality?

classical theory

Radical criminologists argue that _______ is an economic system that requires people to complete against each other in the individualistic pursuit of material wealth


Edwin H. Sutherland's theory that a person who becomes a criminal so because of his or her contact with criminal definitions and isolation from anticriminal definitions is known as

differential association

Which of the following offenses accounted for the largest number arrests made by the police in 2014?

drug abuse violations

Which of the following terms is defined as a legal defense against criminal responsibility when a person, who was not already predisposed to it, is induced into committing a crime by a law enforcement officer or by his or her agent?


What was the index crime for which women were most frequently arrested in 2014?


A typical _________ definition of crime is "an intentional violation of the criminal law or penal code, committed without defense or excuse and penalized by the state."


The due process model is based on the doctrine of

legal guilt

In 2012, which level of government spent the most on police protection?


What is the Latin term for crimes that are "wrong in themselves" -crimes characterized by universality and timelessness?

mala in se

The term _______ is defined as offenses that are illegal because laws define them as such.

mala prohibita

State and local governments in the United States share the cost of criminal justice by making ___________ primarily a local function and ________ primarily a state function.

police protection; corrections

What do learning theorists call the presentation of a stimulus that increases or maintains a response?

positive reinforcement

Which of the following theories was an explicit rejection of the critical and "negative" philosophy of the Enlightenment thinkers?

positivists theory

The purpose of _________ is for a judge to determine whether there is probable cause to believe that the defendant committed the crime or crimes with which he or she is charged

preliminary hearing

American criminal justice consists of three main agencies. Which of the following is NOT on of those three main agencies?


According to Robert K. Merton, _______ do not actively pursue the cultural goal of wealth (they are willing to settle for less) but follow the legitimate institutional means anyway.


To date, most self-reported crime surveys conducted in the United States have been administered to _________.

school children

Which of the following is the commission of crime subsequent to the first criminal act and the acceptance of a criminal label?

secondary deviance

Low levels of the brain neurotransmitter _________ have been found in impulsive murderers and arsonists.


A typical ________ definition of crime is behavior that violates the norms or mores of society.


From the perspective of _________, people are expected to commit crime and delinquency unless they are prevented from doing so.

social control theory

Which of the following legal defenses was used successfully by Amy Carter (daughter of former President Jimmy Carter), Jerry Rubin, and other activists who were charged with trespassing for protesting apartheid on the property of the South African embassy in Washington, DC?

the necessity defense

Which of the following is a condition of legal guilt?

the right to counsel

Cloward and Ohlin named three types of delinquent subcultures. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

the ritualist

According to Cesare Beccaria, the basis of society, as well as the origin of punishments and the right to punish, is

the social contract

Which of the following terms is defined as a collection of crime statistics and other law enforcement information published annually under the title Crime in the United States?

the uniform crime reports (UCR)

Which of the following is the focus of labeling theory?

the way people and actions are defined as criminal

Currently, five general types of punishment are in use in the United States. Which of the following is NOT one of these punishments?


If a person did not want to commit a crime but was forced of coerced to do so against his or her will, he or she committed the crime _________.

under duress

Often, an arrest supported by _______ and _______ is sufficient to close a case, especially with a less serious crime.

witness statements; crime scene evidence

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