CMJN Chapter 1

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Scientific Method

A belief in controlled laboratory experimentation and careful, objective measurement

Francis Bacon

Analyzed perceptual bias (seem remarkable today). He identified the 4 idols of distortions that get in the way of clear thinking


Argues that it would be foolish for truth "to take its stand unarmed against falsehood"


Aristotle became one of the first communication specialist to point out the importance of ________________ when teaching Ethos.

Science of Rhetoric

Aristotle considered the __________________ to be that of "observing in any given case the available means of persuasion."


Aristotle was a student of __________ and attended his academy.

Peripatetic School

Aristotle's school where he would lecture about ethics, politics, and rhetoric (philosophy, science, logic)


Attentant hired by your parents to make sure you don't skip class

George Campbell

Believed in the importance between speaker and audience. Believed that receivers were active participants in persuasion process and the effective communicator studied the faculties of the human mind.


Believed that a speaker could sway an audience in 3 ways: Ethos, Pathos, Logos


Believed that people communication through signs


Believes we should be on guard against these prejudices and distortions in our own thought and speech and in those of others

Style and Eloquence

Belletristic rhetoricians were interested less in the psychology of communication than in problems of....


Best school to study rhetoric in Athens that was founded by Aristotle that taught young men.


Central Marketplace passed to get to the sanctuary of Apollo the Wolf Slayer to hear Aristotle's lecture at Lyceum

"Queen of Disciplines"

Classical Rhetoricians believed communication was... because society determined politics in the best interest and rhetoric was a big part of that.

Read and well Educated

Classical and Psychological theorists believed that speaker be widely....... and use clear language and follow motivation based on order of arguments.

Ancient Greece

Communication has been studied for many centuries. Many communication principles we believe today, we taught in ___________________________ over 25 hundred years ago.

Contemporary Period (1900-present)

Communication theorists used scientific methods to analyze communication behavior as a social science in which Period of Communication?

Greece was a society that revered the spoken word.

Communication was important in Ancient Greece in the Classical Period. What was the first reason?

Greeks put a great deal of emphasis on persuasion and argumentation.

Communication was important in Ancient Greece in the Classical Period. What was the second reason?

Ancient Greece banned professional lawyers, they wanted to be able to argue successfully

Communication was important in Ancient Greece in the Classical Period. What was the third reason?


Corax's idea about persuasion promoted ________ to study the ways in which speakers could effectively order their ideas.

Arrangment- 3rd Canon

Describes ways to order ideas effectively.

Elocutionary Approach

Designed Elaborate Systems of instruction to improve speakers' verbal and nonverbal presentation.

The Science of Mnemonics

Developed during this oral society to help speakers keep track of complex arguments.


Developed the most popular Mnemonic System, speakers visualizing a villa with the main ideas of their speech in the room.


During a time in Sicily of over through and exile, Corax recognized people can argue their own cause through...


During the Modern Period, the new technology was...


Duty of the Christian Clergy and its goal was to interpret the word of God.

Psychological/Epistemological Approach

Eager to find a scientific basis for the study of human communication because they wanted to understand how human action could be influenced by speech.

Bellestric Approach

Focused on writing and speaking as art forms, developing critical standards for judging drama, poetry, and oratory.


His writings on rhetoric are considered by many to be the single greatest source of rhetorical theory. In the past, he was the tutor of the later Alexander the Great.

Idols of the Theatre

Idol are fallacies that occur when we accept fashionable ideas uncritically

Idols of the Market Place

Idol that is social in nature and center on imprecise use of language

Idols of the Tribe

Idol that referred to fallacies in thinking due to human nature


In the Medieval Period and the Renaissance, rhetoric became secondary to...

Writing & Preaching

In the Medieval Period and the Renaissance, what were the 2 most important forms of communication?

Scientific Method

In the Modern Period, its rise meant that ideas and arguments should be empirically grounded (based on observation).

Modern Period (1600-1900)

In this Period, Public rhetoric was the major force in determine public policy. The written word became important in books and newspapers; which were more available.

Modern Period (1600-1900)

In this Period, Rhetoric had 4 paths: Classical, Psychological, Belletristic, and Rules for delivery.

Medieval Period and the Renaissance (400CE-1600)

In this Period, it turned mainly to focus on Prescriptive not Theoretical. They emphasized methods of embellishment and amplifying rhetorical style.

Classical Period (500BC-400CE)

In this Period, public communication because an important tool for problem solving and the study of Rhetoric was a respected discipline. It lasted about 9 hundred years.

Medieval Period and the Renaissance (400CE-1600)

In this Period, rhetoric became secondary to theology due to monolithic Christianity. Major rhetorical acts included writing and preaching.

Classical Period (500BC-400CE)

In this Period, the first know communication model, Canons of Rhetoric, originated and rhetoric emphasized credibility, ways to ground arguments, and audience analysis.

Contemporary Period (1900-present)

In this Period, the rise of electronic media signaled additional changes in communication study.

Contemporary Period (1900-present)

In this Period, where modern departments of communication were formed. Communication expanded to include interpersonal, group, and public studies.

Idols of the Cave

Individual prejudices we bring with us because of our own backgrounds and personalilites

Psychological/Epistemological Approach

Investigated the relationship of communication and thought, trying to understand in a scientific way how people could influence one another through speech.


It was hard for _______________ to attend school even though 2 managed to attend Plato's Academy as they disguised themselves as men.

Rene Descartes and John Locke

Mistrusted normal uses of rhetoric and argued that truth could be obtained only through discourse that was solidly grounded in an understanding of human rationality


Name for teachers of communication in Ancient Athens.

Delivery- 5th Canon

Necessary for success because if the speaker did not use a pleasing voice and graceful gestures, the speech would not be effective.


No society has existed, or ever could exist without a well-ordered system of...

so many different professions

One of the most attractive aspects of studying communication is that it prepares us for...


People who focused on developing elaborate rules for delivery in the Modern Period.

Modern Period

Period where their was a new emphasis on one's ability to determine truth rationally and independently.

Ancient Athens

Place where communication was just as popular it is today. Had famous teachers teaching it to students.


Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, and Quintilian were more _________________ than the Sophists.

Invention- 1st Canon

Process of deciding on the subject matter of one's speech and of discovering information and arguments that would lead to sound conclusions.

Style- 2nd Canon

Process of selecting the proper words to convey a message


Professional speech teachers who advertised their services to help people with their communication in Ancient Greece

Human Behavior

Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology sought new ways of applying methods of hard scientists to the study of...

Contemporary Period (1900-present)

Rhetoricians used humanistic methods to analyze rhetorical effects of public discourse in which Period of Communication?

Classical Approach

Set out to recover the insights of the great Classical Rhetoricians, adapting them to Modern Times.


Shaded Walkways Aristotle walked along

Natural Signs

Signs created by God (ex: smoke which causes one to think of fire)

Conventional Signs

Signs created by humans and their interpretation is more difficult (ex: spoken or written word)

Vigorous Style

Style based on pathos that pulled out all the stops- eloquent and emotional.

Plain Style

Style that build ethos by convincing the audience of the speaker's good character, good sense, and trustworthiness. Very logical and clear.

Middle Style

Style that emphasized logos by impressing the audience with the soundness of the speaker's position; consisted of argumentation and careful philosophical distinctions.

Canon of Delivery

The Elocutionists focused their study of communication on the...

Sicily in the 5th century

The Formal Study of Communication began in...... and developed in Ancient Athens.

Memory- 4th Canon

The ability to hold content, style, and arrangement in one's mind was very important in an Oral Society.

Source Credibility

The extent to which a communicator is considered believable and competent

Classical Period

The goal of communication in which period was to discover the possible truth through debate?

George Campbell

The ideas of early modern thinkers were picked up by ______________ and combined with the teachings of classical rhetoricians.


The last of the Classical Theorists, who defined rhetoric as the study of the good man speaking well.

Tricks of Persuasive Speaking

The major concern of the Sophists was to teach ________________________ for the use in law courts or assemblies.

Oral Expression (story telling, poetry, reading, conversations)

The major source of entertainment during the Classical Period because they had not light, books, or others to read.

Medieval Period and the Renaissance

The new goal of communication was to instruct the faithful in certain truth and revealed will of God in which period?


The study of ___________ because fully developed only after Plato and Aristotle turned their attention to the art of communication


The study of communication was called...

Communication Scientists

Today, the areas of interest studied by .. have expanded to interpersonal and group interaction and investigations of persuasive messages

Rhetorical Tradition & Scientific Approach

What are the 2 approaches to the study of communication used my contemporary college departments?

Classical Approach, Psychological/Epistemological Approach, Belletristic Approach,

What are the 4 directions of Rhetorical Study that Douglas Ehninger developed in the Modern Period?

Invention, Style, Arrangment, Memory, Delivery

What are the 5 parts of Communication listed in the Canons of Rhetoric?

Classical Period, Medieval Period/Renaissance, Modern Period, Contemporary Period

What periods was Communication Present in?

Medieval Period and the Renaissance

Which Period was characterized by the rise of the power of Christian clergy and the decline of pagan theories of rhetoric?

Vigorous Style

Which Style did Cicero mistrust and warned seekers not to use it unless they had other elements from the other two styles?


Who is the Roman Politician who was considered to be Rome's finest Orator.

Greek Philosophers

Who taught rhetoric is directly linked to the rhetoric taught in modern communication courses?

Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Cierco, Quintilian

Who were the 5 major figures in the Classical Period of Communication?

Augustine, Cassiodorus, John of Salisbury, Erasmus

Who were the 5 major figures in the Medieval Period and the Renaissance?

Sicilian Greeks, Corax and Tibias

Who were the first rhetoricians that believed the study of communication is always prompted by practical problems?

Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes, John Locke, Fenelon, Lord Kames, George Campbell, Joseph Priestley, Thomas De Quincey

Who were the major figures in the Modern Period?

Canons of Rhetoric

Work that stabilized the 5 major topics areas of rhetoric by the time Cierco publishes his work.


logic of the message


personal character


the ability to arouse emotions

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