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What is a Crusade?

Any vigorous, aggressive movement for the defense or advancement of an idea, cause, etc. A crusade is also a war declared by a Pope.

Why did Muslims allow Christian Pilgrims to Jerusalem?

Because it brought new sources of REVENUE ($).

Before the Crusades why did Muslims allow Christians in Jerusalem?

Because the Christians brought new sources of revenue for the Muslims.

What were the differences between the Orthodox & Catholic Christians?

Both disagreed on with how the other interpreted sections of the Bible and both sides wanted power.

What were the differences between the Orthodox & Catholic Christians?

Both sides disagreed with how the other interpreted sections of the bible and both sides wanted power.

What were Orthodox Christians?

From the East (richer than those from the West)

What were Catholic Christians?

From the West (envied the east for their riches)

What does "one mans crusade is another man's terrorism" mean to Muslims & also to Christians

If you were MUSLIN you would call the crusades the Frankish invasion, after the group of people invading your land. In some ways, the CHRISTIAN crusade is similar to the Jihads today

What were the Successes of the Crusades?

> a "rebirth" of knowledge......... >More trade........ >More exploration of the world.....

CRUSADE CAUSE 2 The Pope in the West wanted the riches of the East. He viewed Pope Alexis' letter for help as a way to because he was the only Pope; and takeover the church in the East.

>A letter from Byzantine with the massacre: Byzantine Emperor Alexis send a letter to Pope Urban asking for help ... and he regrets this later.

Describe the First Crusade (People's or Peasant's Crusades)

>Called the People's or the Peasant's crusades >A monk named Peter the Hermit rode from town to town, carrying a huge cross before him and preaching to vast crowds. >summer of 1096 a horde of poor men, women, and children set out, unorganized and almost unarmed, on the road to the Holy Land. >Many died travelling to Jerusalem, some died of hunger, others in battle. Almost ALL peoples' crusade members died!

Describe the Christians who lived in the West:

>Catholic Christians

What were CRUSADES?

A religious war between Christians & Muslims for the control of the Holy Land.

What were the Crusades?

A religious war between Christians and Muslims for the control of "the Holy Land."

Who did the Control of Jerusalem go back and forth between during the later crusades?

Control went back and forth between The Muslims and The Christians.

What famous story takes place while King Richard is off at The Crusades?

Robin Hood

Which Great Muslim leader captures Jerusalem?

Saladin captures Jerusalem for good in 1187. King Richard of England asks Saladin to return Jerusalem to the Christians, he refuses saying...

Where is Jerusalem located on the Map?

See picture.

What cities are holy to Islam?

1. Mecca 2. Saudia Arabia 3. Medina 4. Jerusalem 5. Israel


1. Seljuk Turks no longer wanted Christians to come to Jerusalem for pilgrimages. 2. The Pope in the West wanted the riches of the East. 3. The Christians wantedcontrol of Palestine; and no Muslims living there. 4. Europeans wanted control of the key trade routes.

CRUSADE CAUSE 4 Religion was not the ony reason for Crusades.

>No, Europeans wanted control of the key trade routes between Africa, Asia and Europe.

CRUSADE CAUSE 1 Seljuk Turks no longer wanted Christians coming to Jerusalem for Pilgrimages:

>Persian Muslims did not allow Christian Pilgrims into Jerusalem >They Persecutied Christians who were there >Violence esclalates and 300 Christians are massacred.

Describe the Christians who lived in the East:

>Richer than those in the West. >Called Orthodox Christians.

CRUSADE CAUSE 3 The Christians wanted sole control of Palestine. They did not want any Muslims living there.

>The church of the sepulcher, built on the site of Jesus' death and resurrection >Considered the holiest site in Christendom. >If you go to this crusade, it is like taking a pilgrimage - all your sins will be forgiven!

What was happening in Europe before the Crusades?

>VIOLENCE is ripping apart Europe as Nobles are fighting among themselves. >FAMINE (food shortage) was beginning to spread across the Continent as mini ice age slows crop production.

What were the Failures of the Crusades?

>Want of PROTECTING the holy land is replaced by want of WEALTH >Holy land remains in Muslim control. >People lost respect for Crusaders >Jews were persecuted in the east and west.

What was the letter from Byzantine?

Byzantine Emperor Alexis sent this a letter to Pope Urban II Asking for Help... as a result of the massacre. He will regret this later.

Where did Christians liv before the Crusades?

In the East (middle East) and in the West (Europe).

Who went off to join the Crusades?

Included in those who join The Crusades are Richard The Lionhearted, King of England.

What Middle Eastern City is Holy to Judaism?


What Middle Eastern City is holy to Christianity?


Describe the Second Crusade 1147 - 1149 Kings & Emperors joined

Kings & emperors joined this second crusade. For eg. The Kings of France & Germany It begun under well but had an unhappy ending. Of the many people who set out from Europe, only a few thousands escaped annihilation in Asia Minor at the hands of the Turks.

Did the Sejuk Turks allow Christian Pilgrims into Jerusalem? As a result what happened?

No. As a result, Violence escalated and 3000 Christians were massacred.


Peasant's Crusades ... There are eventually 9 crusades in all!

What were Seljuk Turks?

Persian Muslims

Who lead the peasants crusade?

Peter the Hermit

What did the desire for wealth by the Church in the West cause?

The GREAT SCHISM, which is the name given to the separation of the church in 1054.

What did the Crusades lead to?

The Great Schism

What did Pope Urban II say in response to the letter?

The Pope made a speech in France in it he passed along this message in response to the letter. "You common people who have been miserable sinners, become soldiers of Christ! You nobles, do not [quarrel] with one another. Use your arms in a just war! Labor for everlasting reward."

What was the Great Schism?

The name given to the separation of the Christian Church in 1054.

What reasons did the Pope give for fighting for Jerusalem?

Their brethrens in the East (the faithful of God) need their assistance and protection from being attacked.

What are the similarities and differences between the arguments the Pope and Saladin used to persuade their listeners?

They both used God or religion to persuade the people. Pope says that God will forgive their sins & Saladin says that God will bless them.

What ideas do the speeches give you about purposes of the people who fought during the crusades?

They feared God and religion was very important to them.

What arguments did he use to persuade his listeners to go on a Crusade?

They must preserve the rights of the church.

Why did Christians go on Pilgrimages?

They went on these trips, because were a way of being forgiven for your sins.

What impressions do these speeches give you about the Crusades?

They were very religious.

What was the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?

This was a church built on the site of Jesus' death and resurrection. It is considered holiest site in Christendom. If you go on this crusade, it is like taking a pilgrimage - all your sins will be forgiven!

Describe the Third Crusade 1189 - 1192 Great Rulers of Europe joined

Three greatest rulers of Europe - King Philip Augustus of France, King Richard I of England, and the German emperor, Frederick Barbarossa went on the third crusade. The English king, Richard remained in the Holy Land, after others gave up and left. His campaigns during this time gained for him the title of "Lion-hearted"

Why Might There Be Conflict in Jerusalem?

Three of the world's Major religions are based in one place.

What is Saladin's response to Richard I when he asks him to return Jerusalem?

To us Jerusalem is as it is to you, because it is the place where our Prophet [Muhammad] made his journey by night to heaven...Do not dream that we will give it up to you."

What did the Church in the West envy or want that the Church in the East had?


Does Saladin allows Christians to visit Jerusalem and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher?

Yes, Saladin entrusts 2 families to open The Church of The Holy Sepulcher every day so that Christians may visit.

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