Classroom Management

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Providing Feedback

"I saw..." " I noticed..." " I heard people saying please and thank you"

Individual Behavior Plan

(behavior contract) a set written agreement with a student about rewards for specific behavior

Faculty Handbook

**blend of district and law you are responsible for the welfare of your students, you cant hold children responsible for behavior that is beyond their control as a result of a medical condition, info about your students is strictly confidential, you cannot lower a students grade because of their misbehavior, protect student's identity,report **diff communities have diff norms and behaviors

Getting organized (promotes good classroom management)

**saves instructional time centralize your materials and label everything three ring binder: class lists, proposal, daily schedule, expectations, roster, weekly plans, lists to do, school procedures **do everything after school like sharpen pencils etc (Lunch count needs a system)

Why is CM more difficult than ever?

1. More children living in poverty 2. We educate more of the people 3. Rising violence in schools 4. Multiage classrooms 5. More pressure to succeed 6. Culture of violence

Raise Your Hands Please...

1. don't respond to someone who does not raise their hand if that is the behavior you want to see 2. ** begin with "raise your hand if you can tell me" 3. smile and make eye contact with students who have hands raised 4. don't rely only on raised hands as a means of response 5. thank you for raising your hand 6. "I can only call on people who are silent and sitting with their hand raised 7. when you must move on to something else say " I wish we had more time to listen to all your comments, maybe you can tell me later"

CL approaches

1. student to student interaction 2. positive interdependence 3. individual accountability 4. group process skills

Drug Prevention

1. younger children are more affected by the school interventions even though they probably wont abuse until they are older 2. programs need to address all forms of drug abuse and tailor to their audience 3. schools need to enhance protective factors and diminish risk factors **classroom management is a deterent from drugs

Wait time

2/3 of the hands in the air (count to 5 slowly)


50% admitted to bullying other students **82% increase in school violence in the past 5 years (starts as teasing and escalates, is a form of abuse, creates secondary victims school causes - lack of teacher attachment, lack of parental involvement, unsafe and negative school climates , low standards **could do an antibullying pledge

Diversity Stats (race)

60 % are white 17% are black 17% are hispanic 4% asian 1.2% Native American 36% eligible for free or reduced price meals

Diversity Stats (mental illness)

ADHA, ODD, Depression, Bi-polar, Autism, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, OCD 5% abused each year 5% ADHD 8% mood disorders (depression/anxiety) 2% mood disorders **20% have a mental illness, 80 - 90% treatable but only 1/3 will get help

Verbal Communication Skills

Active Listening Conference Techniques I message, You/We message Humor Leading Paraphrase Pauses I wish Delay PNP (+-+) Offer a choice, Alpha and Beta

What are the Management Profiles?

Authoritarian, Authoritative, Laissez-fair, Indifferent

"Good classroom management is the single most significant contributor to..."

High achievement


Higher Order Thinking Skills (critical thinking) Eval Synthesis Analysis App. Understanding Knowledge

Research tells us that...

Teacher stress over poor classroom management, 40% of teachers leave the profession because no on backs them up, classrooms are more inclusive, there are challenging students


a friendly and positive relationship


a set noise or sign that signals students during a lesson that a behavior is required ( a bell could be a signal to start class)

assertive discipline

a strategy of behaviorism, rules, concept of choice


a teacher behavior that makes a negative student behavior stop


a teaching method that emphasizes information and teacher talk (student centered is a method of teaching that is discovery based)

engagement strategies

activities that help keep students engaged in the lesson (i.e pair share) **authors chair, birthday crown

authentic assessment

assessing students on activities that apply to the real world

Room awareness

being able to be aware of what is going on all over the room when teaching

Classroom Traditions

birthdays, holidays, morning, fridays

what do parents want in a teacher?

caring, enthusiastic, encouraging

Alternatives to Suspensions

class meetings, individual conferences, appropriate tasks, parental involvement, logical consequences, built rapport and relationships, pro-social behavior, problem solve for solutions, behavior contracts, using school resources

Emotional Environment

class meetings, lunch brunch (not trying to discipline just trying to get to know), signals, catchy phrases, riddles, games (simon says, drawing, seasonal games, question game)

Non-verbal communication

communication without words, facial expressions, everything communicates (nonverbal can never be silence) Assertive, congruent, open, positive, encouraging, expressive, proximity **read student's body language

Diversity = ability

could be due to motivation, stress, health, poor teaching, etc **the higher the grade the greater gap of achievement

Fighting in School

do not immediately break up the fight, first send for help, remove possible weapons (students will listen to to verbal commands) separate them to cool down, legally you may restrain or take reasonable physical action, talk to both fighters together

positive inter-dependence

each person gets a job (#1 will be...) **students can set the rules for group work

caring community

emphasizes the ethic of care, nurturing, closeness, emotional attachment, respectful and supportive relationships. students should feel as if they are members of community **inclusiveness

cultural heritage

emphasizes values drawn from the traditions of non-dom cultures hard because teachers then must come from the cultures of the students

The Blame Game

external conditions that affect a given lesson's outcome. Here are some excuses 1. the weather 2. time off from school 3. the personality of the class 4. food of any type 5. lack of authority from the student teacher


fair, understanding, class meetings, limits, polite, opportunity to learn


few demands on students, interruptions, no boundaries, concerned with the emotional wellbeing more, permissive, push over


firm, rules, lecture

ANT (automatic Negative Thought)

focusing on negative in a situation, fortune telling or anticipating the worst, blaming the cause (learn to frame in a positive way)

behavior contracts

for students who have unusual problems conforming to appropriate behavior, time consuming so do not use for general use behavior contracts, positive notes, mystery person

Getting Work Finished

generally speaking avoid penalties for students to turn in their work **be clear, make assignments, several small assignments, put hw away, check for completion, assist students who need help appropriately, beck in work, watch for off task behavior, give students time to clean their desks **praise for work handed in on time


going back and teaching a lesson again, using a new method, when there is doubt that everyone understood


has been a number of research studies as the teacher trait having the highest correlation with student achievement and on task behavior


hearing, touch, sight


holding students' attention and keeping their attention throughout the lesson

rewards work best

if the recipient is already dependent short term results if not intended to alter attitudes or commitments if already alienated from the task if the task is simple, measured quantitatively

Cooperative Learning

involves groups of 2 + working together, class unity is stressed, build sense of belonging, long term teacher assigned, heterogeneous groups are recommended, start gradually, don't grade group work, goal is the acceptance of differences

social action

justice and compassion guide the curriculum focused on the political nature of society. change can happen by students who think critically and examining unjust situations **students generate ideas, rich academic social and political curriculum **teachers need to allow students to voice their moral concerns

School Law

know school code, drills and alarms, don't lower a students grade for disciplinary reasons, cannot suspend for 10 + days, notify parents if students, cannot share confidential info, terminal disease needs to have writing, be careful in teacher's lounge, can't share political views


look, inquire, summarize, take notes, encourage, neutralize


moving the lesson along at a speed that suits the attention span of students

Diversity = Gifted Students (5%)

myths: high achievers, self-directors, easy to raise, can accomplish anything, do not have problems, they know where they are headed truths: perfectionists, problem solvers, far ahead from their chronological age mates, some may fear failure, mappers vs. leapers, often think abstractly, unwilling to do things unless promised success. **many programs and text neglect gifted learners


natural consequences, restitution, arbitrary punishment, changing perception Natural = you make up for what you did Arbitrary = unreasonable Changing Perceptions **don't solve a lot of problems, it gradually loses it's effectiveness over time (sometimes temper kids really don't understand)

types of child abuse

non-accidental physical, sexual abuse, neglect, permitting children to be in porn **clues = wearing lose clothing, bruises, cigarette burns, stories **if you make an erroneous report to HS, as long as it was done in good faith, you are not liable


observing, measuring, and modifying behavior and giving rewards/punishments (training your students) **assertive discipline, contingency management, group rewards, behavior contracts, positive notes, PBIS


overall goal of teaching values of cooperation, empathy, community (which are reinforced intrinsically) **need to have full needs met before they engage in class **give reason behind expectations **always begin with the question why **cultivate empathy by explaining the impact of negative behavior **students need information and discussion in order to make their own meaning from a situation **democratic classroom practices **relevant and engaging , less assertive management


overall psychological atmosphere of the classroom

Diversity = temperament

provide structures and consistency, place the students on the outer edge of class

rewards fail

punish when not received rupture relationships ignore reasons/causes discourage risk taking and innovation undermine interests in the rewarded tasks

group rewards

put emphasis on the group's responsibility to prepare their members for the task and provide time for students to help each other

The Management Pyramid

rapport, motivation, routines, clarity, engagement, positive feedback, penalties and rewards

Alfie Kohn: Punished by Rewards

rewards are only effective at producing compliance *increase anxiety and discourage some from making an effort

character education

schooling can shape the behavior of young people by inculcating them the proper virtues. Children need clear directions and good role models

just community

schools become democratic settings that provide students with opportunities to deliberate about moral dilemmas and to participate in cooperative decision making stages of moral reasoning


should a person have been able to foresee that this might have happened (does the school know it's dangerous?)

positive feedback

specific, positive, task related, show growth, future steps, "I still got it"

Hierarchy of Needs

start --> physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, self-actualization (if they don't have beginning they wont have end) **ex: students need to have a sense of where they are **students can only listen for so long

peace education

stems from an ethic of care that extends beyond the classroom. valuing and befriending the Earth, living in harmony with the natural world, recognizing the interrelatedness, living in a culture of peace, conflict resolution, global ed and human rights ed. consumerism, ethical inquiry


students are responsible for their own education, no communication, lazy, no preparation, low achievement, few demands.

ethical inquiry

students engage in "moral conversations" centered on dilemmas, can be added to all academic areas **deliberation promotes development

Diversity = ESL tips

support home language, assess for learning disabilities, foster social interactions, allow translations, check for comprehension, develop pride in cultures, simple directions, encourage participation, assign a buddy, build background knowledge, tie in their culture, reading strategies are universal, help their cognitive skills, be aware of culture shock, provide time outs, learn that name correctly, try to learn new words, teach the textbook backwards

contingency management

systematic reinforcement of desired behaviors Clarify, avoid take aways, logical rewards, group rewards builds community **you are not dealing with the problem, try challenging the students, you are emphasizing external control, you are not modeling moral reasoning **help with transitions


taking too long or becoming repetitious with explanations that cause students to disengage


tattling is only tattling if the student involved is hurting no one and the info is only designed to get them in trouble (otherwise if they are hurting themselves or others its reporting)

Learning to Learn

teach the skills, teach the goal, encourage positive self talk, break long term projects into small steps, measure success, involve students in self evaluation (don't assume anything) **students learn best and exhibit their best behavior when not feeling threatened (threats can be intellectual, emotional, physical) **improving threats by encouraging optimist thinking, encouraging communication, feel safe


the ability of teachers to spot disruptive behavior and to deal with it without interrupting with the flow of the lesson


the ability to make changes in a lesson or a students behavior, during the lesson


the ability to monitor several things all at once while teaching


the feeling that the lesson is moving at a good pace and students are engaged

Personal Autonomy/ Self-Efficacy

the quality or state of being self-governing, and freedom of moral independence

wait time (think time)

the time between the end of a teacher's question and when she calls on a student. Also called "it is best to count slowly to 5 in order to give students time to think about their answer"

teacher voice

the voice of firmness and authority that a veteran teacher has usually cultivated. Some novice teachers tend to be more tentative and timid and would benefit from finding their own teacher voice


the wise strategy to have more activities planned than students will like accomplish


the work and effort that goes into a lesson before the lesson (planning and organizing)

Moral Education

there are moral worlds *caring communitycultural heritage, peace education, caring community, social action, just community, ethical inquiry

Diversity = African American students are suspended at what proportion in school

twice their proportion **some reasons for the disparity may include cultural misunderstanding and misinterpretation, resistant and defiant, lack of academic and social support **for a positive school climate teach teachers how to de-esculate, levels of inquiry, programs for at risk students, helps students with self management skills


use signals or noise makers, timing, mystery person, clear engaging directions, call by groups, praise those who follow directions, have consequences, have contingent rewards (marbles for class etc) use music, games, poems

ineffective discipline practices

vague rules, do not ignore student's behaviors, no corporal punishment, avoid out of school suspension, avoid inconsistent treatment

conference techniques

what do they want to happen or change (reasonable)

teacher talk

when a teacher gives students information. The duration of teacher talk needs to limited in order to engage students in the lesson.

Brain Based Learning

window of opportunity, all brains are unique, new neural pathways are created every time we use our brains in thinking, needs a challenge, low threat (the brain is meaning driven, learn by doing)

Physical Environment

worry jar, shout-outs, display work, class pets, therapy dogs, star of the week, bulletin boards

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