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True about the legal contract is

There is a consideration, The parties must be of legal capacity The contract is for a specific good or services. The contract must be accepted by both parties.

If AC interference occurs on an EKG tracing, what is the likely cause?

There is electrical interference from within the room.

Which of the following formed elements is responsible for blood clotting?

Thrombocytes are called platelets. They are the initial patch to prevent blood loss when a vessel is injured.

Which of the following words is CORRECTLY spelled?


Myelomeningocele means

herniation of the spinal cord and covering on the spinal cord


last menstrual period

The Prefix meaning "Beyond"is

*Meta means beyond. Mal-means "Bad Ambi- means Both Retro- means Behind Multi- means Many

Word that means without menstrual flow?

Amenorrhea- Menstrual flow Nullipara- no live births Oligomenorrhea- Scanty menstrual flow Dysmenorrhea- painful menstruation Nulligravida - no pregnancies

A defense based on assigning portions of the responsibility for damages to both plaintiff and defendant is called a?

Comparative defense- assigns portions of the responsibility for damages to both plaintiff and defendant. Means a defendant cannot be found guilty of negligence if the patient is in any part responsible.

When the plaintiff is found to be in some part responsible for injury and the health care giver is NOT held responsible, it is called?

Contributory Risk- Defendants are not held liable for damages when contributory risk is the defense because the patient was in part responsible for the injury.

The practice of one insurance company working with other insurance plans to determine the amount each will pay when a patient has more than one insurance plan is referred to as?

Coordination of benefits is undertaken when the patient has more than one insurance plan: after the primary carrier has made payment based on its plan, the secondary carrier determines its own amount of payment based on the balance. Capitation means that the insurance carrier pays a set fee per patient regardless of degree of injury or illness. Coinsurance requires the insured patient to pay for portion of a medical bill, while insurance carrier pays the remainder. Third party payment- is one made by an insurance carrier, government-funded program, or other payer that is not the patient. Assignment of benefits-a patient authorizes the health insurance carrier to make payment for a covered procedure directly to his/her healthcare provider rather than to himself/herself.

Which of the following is considered high in antioxidants?

Dark Green and yellow vegetables Liver and organs meats are high in iron Citrus fruits are high vitamin C. Root vegetables have no special significance Dairy products are rich in vitamin D and calcium

Sworn testimony given outside of court is called?


The disease where uric acid collects in the joint and crystallizes is called?

Gout is an accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints. Bursitis- enlarged sac between joints that fills with fluid to provide extra protection to the joint. Arthritis- is inflammation of a joint causing pain and stiffness. Kyphosis- is an exaggerated curvature to the thoracic spine. Scoliosis- is a deviation of the spine to the side.

Which of the following terms refers to blood in the urine?

Hematuria Uria-The Suffix meaning condition of urine. Hemat- Means Blood.

Which condition is treated with use of the DASH diet?

High Blood Pressure, The Dash diet lowers blood pressure.

The Phrase describes the amount of evidence required to convict a civl case is?

In civl cases, only a preponderance of evidence is sufficient to prove guilt. In Criminal Cases, there must be a overwhelming evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.

The following action of the sympathetic nervous system is

Increase blood pressure, increase pulse, release of glucose decreased libido.

The Filling steps that include ensuring that the appropriate people have taken action on a document before filing it?

Inspecting and releasing means ensuring that the appropriate people have taken action of a document. Before the document is filed, a release mark should be noted on it.

The Disease where the coating on the axon begins to disintegrate and slows neutral transmission is called?

Multiple Sclerosis involves the appearance of bare spots on the myelin sheath. Myasthenia gravis- involves extreme fatigue of muscles with the slightest exertion. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - progressive degeneration of voluntary motor neurons. Cerebral Palsy- is a disorder of balance and movement often caused by anoxia during the birth process. Parkinson Disease- is a disease of dopamine deficit that affects gait. it often is accompanied by "pill-rolling" movements of the fingers.

Intentional Misrepresentation of facts and figures is called?

Negligence is a failure to perform at the reasonable standards of care. Defamation of character- is malicious misrepresentation of facts to harm another. Slander is defamation of character through spoken words Libel- is defamation of characters through written words.

Which of the following body system is responsible for hearing?

Nervous because they pick up information and deliver it to the brain for a response.

The Word Root for "tumor"is


Which of the following does NOT describe Schedule IV drugs?

Only Schedule II drugs must be ordered in writing on a triplicate form, signed by the physician, filled within a time limit, and no refills given. Schedule IV drugs are frequently abused, but have a lower potential for abuse. Drugs like Xanas, Ativan, and valium are in this category. Must be locked and secured. but they can be called in over the phone and may be refilled up to five times in six months and if the doctor think this appropriate.

When a physical exam has been performed and the physician document PERRLA, what part of the body is this term referring to?

PERRLA refers to the eyes and stands for pupils equal, round, and react to light and accommodation. It indicates the pupils are normal.

Which of the following specialists would a person see for IBS, PUD, or pyloric stenosis?

PUD- Peptic ulcer disease Gastroenterologist- specialize in stomach and intestine and disease of the gastrointestinal tract

What is not an early symptoms of cancer?

Pain and weight loss

Which of the following prefixes means "near"?

Para- Meta- means beyond

Oranges, bananas, broccoli, and tomatoes are rich sources of which of the following minerals?


Who treats patients with ADHD, PTSD & Bipolar disorder?


A medical assistant is providing instruction on care of sutures to a young mother whose child has been injured in fall. she is distracted and tells the medical assistant that she and her child have not eaten for two days because their public aid check is late. Which of the hierarchy of needs is preventing this mother from considering the patient teaching that is being presented to her?

Psychological needs

One state accepting the licensure requirements of another state to enable a health care worker to practice is called

Reciprocity- allows a person licensed in one state to practice in another. Revocation is canceling a license to practice.

The Public health department duties include

Recording of vital statistics such as births, deaths, communicable disease, animal bites, gunshot and knife wounds, epidemic control , and research. Medicare is managed by the federal government Medicaid is managed by the state

A medical assistant is working with an obese child on a weight reduction program. When his patient loses five pounds at her follow-up appointment, he gives her a movie ticket. Which Psychological principal is the medical assistant using in this case?


Your coworker tells you that her next-door neighbor has just come in for a health exam. She asks you to give her the health history form to review it. Which of the following actions is appropriate?

Remind her that the patient record is protected health information.

A Terminally ill patient says that he is angry and feels that his illness could have been treated successfully by a "better doctor." Which of the following would be an appropriate response to this comment?

Say" I Understand that you are angry right now"

The function of the optic nerve is

Seeing- the optic nerve carries visual stimulation to the brain

Which of the following would be an unintentional tort when done by a medical assistant?

Showing photos of surgery without patient consent. Intentional Tort-includes assault, battery, slander, Libel, invasion of privacy, Fraud, and false imprisonment.

Which of the following thought leaders in the field of psychology believed that repressed memories created emotional conflict and possible mental disorders later in life?

Sigmud Freud- Psychoanalytic theories held that people experienced problems because of repressed memories and thoughts from childhood.

A Procedure such as a CABG or EKG is likely to be done by a/an?

Specialize in the heart is a Cardiologist

The length of time in which a person can file a lawsuit is called?

Statue of limitations

The Condition in which blood accumulates due to a tear in the meningeal layer is

Subdural hematoma is a bleed under the layers of tissue covering the brain, but the bleeding does not go into the brain itself. Intracerebral Hematoma- is a bleeding into the brain tissue itself. Concussion- a head injury in which the brain has a temporary injury ( bruising and bleeding due to a blow. Epilepsy is irregular electrical activity of the brain that may results in seizure. Hydrocephalus- is an increase in fluid pressure because ventricles in the brain do not drain properly.

A court mandate to bring a portion of the medical record to court is called

Subpoena duces tecum- Comes and bring records Respondeat superior- involves the responsibility of the employer for the employee actions. Res ipsa loquitur- The thing speaks for itself ( it is used when an error is grossly obvious and blame is directed at one person. Res Judicata means a matter decided by judgement. Caveat emptor- Means buyer beware and has nothing to do with the law.

Perspiration is produced by the

Sudoriferous glands- Produces perspiration.

Erythema may be caused by all of the following EXCEPT.

Sunburn, carbon monoxide poisoning, dermatitis, blushing. Bile problems wouldn't because result in jaundice (yellowing of the skin and mucus membranes).

It is a hectic day in the office and the physician is backed up in seeing patient who have been in the waiting room. Mr. Hall approach the reception desk and pounds his fist and start yelling tha his time is valuable and that he waited long enough. All of the following steps are appropriate ways to handle the first stage of an encounter with an angry patient Except.

Tell him that you will need to call the security guard and have him removed from the office if he does not calm down

Bones are joined to muscles by

Tendons muscle to bone Periosteum- is the protective covering on the outside of a long bone. Cartilage- is a semi-hard, fibrous connective tissue. The Meninges are three layer covering over the brain and spinal cord.

The term Freud use to describe the area of the mind that determined a persons basic identiy

The Ego is the part of the conscious mind that contains our thoughts and behaviors.

Laws that protect consumers from harassing phone calls for collection are part of the?

The Fair Debt Collection Act- Regulation to protect debtors from collectors calling at work, leaving incriminating messages, or calling at inconvenient hours to harass the debtor. The Fair Labor Standards Act- Regulates the mining wage and controls the number of hours worked.

The combining form hepat/o refers to the

The Liver

Within the cell, the organelle responsible for the production of energy is the

The Mitochondria

The major site where carbohydrates are broken down is the

The Mouth- Digestion begins in the mouth with the breakdown of carbohydrates by amylase

The Act that protects patient rights including the right to agree to or refuse medical treatment is the

The Patient Self-Determination Act allows patients to control their own lives and make informed decisions about what medical care they do or do not want. The Consumers Protection Act of of 1971 protects the patients finances by regulating the lending of funds. The Civil Rights Act of 1964- prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. The Americans with Disabilities Act- Protects those with physical, mental, or emotional handicaps from discrimination.

which of the following is the pacemaker for the heart?

The SA Node is the pacemaker of the heart. The impulse travels to the AV node where it slows. It separates at the bundle of His and travels down the left or right bundle branches.

During this period of development, young children experience the world only through what they can experience with their senses. At the early part of this stage, they may not be able to differentiate between themselves and the rest of the world. Piaget termed this period

The Sensorimotor Stage- This stage, from birth until about age two, childcare learn what they take in from hearing, touching, smelling, and seeing. They have limited motor skills.

The Wave that represents relaxation of the ventricles

The T Wave indicates the relaxation of the ventricles. P Waves show the contraction of the atria, The QRS complex- indicates the contraction of the ventricles and relaxation of the Atria. U Wave-indicates hypokalemia not seen on a EKG Q Wave is a component of the QRS complex showing the depolarization of the ventricles of the heart.

Which region is referred to when charting a notation about the area near the navel?

The Umbilical or gastric region surrounds the navel. The Epigastric region is above the navel. The Suprapubic region is below the navel and above the pubic bone. The Hyperchondriac regions are in the area of the false ribs. The Lumbar regions are in the lower back.

Which of the following gives a choice to those over 18 years of age to determine the disposition of their body or body parts?

The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act - Allows those over 18 years of age to make decisions about disposal of their body or body parts for medical education, research or transplantation.

According to Piaget, at what developmental stage would a child be expected to understand the difference in size and weights of a group of objects?

The ability to recognize and categorize objects by size and weight is part of the period of concrete operations.

A patient who is instructed to take 10 mL of a medication would be able to use which of the following household equivalents?

The household equivalent of 10 mL is 2 teaspoons. One teaspoon equals approximately 5 ml; it is also equivalent to 60 drops (E) too little of the medication. A half-teaspoon equals approximately 2.5 mL-too little of the medication. There are 3 teaspoons or 15 mL in a tablespoon, so 2 tablespoons equals 30 mL too much of the medication. A half-pint equals 8 ounces, which is equivalent to 240 mL too much of the medication.

Which of the following anatomical locations contains the patella?

The patella is the kneecap of the leg

The Physician can terminate the care of a patient in all of the following situation EXCEPT when

The patient uses abusive language with the staff

The person accused of a crime or illegal act is the?

The person accused of a crime is the defendant. The Plaintiff- offers a complaint The Jury is a group of peers who try a case. Bench- refers to a judge trying a case. An Agent is someone representing another, such as the medical assistant representing the physician.

Which of the following is not a type of body tissue?

There are four types of body tissue, Epithelial, Connective, Nervous, and Muscular. All are true Respiratory is not*

Which of the following is descriptive of arteries?

Thick, Elastic, carry blood away from heart . Veins are thin, fragile and return blood to the heart.


level of consciousness

Carcinogenic means

Pertaining to the formation of cancer. the suffix -ic meaning pertains to, Carcin/o means cancer, and gen/means formation.

Which of the following terms refers to sewing or stitching of veins?

Phleborrhaphy Orrhaphy means sewing or stiching. Phleb means veins

The Prefix meaning "Many" is


The recorded financial transactions in a bookkeeping or accounting system is called?

Posting is the process of copying or recording an amount from one record such as a journal, onto another record, such as ledger or from a day sheet onto a ledger card. Ledger is a record of charges, payments, and adjustment for individuals patients or families. Superbill- is a combination charge slip, statement, and insurance reporting form. Trial Balance-is a method of checking the accuracy of accounts. it should be done once a month. Deducting refers to when money is subtracted or deducted from an employee pay to cover taxes, insurance, and possible other expenses.

Pathogens that thrive in the presence of oxygen are called

Aerobes- The require oxygen to survive an example is Streptococcus

Confidential Information can be disclosed in all of the following cases EXCEPT

All are true: The patient requests the information be released. The patients power of attorney for healthcare signs a release of information The Physician feels it is Necessary for the public welfare Someone are is in in imminent danger if the information is withheld FALSE* The patient is mentally ill and out of touch with reality

If an elderly patient refuses an antibiotic injection, but the medical assistant holds the patient down "For her own good" and gives it anyway.

Example of battery. Its illegal touching it an intentional tort. Assault is the mere of illegal touching

The mineral that prevents dental cavities?

Fluoride is added to water and toothpaste to prevent dental decay (Cavities).

Which of the following suffixes is NOT an adjective ending meaning "pertains to"

-ity means condition

Which of the following specialists would treat ARDS, SOB, COPD?

ARDS- Adult respiratory distress syndrome, COPD- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Pulmonologist-Specialize in respiratory diseases.

The pancreas is located in which body cavity?

Abdominal its the digestive organ The thoracic cavity holds the lungs and heart. The pelvic cavity- holds the organs of reproduction and some of the organs related to the urinary system. The Spinal cavity contains the spinal cord Cranial cavity- contains the cranium

Which item should a patient on a low-sodium diet select for a snack?


Which of the following is not a good source of calcium?


Which of the following terms would describe an infestation of gallstones?

Cholelithiasis Lithiasis suffix meaning infestation Chole- means gall

Which type of fracture is a bone that is broken into pieces?

Comminuted A compound- is open Fracture- has broken the skin Pathological fracture is the secondary result of another disease. Impacted fracture is the jamming of one bone into another

Sarcasm, repression, and denial are example of which psychological mechanism used to deal with stressful situations?

Defense Mechanism -Assist us with circumstances that are difficult for the mind to cope with.

Crimes that are committed against another person or property and are punished with fines are called

Torts- crimes are against another person or property. Misdemeanors- are crimes against the state punishable by incarceration in jail for less than a year. Felonies- are serious crimes, such a burglary that are punished by incarceration in prison for more than a year. Treason- Crime against the state and negligence occurs when professional is derelict in preforming a duty and damages occur directly because of it.

A Plane that cuts the body parallel to the horizon is called a

Transverse plane cut the body parallel to the horizon. Sagittal cut- goes through the midline Frontal or cornal plane divides the body into a front and back half. Midsagittal plane divides the body into right and left

Which of the following blood types can give it all other blood types?

Type O can donate to all blood types and is called the universal donor. Type A can donate to type A or type AB. Type B can donate to type B or AB. Type AB can donate to only AB Blood Type. ABO refers to the overall blood typing group and is not an actual blood type.

a patient with cryptorchidism, balantitis, or hematuria would likely see a/an

Urologist Cryptorchidism is a condition of hidden testicles. Balanitis is inflammation of the glans penis Hematuria- Blood in the urine

Which is not the purpose of a medical record?

Verification record of physician skill level.

Which of the following vitamins is NOT fat soluble?

Vitamin C- is the only water-soluble vitamin listed. Vitamin A, D, K, E are fat soluble and can build up to a toxin level in the body

Which of the following vitamins is used for clotting?

Vitamin K is used for clotting

Appointment technique determine the number of patients to be seen each hour by dividing the hour by the length of the average visit?

WAVE booking the goal of using the wave is to keep the office on track.

In order for a case of negligence to be valid, all of the four D's must be present EXCEPT.

a desire to harm must exist

A papule with clear fluid is called a?

a vesicle is a papule with clear fluid; for example, a blister or chicken pox lesion. Pustule is a papule filled with white or yellow pus. Macule is a flat lesion and although visible, it cannot be felt. Nevus- is a mole Nodule- is a large, hard knot or tumor


denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

Multipara means

many only live births


not otherwise specified used to code encounters

Which of the following words describes bone pain?

osteodynia- algia or dynia meaning pain


pelvic inflammatory disease


process of recording the electrical activity of the heart

Torticollis or wryneck is a spasm of which muscle?

sternocleidomastoid- muscle that originates at the back of the head and inserts into the sternum. Gastocnemius- is a calf muscle that often spasms and gives the patient a charley horse. The Rectus abdominus is the six pack muscle of the abdomen. The Deltoid is the muscle of the upper arm that we use for injection. The Sartorius involves the tailor muscle. sitting on the floor, putting the soles of the feet together, and pressing down on the knees stretches the sartorius.


total abdominal hysterectomy

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