Comm 101 Final

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What designates a main point in an outline?

A roman numeral

__________ is a sequence of thought that moves from general information to a specific conclusion.

Deductive reasoning

What is an advantage in using a questionnaire to gain audience information?

Respondents can remain anonymous.

__________ is the term for how we evaluate ourselves.


How can job applicants best utilize the capabilities of LinkedIn during a job search?

Visit the LinkedIn Learning Center for information and resources.

How do listening scholars recommend dealing with the modern preponderance of technology in regard to listening?

We must learn to reduce the increased distractions technology creates.

Speaker __________ is also referred to as charisma


In Technopoly, communication scholar Neil Postman said the use of technology creates a

bargain with the devil

A line graph is especially helpful for

clarifying comparative data over time

If you are flexible in interpreting complicated events and situations and are able to integrate new information into your perceptions, you likely have a high level of

cognitive complexity

Andre just got hired as a paramedic at a well-established fire station. The men and women Andre will be working with constitute a __________ group.


Which sequence describes the complete process of listening for enjoyment?

select, attend, understand, evaluate, and remember

Research shows that nonverbal behaviors are __________ in impact than the accompanying verbal message.

significantly more powerful

At an office picnic, Kate introduced Deanna to a friend from a different division. To get acquainted, Deanna asked Kate's friend how she liked the company and how long she had known Kate. The dialogue these two are engaging in would be described as

small talk

We express our ideas and feelings through signs, sounds, gestures, or marks known as


The general purpose of a speech reflects

the overall goal of a speech

In the YouTube example that discussed how donations to a blind man increased when the lettering on his sign was changed to read "It's a beautiful day and I can't see it," __________ was demonstrated.

the power of words

The denotative meaning of a word is

the standard dictionary definition

Intercultural communication involves connecting with others in order to

understand their culture

The main difference between hearing and listening is


Research indicates that audiences remember information significantly longer when accompanied with

visual aids

Perception checking occurs when a person is listening

with empathy

What skill becomes important to many organizations that have downsized and have fewer management positions available?

working with others

After getting in a fight with a friend over a political tweet, Evan is careful in how he communicates online. Which of the following strategies will most help improve Evan's online communication competence?

Critically evaluate the messages you consume.

Understanding that a touch on the shoulder can mean sympathy, dominance, or sexual interest tells us what about touch communication?

Context is important to meaning.

Interpersonal communication occurs

Interpersonal communication occurs

Which of the following can indicate that a website is not current and therefore may not be a good information resource?

It has links to other websites that do not work.

Why is it important to recognize the uniqueness of our own frame of reference?

It helps us remember that we all operate according to different perceptual systems.

Which of the following best demonstrates an ability to accurately process information?

Kate finds her friend's new house after listening to directions.

According to research findings, which nonverbal behavior occurs in about 20 percent of all social interactions?


Communication scholars Knapp and Vangelisti identified a variety of stages relationships go through as they come apart. Which stage represents when partner differences become the center of attention?


Comparatively, __________ ranks low in media richness and __________ranks high.

email; Skyping

As a speech pathologist, Liz listens closely to the children who come to her office for assessment. What is the primary type of listening which occurs in this situation?


Self-disclosure tends to

follow similar patterns regardless of culture

In addition to freedom of speech and freedom of the press, the First Amendment provides what additional guarantees?

freedom to address the government for redress of grievances

Shradda's group is employing Dewey's reflective thinking steps to problem solving. First, the group defines the problem as inadequate parking for building tenants. Next, the group should

fully analyze the problem

Police officer and mail carrier are examples of __________ language.


A suggested employment-related search engine for job listings is

A close friend asked Jada to come over and talk about a recent fight with her boyfriend. During their discussion, she sat forward in her chair, took both of Jada's hands, and whispered softly, "We broke up because I cheated on him with another guy." As described by Edward T. Hall, which zone is demonstrated here?

intimate space

Of the time you spend communicating on a daily basis, the greatest amount is spent doing which of the following?


When someone says a social media image has "gone viral," they are referring to its


A thesis statement is expressed as a


According to placement service data, the average applicant should spend about __________ searching for employment.

15 to 25 hours weekly

When using computer-generated slides, less than __________ of them should include graphics or pictures.

25 percent

During a job interview, which nonverbal strategy will most help you appear confident?

Maintain eye contact.

According to the text, which common myth about communication is the probably the most serious misconception of all?

Meaning is in the words we use.

When Heather eats lunch with her friends at work, she slumps back in her chair, talks loudly, and laughs often. Most days, she even slips off her shoes while they eat. During lunch with her boss and an important client, Heather speaks quietly and looks serious. She generally maintains an upright posture. Which principle of nonverbal communication best explains Heather's change in behavior?

Nonverbal communication depends on context.

When Alice entered the hospital room, her parents smiled at her but seemed subdued and quiet. When her dad spoke in a low tone, she began to realize that the news was not good. Alice's ability to interpret her parents' demeanor demonstrates which quality of nonverbal communication?

Nonverbal cues are interdependent.

Gillian is preparing her first professional résumé. Which format suggestion should she follow?

Use 10- or 12-point type.

A successful technique for identifying an appropriate speech topic is to select

a topic which interests both you and your audience

Pathos refers to the speaker's ability to provoke what from the listeners?

appropriate emotion

In public speaking, outlining is the process of

arranging materials in a logical sequence and writing the sequence in a standardized form

An individual who demonstrates __________ skills has the ability to make others feel better when they are depressed, sad, or upset.


Speakers who state opinions as if they are facts or include irrelevant information to divert attention from the real issue are

committing fallacies of evidence

Which factor leads to greater overall success in academics, relationships, career, and in life, regardless of cultural background, learning style, or geographic location?

communication proficiency

After watching the symphony perform, Stella begins clapping and shouts, "Bravo!" Stella's clapping is __________ her verbal message.


Before expressing her thoughts on the direction of their relationship, Sandra took some time to consider what words would clearly convey her feelings to Eric. This process is known as


Which of the following coming-together stage of a relationship engages in mostly small talk and serves to "audition" the person as a potential friend?


According to communication scholar Joe Walther, the two features which provide a justification for social information processing theory are verbal cues and

extended time

Computer-mediated communication is always

facilitated by technology

A report of something that actually happened is known as a

factual illustration

As communicators, we typically incorporate emojis and bitmojis in messages in order to

help make our meanings clearer

The best way to improve intercultural misunderstandings is to

interact with a diverse group of people

A college student who expects and receives a detailed syllabus from his or her professor is likely to reside in a __________ culture.


Using immediate language helps make the message

more relevant to the listener

Norton felt the speaker was telling the crowd to purchase stock from the start-up company only because he was a part-owner and wanted to see his dividends increase. Norton is assessing the speaker's


Advance organizers are

statements that warn listeners that significant information is coming

Telling a personal story to begin a speech tells the audience

you know and are involved in your subject

Which type of nonverbal communication is a powerful influence but more difficult to change or to control in everyday interactions?

physical attractiveness

Persuasive speeches typically address questions of fact, value, and/or


In the depth of penetration model, the innermost circle represents

private information

For the majority of people, the most valued aspect of social media is its

ability to connect us

Which type of culture tends to expect more aggressiveness from men and more passivity from women?

achievement cultures

Speakers who use manuscript delivery are less able to

adapt to audience reactions

Communicating effectively with those from different cultural backgrounds than your own mostly requires


The premise of the Harfield Cognitive Listening Model is that listening is

an active cognitive process

While sitting in a meeting, Travis refused to acknowledge his coworker's suggestions because he was wearing what Travis considered an inappropriate outfit of jeans and a worn-out T-shirt. Travis's understanding and evaluation of his coworker's words were affected by

an internal filter

As a newly eligible voter, Shaquina is confused by the constant emails, tweets, news articles, and press conferences featuring the candidates. She feels unable to make a good voting decision because of the huge number of contradictory messages. Shaquina is experiencing

information overload

Justin has been a member of a study group for the past six weeks, yet he has failed to attend the meetings or respond to emails. Which of the qualities of a group has Justin failed to fulfill?


As his group was planning a new public relations campaign for the company, Liu found himself depending on other group members. This example best demonstrates which quality of a small group?


Work teams differ from other groups in that their members tend to be especially


In ballet class, the instructor critiqued Arielle's attitude and was referring to her leg position and movement, not a personality trait. This is an example of


Once you have the background materials read and have completed notes for your proposed topic, you should then

look for the best information available to support your views

The principal divisions of a speech are known as

main points

The more __________ a topic, the more likely you are to put in the necessary time and effort to research and develop your speech.


Ellen, Nala, and Lauren are sorority sisters who have remained close after college. They are also Facebook friends, and send Snapchat and Instagram photos to each other almost daily. When Nala finds the perfect wedding dress online, she immediately emails the link to the others. This communication relationship is characterized by

media multiplicity

Which type of group is typically lowest in media richness?

members of an online forum

A good cover letter projects a tone of

professionalism and confidence

During the ending of a relationship, summary statements are used to

provide a rationale for termination

Effective communicators develop a broad range of behaviors from which to choose in what is termed a communication


In writing a conclusion, an important strategy to use is


Alex's blog, Life with Sheldon, is about his dog's funny antics. Many of his friends have passed on the link to other friends, who have also become followers. This reflects which defining aspect of social media?


Emily's speech claims, "Today, high school students are drinking more. While marijuana and drug use are declining, alcohol consumption among high school students is increasing." She is sincere but does not include citations. What's the most obvious issue with her statements?

they lack proof

Well before reading background information, taking notes or conducting interviews, the speaker must

think carefully about what they wish to accomplish in the speech

When we determine an action plan to change our self-concept, it's important to realize that it takes commitment and


The text cautions against heavy reliance on __________ when conducting research.

Internet and social media sources

What is the most frequent complaint from students about group assignments, according to the text?

The workload is unfair.

Which of the following may provide a clue to a biased online resource?

a URL that includes terms such as "/users/" or "/people/"

Chase organized his speech on advanced hospice care using a full-sentence outline. What feature(s) are found in this outline format?

a bibliography of references used in a speech

Connor's roommates are frustrated with him. He's a good guy generally, but when he watches TV or listens to music, the volume is always annoyingly high. He also seems to ignore people's comments a lot. What they don't know about Connor is that he has significant hearing loss. He seems honestly confused when they broach these misbehaviors with him. Which of these perceptual differences helps provide insight into this miscommunication?

attribution error

The specific purpose statement identifies the general purpose of a speech, the exact topic to be discussed, and the


As a college student, when should you attend your first campus career fair?

before senior year

Roger lives in the United States. When Roger sees his neighbor flying the Lebanese flag on Flag Day, he gets angry and upset. He calls City Hall to demand that his neighbor be forced to take his flag down. In this situation, what communication obstacle is Roger experiencing?


Our social identity is an essential part of

how we communicate and how others communicate with us

A primary reason job applicants are rejected can be summed up as

inability to communicate

If Mohammed demonstrated watercolor painting during a local art fair, the audience would be considered


The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis asserts that

language, culture, and thought are intertwined

When used as presentational aids, objects must be

large enough to be seen by everyone

Anything that changes the meaning of an intended message is called


The most effective communication strategy regarding the use of gender labels is to

honor individual preferences

Competent communication implies __________ communication.


One of the biggest weaknesses of beginning group participants is

being unprepared

A good résumé includes an individual's personal, professional, and __________ qualifications and experiences.


An individual with a positive online communication attitude is more likely to

embrace opportunities to connect through social media

If you were to express emotions using your eyes, which category of nonverbal communication would you be employing?


When you follow restaurant advice from a rating service like Yelp or travel advice from a site like TripAdvisor, you are valuing interpretation based on

others' opinions

Which of the following communication behaviors is unlikely to increase your intercultural competence?


Adam was attracted to Phyllis because he felt she would fit well into his circle of friends. Phyllis just seemed to be someone with whom everyone would get along. Adam's feelings represent which form of interpersonal attraction?


Cultures with a high power distance orientation usually value

social class and title

Aneesh's computer was not working right. His next-door neighbor worked in tech support for the university, so Aneesh knocked on his neighbor's door to see if she wanted to go for coffee, even though the two barely knew each other. This is an example of which communication theory?

social exchange

Hernando communicates with his family, friends, and those with whom he shares common interests, beliefs, and knowledge. This group collectively is known as his

social network

When you are submitting a résumé for a specific position, references should __________ be included and should appear __________.

sometimes; on a separate page

The goal of using the extemporaneous method of speech delivery is to

sound conversational and spontaneous

Annabeth uses sign language to discipline her hearing-impaired child. What is taking place?


Juanita's stump speech was a breath of fresh air on the campaign trail, with voters finding her message forceful, new, and exciting. Which aspect of language did she use?


When Brea spoke at graduation, she included a rap version of the university's beloved official song and used some off-color language. Given the situation, Brea failed to use __________ language.


Jackie skips the final and receives an incomplete in her physics course because she feels the course material is too difficult to learn. Which of the following barriers is hindering Jackie's education?

avoiding difficult listening situations

Which of the following is an accurate description of a speech meant to inform as opposed to a speech meant to persuade?

An informative speech can be presented without any attempt to persuade.

What does every language in the world have in common?

It enables people to share meaning with others.

In order for an evaluation to produce any results, what must occur?

Its findings must be made known to all group members.

Sally has a history of messing up her presentations because of nerves. The moment she stands up in front of people she freezes and can hardly speak. What would be sound advice for Sally?

Nervousness cannot be eliminated, but you can learn to control it.

How can you incorporate the effective use of gestures while speaking?

Practice the use of gestures in front of others.

According to uncertainty reduction theory, which of the following would most likely be your initial response to a situation in which uncertainty arose?

You are likely to seek information.

Which of the following must be included in a persuasive speech?

a clear goal for the audience

Carla begins her speech by saying, "Imagine you see several Snapchats showing people enjoying Strawberry Shortcake and Rocky Road Oreos at outdoor festivals. Then you access a Facebook page devoted to locating the five new summer Oreo flavors in stores. You've just experienced social media marketing." Carla's speech clarifies a term by using

a definition by example

Which type of communication is richest in social cues?

a face-to-face interaction

What are the two kinds of key information the speaker should gather about the prospective audience?

demographic and psychological

Kwon's dormmates don't invite him to join any intramural teams. When someone mentions asking Kwon to play, his roommate remarks that Kwon is a poor athlete because he doesn't ever participate. Kwon's roommate is engaging in

behavioral affirmation

Jocelyn and her boyfriend broke up over an ongoing disagreement about what constitutes the afterlife and how Jocelyn feels she must prepare for it in her everyday life. This difference of opinion is related to Jocelyn's __________.


Most of the cultures we are a part of have little to do with

boundaries or nationalities

Which kind of Internet use involves a person's inability to control, reduce, or stop utilizing the Internet?


Which skill is most typical of a competent listener?

concentrates on what is being said

Once you graduate from college and acquire your first job, the learning process


Because it often reveals our emotions, nonverbal messages are more difficult to


According to the outlining principle of __________, ideas with the same level of importance use the same kind of numbers to visually indicate the relationships between ideas.


August is ready to begin researching his sources for a speech on migrant farming. Before he formally starts researching, he should first

create a preliminary list of references

We use __________ when we ask ourselves if a message is true, based on solid, complete, and logical evidence.

critical listening

Jamar had a difficult time taking effective notes in his statistics course because of the squeaky quality of the professor's voice and the way she constantly blinked. Which barrier to effective listening hindered Jamar's ability to listen effectively?

criticizing the speaker instead of the message

Harry was just beginning his interview for his dream job at a major accounting firm. When Harry was asked by the interviewer to "Tell me a little about yourself," he correctly understood this to mean

describe your character and qualifications

The act of excluding or denying people access to products, rights, and services based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, or disability is known as


The process of perception does not usually involve which communication element?


Communication competence is characterized by skills and understandings that enable communicators to

exchange messages accurately and successfully

Which is the most important physical aspect of speech delivery?

eye contact

Which phrase is a good example of a signpost?

first, let me explain...

A common negative consequence of online group interactions when hostility escalates and more participants are drawn into the conflict is called

flame wars

The National Association of Colleges and Employers survey of 1,000 employers found companies are especially seeking


Luis knew he was right about who had left the apartment unlocked, so he made a hurtful and sarcastic remark to his girlfriend about her inability to remember anything. This demonstrates the conflict strategy known as


Rob is good at altering his behavior to fit different contexts and situations. Which of the following would best describe the ability that Rob has?

high self-monitoring

It is Angelika's first day on the job. She decides to wear her most conservative outfit, knots her long hair into a bun, and takes out the small piercing she usually wears on her upper lip. Angelika's actions can be described as

impression management

A list of interpersonal needs was developed by psychologist Will Schutz to explain what motivates individuals to form relationships. What are these three needs?

inclusion, control, and affection

"All teenagers are ill-prepared for college" is a statement representative of


Rob stated, "Next, I will share with you my proposed budget and show the ways I can help the department reduce costs." Rob's statement gives advance warning of the points to be covered and is called a(n)

internal preview

In certain situations, a leader can give up control and give members freedom to make policies and decisions, only becoming involved when asked. What type of leadership style does this describe?


If you are asked to participate in a mediated interview, you should be careful to

look at the camera directly and maintain eye contact

Our gender identity reflects our concept of

maleness or femaleness

While Janelle and her husband were happy they figured out how to share the housework, they were also both a little unhappy because they had to do things they didn't want to do. Which approach to conflict management did they use to solve the housework problem?


When Priya looks at her boyfriend, she can tell he is upset with her by his posture and his expression, although he says everything is fine. Priya is deriving meaning through

nonverbal communication

Either by formal or informal agreement or over time, groups deem behaviors such as style of dress and formality of communication as acceptable. These agreed-upon behaviors are


Samantha's parents continue to talk with her like she is in high school, although soon she will be graduating from college and entering law school. A communication concept illustrates that her parents might be stuck in an outdated

perceptual set

What is a suggested strategy for helping to reduce group conflict resulting from differing needs?

principled negotiation

Which of the following has most contributed to the phenomenon known as media convergence?

rapid development of new technologies

When the professor holds up a flat hand in response to a question from the class, she is indicating that questions should wait for a few moments. Which function of nonverbal communication is represented here?


Behaviors, celebrations, and traditions common to people, organizations, and institutions are known as cultural


Maintenance needs are related to organizing a group so members realize

satisfaction from working together

Andre's grandmother died when he was young. He remembers baking cookies, feeding the birds, and laughing at silly shows on television with her. His older siblings are surprised that he doesn't seem to remember how strict she was and how she often punished the wrong grandchild severely for minor infractions. Which element of the perception process best explains this?

selective retention

The further her group progressed, the more Shawna was constantly deflating the status of others to make herself look better. Which role is Shawna filling in this situation?

self-centered role

Tamara's teacher complimented her on her ability to understand the association of words with ideas, feelings, and contexts. Which of the following terms best describes what Tamara comprehends?


Which of the following group behaviors is considered unethical?

sharing confidential information outside the group

Which type of social media message tends to feel more personal?


Beth had a sore throat but decided to give her presentation on the new corporate policies anyway. Because she was ill, she appeared indifferent to the changes and her presentation was confusing. This is an example of how independent factors can affect the whole, or how communication acts as a


Our increasingly interconnected world requires __________ in order to communicate cultural competence.

taking specific action

A communication device's __________ refers to the time it takes to send and receive messages.

temporal structure

Juanita was listening to her favorite podcast when a friend stopped by to talk. When she realized the seriousness of the conversation, she stopped the podcast to reduce distractions and to give her friend full attention. Which competent listening skill is best described by Juanita's action?

the ability to identify and manage barriers to listening

What is the best guideline for using fonts in computer-generated presentations?

Avoid font styles that are significantly stylized or curved.

According to the text, what single strategy is used by successful students in finding an appropriate speech topic?

They start looking as soon as they receive a speech assignment.

It may help us to recognize and control our speech anxiety when we realize that it is

a learned behavior

Although they don't look alike, Evelyn and her sisters have always been told that they sound alike, and even use the same colloquialisms when they are happy or angry. As adults, all the sisters chose professions that involve helping those less fortunate than themselves. This family's similarities can be attributed to

a learned culture

Collecting and interpreting data about the characteristics, attitudes, values, and beliefs of an audience is referred to as

audience analysis

Which of the following pieces of audience information would most strongly affect the formality of a speaker's delivery?

audience size

Disseminating mediated and mass communication is completed through


Alain was speaking about upholding traditional acts of patriotism. He urged the audience to respect the national anthem by standing at attention whenever they heard it played. Alain's speech is one of


An important criterion for evaluating the audience analysis aspect of an informative speech is

demonstrating why the topic is important to the audience

During Brylee's search for a good speech topic, she decides to view several TED talks in order to spark her own idea. What technique for finding a topic is Brylee using?

engaging with social media

Latasha and Sue decide to catch up by meeting at the local park during the afternoon, rather than getting together that evening in a noisy bar. The friends have decided to control the psychological and physical surroundings of their meeting, referred to as the communication


Telling a lie to protect your own position or to hurt someone else reflects your individual communication


Because websites aren't subject to the same evaluation and reviews as other sources, it is recommended that you

evaluate the people and organizations responsible for the site

Motivating the audience to pay attention is critical to the success of any speech. Recommended strategies to help accomplish this goal include generating a need for the information, creating information relevance, providing a fresh perspective, and

focusing on the unusual

The process by which we engage in the simultaneous sharing and creating of meaning through __________ is called communication.

human symbolic interaction

Alejandro gave a speech on how to build a retaining wall out of recycled materials. He reinforced his message and made the experience enjoyable by engaging his audience in a hands-on building project. This type of speech is known as


Jessica and Travis are close friends who talk with each other just about every day. Which type of communication best represents this daily interaction?

interpersonal communication

Golan is presenting his speech on biodiversity using information from a professor's personal page on a research institution's website. This resource is reliable if he __________.

knows the professor's identity and qualifications to determine the information's credibility

A conclusion of a speech should show that you are finishing your speech, reviewing main points, ending with a memorable thought, and

making your thesis clear

Which form of communication occurs when professionals communicate with or to a large number of people via radio, television, printed materials, or movies?

mass communication

When Javier is working on his speech, he writes "Washington, D.C. monuments" in the center of the paper and then jots down ideas that come to him about that topic. What technique is Javier using to develop his speech?

mind mapping

The five steps of the motivated sequence pattern are attention, __________, satisfaction, visualization, and action.


What is your best print resource for finding the latest opinions and trends on a political, social, or economic issue?


A speaker's vocal quality can be summarized as the

overall impression the voice makes on the listeners

With persuasion, speakers must remember

persuasion occurs over time

Which type of speech presents evidence and arguments in order to justify its position?


Effective speech delivery benefits most from

practicing early and often

A list of all of the main points the speaker might present in a speech is called a __________ outline.


Jonah began his speech on youth suicide by stating, "Look around this room. By the end of this semester, at least three people in this room will have contemplated or attempted suicide, according to statistics from The Jason Foundation, a national suicide prevention organization." What device is Jonah using as part of his introduction?

presenting a startling statement

The art of effective oral communication with an audience is known as

public speaking

A collectivistic orientation to culture and self-concept tends to

put aside individual goals for the well-being of the group

Crosby claimed in his presentation that attendance at home athletic events has increased because there's nothing else to do on campus, even though he didn't mention that the number of activities on campus has remained the same for ten years. This would be a(n) __________ fallacy.

questionable cause

Articulation errors by a speaker are related to

reduced credibility

The part of our self-concept that comes from group memberships is known as our __________ identity.


When a speaker motivates the audience to listen by demonstrating believability, this is referred to as

speaker credibility

when developing the key points of a speech, the speaker should make sure they are

specific and vivid

The best advice for students when developing a research plan for a speech is to

start early

Which of the following is an example of a speech topic on an event?

student protests about tuition increases

Which of the following is a primary function of statistics in a speech?

to isolate trends

The nature of communication is that it is __________, as it includes an exchange in which communicators act to simultaneously encode and decde messages.


Speakers incorporate testimony into their remarks in order to add


Speech anxiety causes a chemical reaction in our bodies in which

we secrete hormones and adrenaline

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