CM 313 - Final Exam

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"It was a long and arduous day. I had been in negotiations for hours. The third party arbitrator was unsuccessful and I was down to my last offerings. My challenge was to get cleaner facilities but I didn't want to increase the pay. Perhaps a more impressive benefits package would satisfy but I knew that if I didn't come up with a convincing consequence to not following the instructions given that it would fall on deaf ears. Finally, after several attempts, my daughter cleaned her room."

Attention Getter

This theory explains how people process information and explain the behavior of others and themselves.

Attribution theory

The issue is trivial, resistance is futile, destructive escalations are likely, losses outweigh gains, or time is short


Members are trained in problem-solving, parties have common goals and parties agree to reframe the conflict, time is not tight


Immediate action is needed, the parties know and expect the process, and power relationships are recognized


Both parties stand to gain, an ideal solution is not needed, time is short, a complex problem needs a temporary solution, or parties are equals


"I have an interest in researching new types of disciplinary methods for my home and professional use. I also have participated in making a behavioral contract for a emotionally disabled adolescent before."


This theory deals with how people respond when they do not get the kind of nonverbal behavior they think they will get.

Expectancy violations

Using the "we" language, using good volume, and making eye contact are all examples of

Immediacy behaviors

"Most people work with or around children at some point in their lives. You might find this approach helpful for you in the future"


A ______/________ manager might say the following: "Regardless of what other manager may say, there is no single best way to manage - any model could be successful." Systems/Contingency Modern/Transformational Human relations/Human Resources Traditional/Bureaucratic


According to the transactional model of communication the communicator must be___________ and __________before wanting to send or receive a message. a. Stimulated/motivated b. Received/motivated c. Encouraged/listened to d. Stimulated/encouraged


As long as the comments are not phony, manipulative, or false, research indicates that the controlling style of impression management results in more job offers and higher ratings of the candidate for motivation, enthusiasm, and technical skills. a. True b. False


If the tasks are very simple, the group is very large, and the time for decision is short, which of the following leadership styles works best? a. Authoritarian leadership style b. Democratic leadership style c. The three-dimensional style d. Laissez-faire leadership style


The following sequence is an example of a persuasive pattern: get attention, develop a need for a change, satisfy the need, use visualization, and ask for action. Which method is this? a. Monroe's Motivated sequence b. Problem-solution pattern c. Comparative advantages pattern d. Claim pattern


Upright standing posture, relaxed manner, and confident movements are all __________. a. Signs of power b. Expectancy violations c. Paraphrase d. Immediacy behaviors


What is an effective way to answer a behavioral question? (2 points) a. Frame your answers using the situation, action, and result (SAR) method b. Refuse to answer c. Say you don't know the answer d. Simply say a few words and move on


Which of the following is not a good reason for including visual aids in your presentation? a. Visual materials are less work to make b. Visual materials help understanding c. Visual materials help credibility d. Visual materials help maintain the audience's attention


Which of the following is the best example of an opening sentence for a speech? a. Some 3 years ago, one of my best friends—a young woman about your age—was told she had cancer. b. Today we will talk about the warning signs of cancer, so everyone can know what to look for. c. I want to inform you of the warning signs of cancer. d. Hi, my name is John Doe and today I'm going to talk about the warning signs of cancer.


Which of the following statements is false about visual aids? a. Statistics should be used frequently to boost your credibility b. Statistics should be rounded off to an easy to remember number c. Use the same color scheme for all visuals in the presentation d. Graphic visual aids improve listener memory.


Which of the following statements is not an effective way for giving instructions? a. Be detailed and use as many words as possible. b. End with a summary. c. Use repetition. d. Begin with an overall picture. e. Use easy to understand words.


Which of the following statements is true about the basic problem-solving procedure? a. A checklist of criteria should be established so the group knows what guidelines to use in evaluating the solutions. b. The problem-solving procedure ends when the group selects the best alternative. A discussion of how to implement the solution is a different procedure. c. Members usually know what the problem is. The first step is to research and analyze the problem. d. Start the procedure by listing possible alternatives.


Which of the following is false about written communication? a. To minimize tone problems in email, it is recommended that we avoid long email. b. In a business report, focus on your interests and needs. c. In written communication, avoid using all capital letters except for emphasis of a single word or short phrase. d. In writing thank you letters, the tone should be formal yet friendly.


Which of the following is not a bad listening habit? a. Criticizing the speaker's delivery instead of focusing on the message b. Taking brief notes and writing down keywords c. Pretending to listen to the speaker d. Listening for facts rather than a theme or relative principles


Which of the following statements is false about different methods of delivery? a. Speaking from memory is challenging because a question or nonverbal cues from a listener can lead a speaker to forget the next sentence b. Impromptu speaking is the preferred delivery for most business speakers. c. Speaking extemporaneously (with or without notes) helps the speaker to sound conversational and maintain eye contact with listeners. d. Speaking from a manuscript makes it more difficult to respond to listener feedback


Which of the following statements is false about nonverbal communication? a. The continental handshake makes the best impression in the US. b. Interviewers tend to rate applicants dressed in lighter colors more competent than applicants dressed in darker colors. c. Dr. Amy Cuddy stated that nonverbal communication can affect individuals' perceptions toward themselves. d. Physical environments produce an emotional response.


_________________ is the process the communicator goes through in trying to create and send a message. a. Decoding b. Encoding c. backchanneling d. Motivation


What can a group do to decrease the chances that groupthink will negatively affect its decisions? Select ALL that apply. a. Apply direct pressure if a member voices a doubt or raises an objection. b. Ask members to be critical evaluators. c. Bring in outside experts with differing opinions. d. Use leaders who keep personal opinions to themselves until members speak


Which of the following strategies can be used to handle dysfunctional behaviors? Select ALL that apply. a. Avoid assigning dysfunctional members specific tasks b. Seat the person immediately next to the leader c. Avoid direct eye contact d. Plan your opening remarks carefully


Which of the following are specific purpose statements for an informative speech? Select All that apply. a. "To propose that access to social media should be restricted in our company" b. "To describe to my audience the benefits and challenges of becoming a business owner." c. "To convince my audience that marijuana should be legalized." d. "To explain to my audience two types of influenza and ways to prevent them."


A failure to distinguish between what we observed firsthand and what we only assume to be true. a. Visualization b. Bypassing c. Inference-observation confusion d. Vague instructions


Jeanie always flips her hair behind her ear when she talks in a group. This is an example of: _________________. a. Illustrators b. Emblems c. Adaptors d. Regulators


On the first day of your job, the boss gives you an assignment using jargon and technical terms you are unfamiliar with. You realize you missed part of the information, and now you are confused about how to begin your task. Which of the following barriers to listening was the problem? a. Generational b. Psychological c. Semantic d. Gender


When considering ethics, which rule says create the greatest good for the greatest number of people? a. Moral rights rule b. Practical rule c. Utilitarian rule d. Justice rule


Which is not a good way to establish your credibility? a. Refer to personal experience b. Have a boss or credible person introduce you c. Speak in a timid or hesitant manner. d. Note research and interviews on the subject


Which of the following groups demonstrates a characteristic of an effective team? a. Members of Group Apple do not believe in virtual teams and only meet face-to-face or don't meet at all. b. Members of Group Orange consider themselves experts in their industry and often make decisions based on members' opinions. With their combined expertise, research is unnecessary. c. Members of Group Peach always come to meetings well-prepared. d. Members of Group Melon are solution-oriented and quickly move to the implementation phase. Comparing a possible solution to predetermined criteria or considering its consequences is a waste of time.


Which of the following is a characteristic of individualistic cultures? a. Individualistic cultures are relationship oriented. b. Individualistic cultures prefer avoiding and accommodating strategies to preserve friendships c. Individual rights and autonomy are valued more highly than group rights. d. Individualistic cultures prefer collaborating and compromising to solve problems


Which of the following is not recommended when answering questions during a job interview? a. Try to relax and be yourself. b. Don't say more than you want to say c. If caught off guard, answer it quickly & change the subject. d. If you don't know or remember the answer, say so.


Which of the following statements is false about interpersonal relationships in the workplace? a. Too much or too little feedback or self-disclosure hurts communication and relationships. b. It is best to move slowly in asking for and receiving feedback from people who do not know you well c. Job satisfaction rarely spills over into life satisfaction. d. Strong manager-employee relationships depend on praise, understanding and trust.


Which of the following statements regarding listening is true? a. Hearing and listening are the same thing. b. Offering advice to your boss is a good way to show you are a good listener. c. Listening is the process of receiving and responding to others' messages. d. Listening has little value in the workplace.


Which statement is false about grapevine communication? a. Information carried by the grapevine is 75 to 95% accurate. b. The type of information the grapevine carries indicates the health of the organization. c. Effective managers ignore grapevine communication because it is mostly untruthful. d. Grapevine communication can lead to conflict.


Your friend, Vicky, has four job offers and needs your advice about which company to choose. She is tech-savvy, self-motivated, finds change exciting, and enjoys working from home. She doesn't do well with highly structured environment. Which company would best fit Vicky? a. The Human relations Southwest Airlines b. The Traditional In-N-Out Burger c. The Transformational Johnson & Johnson d. The Bureaucratic United Parcel Service (UPS)


_________________________organizations focus on a team-based orientation and encourage employee participation in important decision-making situation. Bureaucratic Scientific Human resources Traditional


What are the differences between informative and persuasive presentations? Select ALL that apply. a. Informative presentations end with a call to actions; persuasive presentations present facts so that listeners can make their own decisions b. Informative presentations tell the audience what to think; persuasive presentations tell the audience what to think about c. Informative presentations teach the listeners something; persuasive presentations influence listener attitudes, feelings, or behaviors d. Informative presentations are neutral; persuasive presentations take a position


Which of the following is not a suggestion for interviewees? (Select ALL that apply.) a. Send a thank-you note b. Be prepared to ask questions during an interview c. Ask about salary or benefits in an initial interview d. Speak quietly and in a muted tone


"I will explain what a behavioral contract is. Secondly, I will discuss two case studies in which behavioral contract has been used effectively. Finally, I will discuss concerns in using this approach."


Audience members compare their position (called an anchor) with the speaker's position, looking for a latitude of acceptance, noncommitment, and rejection.

Social judgement theory

A speech entitled "What to see on the National Mall in Washington D.C." includes the following main points: (1) from the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington Monument, (2) between the Washington Monument and the National Air and Space Museum; and (3) between the National Air and Space Museum and the U.S. Capitol. This is an example of what type of organizational pattern? a. Causal b. Topical c. Chronological d. Spatial


Bob is a project manager, and he is feeling pressure because of an impending deadline. He views time as a valuable resource and is concerned about accomplishing the project on time. Which listening style should Bob use in his next meeting? a. critical listening b. relational listening c. analytical listening d. task-oriented listening


Breakdowns in communication often occur due to inaccurate encoding and decoding because we use our own background and experience which is also referred to as___________________ a. transactional process b. noise c. communication turbulence d. frame of reference


Which of the following is a description of messages in high-context cultures? a. Messages are clearly spelled out—that is, they are direct and explicit. b. It is the speaker's responsibility to make sure the message is well organized and structured. c. It is the speaker's responsibility to make sure the meaning is provided by the words. d. The person's gestures, facial expressions, and status are considered to be of major importance.


Which of the following is not a call to action? a. "Please sign my petition to increase parking at UAH." b. "Take some time today to reach out to your grandparents and take in their wisdom." c. "Protect your second amendment rights by contacting your representative." d. "Signing up to be an organ donor can save up to eight lives."


The issue is minor, conflict hurts both parties, or brief conflict reduction is needed for more research or member cool down


When listening to arguments, audience members will likely take one of two routes, central or peripheral.

Elaboration likelihood model

The intentional body movements and gestures that communicate an exact meaning are called


Presenting both sides seems to make listeners more resistant to additional new or novel arguments.

Inoculation theory

"Today, I will inform you about how to use behavioral contract with young children."

Purpose Statement

Two types of communication anxiety include___________________ and _________________. [Select TWO correct answers.] a. Trait b. Situational c. Structural d. Speech e. Organizational


What is an effective way to answer the interview question: "Tell me about yourself?" (Select ALL that apply.) a. Succinctly connect your skills to the company or position you are interviewing for. b. Use the present, past, and future formula. c. Discuss your happy or miserable childhood. d. Recite your resume.


What are guidelines for competent informative speaking? Select ALL that apply. a. tell your story well b. avoid information overload c. adapt your topic to your audience's knowledge base d. tell us what we don't already know


Which of the following is recommended for interviewees? (Select ALL that apply.) a. When asked direct questions, watch interviewer's face and see if a short or long answer is expected. b. Don't let closed questions limit your answers. c. Beware of leading questions. d. Avoid saying yes or no to loaded questions.


Which of the following statements is true about managing communication anxiety? Select ALL that apply. a. Starting a speech with humor can help relax the speaker as well as the listeners. b. The combination of efforts is often the best way to reduce apprehension. c. Think of your speech as a communication instead of a performance. d. Careful preparation can reduce anxiety by as much as 75%.


Which of the following is not recommended as an effective way to answer unlawful questions during an employment interview? (Select ALL that apply.) (2 points) a. Answer the question as it was asked b. With sincerity, ask the same question of the interviewer c. Answer the concern behind the question rather than the question asked d. Silently refuse to answer the question e. Ask lightheartedly for a clarification about how the question relates to the job


Which of the following statements is true about outlining. Select ALL that apply. a. Start with a preparation outline and then develop a presentation outline b. Use only key words or phrases in your preparation outline c. Develop your preparation outline by writing out the speech word for word like a manuscript d. Begin with your body before developing your introduction and conclusion


To give all members a chance to participate and to minimize group pressure, the recommended method for generating ideas is: a. Round table discussion b. Nominal group technique c. Brainstorming d. Panel


What is not a characteristic of effective resumes discussed in this text? a. Effective resumes offer more than basic information. b. Effective resumes contain personal information such as gender, age, and height. c. Effective resumes are easy to read. d. Effective resumes grab immediate attention.


Whether a behavior is considered sexual harassment depends on the intentions of the harasser. a. True b. False


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