COMM First Exam

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Describe a problem/cause/solution organization strategy

A method of organizing persuasive speeches in which the first main point deals with the existence of a problem, the second main point presents the cause of the problem, and the third main point presents a solution to the problem

Describe a spatial organization strategy

A method of speech organization in which the main points follow a directional pattern

Describe a chronological organization strategy

A method of speech organization in which the main points follow a time pattern

Describe a causal organization strategy

A method of speech organization in which the main points show a cause-effect relationship

Describe maintenance needs in a small group

Communicative actions necessary to maintain interpersonal relations in a small group

What is feedback?

Messages sent back and forth between the speaker and listener

always ______________ complicated stats


describe procedural needs in a small group

routine "housekeeping" actions necessary for efficient conduction of business

always identify the ___________ of your statistics


global plagiarism

stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing it off as one's own

patchwork plagiarism

stealing ideas or language from several sources and passing them off as one's own

define peer testimony

testimony from ordinary people with firsthand experience or insight on a topic

Define expert testimony

testimony from people who are recognized experts in their fields

What is the channel?

the medium

describe task needs in a small group

Substantive actions necessary to help a small group complete its assigned task (ex. Analyzing the issues facing the group, distributing the workload among the members, collecting information, soliciting the views of other members)

Define self-actualization

the process by which people achieve their full potential

What are the 3 types of examples?

brief, extended, hypothetical

What 5 ways can the main points of speech be organized into?

causally, topically/categorically, chronologically, spatially, problem/cause/solution

What are some tips for a conclusion?

conciseness, consider the message you want left with audience, attention to possible conclusion material during research, and conclude with a bang

What are some tips for creating an intro?

conciseness, creativity, intense preparation, attention to possible intro material during research, and not talking too soon

incremental plagiarism

failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that are borrowed from other people

define physiological needs

food, shelter, sleep and anything else needed to survive

describe safety needs

free from physical pain, transportation, safety of employment, comfortable around others

Define Love & Belonging

friendship, family, sexual intimacy

What are the 3 types of plagiarism?

global, patchwork, incremental

Define prestige testimony

info from someone who is regarded highly but not an expert

What is the claim to fame of communication studies?


Describe a topical/categorical organization strategy

method of speech organization in which the main points divide the topic into logical and consistent subtopics

insert stats only when they are ___________


Situational audience analysis

occurs when a speaker focuses on environmental factors that impact delivery (ex. temperament, attention, temperature, lighting, etc.)

democratic audience analysis

occurs when speaker identifies observable characteristics of their listeners (ex. race, age, gender, social class, etc.)

What are the 3 types of testimony?

peer, expert, and prestige

Maslow's Hierarchy of needs (from the bottom-up)

physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization

What are the ethical guidelines for speaking?

1. Be fully prepared 2. No abusive language 3. have ethically sound goals 4. be honest

Describe the reflective thinking method process

1. Define the problem 2. analyze the problem 3. establish criteria for the solution 4. generate potential solutions 5. select the best solution

What are the pieces of the speech communication process?

1. Speaker/Encoder 2. Listener/ Decoder 3. Message 4. Channel 5. Interference/Noise 6. Feedback 7. Situation 8. Frame of Reference

Ways to deal with nervousness

1. acquire speaking experience 2. prepare 3. think positively 4. use visualization 5. know nervousness isn't visible 6. don't expect perfection

What are the guidelines for ethical lines for listeners?

1. be open minded and free of prejudice 2. be attentive 3. maintain the free and open expression of ideas

Give some examples of newspaper and periodical databases

EBSCO, Google Scholar, Academic Search Ultimate, James E Walker Library

What's is the difference between internal and external interference?

Internal is in the mind and external are physical disruptions

What are ethics?

Rules or principles which govern right conduct

Define leadership

The ability to direct and influence others to accomplish a task

What is strategical organization?

The ability to organize ideas clearly

What are supporting materials?

The materials used to support a speaker's ideas. The three major kinds of supporting materials are examples, statistics, and testimony.

What are communication studies?

The study of how people use messages to inform, persuade, and manage others in a variety of different contexts.

Frame of reference

The sum of a person's knowledge, experience, goals, values, and attitudes. No two people can have exactly the same frame of reference.

What is a small group?

a collection of three to twelve people who assemble for a specific purpose

define implied leader

a group member that the other members defer to because of their rank, expertise, or other qualities

define emergent leader

a group member who emerges as leader during group deliberations

define designated leader

a person who is elected or appointed leader

What are newspaper and periodical databases?

a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of magazines, journals, and newspapers

define brief example

a specific case referred to in passing to illustrate a point

define extended example

a story, narrative, or anecdote developed at some length to illustrate a point

What are some examples of attention-getters?

a story, rhetorical question, a joke, a quote, visual aids,

define hypothetical example

an example that describes an imaginary or fictitious situation

Define sponsoring organization

an organization that, in the absence of a clearly identified author, is responsible for the content of a document on the internet

What factors make a source credible?

expertise, objectivity, recency

Define esteem needs

honor from others, feeling of accomplishment, self-worth, and confidence

What are the four main aspects of the intro to a speech?

hook, statement of topic, credibility, establishment, and preview

What are the types of leaders?

implied, emergent, and designated

Statistics need to be _____________ and ___________ to the listeners

interpreted and related

What is audience-centeredness?

keeping the audience foremost in mind at every step of speech preparation and presentation

What are the four main aspects of the conclusion to a speech?

preparation of an ending, restatement of main ideas, call to action, and closure

What are the functions of leadership?

procedural needs, task needs, maintenance needs

What is goodwill?

the audience's perception of whether the speaker has the best interests of the audience in mind

What aspect of the conclusion is only permissible in persuasive speeches?

the call to action


the time and place in which speech communication occurs

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