COMM 101 Final

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In ________________, the primary aim is to help the speaker deal with personal dilemmas.

supportive listening

Acting as a critic can fulfill a task role.


The rules that govern how words sound when they are pronounced are called ________________.

phonological rules

James plays softball on the company team. He feels connected to them because they've experienced the joy of winning together, the sadness of losing, and overall camaraderie. He has an emotional connection to them that he does not have with others. That is likely because they are his __________________.


An unfairly biased and intolerant attitude toward others who belong to an out-group is called ________________.


Mary Anne is in DiAndre's group for their class project. She feels like she has very capable group members that will pull through for the group. With that in mind, she contributes very little to the group herself. What best describes Mary Anne?

she's a social loafer

Factual claims can be proved to be false.


According to the textbook, _______________ are typically judged to be appealing and trustworthy.

effective listeners

Rather than thinking about race, it's more fruitful to think in terms of ___________, which is a social rather than a biological construct.


An attitude that one's own culture is superior to others is called ________________.


A tool for helping to understand others accurately instead of assuming that your first interpretation is correct is called ___________________.


Denotative meaning involves thoughts and feelings associated with words.


Karen holds Kelly in really high esteem, but she doesn't really like her. What dimension of relational messages does this exemplify?


People draw closer when they share a similar aim or when their goals can be mutually satisfied. Which tip for building cohesiveness is that statement connected to?

Focus on shared and compatible goals.

Official guidelines that govern what the group is supposed to do and how the members should behave are referred to as ____________.


_______________ contains words that sound as if they're describing something when they are really announcing the speaker's attitude toward something.

Emotive language

involves interaction between people who are part of a close and irreplaceable relationship in which they treat each other as unique individuals.

Interpersonal communication

Elisa talks to her new friend Tom about her job her interest in surfing, the type of movies she likes, and the places she likes to hang out. Considering the social penetration model, how would you classify her conversation?,

It has breadth, but not much depth.

Which option best applies to metacommunication?

It often gets at underlying meanings

Which of the following pieces of advice is recommended as a way of enhancing awareness of issues related to gender and communication?

Understand traditional patterns that may help people avoid the assumption that their way is the only way or the right way to offer comfort.

A memorized speech has the added benefit of being a highly effective training aid that teaches you to think on your feet and organize your thoughts quickly.


Because internet security has improved, it is generally okay to send sensitive information electronically.


Good leaders exercise only one type of leadership style for any given situation.


Group norms are less important than group rules.


Leaders' speaking skills are always more influential than their listening skills.


Mary tends to think of herself as shy, thoughtful, serious and compassionate. These characteristics are known as social roles.


The term __________ describes the tendency of some groups to support ideas without challenging them or providing alternatives.


The physiological ability to perceive the presence of sounds in the environment is referred to as ________________.


In a series of ongoing exchanges

one person's confirming message leads to a similar response from the other person. The first person is then even more reinforcing in turn. This situation illustrates how _______________ works., a positive spiral

The rules that deal with the meaning of specific words are called ___________________.

semantic rules

The principle of __________ holds that a leader's style should change with the circumstances.

situational leadership

Seena and Jack disagree with each other's plan for the future. Instead of talking about it

they simply have not discussed it, and the reasons for their disagreement have never been communicated. Since their disagreement, they have not spoken much, which is strange because they were great friends. What might best explain this?, An avoidance spiral

Messages that show you are valued are called _______________.

confirming responses

Which of the following encounters exemplifies interpersonal communication?

After class, you share with your roommate your concerns about some upcoming assignments because you know he will be able to relate to your concerns.

Gavin likes to talk to his coworkers about his political views. Many coworkers are troubled by his talk. What advice should be given to Gavin?

Don't overshare

What are the three most common misconceptions about listening?

Hearing and listening are the same, listening is a natural process, and all listeners receive the same message.

Brenda is from the U.S. and recently began teaching English in India. She treats all of her students the same, but the local teachers consider her behavior rude. What might best explain this?

India has a high degree of power distance.

Determine the true statement about religious cocultures.

Religion shapes how and with whom many people communicate.

"I was canoeing down the Snake River last week when I encountered a duck trapped in the plastic rings from a six-pack of beer." Which of the ways to capture the audience's attention does this exemplify?

Tell an anecdote.

Which choice below is most closely related to rapid thought?

We have a great deal of mental "spare time" to spend while someone is talking.

A pleasant term substituted for a more direct but potentially less pleasant one is referred to as _________________.

a euphemism

Mark's history professor thinks Mark is always listening to lectures because he makes eye contact, nods, and smiles. In reality, Mark is catching up with friends on Instagram. The professor doesn't realize that Mark is ________________.

a pseudolistener

Friends have told Marcy that they've seen her partner on dates with other people, but Marcy doesn't seem to hear what they are saying. Marcy is most likely to be ________________.

an insulated listener

Every speech outline should follow the ___________ that includes an introduction body, and conclusion.,

basic speech structure

The degree to which members feel connected with and committed to their group is called ____________.


Someone from Great Britain is most likely to answer the question "Who am I?" by saying, "I am a father" or "I work for ABC Corporation."


Communication scholars use the term ____________to describe the degree of interest and attraction we feel toward and communicate to others.


The specialized vocabulary that functions as a kind of shorthand for people with common backgrounds and experiences is called _________________.


A collection of symbols governed by rules and used to convey messages between individuals is referred to in the chapter as


When the brain reconstructs electrochemical impulses into a representation of the original sound and then gives them meaning, this is called ________________.


Many forms of online communication are _______________

meaning that they allow you to think about messages and then reply when you are ready.,asynchronous

Social scientists use the term ________________ to describe messages that refer to other messages.


Interpersonal relationships of any depth are virtually impossible if the individuals involved do not have much of a(n) ________________.

open area

Listeners that respond only to the parts of a speaker's remarks that interest them are called ________________.

selective listeners

Anna is a 75-year-old woman. Because her peers tend to treat her as incapable, she tends to feel that she is less capable and older than others. This illustrates the harmful effects of _______________.


At this stage, not only do members accept the group's decision, they also endorse it.

the reinforcement stage

Task-oriented listening is designed to secure information necessary to get a job done.


When working with a difficult boss, you may need to consider moving on to a different employer.


Ted began working at the company as a teenager in the mid-1980s. He is now a manager there and has just hired Keisha a recent college graduate who was born in the eighties. Ted and Keisha attend the same church, but don't know each other well. Despite the age gap, they've worked fairly well together. Ted often tasks Keisha with projects with a brief request via email and not much more. Do you foresee any possible work relationship issues?

Keisha, a millennial, may need clearer guidance on how to complete a project.

Arbitrary constructions that represent a communicator's thoughts are referred to in the chapter as


Jared tends to focus on solving problems and accomplishing tasks when speaking. This is known as a(n) ______________ use of language.


Bill is talking to Ted when Ted interrupts him. Bill responds to the interruption by saying, "You couldn't care less about anything I have to say!" This is an example of ____________.


A relational message conveys the affective and social relationship between two or more individuals.


Developing a group norm that legitimizes disagreement is one way to minimize the risk of groupthink.


Improving your communication skills will help you to become a better leader.


Men and women speak roughly the same number of words per day.


The term _______________ refers to episodes in which people snub those around them by paying attention to their phones instead.


A 45-year-old man tells an unrelated teenage girl she looks pretty. Which rules explain why this might be an awkward situation?

pragmatic rules

Naomi lives in a small Jewish community in Bolivia. She speaks Spanish and is a Bolivian citizen. Despite her citizenship, she identifies herself as Jewish foremost. She follows Jewish religious customs and practices and visits Israel once a year. What best characterizes her primary ethnicity?

Naomi is Jewish

Whenever a speaker pauses, Sammy jumps in and starts to talk about himself. Sammy is a ________________.

stage hog

After members understand the problem and become acquainted, a successful group enters the _____________.

conflict stage

Frank is giving a speech at a medical convention. He understands that his audience cares deeply about saving lives. His audience believes that every cost should be considered when human lives are at stake. He is speaking to them about a new medical technology that can save lives. Which part of this description speaks of audience values?

He understands that his audience cares deeply about saving lives.

Esperanza was predicted and expected to do poorly in a math class. At the end of the semester, Esperanza got an F in math. This is an example of self-esteem.


The ability to show flexibility by adapting to the norms of multiple cultures is known as frame switching.


Before committing yourself to helping another person—even someone in obvious distress—make sure your support is _________________.


Group work is always the quickest way to solve a problem.


Interpersonal communication is most likely to occur between _

father and his youngest son, discussing potential options for college.

Kerry tends to take chances and initiate relationships with others and also tends to show affection to others. This is likely due to Kerry's _____________.

high self esteem

Ashley gives a speech to the school board and stumbles on her words. The next time she speaks to the school board, she expects to stumble on her words again, which makes her nervous. Her nervousness causes her to stumble on her words again. This is likely a result of __________________.

self-fulfilling prophecy

The rules that govern the structure of language—the way symbols can be arranged—are known as ___________________.

syntactic rules

People in Western cultures tend to view _______________ as desirable and use it for social purposes as well as to perform tasks.


Bonnie had spent a long time planning her speech and put together an impressive slideware program using PowerPoint. Unfortunately, there was a malfunction in the school's IT system on the morning of her presentation, and she wasted fifteen minutes trying to fix the problem instead of using a backup plan. What choice below best describes what was happening?,

Bonnie was not in control of her visual aids at all times.

These individuals don't feel that their biological sex is a good description of who they are transgender.


Most relationships pass through cycles of progression and regression. The important thing is to aim for more positive momentum. People in satisfying relationships tend to maintain at least a ___ to ___ ratio of positive to negative statements.


The personal motives of each member are called ____________.

individual groups

A _____________ focuses on the subject being discussed.

content message

Establishing interdependence will help build group cohesiveness.


When you find a joke funny, but your friend hears the same joke without laughing, you are showing that _______________.

Not all listeners receive the same message

Jackie is an excellent guitar player. She is a blind person, who doesn't let her physical challenges slow her down. She also teaches at the university. How could you appropriately describe Jackie?

Jackie is an excellent guitar player and is a person who is blind.

Fast or slow, small or large, smart or stupid, and short or long are examples of _____________ words.


Wes is giving a speech about local crime. He says "An elderly couple was robbed within city limits last week. Imagine a city where you can't leave your door unlocked, even for a second! It's as though the prison doors have been open and all the criminals are free to do as they please in our town. This is not meant to scare you, but crime has gone up fifty percent since last year! This is all according to the latest bulletin published by" What style of support does he use?


Through ________________, you recall previously introduced information.


Communicators who want to set themselves apart from others adopt the strategy of ______________.


Words that have more than one definition are called _________________.

equivocal words

Authority rule is always an ineffective way to make decisions.


The language used by a group of people whose members belong to a similar coculture or other group is called _________________.


Anton is the dependable employee at his job. He is always focused and serious at work. When he's with his friends, he's considered a carefree jokester who is chronically late. What below might best explain the difference?

we have multiple identities

Mitch wants people to perceive him as attractive and socially engaged. So, he tends to only post carefully edited photos that make him seem perfect. When his close friends point out that this is not an accurate picture, what are they asking him to consider?

Being genuine matters most.

Cal is from the United States and Medina is from Saudi Arabia. They are having communication challenges. Cal is very direct with Medina, but he can't understand why she beats around the bush so often. What might best explain this?

Cal is from a low-context culture and Medina is from a high-context culture.

Carlos's friend Albert is in a predicament. He was trying to make some quick cash and invested his money in a risky stock. Albert is emotionally wrought because he needed that money to pay rent for his family's home. Carlos feels sorry for Albert, but he thinks Albert made poor choices. Which selection below best characterizes how Carlos feels for Albert's situation?

Carlos sympathizes with Albert.

Melissa and Christie have been friends for about a year. During that time they have each talked about their views on politics, their lifestyles, and their interests. They have also talked about things that they have only told a few other people, like how they feel about friends and family. Additionally, they have told each other things that they have not told anyone else. Christie told Melissa about the pain and resentment she felt when her parents split. Melissa told Christie about how she has struggled with an eating disorder. In this account, what points to the deepest self-disclosures?,

Christie's revelation about the pain and resentment she felt when her parents split AND Melissa's revelation about how she struggled with an eating disorder.

Bradley needs to clean out his storage unit. He asks five of his friends to help get it done, and they manage it faster than he could have done alone. What statement best characterizes this particular advantage of group problem-solving?

Groups have more resources than individuals

Which statement below best explains the difference between listening and hearing?

Hearing is the physiological ability to perceive the presence of sounds in the environment and listening occurs when the brain reconstructs these electrochemical impulses into a representation of the original sound and then gives them meaning.

The type of statement that cannot be proved or disproved is called _________________.

an opinion statement

For our purposes here _____________ means pronouncing all the parts of all the necessary words and nothing else.,


Jorge is in line at the department store when he hears another customer complaining loudly. He has been unhappy with the customer service at this particular store as well and he really feels the guy's pain. How would you classify his reaction?

as empathy

In _________________ you pay attention to a signal. What you pay attention to depends on your needs, wants, desires, and interests.


Larissa had a hard time during her first few weeks settling into a new school. She spent all of every evening reading messages from hundreds of online "friends" and followers

but had no time left to make any friends in her new town, and felt isolated. Which feature of online communication does this scenario best evoke?, Online communication can be overwhelming.

Eduardo is great at developing relationships with new people. This comes in handy at his job because the people he builds relationships with often bring business to their company. This is an example of _____________.

connection power

Bart often takes innocent remarks as personal attacks and projects his own insecurities on speakers. When Bart's friend said, "It looks you have a delicious lunch prepared." Bart replied, "Mind your own business. I can cheat on my diet if I want to!" Bart is a ________________.

defensive listener

The most common mistake in articulation is ________ or leaving off part of a word.,


Messages that deny the value of others have been labeled _______________.

disconfirming responses

Robin and Jacob, who are visiting China together for the first time, are inclined to complain about hotels and restaurants that they feel don't measure up and should attempt to be more like American standards. What are they engaging in?


Research shows that the notion that men and women communicate in dramatically different ways is __________________.


Exaggerated generalizations about a group are called prejudice.


Listeners that are not able to look beyond the stated words and/or nonverbal cues of a speaker to understand the real meaning are called ________________.

insensitive listeners

When he goes on a date, Jack gets bored easily and tends to be misunderstood, even though he frequently and loudly voices his opinions. His friend advises that _______________ would make him more attractive to potential partners.

listening attentively to what his date has to say

Maria's grandmother gets angry when Maria posts information about their family conflicts on social media. This is likely because _______________.

older adults are more concerned with maintaining privacy online.

Another type of feedback, termed _______________, involves restating in your own words the message you thought the speaker sent, without adding anything new.


According to one communication theorist, a degree of stress when acclimating to a new culture is a good sign, because it shows _______________.

potential for adaptation and growth

We are often wrapped up in personal concerns that seem to be of more immediate importance to us than the messages others send. This indicates the impact of ________________.

psychological noise

Laura is from New Hampshire and she doesn't feel like she has much in common with people from the southern U.S. She can't get past the southern drawl they use and their slow speaking pace. She sees this as a big difference. She places a lot of weight on the way she and her friends speak. This could be referred to as __________________.


A limited number of people whose members interact with one another over time in order to reach goals is called a _______________.

small group

The process of deliberately revealing information about oneself that is significant and that would not normally be known by others is called self-disclosure.


The verbal and nonverbal ways we act to show a positive image of ourselves to others is called facework.


The term ______________ is used to reflect the degree to which members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous situations and how much they try to avoid them.

uncertainty avoidance

Through _______________, you make sense of a message.


Attitudes based on preconceived ideas about appearance, age, and socio-economic status are prone to lead to _______________.

unfair discrimination

LaTonya is on a date with Dan. Dan has been polite and kind the whole night. He looks at her when she speaks and really seems to care about what she has to say. At the end of the night, he sneezes into his hand rather than in a napkin. LaTonya is really bothered and decides she won't go out with him again. This is likely because ________________.

we pay more attention to negative impressions than positive ones.

The term "filter bubble" is used by researchers to describe the echo-chamber effect created when search engines and social media reinforce the pre-conceived ideas and beliefs that people have. Which stage in the preparation of a speech is made especially important by this tendency?

Double-check your sources.

Ingrid believes in harmony and cooperation. She doesn't care whether a person is rich, poor, educated, or uneducated. She often meets people from other cultures and is very welcoming of them. She considers herself shy, and does not like to be direct with people. She'd rather give nonverbal cues. She doesn't believe that talking solves all problems, and thinks that sometimes there's nothing to say. Are there clues that Ingrid is from a high-context culture?

Yes, because she does not like to be direct and relies on nonverbal cues.

Adi and Liana are both from Indonesia. They have many things in common like language, traditions, values, and customs. Even so, Adi is still not close friends with Liana. They have different religious beliefs. Adi feels an emotional connection to people that share his religious beliefs and no affiliation to those who don't. Adi does feel an emotional connection to Miguel, although he is from South America, because they both share religious beliefs. What choice below best characterizes Adi's relationships with Liana and Miguel?

Adi is in an in-group with Miguel because they share religious beliefs and Liana is in an out-group with Adi because they do not share religious beliefs.

Annalise is a college professor. She is going to speak to her class about current tort law cases. She has a lesson plan that she intends to follow. What is the most probable type of speech she will give to her class?

An extemporaneous speech

Jim serves as a brand ambassador for the company he works for. He informs audiences about the value and quality of the products sold by his company, and his employers appreciate the work he does. This best illustrates which of the following facts about communication skills and career success?

Good communicators build public awareness.

Ralph is British. He is an independent person. He works hard and believes he will earn a promotion soon. What might be said of Ralph's culture?

Ralph is from a competitive culture.

Someone adjusting to life in a new culture who reports being pleasantly surprised after making friends with people they first took to be odd is demonstrating the benefits of which method of reducing culture shock?

Reaching out to others

Good communicators can flourish in the workplace. Social scientists have labeled this skill __________, the capacity to effectively negotiate complex social relationships and environments.

Social intelligence

Bill and Ralph both work as cashiers for fast food restaurants. They are paid minimum wage. They are attending a black-tie party in an upper-class neighborhood. They don't know each other but meet at the party and discover they drove there from the same part of town. While they feel out of place at the party, they feel an understanding with one another. From what we know, what best explains why?

Socioeconomic status

Determine which statement is true of developing intercultural communication competence.

Spending time with people from other cultures can lead to positive outcomes like: reduced prejudice, greater productivity, and better relationships.

Which statement below best represents the conclusion from intercultural communication research that states you should engage in mindful thinking?

The answer is not to ignore our differences, but to recognize that each of us reflects such a unique collection of experiences and cultures that generalizations cannot describe us.

Chandra just discovered that she uses a condescending tone with people when she disagrees with them. The people she disagrees with have always known she used such a tone with them. Which area of the Johari Window represents Chandra's behavior prior to her discovery?

The blind area

The degree to which we like or appreciate others is known as


Immediately after a period of conflict, effective groups move to _____________.

an emergence stage

A deliberately vague statement that can be interpreted in more than one way is referred to as _________________.

an equivocation

Hannah wants people to perceive her as fashionable and trendy. How might Hannah engage in identity management online?

She could strategically post photos on Instagram that depict upscale brands like Chanel.

Laurel imagines herself giving and completing her speech successfully. What unstated assumption can we make about Laurel?

She understands visualization can be helpful.

Which sentence below best represents that meanings are in people, not in words?

The meanings people associate with words have far more significance than do their dictionary definitions.

The area in the Johari Window that represents information of which you are unaware but that the other person knows is the ________________.

blind area

The social penetration model is used to describe which two dimensions of communication?

breadth and depth

Jelata and Heather are both engineers at the same company. Neither one of them is the boss of the other. Jelata tells Heather that she needs to finish her project by noon. What dimension of relational messages does this exemplify?


Samuel has long hair that some people think is girly. He dresses nicely and is concerned about his looks. While he likes sewing and baking, he is also a die-hard football fan who spends a lot of time restoring classic muscle cars. If you are to base your perception of Samuel using American cultural stereotypes, what gender is he?

he is androgynous

Tom tells Sue, "The tone in your voice when you speak to me sounds resentful. Was it something I said that upset you?" This is an example of ________________.


A style of presenting your supporting material that functions like a story with a beginning

middle, and end is called a narration., true

When Shawna speaks to Trish, she is thoughtful about the things she says and carefully considers Trish's reactions. Trish on the other hand blurts out her thoughts without much thought to how they are received. What best explains the differences between Shawna and Trish?

people differ in their degree of competency in identity management

Which of the statements below is true of perception checking?

perception checking minimizes defensiveness

Consider the statement below and choose the answer that best applies. "Um, I hate to ask, but can I borrow your pen perhaps?"

powerless language

The difference in communication style between men and women is rooted mostly in _______________.

social expectations

Sonja posted about her recent health struggles on Facebook and was grateful for all of the support from people who lived far away from her. She started to feel better about herself. This demonstrates that _________________.

social media can boost self-esteem.

A person's name, accent, usage of powerful and powerless speech, and affiliative language can affect their ______________.


Listeners who assume that particular accents are invariably proof of specific abilities and traits are exhibiting _____________.


Ashley considers herself as someone fearful of public speaking. She is asked to speak to the school board about a new project she's working on. When she speaks to the school board, she is fearful and stumbles on her words. This is likely because __________________.

the self-concept influences communication with others

The ___________ tells your listeners the central idea of your speech and is the one idea that you want your audience to remember after they have forgotten everything else you had to say.


"So we have seen exactly how serious this issue is, and it's now time to move ahead to consider what can be done to address it." This sentence from a speech is most likely making _____________.


Oliver is uneasy about speaking because he had a negative experience when giving a speech in the past. This has contributed to his debilitative speech anxiety.


Janine has not been smiling much the past few days and her husband, Andy, feels that she may be upset. Andy feels like he should talk to her about it. If Andy used a perception check to ask Janine about how she's been, what is he likely to ask?

"I noticed you haven't been smiling much lately. I was wondering if something has been bothering you or whether you might be upset with me. Are we okay?"

Ahmed has only been in the United States for a year and has not completely adjusted to new social norms. He notices his friend has had an acne breakout and says, "Your face looks terrible." His friend is very unhappy with the comment. What could Ahmed have done to better manage his identity to follow social rules?

He could have chosen not to say anything to avoid making his friend uncomfortable.

Jared describes himself as a thin, muscular, and talented surfer. His friend Joseph also surfs and affirms that Jared is a good surfer. Jared feels good about his body build because being thin and muscular is considered a norm in surfing culture. Which part(s) of this description conveys Jared's self-concept?

He describes himself as a talented surfer.

Rosa is from Honduras. Her upbringing there has greatly influenced the person she is today. Her father was also a great influence. He was stoic and brave and as a result she is too. Her father believed in her and encouraged her to be brave in the face of adversity. Now she believes she can be brave in almost any situation, and that confidence usually results in her success. Which part of this description conveys reflected appraisal?

Her father believed in her and that helped her to believe in herself.

Read the following dialogue and decide which option below it best represents. "I guess you weren't able to make it. Did something come up? I never heard from you."

Identity management is collaborative.

Which of the statements below is true of empathy?

It is impossible to achieve total empathy.

When an academic study showed people interrupting female speakers more than male speakers, even though all the speakers were trained to say much the same thing, this indicated that _______________.

Men and women encounter different conversational climates.

Oliva had a habit of saying "Do you know what I mean?" at the end of many of her sentences. She gave speeches around the world and her voice was clear and enthusiastic. She dressed professionally, (in white), and most of her lectures were about how to save money. Unfortunately, her audiences were shrinking. Why do you suppose this was happening?,

Oliva was using tag questions.

Melissa and Christie have been friends for about a year. During that time they have each talked about their views on politics, their lifestyles, and their interests. They have also talked about things that they have only told a few other people, like how they feel about friends and family. Additionally, they have told each other things that they have not told anyone else. Christie told Melissa about the pain and resentment she felt when her parents split. Melissa told Christie about how she has struggled with an eating disorder. Which part of this description speaks of breadth?

Their talks about politics, their lifestyles, and their interests.

Close friends and lovers often develop special terms that serve as a way of signifying their relationship. Using the same vocabulary sets these people apart from others, reminding themselves and the rest of the world of their relationship. This is referred to as ______________.


Which visual aspect of delivery helps you to extend the "action zone" - the center area at the front of the room where you are speaking - so that you can establish a connection with more of your audience?


The main reason for Michaela anxiety before her big speech was that she had no idea how the audience was going to react to what she was saying. Her friend Asherwho had more experience speaking in public, advised her that there was, above all, one visual aspect of delivery which worked as a kind of reality testing; it could not only increase contact with the listeners, but help to reduce the nerves. What aspect of nonverbal delivery was Asher advising Michaela to consider?,


A complete sentence that describes precisely what a speaker wants to accomplish is called a motivated sequence.


Sun Jihai is from Hong Kong. He is an advocate for democracy and has strong views about human rights. He has a meeting with a diplomat from mainland Communist China. While the two have very different beliefs, Sun is very accepting of the diplomat. What might best explain this?

Sun is from a country with a high tolerance for uncertainty.

How do you differentiate sympathy from empathy?

Sympathy means you feel compassion for another person's predicament, whereas empathy means you have a personal sense of what that predicament is like.

Which statement below best relates to perceived physical noise?

The sound of traffic, music, others' speech, and the like may interfere with your ability to hear well.

At which stage of analyzing a problem does conducting a force field analysis typically occur?

When you identify supporting and restraining forces.

Research has demonstrated that ________________ are more than just a simple means of identification: They can shape the way that we view ourselves and how others treat us.


The goal of this type of listening is to emotionally connect with others.

relational listening

Connor knows he wants to give a speech about the effects of condominium lighting on sea turtle nesting grounds. He wants to make condo owners aware of the dangers their lights pose to hatchlings. He tells his audience that reducing the lights that face the water increases the survival of hatchlings by 50 percent. He expresses how dear the cause is to his heart. He also believes this can realistically be accomplished. He did a lot of research on the web to prepare for the speech. Wikipedia was one of his primary sources. How might he have better planned for his speech?

He could have chosen more credible information sources.

Judy interviewed a recent college graduate named Steve who was perfectly qualified for the job, but she didn't hire him because he had a bit of a stutter. In this case, Judy was ________________.

more influenced by the negative traits.

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