Com 101

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A specific case used to illustrate or represent a group of people ideas conditions experiences or the like.

What should you follow with a hypothetical example

A statistics and testimony

What questions do you Ouse to emulate the stairs you have in your speech

Are the statistics representative? Are the measures used correctly Are they from a reliable source

How do you use statistics sparingly

I stern statistics only when they are needed and then make sure they are easy to grasp

When will listeners find your speeches much more credible

If you use testimony from sources qualified on the subject at hand

What do you need to do when you use a example to reinforce your ideas

Make sure it is representative- that is does not deal with rare or exceptional cases

What three things does accurate quotation involve

Making sure you do not misquote someone Making sure you do not violate the meaning of statements you paraphrase Making sure you do not quote out of context


Numerical data

Why do you use examples to reinforce your ideas

Puts the facts and figures in vivid and human terms that everyone can understand

What are the are the four tips for using testimonies in your speech

Quote or paraphrase accurately Use testimony qualified sources Use testimony from unbiased sources Identify the people your quote or paraphrase

quoting out of context

Quoting a statement in such a way as to distort its meaning by removing the statement from the words and phrases surrounding it. The

What are the six tips for using statistics

Round off Use visual aids to clarify the trends Explain your statistics Identify the source of your statistics Use statistics sparingly Use them to quantity your ideas

How are statics used

Statices are often cited in passing to clarify or strengthen a speakers point To create an overall impact on listeners Can be used to show the magnitude or seriousness of an issue

Peer testimony

Testimony from ordinary people with firsthand experience or insight on a topic

direct quotation

Testimony that is presented for word

How to know if the statistic is representative

That they are representative of what they claim to measure

Using expert testimony shows what about your speech

That your position is supported by people who are knowledgeable about the topic


The material used to support a speakers ideas.The three major kinds of supporting materials are examples statistics and testimony


The middle number in a group of number arranged from highest to lowest


The number that occurs most frequently in a group of numbers

Why you have to make sure your examples are vivid and richly textured

The richly textured example supplies everyday details that bring the example to life. The more vivid the example is the more the impact they are likely to have on your audience

When should you use a direct quotation as opposed to paraphrasing

The standard rule is that quotations are most effective when they are brief, when they convey your meaning better than you can, when they are particularly eloquent, witty, or compelling

How do you identify the people you quote or paraphrase

The usual way to identify your source is to name the person and sketch his or her qualifications before presenting the testimony

What is the problem with generalizations

They dont answer the three questions listners always ask of a speaker

How do you explain your statistics

They need to be interpreted and related to your listeners Think how you can make the statistics meaningful to your audience

Why do you use examples to clarify your ideas

They put abstract ideas into concrete terms that listeners can easily understand

Why you use personalized examples

To include examples that will add human interest to your speech

What is the easiest way to ruin a fine example

To read the example directly form your notes and not have any eye contact


To restate or summarize a source ideas in one own words

What should you do with complicated statistics

Unless there is an important reason to give exact numbers you should round off most statistics

Why do you use visual aids when using statistics

Visual aids can save you a lot of time, as well as make your statistics easier to comprehend They can be helpful in presenting statical information

What are the three questions listeners always ask of the speaker

What do you mean Why should i believe you So what

When is expert testimony more important

When a topic is controversial or when the audience is skeptical about a speakers point of view

When should you use paraphrasing rather than direct quotation

When the wording of a quart ion is obscure or cumbersome When a quotation is longer than two or three sentences

When does research say that the impact of statistics is enhanced

When they are combined with statistics that show the examples to be typical

Brief examples

a specific case referred to in passing to illustrate a point

extended example

a story, narrative, or anecdote developed at some length to illustrate a point


quotations or paraphrases used to support a point

expert testimony

testimony from people who are recognized experts in their fields


the average value of a group of numbers

What are the five tips of using examples

to clarify your ideas To reinforce your ideas To personalize your ideas Make our examples vivid and richly textured Practice delivery to enhance your extended examples

Why is peer testimony especially valuable

Because it Gives a more personal viewpoint on issues than can be gained from expert testimony

Why is it important to identify the sources of to your statistics

Because listeners keep an ear out for the sources of a speakers statistics. If they don't hear the sources they will assume they are wrong

What is the single most important t Step to make using statistics in your speeches work

Being creative in thinking of ways to relate your statistics to your audience

What are the three examples you can use in your speech

Brief examples Extended examples Hypothetical examples

Why is quoting out of context the most subtle and dangerous

By quoting out of context you can twist someone's remarks so as to prove almost anything

hypothetical example

an example that describes an imaginary or fictitious situations

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