Cog. Psych Final: d2l quizzes

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If you used mental imagery to run across campus, you would probably experience an increase in the ________.


________ believed the self is a mythical entity.


Specific movements are processed in ________.


Single-cell recordings of a visually or internally triggered sequential motor task revealed that neurons in _______ are just as active during the visually and internally triggered task, neurons in ________ were more active during the internally triggered task, and neurons in _______ were more active during the visually triggered task.


Less precise movements are processed in ________.


You have just escaped a fear-provoking stimulus. Your ________ nervous system becomes more active.


Overarching plans for action are processed in ________.


What area of the brain is more active when you observe a behavior with the intention to imitate it later?


Neuroimaging studies have identified the ________ as an important area of the brain for processing biological motion.


When participants were shown a video of a woman saying "ba" with the sound "ga" dubbed in instead, they reported hearing the sound "da." This confusion is known as ________.

The McGurk Effect

"What has four wheels and flies?" The answer is a garbage truck. This joke is based on a kind of ambiguity known as ________.

a garden path sentence

A(n) ________ is a series of ________.

action, movements

The idea that emotional information is processed automatically with fewer demands on cognitive processing compared to other types of stimuli is known as (the) ________.

affective primacy hypothesis

Skilled readers fixate on ________ word(s).

almost every

"There is a light wind today" and "I need to wind the clock" illustrate the principle of ________.


Emotional information can facilitate the processing of visual information due to a neural connection between the ________ and the visual cortex.


The ________ can modulate the consolidation process by altering the storage of new memories.


The ________ is one of the main areas of the brain involved with emotional processing.


You are a consultant to a television production company that creates shows for children. They are trying to decide on the type of main character they should have for a new show. Based on research by Meltzoff, you tell them that toddlers are more likely to imitate a behavior if it is modeled by ________.

an adult

Someone who recently had a severe head injury comes to see you because he cannot seem to find the proper names for objects any more. You show him several pictures of everyday objects. He cannot name the objects but can show you how to use them properly. You suspect that he is suffering from ________.


Disruption in language or speech is referred to as ________.


Using a million drawings to make a feature length movie is possible due to the phenomenon of ________.

apparent motion

A neurological disorder that impairs the ability to make voluntary movements despite having the physical capacity to perform the movement is ________ .


There generally is no relationship between the sound of a word and its meaning. This characteristic of language is referred to as ________.


Both you and your roommate have a fear of public speaking. While taking your speech communication class, your hands would get moist before you had to give a speech. On the other hand, sweat was readily seen running down your roommate's forehead. The difference between the two of you is a matter of ________.


According to the circumplex model of emotion, a range of emotions can be characterized by the degree to which ________ and ________ are combined.

arousal, valence

The production of speech sounds is ________.


________ are beliefs, preferences, and predispositions with an affective component toward an object or person.


You became sick one night after eating sushi. Now, you will not eat sushi. This is an example of what type of classical conditioning?

autonomic conditioning

Universal emotions are also referred to as ________ emotions.


Watching a horse run on a track is perceived differently than watching an animated horse run on a simulated track at a casino. The difference is due to ________.

biological motion

Research on resolving ambiguity integrates ________ and ________ information.

bottom up, top down

Damage to the auditory perception area would result in difficulties with ________.

broca's aphasia

A patient has difficulty distinguishing the difference in meaning between sentences like "Barry Bonds hit the pitch" and "The pitch hit Barry Bonds." You want to do an MRI to see if (the) ________ damaged.

broca's area

________ conditioning involves learning an association between a neutral event and an emotional event.


Little Albert became scared of furry things after a loud gong was sounded when a rat was next to Albert. This is an example of ________.

classical conditioning

Overlapping phonemes in speech are called ________.


A universal finding is one that is found across ________.


________ was the first to propose the universality of emotional facial expressions.


________ believed the self is a tangible unified mental entity.


________ simply involves asking research participants about their emotion.

direct assessment

The point at which the intended meaning of a sentence is clear is called the ________.

disambiguation region

________ is a coherent group of written or spoken sentences.


Being able to combine and recombine phonemes to make different morphemes is referred to as (the) ________.

duality of patterning

A(n) ________ is a brief episode of synchronized responses.


Research has shown that emotional arousal can ________ memory.


The amount of time it takes you to walk to your favorite coffee shop using imagery is ________ the amount of time it actually takes you to walk to the coffee shop.

equal to

A researcher shows a picture of a gun to elicit an emotional response. What is the name of this technique for manipulating emotions?

evocative stimuli

________ are important for understanding the stages of language production.

exchange errors

________ refers to clear and vivid memories of surprising or consequential events.

flashbulb memories

Errors in speech stemming from thoughts that a speaker does not want to say are ________.

freudean slips

In the sentence "Bugs Bunny tricked Elmer Fudd," the suffix ed is a ________.

function morpheme

In the sentence "Bugs Bunny tricked Elmer Fudd," trick is a ________.

function morpheme

When Elmer Fudd exclaims, "I hate that wascally wabbit," that is a ________.

function word

Referring to a classroom chair that has a desk attached to it as a "chesk" is an example of ________.

generative capacity

________ refers to the knowledge someone has about the structure of language.


Although A.Z. was born without limbs, her performance on a mental rotation task using hands and feet at different amounts of rotation was similar to that of control participants. This finding suggests that the perception of biological motion is ________.


The ________ is associated with emotional learning involving declarative memory and awareness.


A basketball player from China, who does not speak English, is drafted by an NBA team. During practice he intently watches his coaches and other players so he can ________ what he is being instructed.


Baldwin believed that ________ was the means by which children come to understand others.


________ is the ability to understand the intent of an observed action and then to reproduce it.


Bottom-up processing of word meaning occurs ________ an ambiguous word. Top-down processing seems to occur ________.

immediately following, 2000ms later

Yue and Cole (1992) showed that motor imagery training can ________.

increase muscle strength

________ distinguish(es) imitation from mimicry.


Sometimes the only way to tell if a statement is meant to be factual, sarcastic, or ironic is by ________.


When people ask a question, their voices typically raise in pitch at the last word. The change in pitch is known as (the) ________.


Game developers place a set of lights on wrists, knees, ankles, shoulders, and heads of athletes to determine their ________ so that the games are as realistic as possible.

kinematic pattern

People with apraxia often have ________ dysfunction in addition to ________ dysfunction.

language, voluntary movement

When imitating behavior, the goals of the behavior (goal state) are processed in the ________.

left premotor cortex

The entire set of mental representations of words is called the ________.


Darker lines on a spectrogram mean ________

louder sounds

The inverted U suggests that memory is best under ________ levels of stress.


Formulating a message that needs to be conveyed occurs in the ________ stage of language production.


________ are examples of figurative language.

metaphors and similes

________ is the tendency to adopt the behaviors, postures, or mannerisms of others without awareness or intent.


Neurons that discharge when a motor plan is executed and when the action of another is observed are known as ________.

mirror neurons

A researcher shows a short video on industrial accidents and notes any change in mood of the participants. What method is the researcher using to manipulate mood?

mood induction

________ are generally diffuse affective states lasting for relatively long durations.


Because bilinguals process two languages they have ________ compared to monolinguals.

more efficient executive processes

A researcher asks you to use imagery to drive from campus to your home and records the time it takes you to complete the task. She then asks you to use imagery to drive from campus to your home with poor visibility conditions due to a dense fog. How long will it take you to perform the second task?

more time than normal driving conditions

A ________ is the smallest unit of meaning in a language.


The approach-withdrawal model classifies emotions based on ________.


________ takes place after a stimulus is identified and before a response is executed.

motor anticipation

The processing associated with the motor system in which stored information is used to plan and produce actions and to anticipate, predict, and interpret the actions of others is (a/an) ________.

motor cognition

An efference copy is a copy of (a) ________.

motor command

You are helping coach a Little League team. You notice that your players have a better batting stance and swing after you demonstrate the proper technique. What is a possible explanation for this observation?

motor imagery

A representation of a sequence of movements planned in advance of an actual performance is a ________.

motor program

The syntactic level of language representation in a phrase structure tree deals with ________.

noun and verb phrases

The ________ brain system in reading is important for relating visual information to meaning once reading skill increases.


The three components of the triangle model are ________, ________, and ________.

orthography, phonology, meaning

Neuroimaging research suggests that the same representations underlying our motor programs are also involved with ________.


Perception-to-action transfer is part of the ________.

perception-action cycle

A toddler will imitate the behavior of a(n) ________ but not the identical behavior of a(n) ________.

person, robot

A ________ is the minimal unit of sound that distinguishes words in a given language.


While you're watching a late night talk show, a guest says something he is not allowed to say on the air. Even though part of the word in question is "bleeped out", you still hear the word. This is called the ________ effect.

phonemic restoration

A diagram of a sentence illustrating the hierarchical syntactic structure of the sentence is called a ________.

phrase structure tree

An infant is more likely to imitate giving a bottle to a teddy bear than to a pillow, suggesting that they will tend to only imitate behavior that is ________.


The ________ is activated whether you are imagining yourself dunking a basketball or imagined your friend dunking a basketball.

premotor cortex

A shock is a ________ reinforcer and money is a(n) ________ reinforcer.

primary, secondary

The discourse level of language representation in a phrase structure tree deals with ________.

propositions and inferences

Researchers interested in examining the comprehension, production, and acquisition of language are ________.


The ________ is associated with emotional learning involving autonomic responses.


The point guard was a natural leader on the court since he was exceptional at handling pressure and his father was a high school coach and the two spent hours and hours viewing film and discussing strategy. This sentence is an example of ________.


After learning sign language, Nim's language ability, as measured by utterance length, ________.

remained at the level of an 18 month old

________ link perception and action.


Representing actions made by other people is accomplished by ________.

shared motor representations

________ posits that we gain insight into the plans, beliefs, and desires that motive the actions of others by covertly simulating those same actions in ourselves.

simulation theory

Reading comprehension for speed readers is about the same as the college students who ________.

skim text

A two-dimensional visual display of speech with time on one axis and frequency on the other is known as a ________.


"The hamster was found dead in its cage while cleaning" is an example of ________.

structural ambiguity

When you are angry, your ________ nervous system becomes active, causing your heart rate to increase.


________ specifies the relationships between the types of words in a sentence.


Structural ambiguities create ________ problems for the interpretation of a sentence.


You are playing catch with a friend who throws the ball a little high. Adjusting your glove hand to the height of the ball is an illustration of ________.

the perception-action cycle

It takes longer to determine whether or not two geometric objects in a pair are identical or mirror images the more one object in the pair is rotated in ________ and ________.

the picture-plane, depth

Cortical control of the throat, tongue, jaw, and lips is found in ________.

the primary motor cortex

Whether an emotion is positive or negative characterizes its ________.


When looking for a face in the crowd, it is easier to find an angry face than a neutral or happy face. This is an example of the ________ effect.


A patient has fairly good grammar and generally used function morphemes correctly. However, he cannot produce content morphemes. As a result, his speech usually does not make sense. What disorder do you suspect this patient has?

wernicke's aphasia

Eye movements of speed readers are similar to the eye movements of readers ________.

who are skimming

________ believed the self is an illusion arising from various perceptions and sensations.

william james

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